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formula SAE
Event Guide

formula SAE
Event Guide

official events
Formula SAE Australasia
First Competition - 2000


First Competition - 2004

Formula SAE Italy

First Competition - 2005

Formula Student
First Competition - 1998

Formula Student Austria

First Competition - 2009

Formula Student Germany (FSG)

First Competition - 2006

Formula SAE Japan

First Competition - 2003

Formula SAE Lincoln

2014 SAE Presidents Message
Welcome to the third year of the Formula SAE and Formula SAE Electric
competitions in Lincoln, Nebraska. Formula SAE is steeped in tradition and
competition. Now in its 32nd year, Formula SAE provides the real-world
challenges of systems engineering, design and problem solving, along with
the teaming challenges of collaboration and cooperation.
The Formula Electric competition, in its second year, offers a unique set of
skills and learning opportunities related to the burgeoning electric powertrain
In short, Formula SAE competitions, along with all of the SAE Collegiate
Design Series competitions, provide the skills and experiences needed for a
well-rounded engineering education.
In addition to learning, Formula SAE also provides a unique form of
competition. This week, collegiate engineering students from many different
nations will compete in a series of static and dynamic events designed
to challenge their engineering, problem-solving and teamwork skills. The
students will work hard and compete to win. Some will win first place, others
will not. But all will leave here winners because they will be better engineering
Good luck to all who are competing in this event. Also, I want to thank
everyone for their hard work, support, volunteerism and participation. The
experiences and learning you gain this weekend will last throughout your lives.

Daniel M. Hancock
President, SAE International


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table of
Concept of the
Competition................... 2
Schedule......................... 4
Awards............................ 7
MIS Teams listed
by Country..................... 8
Team Information...... 10
Key Players..................52
MIS Site Map................55
Ad Index.......................54

Concept of the Competition

The Formula SAE Series competitions challenge teams of university undergraduate and
graduate students to conceive, design, fabricate and compete with small, formula style,
competition vehicle. To give teams the maximum design flexibility and the freedom to express
their creativity and imaginations there are very few restrictions on the overall vehicle design.
Teams typically spend eight to twelve months designing, building, testing and preparing
their vehicles before a competition. The competitions themselves give teams the chance
to demonstrate and prove both their creation and their engineering skills in comparison to
teams from other universities around the world. Registered for this event are 80 Internal
Combustion Teams and 20 Electric Teams from colleges and universities. The end result is
a great experience for young engineers in a meaningful engineering project as well as the
opportunity of working in a dedicated team effort.
For the purpose of this competition, the students are to assume that a manufacturing firm has
engaged them to produce a prototype car for evaluation as a production item. The intended
sales market is the nonprofessional weekend competitor. Therefore, the car must have very
high performance in terms of its acceleration, braking, and handling qualities. The car must
be low in cost, easy to maintain, and reliable. In addition, the cars marketability is enhanced
by other factors such as aesthetics, comfort and use of common parts. The manufacturing
firm is planning to produce four (4) cars per day for a limited production run. The challenge
to the design team is to design and fabricate a prototype car that best meets these goals and
intents. Each design will be compared and judged with other competing designs to determine
the best overall car.
Over the course of three days, the cars are judged in a series of static and dynamic events
including: technical inspection, cost, presentation, and engineering design, solo performance
trials, and high performance track endurance. These events are scored to determine how well
the car performs. In each event, the manufacturing firm has specified minimum acceptable
performance levels that are reflected in the scoring equations.

Static Events:
Design Report: The students explain their constructive solutions to a jury of experts from
the automotive and motorsport industries in report and discussion. The concept of the
design is to evaluate the engineering effort that went into the design of the car and how
the engineering meets the intent of the market. The car that illustrates the best use of
engineering to meet the design goals and the best understanding of the design by the team
members will win the design event.
Cost Report: The students are to assume that a serial production of 1000 cars a year will
follow the prototype. The cost calculation is discussed with a jury based on a report. The
objective of the event is for the participants to learn and understand the manufacturing
techniques and processes of some of the components that they have chosen to purchase
rather than fabricate themselves.
Presentation: The objective is to evaluate the teams ability to develop and deliver a
comprehensive business case that will convince the executives of a fake manufacturing firm
that the teams design best meets the demands of the amateur weekend competition market
and that it can be profitably manufactured and marketed.

Dynamic Events:
Acceleration: The cars are evaluated on their accelerating
abilities from a standing start over a distance of 75 meters.
Autocross: The objective is to evaluate the cars
maneuverability and handling qualities on a tight course
without the hindrance of competing cars. The course will
combine the performance features of acceleration, braking
and cornering into one event. The results of the Autocross
scores determine the starting order for endurance.
Skid-Pad: The objective is to measure the cars cornering
ability on a flat surface while making a constant-radius turn.
The course will be a pair of concentric circles in shape of the
number 8; the cars demonstrate how good lateral forces can
be absorbed (up to 1.4g).
Endurance: Over a distance of 22 km the cars have to prove
their durability under long-term conditions. Acceleration,
speed, handling, dynamics, fuel efficiency, reliability the
cars have to prove it all.

The following points are possible:

Static Events

75 Presentation
Bosch Design
Cost Analysis

Dynamic Events
(Friday & Saturday)

75 Acceleration
150 Autocross
Fuel Efficiency
300 Endurance


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2014 Formula SAE lincoln

2014 Preliminary Schedule

10:00 a.m.
Tech Take-a-Number Opens
10:00 a.m. Tech Inspectors Review Session
11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
Nebraska Ethanol Board Sponsored Student Lunch
5:30 p.m.
Welcome Ceremony Sponsored by Honda R&D Americas
6:30 p.m.
Captain and Advisors Meeting
7:30 p.m.
Official Closing of the Site
8:00 p.m.

Danley Bldg
Danley Bldg
Main Tent
Main Tent
Main Tent

THURSDAY, JUNE 19 (all times preceded by ~ are approximate)

7:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Noon 1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
5:45 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
~9:00 p.m.

Judges Meetings for Design

Danley Bldg
Drivers Meeting - Brake and Practice - MANDATORY
Main Tent
Judges Meetings for Cost Cost Tent
Judges Meeting for Presentation Arnold Elementary School
Design Judging 1st Round Open
Danley Bldg
Cost Event Open
Main Tent
Presentation Event Open
Arnold Elementary School
Lunch Break
Delivered to Various Areas
Dynamic Event Courses Open for Driver Walks
Design Judges Meeting - Judges only
Danley Bldg
Drivers Meeting - All Dynamic Events MANDATORY
Main Tent
Official Closing of the Site
Design Finalist Announced Online (

FRIDAY, JUNE 20 (all times preceded by ~ are approximate)

8:30 a.m. Course Crew Briefing - Acceleration and Skid Pad
Event Courses
9:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
Skid Pad Event and Acceleration Events Open
9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
Design Feedback for Non-finalists
Danley Bldg
Noon 1:30 p.m.
Lunch Break
Delivered to Various Areas
12:30 1:30 p.m.
Honda Sponsored Student Lunch
Main Tent
1:35 p.m. Course Crew Briefing Autocross Track
2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
Autocross Event Open
5:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
Design Finals
Danley Bldg
7:30 p.m.
Official Closing of the Site
9:00 p.m.

Saturday, JUNE 21 (all times preceded by ~ are approximate)

8:30 a.m.
~8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m. ~5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m.
12:30 p.m.
~6:30 p.m.
~5:30 pm
~8:00 p.m.
9:30 p.m.
10:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m.

