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Write up on the diff erent Tribes of Bangladesh:

Different ethnic groups of Bangladesh and their colorful lifestyles have significantly enriched the
entire culture of Bangladesh. For centuries, Bangladesh has been the dwelling place of different
ethnic groups. According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the population of
Bangladesh is 157,006,860, which means around 160 million, from that only 3% of the
population are under indigenous community.
In Bangladesh there are about 49 different Indigenous Communities1 living in the plain lands and
hill areas. They are:
1. Garo, 2.Khiang, 3. Mro/Murong, 4. Bom, 5. Chakma, 6. Chak, 7. Pankhu/Pankhua, 8. Lushai,
9.Marma/Mog, 10. Tripura,11. Tonchonga, 12. Rakhain, 13. Khashia, 14. Monipuri, 15. Kuki,16.
Ushai, 17. Lauua, 18. Khumi, 19. Hajong, 20. Banai, 21. Koch, 22. Dalu, 23. Shautal, 24.Paharia,
25. Munda, 26. Mahato, 27. Shing, 28. Kharia, 29. Khondo, 30. Gorkha/Gurkha,31. Pahan, 32.
Rajuyar, 33. Mushar, 34. Hodi, 35. Palia, 36. Mikir, 37. Rai, 38. Bedia/Bede, 39.Bogdi, 40. Kol,
41. Rajbongshi, 42. Patro, 43. Muriar, 44. Turi, 45. Mahali, 46. Malo, 47.Khatria Barman, 48.
Gondo, and 49. Kachhari
According to the statistical survey conducted by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the
tentative number of Tribes2 in Bangladesh is Thirteen (13). Although there is no specific data
available regarding this subject but from different journals and interviews the name of the Tribes
can be specify as bellow:
1. Chakma:
The Chakmas are the largest ethnic tribal with around 2,53,000 population and they form
the largest Buddhist population in Bangladesh.
2. Marma/Mog:
Marmas belong to the Mongoloid race and the second largest ethnic tribes in Bangladesh.
3. Garo:
Garo is known as a matrilineal tribe living in the district of Sylhet, Rangpur,
Moulovibazar and Gazipur.

2 a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by
social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically
having a recognized leader.
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4. Shautal/Shantal:
Santals are known as one of the oldest and largest indigenous communities in the
northwestern belt of Bangladesh with a rich language, culture and social patterns and they
are well recognized for their own choral dance of Santal girls.
5. Rakhain:
The Rakhain belongs to the Bhotbarmi community of the Mongoloids, came from the
land Rakhain Pre, which is now known as Arakan in Myanmar and they are one of the
tribes who has more literacy rate comparing with the other ethnic tribes in Bangladesh.
6. Manipuris:
The Manipuris are one of the major ethnic communities of Bangladesh migrated to
Bangladesh during the Manipuri-Burma war, they are popular for the festival of the Gopi
dance celebrating the romantic liaison of Radha and Krishna.
7. Khashia:
The total number of Khasias in Bangladesh is around 14,000 whom are one of the Tribes
who dont have any alphabet in their language and the society is ruled by the system of
8. Lushai:
Lushai originated from Mizo People living in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and they speak
Mizo language, originally referred to as Lushei or Lushai.
9. Koch:
The Koch lives in a land along the Indian border in northwestern Dhaka division follow
their traditional Sonaton religion speaks Bangla as their mother tongue.
10. Mro/Murong:
Mro/Murongs are one of the famous tribes of aborigines of Arakan and two Murong
Kings ruled Arakan in the tenth century AD lives in Lama, Ruma, Alikadam and Thanchi
upazilas near Chimbuk Mountain of Bandarban district.
11. Hajong:
The Hajong has been living for many generations in the hilly parts of Mymansingh
district, their tradition ethos of simplicity, honesty, and hospitality.

3 a system of society or government ruled by a woman or women

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Elen Bal. They ask if we eat frogs: Social Boundaries, Ethnic Categorisations, and the
Garo People in Bangladesh 2000.
Sayedul Huda Chowdhury, Editor, Prime news Bangladesh
Mr. Mahfuzul Islam, Joint Director, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Prashanta Tripura, The Colonial Foundation of Pahari Identity, Journal of Social Studies
58, 1992
The Daily Bangladesh News, Bangladesh Online News portal, Published on September
20th, 2013
Sharfaraz Ali Khan, Bangladesh Institute of Management

**Note: Indigenous people are native to the land where they live. In other terms their ancestors have
always lived in the specific location where they continue to live. However ethnic groups (tribes) are
groups of people who refer to where their ancestors' lived. However, they may live somewhere else or
their ancestors have lived in more than one location, which separates them from being indigenous.

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