(New) MC K-301 Day 1

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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Good Morning, Welcome to Bioprocess
Technology Challenge 2014
Standing over here, we would like to give our
greatest thanks to God the Almighty One,
Who has been giving us all His Mercies and
Blessings so were here in this event
Bioprocess Technology Challenge 2014
First, We would like to introduce ourselves.
My Name is Nindya Sulistyani, and Farandy
Haris. We will guide this event for next
several hours. Lets pray together before we
start according to our own beliefs.
Before it, lets sing our first nationality song,
Indonesia raya
Good morning and Welcome
to all
participants who just come to Biotech 2014.
Thanks for joining and attending to this event.

And honorable to.. Mr. Ahmad Tontowi,

M.Sc. and Mrs. Nanik Rahmani, S.Pt., M. Si.
Today they are available to be adjudicators of
this competition.
Your safety is our first priority and in order to
accomplish this goal, it is essential that you
are familiar with our emergency procedures in
order to respond appropriately during an
emergency.. Now, we are in K Building
Faculty of Engineering UI. In the emergency
case and if we are required to evacuate the
building, please leave the room immediately
by using the exit door which is nearest to you
and please proceed the nearest emergency
exits which is located on the left and right of
the floor. Everyone has to be calm and not to
be panic in order to come out with a code of
conduct, then gathered in the rotunda of the
Faculty of Engineering UI. As well as for the
location of the toilet is located on the floor

So, Ladies and Gentleman this presentation is
the most important part of Biotech 2014
So Ris, before we continue, what do you think
of Biotech? What is Biotech 2014 actually?
Perhaps there is someone here who dont
know what Biotech means.
Well, Biotech is the paper competition in the
field of Bioprocess which is expected to spur
students to continue to develop their
knowledge and the results can be applied in
real life. The topics of this competition are
environmental sustainability and ecosystem
lives control, technology of food production,
public health and sustainable bioenergy.
Bioprocess Technology Challenge 2014 is
sponsored by Behn Meyer, Sosro, Dexa

Media, CV. Bangkit Maju Jaya, and Pgn.


Speech from PO and




Performances and Video


Explanation of
Presentation Rules


Lottery presentation (1-

Now, Let's hear a speech from Project Officer

of Biotech 2014, Chandra Dwi Prakoso
Bioprocess Technology UI 12 . (MC is
expected to standby indoor or not backward)

Next, there are performances from Students

from Chemical Engineering Department UI.
Please enjoy it... (MC is expected to standby
indoors or not backwards)
I would like to explain you about the rules for
presentation.. We have time for presentation
and time for Q&A. Time for presentation will
be given 10 minutes, and time for Q&A is 5
then we'll draw to decide the order of

presentations. We hope the Chairman of the

group to move forward, to take a number in
order of presentation.



And The first group who will perform their

presentation is... (mention the order

Introduction of the

Let us to know more about our adjudicator..

The first adjudicator is Mr. Ahmad Tontowi,
M.Sc. who is competent in Biochemistry and
Bioprocess (Read more at CV) and the second
judge is Mrs. Nanik Rahmani, S.Pt., M.Si ,
who is competent in the field of Molecular
Biology from LIPI (Read more at CV)

Presentation Part 1

Lets start the presentation. The first group

please come forward.. (MC is expected to
standby indoor or not backward)
Ladies and gentleman.. we will alocate 20
minutes for dzuhur praying and lunch, then
the event will be suspended until 12: 20.

Participants are kindly requested to return at

that time to continue the presentation.
Lunch will be provided by the organizers
behind. All participants are expected to take a
lunch. Then for praying, you can ask to your


Break Time

Lottery presentation (811)

then we'll draw to decide the order of

presentations again. We hope the chairman of
the group to move forward, to take a number
in order of presentation.
The eighth group who will perform their
presentation is... (mention the squence


Presentation Part 2

The presentation will be resumed. The group

then please come forward to do a


Break Time

The presentation part 2 have already done.

Now, its time for breaking time for all

participants. The break time is 10 minutes.
well continue the presentation after the
break, so please come back to this room at

Lottery presentation (1215)


Presentation Part 3



Because all groups already doing the

presentation. .. Finally we come to the end of
the event. For all of the participants are
expected to be waiting for the announcement
of the winner wich will be announced in
Don't forget tomorrow to attend guest lecture
at 09.00 am. After the event is over, the
participants are expected to meet LO
respectively. And See you tomorrow!

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