Endurance Course Crew Briefing Track

Top 3 Teams Design Finalists Announced
Endurance/Fuel Economy Event Open
Design Feedback for Finalists not Top 3, by appointment Danley Bldg
Lunch Break
Delivered to Various Areas
Design Review of Top 3 Teams
Main Tent
Presentation Highlights
Main Tent
Awards Ceremony
Main Tent
Official Closing of the Site
All Teams and Transporters Must Exit

Site Open ONLY for Pick-Up of Transporters

n Lincoln Airpark Site Open:
8:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m.
Thursday Saturday 7:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m.

Student Registration (Tent):

8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.

Friday & Saturday All students will be registered

as spectators
n Volunteer Registration & Info (Tent):
7:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Thursday Saturday 7:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
n Tech Inspection (Danley Bldg):
Noon 5:00 p.m.

(no new cars after 4:00 p.m.)
9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
By appointment

9:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
Retech only

9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.
n Scales (Danley Bldg):
1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
8 a.m. 4 p.m.
n Tilt/Noise/Brake/Rain:
9:00 a.m. 5.00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. 5:0 p.m.

Fuel Station:
8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

Practice Area:

Noon 5:00 pm
9:00 a.m. 5:00 pm
8:00 a.m. 3:00 pm

NOTE: Cars must complete all 3 parts of tech by 5:00 p.m.

Friday to qualify for Endurance.
30 minutes notice is required for all appointments, which
can be booked through the announcer in Main Tent.




By competing in Formula SAE Lincoln,

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2014 Formula SAE Lincoln

Schedule of Events

n No Access Monday, June 16th & Tuesday June 17th - Site

closed to all teams.
n Medical Services - EMS will provide any/all medical
n Overnight Removal - Overnight removal of vehicles is
allowed, but TECH must first pull Part 1 of your tech sticker.
n IC & EV cars will be run in conjunction at all Static &
Dynamic Events (except Endurance) but will be scored in
their respected categories
n Removing Cars - All teams not shipping cars must remove
vehicles, etc. from the site no later than 2:00 p.m. Sunday,
June 22, 2014.
n Shipping Cars - Teams shipping cars must have them picked
up and removed from Lincoln Airpark by 11:00 a.m. Monday,
June 23, 2014.
n FM Audio - Announcements can be heard via FM radio
(Frequency will be announced at event).
n Event Closing Times - Acceleration, Skid-Pad and Autocross
close exactly at the scheduled time. Your car must cross the
starting line before the event closing time in order to be
allowed to complete that run.

Support Services

n Lincoln Electric Welding Services

Wed. 1:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
Th. Fri. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. Noon
n Hoosier:
1:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
Th. Fri. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. Noon
n Food Vendors See map for location
All days ~ 8:00 am 5:00 pm*

n Lincoln Airpark Fire trucks on site:

Wed. Sat. 7 a.m. ~8 p.m.
n Ambulance on site:
Wed. Sat.7 a.m. ~8 p.m.

n Information (Main Tent/Danley Bldg):

Th. Sat. 7:30 a.m. 6 p.m.

2014 FSAE Lincoln Awards

Spirit of Excellence Award
IC Class

Presentation Award

Skid Pad Award

This award recognizes the Top 3 IC

finishers and 1st Place EV finisher with
highest scores in Presentation.

This award recognizes Top 3 IC finishers and

1st Place EV finisher with the highest scores in
Skid Pad.



This award recognizes the Top

5 finishers with overall highest
accumulative scores.

Acceleration Award

Pay for Performance Award

sponsored by NUCOR Steel

STATIC EVENTS - (Awards will

be given to both IC and EV Classes)

Autocross Award

This award recognizes the Top

10 finishers with overall highest
accumulative scores.

Spirit of Excellence Award

EV Class

Cost Award

This award recognizes the Top 3 IC

finishers and 1st Place EV finisher
with highest scores in Cost.

Engineering Design Award

This award recognizes the Top 3 IC
finishers and 1st Place EV finisher
with highest scores in Design.

will be given to both IC and EV Classes)

This award recognizes Top 3 IC
finishers and 1st Place EV finisher with
the highest scores in Acceleration.
This award recognizes Top 3 IC
finishers and 1st Place EV finisher with
the highest scores in Autocross.

Endurance Award
This award recognizes Top 3 IC
finishers and 1st Place EV finisher with
the highest scores in Endurance

Fuel Efficiency Award

Awarded to the team who best exemplified

the ability to balance cost and performance to
maximize profitability based on the dynamic
points per cost event dollar.
(Acceleration score + Skid pad score +
Autocross score + Endurance score +
Economy score) / (dollar amount from cost
event) = points/dollar

Three View Drawing Excellence

Award (Awarded to IC Class)

Awarded to the top ten Formula SAE teams

who submit the best executed three view
drawings, per the Formula SAE Rule S6.4.

This award recognizes Top 3 IC

finishers and 1st Place EV finisher with
the highest scores in fuel efficiency.

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2014 Formula SAE Lincoln

Registered Teams

11 Universidade Estadual de
Campinas FSAE-Unicamp


13 Univ of Alberta
University of Alberta Formula SAE
16 Univ of Victoria
UVic Formula Motorsport
23 PolytechniqueMontral
Formule Polytechnique Montral
26 Univ of Saskatchewan
Huskie Motorsports
37 Univ of New Mexico
38 Univ of Calgary
University of Calgary - Schulich
41 Univ of British Columbia
Formula UBC
77 Queens Univ - Ontario Canada
Queens Formula SAE


54 Chandigarh Engineering College

Mechnorobs Motor Sports
63 Khalifa University
UAE Pioneers


60 Honda Technical College Kansai

Team DDR


51 Universidad Nacion Autonoma

De Mexico
UNAM Motorsports
53 IPN - ESIME UP Ticoman
IPN Racing Team ESAB
55 Universidad Autonoma Estado
UAEMx Racing Team
61 ESIA Tlalnepantla Leones

United States

1 Univ ofWashington

UWashington Formula Motorsports
2 Auburn Univ
War Eagle Motorsports
3 Missouri University of Science
and Tech
S&T Racing
4 Univ of Kansas - Lawrence
Jayhawk Motorsports
5 Univ of Texas - Arlington

6 California State Poly Univ - Pomona

Cal Poly Pomona FSAE
7 Kettering Univ
Kettering University FSAE
8 Univ of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
Illini Motorsports
10 Univ of South Florida
USF Racing
12 Iowa State Univ
Cyclone Racing
15 Texas A & M Univ - College Station

Texas A&M Racing
17 California State Univ - Sacramento
Hornet Racing
18 Univ of Maryland - College Park
Terps Racing
19 Univ of North Dakota
Team UPI
20 California State Univ - Fullerton
Titan Motorsports
21 San Diego State Univ
SDSU Aztec Racing
22 Univ of Calif - San Diego
Triton Racing
24 Middle Tennessee State Univ
MTSU Motorsports
25 Southern Polytechnic State Univ
SPSU Motorsports
27 Univ of Calif - Los Angeles
UCLA Formula SAE
28 Univ of Calif - Berkeley
UC Berkeley Formula SAE
30 Univ of North Texas
Mean Green Racing
31 California State Univ - Northridge
Matador Motorsports
32 Colorado School of Mines
Mines FSAE
33 Univ of Southern California
USC Racing
34 Wayne State Univ
Warrior Racing
35 Stevens Inst of Tech
Stevens Institute of Technology
36 South Dakota State Univ
Wild Hare RAcing
39 Univ of Wisconsin - Platteville
Pioneer Racing
40 Univ of Texas - San Antonio
Roadrunner Racing
42 Univ of Delaware
Blue Hen Racing
IUPUI Jaguars
44 Wichita State Univ
Shocker Racing

