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Sultan Selim I

Farzin Sadeq & Hamizah Sukiman


Sultan of the
Born on October 10th of 1465 1470 (never specified), Selim
was a Sultan known for the
enormous expansion of territory,
mainly in the Arabian region of
Syria, Egypt and Palestine. He
died on September 22nd of

Biography of Selim I

Born in Amasya around 1470,

Selim was the youngest son of
Bayezid II

Selim's mother was Aye

Hatun, a Turkish princess from
the Dulkadir State centered
around Elbistan in Mara; her
father was Aladdevle Bozkurt
Bey, the eleventh ruler of the

Character details
Selim I was known as ' the Fierce' for his
vigorous personality and streaks of cruelty.
Seeing the Shu'ite Islam of the Safavids under
Ismail I in Iran as a threat to the Ottomans, he
forcefully deported many Shi'as from Anatolia
to other parts of the Ottoman empire and
massacred an estimated 40,000, attacking
the Safavids in 1514 and defeating them at
the Battle of Chaldiran on Aug 23rd of 1514. It
was a decisive victory for the Ottoman
Empire. The Ottomans had a larger, better
equipped army numbering 60,000-200,000,
while the Safavids numbered some
50,000-80,000. The Ottomans were armed
with muskets, while the Safavids shunned
weapons that used gunpowder as being
without honor, and were decimated in the
battle. As a result the Ottomans gained
control over the north western part of Iran.

Character details

Bayezid II, who was really reluctant to

continue his rule over the empire
announced Ahmet as heir apparent to the
throne. Angered with this announcement,
Selim rebelled. Although he lost the first
battle against his father's forces, Selim
successfully dethroned his father Bayezid II.

Selim put his brothers (ehzade Ahmet and

ehzade Korkut) and nephews to death
upon his accession in order to eliminate
potential successors to the throne.

Contribution to Empire

Known for expansion to lands

of Egypt, Palestine & Syria

Started Middle East empire

from the capture of Cairo in
1517 which led to lands of
Palestine and later Syria

The conquer of land aided in

Suleiman the Magnificents
expansion in Europe after
Selim Is death

Map of the Ottoman Empire during Selim I reign

Summary of Reign
To summarize Sultan Selim Is 8-year reign, his biggest
contribution was the expansion of the lands to Egypt, Syria
and Palestine which greatly influenced the Ottoman leadership
in the Muslim world later on, for other Sultans after him. Sultan
Selim eliminated all potential claimants to the sultanate,
leaving only his ablest son, Suleiman, as his heir. Suleiman
later became the longest-reigning Sultan in the Ottoman

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