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Grow Your Own Probiotics

1) Kefir
2) Cultured Vegetables
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Kefir
Grow Your Own Probiotics
March 12 2008
Grow Your Own Probiotics, Part 1: Kefir
by Patty Donovan
(NaturalNews) The world of lacto-fermentation is a fascinating one. Virtually
every culture has some kind of fermented food/beverage. Fermented products are
significant sources of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The bacteria in
fermented foods are potent detoxifiers. They produce substances that inhibit
harmful bacteria such as salmonella. They can eradicate H. Pylori, the bacteria
responsible for the majority of gastric ulcers. In this series I will talk about a
few of the ferments with which I have become very familiar over the last several
months. By the last article in the series, I hope to have convinced you that
fermentation is not only cheaper and better for you than popping a pill but that
its fun. You have to eat anyway, so get the most for your money. It doesnt cost
you more than the cost of the food once you have your initial supplies and members
of many yahoo groups offer things for no more than the cost of postage.
The first ferment I would like to discuss is Kefir, a dairy ferment. If you are
vegan, lactose intolerant or allergic to casein, please continue reading as there
are alternatives to dairy ferments. Kefir is considered to be the mother culture
of all dairy ferments. To quote Dominic N. Anfiteatro, who is probably the most
knowledgeable person in the world today when it comes to kefir: I regard kefir
grains to be Probiotic-Jewels... and their culture-product kefir a Probiotic-Gem.
I first became interested in kefir when I was reading The Makers Diet by Jordan
Rubin. I looked it up on the web, got some grains and I was soon making kefir. I
feel it has contributed significantly to the healing I have experienced.
Kefir originated in the Caucasus Mountains. The word kefir is derived from the
Turkish word keif, which loosely translates to feeling good. This makes perfect
sense as those who drink kefir regularly (myself included) claim it promotes a
sense of well-being. The Caucasus peoples enjoyed longevity of over 100 years.
There is a legend that kefir grains were a gift of the prophet Mohammed and the
Caucasus people fiercely guarded their grains for fear they would lose their
strength if given away and the secret of making kefir got out. Others heard of the
magical properties of kefir and word spread. Even Marco Polo mentioned it. Then
kefir was forgotten for centuries until news spread of its successful use in the
treatment of tuberculosis, intestinal and stomach diseases. The first studies on

kefir were published in Russia at the end of the 19th century. This is the true
story of how kefir grains found their way to the rest of the world:
The members of the All Russian Physicians Society were determined to obtain kefir
grains in order to easily supply kefir to their patients. The society approached
the Blandov brothers and asked them to procure some kefir grains. These brothers
not only had a dairy, but had holdings in the Caucasus. The plan was to obtain a
source of kefir grains and then produce kefir on an industrial scale in Moscow.
Nikolai Blandov sent a beautiful young employee, Irina Sakharova, to the court of
a local prince, Bek-Mirza Barchorov. Her job was to charm the prince and persuade
him to give her some kefir grains.
The prince however, afraid to violate a religious law, had no intention of giving
away any 'Grains of the Prophet. He was very taken with Irina though and didn't
want to lose her. Realizing that they were not going to complete their mission,
Irina and her party departed for Kislovodsk but were waylaid on way home by
mountain tribesmen who kidnapped Irina and took her back to the prince. Since it
was a local custom to steal a bride, Irina was told that she was to marry the
prince. Only a daring rescue mission mounted by agents of her employers saved
Irina from the forced marriage. The unlucky prince was hauled before the Tsar who
ruled that the prince was to give Irina ten pounds of kefir grains, to recompense
her for the insults she had endured. The kefir grains were taken to the Moscow
Dairy and in September, 1908, the first commercial kefir was sold.
Traditionally kefir is prepared by fermenting milk with kefir grains. The word
grains is a bit misleading. They look like little pieces of cauliflower and have
absolutely no relationship to cereal grains. They are composed of a firm gel-like
mass of proteins, fats and polysaccharides and reproduce in a dairy medium. The
organisms found in kefir can be divided into 4 genus groups: Lactobacilli,
Streptococci-Lactococci, Acetobacter and Yeasts. Kefir, prepared with grains,
contains as many as 35 different strains of bacteria and yeast. Commercial
powdered starters are available and these contain 10-15 organisms, while the
bottled kefir you buy in the store contains a maximum of 10 strains (along with a
lot of things you dont want). Most bottled kefir contains only bacteria as many
states do not allow the selling of beverages with live yeasts, so, as you can see,
if you want kefir for its probiotic value, it only makes sense to culture your
own. It is very simple to do, taking about 5 minutes a day. It is also quite
simple to prepare cheese from kefir.
Kefir has a creamy consistency with a slightly tangy (sour) taste depending on how
long its been fermented. Mine often gets as thick as yogurt. Many, if not most
people drink kefir after culturing for 24 hours then straining. However, by doing
this they are missing out on many of the benefits of kefir. For example, by
ripening kefir another 24 hours, the content of folic acid is increased 116%.
Kefir was originally stored in airtight clay vessels or wooden barrels and allowed
to age. This produced a very effervescent beverage with up to 2% alcohol.
Besides kefirs obvious probiotic value, it possesses other healing properties.
Kefir grains produce a polysaccharide known as kefiran. Research in Japan found
that rats with tumors, which were fed kefiran, had reduction in tumor size.
Kefiran is also proving to have anti-inflammatory properties. Dom, mentioned
above, actually cured himself of Crohns disease by both eating kefir grains and
inserting them rectally. He has also had success treating Repetitive Stress
Injuries through the ingestion of kefir grains. In 2003, the anti-inflammatory
effect of kefiran was investigated and correlated scientifically by Prof. Jose M.
Schneedorf et al.
Other research shows regularly eating the grains themselves can lower blood