45 Oregon Inst of Tech

Oregon Tech Racing
46 New Jersey Inst\Tech(Newark Coll)
Highlander Racing
48 Univ of Nebraska - Lincoln
Husker Motorsports
49 Portland State Univ
Viking MotorSports
52 California State Univ - Los Angeles
Golden Eagle Motorsports
56 Univ of Hawaii - Manoa
Rainbow Racers
57 Univ of Arizona
University of Arizona Formula SAE
58 Saint Louis Univ
Parks Racing
59 Univ of Waterloo
Formula Motorsports
62 Univ of Nevada - Reno
Wolf Pack Racing
66 Columbia Univ
Knickerbocker Motorsports
67 California State Univ - Chico
68 San Jose State University
Spartan Racing
69 Univ of Toledo
Rocket Motorsports
70 Univ of Manitoba
Polar Bear Racing
71 Univ of Missouri
Mizzou Racing
72 Univ of Oklahoma
Sooner Racing Team
73 Univ of Central Florida
Knights Racing
74 Michigan State Univ
Michigan State University Formula
75 Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor
76 Rochester Institute of Technology

RIT Formula SAE
78 Kansas State Univ
Powercat Motorsports
79 Univ of Wisconsin - Madison
Wisconsin Racing
81 Oakland University
Grizzlies Racing
82 Clemson Univ
Clemson University Formula SAE
83 Purdue Univ - W Lafayette
Purdue Formula SAE
84 Louisiana State Univ
Tiger Racing
85 Univ of Michigan - Dearborn
UMD Racing
86 Univ of Illinois - Chicago
UIC Motorsports

2014 Formula SAE electric

Registered Teams

E211 Universidade Estadual de

Unicamp E-Racing


E215 Universite de Sherbrooke

FSS Racing
E216 McGill Univ
McGill Racing Team
E218 Univ of Manitoba
Polar Bear Racing

United States

E202 Univ of Washington

UWashington eFSAE
E203 Univ of Kansas - Lawrence
Jayhawk Motorsports FSAE
E205 Univ of Michigan - Dearborn
UMD Formula Electric Racing
E212 Massachusetts Inst of Tech
MIT Motorsports

E213 Univ of Calif - Davis

UC Davis Formula Racing
E214 Univ of Pennsylvania
Penn Electric Racing
E217 Univ of Akron
Akron Electric
E219 Missouri University of Science
and Tech
Missouri S&T Formula Electric
E220 Purdue Univ - W Lafayette
Purdue Electric Racing (PER)
E221 Portland State Univ
Viking Motorsports
E222 Univ of Illinois - Urbana
Illini Formula Electric
E224 Illinois Inst of Tech

IIT Motorsports
E225 Carnegie Mellon Univ
Carnegie Mellon Racing
E226 Univ of Calif - Irvine
Anteater Racing

Welcome Formula SAE Teams!

Lincoln is moving fast...come see what were all about.

CVB Speed Mag 17 x 5.5 ad.indd 1

4/10/2013 9:33:21 AM

UWashington Formula Motorsports

University of Washington

Auburn University
War Eagle Motorsports

The UWashington Formula Motorsports team is proud to present a brand new

car for the 2014 competition season. The team utilized the successful design
aspects of previous cars, while also implementing many significant changes for
this season. The car runs a new single cylinder motor for improved performance,
has a unidirectional carbon fiber monocoque chassis, integrated CV/hubs, a full
aerodynamics package with a dynamic drag reduction system, a two-way telemetry system for real-time data acquisition, a tightly packaged drivetrain system
that focuses on ease of manufacture and assembly, carbon fiber wheel shells,
and a new suspension system that utilizes ten inch tires and has been designed
to maximize adjustability. Improving the analysis, manufacturing, and physical
validation of all parts is a focus for this year. With one of the earliest assembly
completions in recent team history, ample time has been spent testing and tuning
the car for ultimate speed, reliability, and overall success. After Lincoln, the team
will compete outside the United States at Formula Student Germany.

AU-2014 utilizes a hybrid front monocoque and rear space frame chassis design
to yield optimal vehicle dynamics, packaging, and overall reliability. The robust,
efficient and powerful Yamaha R6 is used to power AU-2014. The decision to
retain the R6 powerplant was made due to the reliability, driver-friendly torque,
and efficiency that the team has extracted from the motor in AU-2014s predecessors. The R6 motor combined with an all-new monocque design and 10 in.
wheels yields a superior power to weight ratio, and gives AU-2014 an advantage
over the competition at the track and in the market-place.

BRAKE : In-house/AP calipers and disks

BSCD : 99mm bore / 65.7mm stroke / 1 cylinder / 505cc
COOLING : Single Radiator with PWM Fan
DRIVE : Chain
ELECTRONICS : AEM Infinity 10 ECU, Student Built
Power Distribution Module
ENGINE : Yamaha YFZ450R
FR/RR TRACK : 1194mm / 1143mm
FRAME : Monocoque
FUEL SYSTEM : Returnless in Tank, Student-Designed
PWM Control
FUEL TYPE : 98 RON or Premium pump gas
MATERIAL : Toray T700
MPT : 11000
OLWH : 2920mm / 1410mm / 1345mm
SUSPENSION : Double Unequal Length A-Arm
TIRE : 10 inch Hooiser LC0
UNIQUE : Carbon Fiber Wheel Shells, Active Aero, Wireless Torque Sensors, Two-way Telemetry
WEIGHT : 227kg
WHEELBASE : 1537mm

BRAKE : Floating Rotor, Adjustable Bias

BSCD : 67 mm, 42.5 mm, 4 Cylinders, 599 cc
COOLING : Dual Pass Radiator
DRIVE : Chain Drive, Salisbury Differential
ELECTRONICS : Motec ECU, Motec ADL, Custom Dash
ENGINE : Yamaha R6
FR/RR TRACK : 1219 (48in), 1194 (47in)
FRAME : Monocoque Fore, Chromoly Space Frame Aft
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MATERIAL : Varies by Application
MPT : 86 hp (11,500), 45 ft-lbs (8,500)
SUSPENSION : SLA, Double A-arm
TIRE : Hoosier 18x6.0-10 LCO
UNIQUE : Come ask us in the paddock!
WEIGHT : 538
WHEELBASE : 1588mm / 62.5in

United States


AUFSAE thanks War Eagle, and Platinum Level Partners: The Samuel Ginn College
of Engineering at Auburn University, Walt and Ginger Woltosz, The Barber Vintage
Motorsports Museum, Griffon Aerospace, National Instruments, Davis Machine
Works, Hexcel, HATCI, APR, Solid Edge, GKN Aerospace, Rains Racing, and
Impatient Creations.
War Eagle!

United States

S&T Racing

Missouri University of Science and Tech

University of Kansas - Lawrence

Jayhawk Motorsports

Jayhawk Motorsports was founded in 1994 by a group of six KU mechanical

engineers. Since then, JMS has grown into a team comprised of over 60 students. Team members represent several disciplines including industrial design,
business, computer science and mechanical, chemical, and electrical engineering.
Thank you to all our 2014 Sponsors.

BRAKE : Gray cast iron rotors, ISR calipers, Custom

BSCD : 65.5 mm/44.5 mm/4 cyl/599 cc
COOLING : Water cooled, Side mounted radiators
DRIVE : Drexler LSD
ELECTRONICS : MoTeC M600 ECU, Custom power
distribution module, Custom paddle shifting
ENGINE : 1992-2002 Yamaha YZF-R6
FR/RR TRACK : 48"/46"
FRAME : 4130 Chromoly Spaceframe
FUEL SYSTEM : Custom tank, Custom fuel rail
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane
MPT : 45 ft-lb @ 10,600 rpm
OLWH : 117.3"x55.7"x55.7"
SUSPENSION : Pullrod (front), Pushrod (rear)
TIRE : 13" Hoosier R25B
UNIQUE : Steering system, Aerodynamics package,
Electronic paddle shifting
WEIGHT : 590 lbs

United States

BRAKE : Student Designed Calipers and Master Cylinder

BSCD : 67 mm bore / 42.5 mm stroke / 4 cylinder(s)
/ 599 cc
COOLING : Radiator, Electric Water Pump
DRIVE : Chain
FR/RR TRACK : 50 in / 46 in
FRAME : Composite Monocoque
FUEL SYSTEM : Port Fuel Injected, Return Style
MPT : 8,000
OLWH : 126 in long, 58 in wide, 47 in tall
SUSPENSION : Double A-Arm, Pullrod/Front, Pushrod/
TIRE : 20.5x7.0-13 R25B Hoosier
WEIGHT : 595 lbs

United States



UTA racing has focused extensively on refining and evolving the design for the
2014 car. Reducing weight while maintaining relatively low cost have been major
goals for the vehicle. The wing controllers have been refined and incorporate a
CAN bus. UTA Racing has also made great advancements in driver comfort as
well as adjustability including fully programmable shift lights and warning lights.
Notably UTA Racing has continued to evolve the 5 element active DRS package
and has improved control logic as well as manufacturability.

University of Texas - Arlington

California State Poly University - Pomona

Cal Poly Pomona FSAE

Entering the Lincoln event the Cal Poly Pomona FSAE team is riding the momentum of two consecutive top ten finishes at this venue. After proving its speed
and agility in the 2013 Lincoln event, the team went to work and improved the
performance of the vehicle with an updated aero package, a new front outboard
assembly, new dampers, a new steering system, and much more. The car
features a GSXR 600 Suzuki engine, a 4130 chrome-moly space frame, a unique
top surface only wing design, pull rod front/push rod rear suspension, and custom
made hollow half shafts. This will be the first event for this vehicle which will be
taken to Germany in July and Michigan in May of 2015.

BRAKE : Floating cast iron rotors, Wilwood GP200 calipers, Tilton 77 M/C
BSCD : 95mm bore, 63.4 stroke, 1 Cylinder, 449cc
COOLING : Dual Pass Aluminum Radiator
DRIVE : Chain Drive
ELECTRONICS : PE-3 ECU, In-house developed Shift
Light and Wing Control System
ENGINE : Yamaha YFZ450R
FR/RR TRACK : 49/47 (in)
FRAME : Steel Space Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : EFI, Naturally aspirated
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane Gasoline
MATERIAL : 4130 Chromoly,
MPT : 59 hp,34 ft-lb
OLWH : 111,55.6,47.5 (in)
SUSPENSION : Unequal length dual A-arm, Pull-rod actuated coilover, front/rear ARB
TIRE : 20.5x7-13 Hoosier R25B
UNIQUE : 5 Element active wings,
WEIGHT : 570 lb

United States


BRAKE : Disk w/ Dual Piston Caliper

BSCD : 67mm/42.5mm/4cy/599mm
COOLING : Custom Air to Water Heat Exchanger
DRIVE : Torsen Differential with Custom Housing
ELECTRONICS : AEM EMS 4 with Custom Harness
ENGINE : 01-03 GSXR 600
FR/RR TRACK : 48.7in/47.7in
FRAME : 4130 Chrome-moly Space Frame
FUEL TYPE : 91 Octane
MPT : 50 ft-lbs (7000rpm)
OLWH : 121in/48in/52.2in
SUSPENSION : Unequal Double Wishbone
TIRE : 13 x 7 x 21.5 R25B
UNIQUE : Single Plane Wing Profile, Stressed Seat,
Aluminum Uprights
WEIGHT : 570lb
WHEELBASE : 60.25in

United States

Kettering University FSAE

Kettering University

University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign

Illini Motorsports

After completing our best season in school history in 2013 we have carried over
several of the design philosophies that were crucial to that success. The fundamental philosophy of our vehicle is the efficient use of material and processes to
create the best valued vehicle in the spirit of the Formula SAE competition.

Illini Motorsports 2014 competition entry has been designed using points analysis
coupled lap simulation and a renewed focus on reliability. Key design changes
include a new aerodynamics package featuring custom airfoils, a reduction in
wheel base and an introduction of a dry sump lubrication system.

We would like to thank all of our sponsors for their support in the pursuit of the
spirit of SAE.

We would like to give a special thanks to our friends, families, and sponsors for
their continued support.


BRAKE : Waterjet 1018 Steel Floating Rotors, Tilton MC,

Woodward Calipers
BSCD : 95mm / 62.4mm / 1 cyl / 450cc
COOLING : Central Raptor 700 Radiator
DRIVE : Chain driven Cam and Pawl Differential
ELECTRONICS : Woodward Mototron 128, Minimalist
ENGINE : Yamaha WR450f
FR/RR TRACK : (1092mm/43") (1067mm/42")
FRAME : Good Ol Detroit Iron
FUEL SYSTEM : Returnless Relatively-Low-Pressure EFI
MATERIAL : Steel and Aluminum... Only
MPT : 36 lb-ft @ 6500 rpm
OLWH : (2565mm/101" long) (1270mm/50" wide)
(927mm/36.5" high)
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-Arm with Push
TIRE : 18x6.0x10 Hoosier LC0
UNIQUE : The Spirit of SAE
WEIGHT : 492 lbm (223kg)
WHEELBASE : 1549mm/61"

United States

BRAKE : AP Racing 4-Piston front, 2-Piston Rear

BSCD : 67mm bore / 42.5mm stroke / 599cc
COOLING : Vertically mounted single core double pass
radiator, 944 cfm fan
ELECTRONICS : Motec M400 ECU and student designed
data acquisition system
ENGINE : Honda CBR600 F4i
FR/RR TRACK : 49in front, 49in rear
FRAME : 4130 Steel space frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Stock Honda
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MATERIAL : 4130 Steel
MPT : 9000 RPM
OLWH : L: 3249mm / W: 1468mm / H: 1124mm
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-arms, Ohlins
TTX25 dampers
TIRE : 20.5x7x13 Hoosier R25B
UNIQUE : Custom airfoils and custom CFRP steering
WEIGHT : 640

United States


USF Racing

F2014 represents the ninth Formula SAE vehicle produced by USF Racing since
beginning the FSAE series in 2005, and is the fourth evolution of our current
design concept. The following goals were created by the team preceding the
design process: improvement of component serviceability, initial development of
an aerodynamics package, and a 10 lb weight reduction (without wings) from our
previous model, F2013. We placed an emphasis on validating design simulation
through real-world testing. Based off of the successes of previous models, F2014
runs a naturally aspirated Suzuki LT-R 450cc single cylinder engine, steel axles,
and 10 inch wheels. Integrating last years chassis packaging with improvements
in the suspension and engine systems, the introduction of an aerodynamics package as well as building on a successful history in static events, we hope to have
created a car which continues to perform aggressively across all events in the
FSAE competition.