pressure, cure constipation, and control blood glucose. On his site, Dom stresses
that anyone culturing kefir should also ingest excess grains. On Doms advice, a
friend saved grains until she had a large quantity, then started giving her
autistic son about a tablespoonful of grains with every meal. They are now about 3
weeks into this process and her son is responding beautifully. He is much calmer,
emotionally less volatile and he is actually taking classes online. He is 11 years
old. Currently, there is no scientific research using kefir grains to combat
autism, but anecdotally, both with my friend and with others, it appears to hold
promise. Kefir and kefir grains can also greatly aid in the elimination of
There is a common misconception among most people battling Candida and most
Candida diets that all yeasts are bad and that fermented foods will make you
sicker. This simply isnt true when talking about live lacto-fermented foods.
Yeasts are in the air so every time we breathe or swallow, we are putting yeasts
in our bodies. There is no way to avoid exposure to yeasts unless you live in a
bubble. If all yeasts were bad, we couldnt survive. Candida albicans is a normal
part of microbial flora in the intestines and only causes problems when its growth
gets out of control. Sadly, the SAD (Standard American Diet) is the perfect
vehicle to stimulate massive proliferation of Candida albicans.
Candida is normally a smooth rounded bud and is harmless in this stage. When the
colony reaches a critical mass in the large intestine and is running out of
food, Candida has the ability to morph from the round bud to a thread-like shape.
It then migrates to the small intestine in search of food and this is where the
threads are able to wreak havoc by poking holes in the small intestine. Instead of
vital nutrients being absorbed by the small intestine, approximately 180 toxins
produced by Candida are given direct access to the bloodstream. This phenomenon is
called leaky gut syndrome. Undigested food particles, toxins and other chemicals
all cause inflammatory reactions once outside the protected confines of the
intestines and this inflammation is the cause of myriad diseases and syndromes.
Unfortunately, mainstream medicine refuses to recognize the role of Candida in
The yeasts and bacteria present in kefir and other lacto-fermented foods are
actually able to displace Candida on the intestinal wall allowing these holes to
heal. Once the leaky-gut is resolved and toxins no longer pass into the
bloodstream and tissues of the body, healing can begin. I truly believe that
lacto-fermented foods are key players in combating Candida albicans overgrowth and
dairy kefir provides the most comprehensive combination of beneficial organisms.
Milk kefir grains can be used to ferment alternative milks such as soy milk,
seed/nut milks, quinoa milk, coconut and rice milk. The grains will not grow in
such mediums and will eventually stop fermenting, and kefiran is not produced. You
do however; reap all the other benefits, especially the probiotic benefits of
fermenting milk. Another alternative is water kefir. Water kefir grains are like
squishy crystals and are used to ferment sugar, water and fruits. You can create
your own carbonated soda-like beverages with water kefir and get many of the same
probiotic benefits. The organisms are not identical to milk kefir grains. You can
convert milk grains to culture other mediums, but water grains dont generally do
a good job with dairy. For more information on this:
( .
While kefir will work with
would highly recommend raw
get raw, try and find milk
pasteurization is the most