University of South Florida

Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Unicamp proudly presents the F2013, this is the 6th vehicle design and manufactored by the brazilian team, based by the concept of reliability, performance
and low cost, the car features a HSLA steel tubular frame housing a fine tuned
Yamaha YZF R6 engine driven by 13 wheels.
Supporting design decisions on previous prototypes experiences and validations enabled improvements for the current vehicle on every feature, making it a
significant step up. Therefore this year the team expects even better results on
the competition.
We would like to thank all our sponsors, university and family for all their support.

Everyone at USF Racing would like to take the time to thank all of our sponsors for
their continued support of our team. Every donation of time, service, knowledge,
and funding brings us one step closer to the checkered flag.

BRAKE : AP Front and Rear Calipers, Custom Rotors

BSCD : 95.5mm/62.8mm/Single Cylinder/450cc
COOLING : Side Mount Radiator with Electric Fan
DRIVE : Chain-driven, automatic torque biasing
ENGINE : Suzuki LT-R 450
FR/RR TRACK : 1270 mm Front and Rear
FRAME : 4130 Chromoly Spaceframe
FUEL SYSTEM : Fuel Injection
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane
MATERIAL : 4130 Chromoly Steel
MPT : 7000
OLWH : 3015 x 1446 x 1216 mm
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-arm, pullrod FR,
pushrood RR.
TIRE : Hoosier 18x6-10 R25B
WEIGHT : 223 kg
WHEELBASE : 1524 mm

United States


BRAKE : Custom Stainless Steel Floating Discs

BSCD : 4 cylinders 600cc
COOLING : Melted Ice
DRIVE : Quaife Differential, Mordor Forged Chain
ELECTRONICS : ETAS Data Aquisition System, Woodward Fully Costumized ECU
ENGINE : 2010 Yamaha YZF R6
FR/RR TRACK : 1200mm / 1160mm
FRAME : Full Tubular Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Multipoint Injection With External Pump
FUEL TYPE : E85 - Caipirinha powered
MATERIAL : High Strenght Low Alloy Steel
MPT : 57 N.m - 10700 rpm
OLWH : 2600mm x 1380 mm x 1150 mm
SUSPENSION : Double Unequal Length Wishbone,
Independent Pull Rod Actuated Dampers
TIRE : Hoosier 20.5x7.0 13 (R25B)
WHEELBASE : 1540 mm


Cyclone Racing

CR-19 is Iowa State Universitys 19th car to compete in the Formula SAE
series. For CR-19, emphasis was placed on reducing the number and complexity
of components to decrease manufacturing time and improve reliability. We also
emphasized the use of sheet metal parts that can be water jet or laser cut. This
years car continues on 10 wheels and features unique a-arms that are machined from aluminum plates. The powertrain remains largely the same as last
year as we continue to use the Yamaha YFZ450R engine. Our intake/restrictor is
now 3D printed in Stratayss proprietary high strength material, ULTEM 9085.The
pedals are mounted on a tray that has 5 of adjustability to accommodate a range
of driver heights. The use of aircraft fabric bodywork eliminated the need for
composites molds and saved time, money and weight.

BRAKE : Wilwood PS-1 Calipers, Tilton 77 Series Master

BSCD : 95 mm/63.4 mm/1/449 cc
COOLING : Polaris WideTrak 600 Radiator
DRIVE : Chain Drive, Torsen Type T1 Differential in Student Built Aluminum Housing
ELECTRONICS : Performance Electornics PE3 ECU, AiM
MXL Data Logger
ENGINE : 2010 Yamaha YFZ450R, 13:1 Piston
FR/RR TRACK : Front: 1168 mm/46 inch, Rear: 1270
mm/50 inch
FRAME : 1020 Steel Spaceframe, TIG Welded with
FUEL SYSTEM : Welded Aluminum Tank, Carter Fuel
Pump, Fragola Push-Tite Line, Twin Injector
FUEL TYPE : Car: E85, Team: Papa Johns, Pancheros,
and Peace Tea
MATERIAL : Laser Sintered Carbon Nanotubes
MPT : 40 HP at 8400 RPM, 25 ft-lb
OLWH : Length: 2781 mm/109.5 inch Width: 1435 mm/
56.5 inch Height: 1067 mm/42 inch
SUSPENSION : Pushrod Actuated Ohlins TTX25 MKII
Dampers, Non-Parallel Unequal Length A-Arm
TIRE : 6.0/18.0-10 Hoosier LC0
UNIQUE : Machined Aluminum A-Arms, Integrated Hubs/
Tripod Housings, Chick Magnet
WEIGHT : 524 lb/238 kg
WHEELBASE : 1575 mm/62 inch
United States



Iowa State University

University of Alberta
University of Alberta Formula SAE

Continuing advancements made in recent years, the team has continued the
vision of a lightweight, aerodynamic-driven car concept while striving to improve
reliability and refinement of components compared to existing designs.
Utilization of uni-directional carbon fiber is a first for this years team, and is an
improvement which is hoped to lead the team to a lighter, faster car while not
sacrificing structural integrity. Further minor improvements were made to many
subsystems. Come stop by and we can chat about them!

BRAKE : Floating Rotors, Tilton 77-Series MC, AP Racing

BSCD : 95mm/63.4mm/1 cylinder/449cc
COOLING : Dual 10" x 6" aluminum radiators
DRIVE : Carbon Kevlar Composite Belt Drive
ELECTRONICS : Vipec ECU, Custom Datalogger, Custom
Power PCB, Custom Shift controller
ENGINE : Yamaha WR450F
FR/RR TRACK : 1168 mm/46" Front, 1162 mm/ 45.75"
FRAME : Carbon fiber monocoque
FUEL SYSTEM : Single Injector, CF Fuel Tank
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane
MATERIAL : Toray Carbon Fiber
MPT : 33.6 kW (8700 RPM), 43.4 Nm (6800 RPM)
OLWH : 3188 x 1364 x 1144 mm / 123 x 54 x 45
SUSPENSION : Double Unequal A-Arm with Push/Pull
rod actuated rockers
TIRE : Hoosier 6.0/18.0 - 10.0 R25B
UNIQUE : Lightweight car designed with custom lap time
WEIGHT : 480 lb
WHEELBASE : 1600 mm / 63 inch



Texas A&M Racing



Texas A & M University - College Station

University of Victoria
UVic Formula Motorsport

The 2014 Texas A&M team set its primary objectives as reducing weight, having
This year our team focused on system integration, tighter packaging, and weight
high reliability, while maintaining a competitive performance level. This years car reduction. We would like to thank all of our sponsors for helping our dreams
has more aerodynamic downforce and adjustability than any previous Texas A&M become a reality!
aerodynamics car. The 2014 car uses a Yamaha WR450F single cylinder engine
bored to 488 cc. The car maintains a steel tube space frame as in previous years;
however, has slight geometry changes to make it the lightest one yet while maintaining adequate stiffness. Design of the vehicle was implement through analysis
using CFD, FEA, engine and lap simulation programs. This was further verified
through extensive testing of the car and also dynamometer testing of the engine.
Besides the advanced aerodynamic package, the 2014 car also features an integrated data acquisition device. With this DAQ, the team is able to collect data on
how the car is actively performing for enhanced tuning. As with each Texas A&M
team, the car is designed, built and tested in an 8 month window as the students
capstone senior design project. Through this rigorous design, analysis, and testing, the team believes they have produced a car worthy to compete with the best.

BRAKE : Disc Brakes, outboard front and single inboard

BSCD : 99mm/63.5mm/1/488cc
COOLING : Water-cooled - Aluminum Radiator w/ 11"
DRIVE : Integrated 5 speed Yamaha gearbox with 520
chain drive to rear wheels
ELECTRONICS : Performance Electronics PE3 ECU
ENGINE : 2013 WR450f w/ 13.5:1 CP Piston
FR/RR TRACK : 53/51 in
FRAME : 4130 Steel Space Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Port Fuel Injected
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane Gasoline
MATERIAL : Chromoly, Carbon Fiber, Aluminum
MPT : 32.2 @ 6500 RPM
OLWH : 2942 mm long (115.8 in), 1540 mm wide (60.7
in), 1330 mm high (52.4 in)
SUSPENSION : SLA, pushrod actuated spring/damper,
adjustable anti-roll bar (blade type)
TIRE : 6.0/18.0-10 LC0 Hoosier
UNIQUE : Multi-element wings, performance engine coatings, Integrated DAQ
WEIGHT : 502 lbs
WHEELBASE : 60.25in

United States


BRAKE : 4 Outboard Discs w/ Brembo Calipers

BSCD : 67.0 mm / 42.5 mm / 599cm^3
COOLING : Liquid Cooled
DRIVE : Chain
ELECTRONICS : MegaSquirt 3 ECU, Custom Relay Board
ENGINE : Honda CBR600F4I
FR/RR TRACK : 1270 (50) / 1257 (49.5)
FRAME : 4130 Chromoly Steel
FUEL SYSTEM : Multi Port Fuel Injection
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane Gasoline
MATERIAL : several
MPT : 43 ft*lb (11500 RPM)
OLWH : 2659 (104.7), 1435 (57), 1083 (42.6)
SUSPENSION : Unequal length A-arms w/ pull rod actuated Cane Creek Double Barrels
TIRE : Hoosier 20.5x7x13 R25B
UNIQUE : Launch Control... Maybe
WEIGHT : 640 lb
WHEELBASE : 1579 (62)


Hornet Racing



California State University - Sacramento

University of Maryland - College Park

Terps Racing

The 2014 Hornet Racing team is a group of engineering students from California
State University, Sacramento committed to designing and manufacturing a simple
yet high quality Formula SAE race car. Building on recent success in competition,
the team aims to finish in the top 15 overall and in the top 10 in the design and
acceleration events.

The University of Marylands 2014 Formula SAE car (TR14) is a refinement of

Marylands 2013 car (TR13) focusing on reliability, engine development, aerodynamics, and performance consistency. The TR14 incorporates high-lift, low-drag
aerodynamic effects with a single-cylinder 450-cc motocross engine and Hoosier
18.0 x 7.5-10 R25B tires. The aerodynamic package includes front and rear
wings with adjustable flaps and a full-length undertray. Although the lift seems
Utilizing the knowledge gained over the past three years, the team has taken an
quite large for a Formula SAE car, Terps Racing verified 540-lb total lift at 60
iterative design approach to comprehensively analyze and refine each part of the mph on their TR11 car. The TR14 includes a much more effective undertray and
car. Notable changes include the addition of a dry sump oiling system to improve rear wing. The performance benefits of incorporating aerodynamic effects were
engine reliability and a revised suspension geometry to reduce weight transfer
evaluated and justified using lap simulation studies, field-testing, CFD modeling,
and take advantage of the lower center of gravity. Exceptional driver ergonomics, and competition experience. Design choices for the engine, frame structure, front
accentuated by a custom molded carbon fiber seat, and an emphasis on testing
suspension, steering, and seating were largely dictated by the layout of the wings
and driveability give the driver the confidence to approach the limits of the vehicle. and undertray diffusers. Track width and wheelbase were determined using the
Incorporation of a data acquisition system will be used to evaluate vehicle and
lap simulations and CFD modeling. Lastly, horsepower, weight, and fuel economy
driver performance.
tradeoffs were analyzed using the lap simulations to further evaluate design
Hornet Racing would like to thank CSU, Sacramento and all of our sponsors,
families and friends for their generous support.

BRAKE : AP master cylinders, Brembo calipers, floating

BSCD : 67.5 mm/42.5 mm/4 cylinders/599 cc
COOLING : Rear mounted radiator, electronic water pump
DRIVE : Chain driven Taylor Race LSD
ELECTRONICS : AEM ECU, Race Technology data acquistion
FR/RR TRACK : 1220 mm front/rear
FRAME : Tubular steel space frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Honda fuel rail, custom tank
FUEL TYPE : 93 octane
MPT : 75 hp, 45 lb-ft torque @ 8,500 rpm
OLWH : 2779 mm long, 1438 mm wide, 1263 mm high
SUSPENSION : Unequal length A-arms, front pullrod/rear
pushrod actuate springs/dampers
TIRE : Hoosier 20.5 x 7.0 - 13 R25B
UNIQUE : Custom carbon fiber seat with individual driver
WEIGHT : 294.8 kg
WHEELBASE : 1600 mm

United States

BRAKE : Ultralite 240 series front, PS1 rear

BSCD : 96mm/62mm/1/449
COOLING : Water-Cooled
DRIVE : Dual Chain with Jackshaft
FR/RR TRACK : 45in./45in.
FRAME : TIG-welded 4130 Chromolly Space Frame
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MPT : MPD (8400) MPT (7400)
OLWH : 134"l, 54.5"w, 52"h
SUSPENSION : Unequal length A-arms
TIRE : 10" Hoosier R25B 7.5"x18"
UNIQUE : Large Diffuser Tunnels
WEIGHT : 600lbs with 150lb driver

United States


Team UPI

The 2013-2014 University of North Dakota Formula SAE team is composed of ten
members with varying backgrounds including Mechanical Engineering, Aviation,
and Business. This year is UNDs eighth time competing in Formula SAE events
since the 2003 season. This year is marked with a completely new vehicle that
focuses on the optimization of previous designs and new features that will pave
the way for the future of the program. With members experience, depth, and
character, this years team aspires to be the most successful in UNDs program



University of North Dakota

California State University - Fullerton

Titan Motorsports

Titan Motorsports is going on its second year of a carbon fiber monocoque and
its first year with stressed engine block and rear carbon fiber subframe box. The
Titan teams suspension optimization called for longer rear suspension arms so a
three piece carbon fiber frame will be used. The block will be stressed between a
carbon fiber engine mount and rear subframe box. The stressed engine block is
an OEM Yamaha R6S engine and transmission that drives a Torsen T-1 differential. Titan Motorsports plans to drop a significant amount of weight with many
parts pounds lighter than last year. This drop in weight can be accredited to better
design along with more FEA. Nearly every part on the car was designed and built
in house. The team of half seniors and half underclassman is excited to show the
progression of Titan Motorsports.

BRAKE : Wildwood Single Caliper Disk, Rear and Front

BSCD : 4 Stroke, 600 cc
COOLING : Dual pass, single radiator
DRIVE : Chain driven
ELECTRONICS : Haltech Engine Management Systems
ENGINE : Honda CBR600F4i
FR/RR TRACK : 1273 mm/50 in.
FRAME : 4130 Chromoly tubing
FUEL SYSTEM : Electronic fuel injected
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
OLWH : 2923 mm/115 in. long; 1447 mm/57 in. wide;
1255 mm/49 in. high
SUSPENSION : Double, unequal length A-Arm
TIRE : 20.5x7.0-13 R25A Hoosiers
WEIGHT : 650 lbs
WHEELBASE : 1462 mm/57 in.