all milk, even powdered, it does like a little fat. I

milk (cow or goat) from grass fed animals. If you cant
that has been pasteurized but not homogenized. Ultra
damaging to the structure of the milk proteins, but

that is often the only way you can get organic milk. Above all, avoid milk that
comes from cows given hormones and antibiotics. Again, kefir grains will do their
magic with any milk.
If you are interested in finding raw milk in your area, go here:
( .
If you are lactose intolerant, the initial 24-hour fermentation will remove about
50% of the lactose, which is the food for the organisms. Ripening the kefir after
straining for an additional 24 hours at room temperature or for several days in
the refrigerator, will remove almost all the lactose. Many people who are lactose
intolerant are able to drink raw milk even without fermenting, as the enzyme
lactase is still present.
I hope I have piqued your curiosity about kefir and tempted you to try it. Here
are some resources for getting grains. Most people give you the grains for the
cost of shipping.
( , Join this group, post stating
where you are and ask.
For some people, the tart taste may take a little getting used to. Here are a
couple of recipes Ive developed for smoothies. I use stevia because I have
eliminated all sugars from my diet, however, you can use honey or another natural
sweetener of choice.
Mint Chocolate Smoothie
8 to 10 oz KEFIR
1 heaping tablespoonful Cocoa Powder
teaspoonful Peppermint Extract
1 raw egg
1 tablespoonful Chia seed
Stevia to taste
Blend and enjoy
Berry Smoothie
8 to 10 oz KEFIR
cup berries of choice
teaspoonful Vanilla Extract
1 raw egg
1 tablespoonful Chia seed
Stevia to taste
Blend and enjoy
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About the author

Patty Donovan was in a wheelchair and could only walk around her house with a
cane. She was on over 20 medications. When told to "take the morphine, get in the
wheelchair and learn to live with it" by a neurosurgeon, she knew her life had to
change. She is now almost a fanatic when it comes to healing through the use of
"whole foods" and and natural remedies. Since that time, she has spent countless
hours researching nutrtion and alternative health. After spending 30 years in the
allopathic health care industry in both pharmacy and as an RN, she brings a unique
perspective to Natural News readers. Since committing to this new life style, she
no longer uses even a cane, has gotten off over 20 medications, lost over 50lbs
and returned to work.

All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under
Free Speech. Truth Publishing LLC takes sole responsibility for all content. Truth
Publishing sells no hard products and earns no money from the recommendation of
products. is presented for educational and commentary purposes
only and should not be construed as professional advice from any licensed
practitioner. Truth Publishing assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of
this material. For the full terms of usage of this material, visit:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) Cultured Vegetables
Grow Your Own Probiotics
October 15 2008
Grow Your Own Probiotics: Part 3 - Benefits of Cultured Vegetables
by Patty Donovan
(NaturalNews) Lacto-fermented foods have been around for centuries. They are
commonly found in Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and North and Central European
cuisine. Some examples are sauerkraut, kimchi and miso but there are literally
hundreds of foods worldwide. Different cultures ferment everything from breads to
fruit and vegetables to fish and meat. Lacto-fermentation is used to preserve
foods, enhance the flavor and even create new foods. Instead of being preserved
with vinegar like most pickles and sauerkraut you buy in your local grocery store,
these foods are pickled through the action of live bacteria and yeasts
converting natural sugars into lactic acid. These foods should be consumed raw and
unpasteurized with the exception of breads. The live organisms are naturally acid
resistant and repopulate your gut with beneficial organisms as you ingest these
Besides providing probiotics, other benefits include:

Approximately 70% of the bodys immune system is in the gut. A healthy gut leads
to a healthy immune system and body.
Fermentation destroys such plant inhibitors as goitrogens and phytates.
They are able to keep bad bacteria and yeasts in check. For example, if your gut
contains plenty of the beneficial organisms that should be found there and you
consume food contaminated with Salmonella, you are much less likely to become ill
than someone with poor gut health. If you get sick at all, it will likely be a
short, mild illness.
The lactic acid-producing lactobacilli in these foods alter the acidity of the
intestine, which in turn, helps prevent the overgrowth of the unfriendly bacteria,
molds, and yeasts such as Candida Albicans.
These foods provide enzymes, organic acids, B vitamins, Vitamin C and Vitamin K.
Lacto-fermented foods are lower on the glycemic index than similar foods
unfermented EVEN when these foods are cooked. For example, lacto-fermented bread
is around 68 on the glycemic index while regular bread is 100. Therefore, regular
ingestion can help control blood sugar. This is partly because some of the sugar
has been converted into lactic acid.
These foods provide an energy boost because the nutrients are pre-digested and
more easily assimilated.
Making your own cultured vegetables is really simple. Cabbage already has a
plentiful supply of lactobacillus and can be fermented with nothing but salt,
water and time. Many other vegetables that have not been sterilized through
chlorine baths or irradiation also contain a plentiful supply of beneficial
bacteria. You can speed up the process by adding whey from yogurt or preferably
kefir to you veggies. Add 2 tablespoons whey to 4 cups vegetables. If you are
using whey you can decrease the amount of salt used. There are different recipes
all over the web. What Ive found to be the most fun is experimenting. Your nose
will tell you if something is off. Ive been doing this for over a year now and
my only real disaster was pickles.
Pattys Sauerkraut
1 small cabbage, grated
1 cup water with 2 teaspoonsful salt and 3 tablespoons of whey added (this is your
brine). It is very important to use water containing NO chlorine such as spring,
distilled or Reverse Osmosis
cup shredded carrots
cup shredded daikon radish
1 tablespoonful coriander seeds
1 large or 2 small Granny Smith apples
1 cup of chopped greens like kale or chard
a pinch of red pepper flakes
Several of the large outer cabbage leaves
This usually gives me about 6 cups of packed vegetables.
1.Grate the cabbage and place in large bowl. Pound until you have quite a bit of
liquid. I actually put my cabbage back in the food processor with the plastic
blade and bruise it this way.
2.Add all ingredients except cabbage leaves and brine and mix well.
3.Pack tightly into your chosen container leaving about 1 inches of space. This
container needs to be glass with an airtight lid or a special fermenting crock.

Mason jars with plastic lids work fine.

4.Add your brine slowly, letting it work its way down to the bottom of the
veggies. If the liquid does not cover the vegetables, add more water until they
are covered. Cover the vegetables with the cabbage leaves and make sure everything
is submerged. Put lid on.
5.Place in dark cabinet and leave undisturbed 3 or 4 days at room temp. If your
house is very warm, 2 or 3 days is adequate, if very cool, then 4 or 5 days may be
necessary. Place your jars in a tray as they may leak as the sauerkraut ferments.
6.Remove from cabinet and place in refrigerator. The sauerkraut can be eaten
immediately at this point but Ive found it develops a richer tangier flavor
aging in the refrigerator for 2 or 3 more weeks.
Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig
About the author
Patty Donovan was in a wheelchair and could only walk around her house with a
cane. She was on over 20 medications. When told to "take the morphine, get in the
wheelchair and learn to live with it" by a neurosurgeon, she knew her life had to
change. She is now almost a fanatic when it comes to healing through the use of
"whole foods" and and natural remedies. Since that time, she has spent countless
hours researching nutrtion and alternative health. After spending 30 years in the
allopathic health care industry in both pharmacy and as an RN, she brings a unique
perspective to Natural News readers. Since committing to this new life style, she
no longer uses even a cane, has gotten off over 20 medications, lost over 50lbs
and returned to work.

All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under
Free Speech. Truth Publishing LLC takes sole responsibility for all content. Truth
Publishing sells no hard products and earns no money from the recommendation of
products. is presented for educational and commentary purposes
only and should not be construed as professional advice from any licensed
practitioner. Truth Publishing assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of
this material. For the full terms of usage of this material, visit:

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