United States


BRAKE : Wilwood PS-1 calipers, custom two piece

floating rotors
BSCD : 67mmbore/d2.5mm stroke/4cylinder/599cc
COOLING : side mounted custom dual pass radiator, dual
electric fans
DRIVE : chain drive, torsion t-1 differential, custom
ENGINE : 2006 Yamaha R6s
FR/RR TRACK : 50 in/ 48 in
FRAME : carbon fiber monocoque
FUEL SYSTEM : single walbro pump, xrp filters oem
FUEL TYPE : 91 octane
MATERIAL : blood, sweat and tears
MPT : 10,500/ 8,500
OLWH : 107 in, 56 in, 44in
SUSPENSION : double unequal length a-arms, pull rod
TIRE : 20.5x7.0-13 R25B Hoosier
UNIQUE : stressed block
WEIGHT : 580

United States

SDSU Aztec Racing

Aztec Racing is proud to present the AR-14 ARC-Reeper for the 2014 FSAE
Lincoln competition. A refinement of previous generations, the AR-14 features a
custom intake, exhaust, a wicked stance, multiple fuel maps to extract maximum performance from the GSX-R 600 at its heart, and additional engineering
students souls to make it the best car to date. A lower CG and roll center with
minimized scrub radius and camber change result from insights gleaned from
analysis using WinGeo3 software. Better brakes, cooling, and driver ergonomics round out the improvements to this years car, with the team hoping to finish
within the top 80 competitors.
Aztec Racing would like to thank our sponsors for their continued support: McMillin Racing, Composite Fabrics of America, Competitive Metals, Ron Davis Racing
Radiators, and San Diego State University, and Dodgecoin.



San Diego State University

University of Calif - San Diego

Triton Racing

Triton Racing is focusing on building a car to be a solid platform for future teambuilding. Our goal is to have one extra week of testing for every year we compete,
so TR X+1 is always better than TR X. We are hybridizing some old and new
designs, such as the 4 cylinder from our most successful 2006 entry and the 10
inch wheels from our most innovative 2011 entry.
The suspension has been designed to lower the center of mass as much as
possible without sacrificing ground clearance or camber compliance. Special care
was taken to ensure a small turning radius and easily adjustable camber.
The TR-14 chassis is designed to minimize extraneous members, which
decreases weight without sacrificing stiffness. Of special focus was usage of
thin-walled gusseting to reinforce critical suspension and mounting tabs without
using thicker tabs.
Our Powertrain is designed to use as many stock parts and as much of the stock
tune as possible to ensure the utmost in reliability. Parts were adapted from the
Yamaha FZ6R to provide simple mounting solutions and ensure that the design
considerations of the OEM were accounted for and worked around.

BRAKE : 4 wheel disk brakes, Wilwood components

BSCD : 67mm/42.5mm/4/599cc
COOLING : Side-mounted 2 row aluminum Ron Davis
DRIVE : Chain drive with student-designed LSD
FR/RR TRACK : 1219/1168mm
FRAME : 4130 Space Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Sequential EFI
MATERIAL : Carbon fiber composite body
OLWH : 2400mm
SUSPENSION : Unequal length dual A-arm, pushrod
TIRE : 20.5x7 Hoosier
UNIQUE : Built in the 2 weeks before competition
WEIGHT : 165? lb
WHEELBASE : 1625mm

United States

BRAKE : 2 piston calipers F/R, inboard rear brake

BSCD : 65.5 mm bore/45.5 mm stroke/4 cyl/600cc
COOLING : Water cooled/side-mounted radiator
DRIVE : Chain draive w/ quaife style differential
ELECTRONICS : Power commander-augmented stock
ENGINE : 2013 Yamaha FZ6R
FR/RR TRACK : 1270 mm F/1270 mm R
FRAME : 4130 Chromoly CNC profiled
FUEL SYSTEM : External fuel pump and stock fuel
system (fuel injected)
FUEL TYPE : 93 octane gasoline
MATERIAL : Aluminum wheel hubs, uprights, and differential carriers
MPT : 50 HP @ 9,000RPM/35 ft-lb @ 8,000RPM
OLWH : 2700 mm L/1270 mm W/1800 mm H
SUSPENSION : 4 corner independent unequal length
pushrod actuated suspension
TIRE : Hoosier R25B 18 x 7.5-10
UNIQUE : Infinitesimally adjustable pedal box
WEIGHT : 650 lb
WHEELBASE : 1700 mm

United States


Formule Polytechnique Montral

30 year old team, second Year Concept.

Make it Simple.
Easy to Manufacture.



Polytechnique Montral

Middle Tennessee State University

MTSU Motorsports

For the 2014 Formula SAE competition, Middle Tennessee State University is
making a comeback into FSAE. The primary goal this year was to build a reliable
car that will be the platform for future teams to learn from for years to come.
MTSU has built a car that offers a robust yet lightweight space frame constructed
of 4130 Chromoly tubing. The 2005 Yamaha YFZ 450 engine being used this
year has been converted from a carbureted system over to a custom fuel injection
system utilizing an AEM EMS 4 engine management system that reads off of a
custom fabricated 12 minus 1 reluctance sensor wheel that has been machine
press fitted onto the flywheel.
Drivability is optimized by using a Rekluse tunable slipper clutch in order to
facilitate no-lift shifts as well as simplify driver controls. An AiM MXL Sports Dash
keeps the driver informed of relevant data and allows the driver to make limited
changes to the engine management system on the fly.
Wilwood Dynalite aluminum calipers with custom cross-drilled rotors allow for
excellent stopping power and Ohlins Double Barrel Dampers help get the car
through the corners.
All of these systems allow for a vehicle that has performance, innovation, reliability, and drivability.

BRAKE : Floating steel rotors, ISR 4 piston front calipers,

2 piston AP Racing rear
BSCD : 97mm bore / 60.8mm stroke / 1 cylinder /
449.3 cc
COOLING : Aluminum radiator/ no fan
DRIVE : Chain drive, Quaif differential, Taylor race tripods
and tulips
ELECTRONICS : Performance Electronics PE-3 ECU
FR/RR TRACK : 1235/1235mm (48.6/48.6in)
FRAME : Tubular space frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Fuel Injection
FUEL TYPE : 93 octane
MATERIAL : 4130N Frame
MPT : 8,500
OLWH : 2721mm(107in) long, 1388mm(54.6in) wide,
1079mm(42.4in) high
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-Arm. Push rod
actuated spring / damper. Roll b
TIRE : Hoosier LC0 6.0/18.0-10
UNIQUE : Aluminum Rear Bulkhead
WEIGHT : 512lb (232kg)
WHEELBASE : 1625mm (64in)



BRAKE : Wilwood Dynalite Calipers with custom rotors

BSCD : Bore, 95(mm)/Stroke, 62(mm)/1 cylinder/Displacement, 439cc
COOLING : Liquid/air
DRIVE : Chain Driven Custom Quaiffe Limited Slip Differential
ENGINE : 2005 Yamaha YFZ 450
FR/RR TRACK : 1117.6 mm/44" Front, 889/35" Rear
FRAME : Tubular Space Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Custom Fuel Injection System
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane Gasoline
MATERIAL : 4130 Chromoly
OLWH : Overall Length, 2871 mm/113" Width, 787
mm/31" Height, 1247 mm/49"
SUSPENSION : Fully Independent
TIRE : 13" Hoosier
UNIQUE : Custom Fuel Injection System
WEIGHT : 570lbs
WHEELBASE : 1676.4 mm/66"

United States

SPSU Motorsports

Southern Poly Motorsports focuses on delivering a simple, reliable, driver friendly

racecar, and to focus on performance by lowering the center of gravity, yaw
moment, and weight. This is achieved by low part count, careful packaging, and
multifunction parts. Some defining examples are the use of a 3lbs spool type
differential, direct mounted coil over dampers, 2 piece fully mechanical shifter,
and a 2 piece spindless tulip in hub and upright rear wheel assembly. Our power
plant, a K3 Suzuki GSXR-600, provides extremely reliable power. The car features
a 3D printed intake with slide style throttle body to provide a very lightweight, fast
manufacture solution with very high throttle response. This combined with a 4-1
single exhaust and a short final drive ratio produce useable power at any speed.
Most of all, a huge thanks to everyone on the team this year, somehow surviving
an extremely tight budget, a sudden school merger, wavering support, personal
hardships, and mountains of politics and red tape, and still dedicated to learning,
designing, and building an awesome racecar. Also a big thanks to all of our sponsors, friends, and families, we wouldnt have made it without you.



Southern Polytechnic State University

University of Saskatchewan
Huskie Motorsports

Huskie Motorsports proudly present their 2014 car, SX, named so as it is the 10th
(X) vehicle built by the U of S.he chief focus of the design and construction of
SX was to create a vehicle of consistent and reliable performance. To accomplish
this, three ideologies were held to during all stages of work on SX.
Testing: To ensure complete confidence in new designs, bench-testing of components and documenting test results was made a higher priority. As well, the build
schedule of SX was made more aggressive. This allows completion the car sooner
and gives road testing time far in excess of the 2 weeks of years past.
Reusing: To ensure complete reliability with the relatively small team size and
financial resources of Huskie Motorsports, it was decided to reuse a large number
of components from the 2013 car, S9. Changes were implemented to remedy
problems identified on S9, and functioning designs were retained.
Driveability: The dynamic events of FSAE are a performance demonstration not
unlike a time trial race, and racing has a human element that can affect results as
much as the car. Therefore the design and tuning for SX held ease of consistent
operation as a strong focus.

BRAKE : Front Stainless Iverted Rotor, Rear- Single Stainless Rotor

BSCD : 65.5mm Bore / 44.5mm Stroke / 4 Cyl. / 599cc
COOLING : Dual Sidpod Mounted Radiators
DRIVE : Chain Driven Spool type Diff.
ELECTRONICS : AEM EMS-4 (Black Magic Assisted)
ENGINE : K3 Suzuki GSXR-600
FR/RR TRACK : 1280mm / 1186mm
FRAME : 4130 Welded Tubular Promoly
FUEL SYSTEM : Direct Injected EFI with Returnless Fuel
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MATERIAL : 7075 Billet Uprights
MPT : 10,000
OLWH : 2963 mm long, 1473 mm wide, 1181 mm high
SUSPENSION : Double Unequal Length A-Arms with
Direct Mount Coil Over Dampers
TIRE : 18.0" x 7.5"-10" Hoosier R25B
UNIQUE : Mechanical LH Shifter, Burnouts, This report
only thing submitted late...
WEIGHT : 580lbs w/ 150lbs Driver

United States

BRAKE : Ductile Iron Rotors, Tilton 77 MC, Wilwood PS1

BSCD : 67mm/42.5mm/4/599cc
COOLING : 10" Fan, Custom Aluminum Rad, Custom
Swirl Pot
DRIVE : Chain 4.8:1 Ratio, Torsen T1
ENGINE : 2007 Honda CBR600RR
FR/RR TRACK : FR:1295mm,51in/RR:1181mm,46.5in
FRAME : Tubular 4130 Spaceframe
FUEL SYSTEM : Pump-in-tank, Single Stage Sequential
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MATERIAL : Student-welded Steel and Aluminum,
Vacuum-bagged Carbon Fiber
MPT : 8700 rpm
OLWH : 2692mm/106in long, 1530mm/60in wide,
1143mm/45in high
SUSPENSION : Fully Independent Front Pullrod Rear
Pushrod Ohlins MKII Dampers
TIRE : Hoosier 20.5x7-13 R25B
UNIQUE : Electric Actuator Paddle Shifting
WEIGHT : 590lb (268kg)
WHEELBASE : 1549mm/61in



UCLA Formula SAE

UCLAs Formula SAE entrant in 2014 combines a number of key design tenets
into a cohesive performance package. As a first year team at this competition,
we strived to make our car in the most cost effective manner while not sacrificing
the reliability or performance of it. As such, the cars chassis is constructed from
a standard steel tube space frame and is motivated by a Honda CRF450X single
cylinder engine to balance both weight and power. In addition, the suspension
has been designed to be fully adjustable so that the cars characteristics can
be modified during testing and compensate for understeer caused by our spool.
Every component added to the car not only met specific performance requirements, but was also designed with ease of manufacturing in mind. We leveraged
campus resources such as the waterjet table, CNC mill, and composite material
labs to build a high quality final product. Altogether, the car represents a crowning
moment not only for our program, but for UCLA as a whole. Considering this is the
first time any team from UCLA has ever participated in a Formula SAE event, we
are extremely proud to present the culmination of two years worth of hard work.



University of Calif - Los Angeles

University of Calif - Berkeley

UC Berkeley Formula SAE

This years design focused on keeping the simple and lightweight concept used
last year while increasing the cars reliability and dynamic capabilities. B14s
suspension consists of a two direct-actuated shocks in the front and a single
pushrod-actuated transverse monoshock with anti-roll bar in the rear. Hoosier
LC0 10 tires were found to improve skid pad times by at least 0.75 s over the
tires used on last years entry. B14s powertrain is designed around the SA250,
a 250cc, single cylinder four stroke kart engine. This engine was identified
through lap simulation and ultimately chosen for low weight (35 lbs wet) and high
stock output. Torque comes on to a peak of 19 ft-lbs and remains within 10% of
peak from 7000-12500 RPM. Peak power is 44 HP at 12500 RPM. The small
displacement of 250cc allows for stock peak power and torque to be maintained
even after the addition of the restrictor. The use of custom carbon axles, metal flex
disk CV joints, and a spool differential saved approximately 20 lbs over comparable off-the-shelf solutions.

BRAKE : Wilwood Brakes (2 front, 1 rear)

BSCD : 1 Cylinder/450cc
COOLING : Split Radiator
DRIVE : Spool
ELECTRONICS : standard
ENGINE : Honda CRF450X
FR/RR TRACK : 46in/44in
FRAME : Steel Tube Space Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Microsquirt EFI
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MATERIAL : Mild Steel
MPT : unknown
OLWH : 96,46,48
TIRE : 20.5x7, R25B
UNIQUE : none
WEIGHT : 650

United States


BRAKE : Dual front rotors, single rear rotor

BSCD : 75 mm bore/56.5 mm stroke/1 cylinder/250 cc
COOLING : Water-cooled
DRIVE : Chain-drive, spool differential, carbon axles
ENGINE : SwissAuto 250
FR/RR TRACK : 45 in / 45 in
FRAME : Steel spaceframe
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane
MATERIAL : 4130 patch plates
MPT : 44 HP (12500 RPM)
OLWH : 95 in long, 52 in wide, 47 in high
SUSPENSION : Double A-arm; direct-actuated front
shocks, transverse rear monoshock
TIRE : 6.0/18.0-10 Hoosier LC0
UNIQUE : Steel flex disc CV joints
WEIGHT : 425 lbs

United States

Mean Green Racing

The University of North Texas Mean Green Racing car #30 is the second FSAE car
from this University. With much effort placed into manufacturability and carrying
through the motto ounces makes pounds, the team was able to have the car
competition ready on April 22nd along with an over 85 pound weight reduction.
Thorough attention to detail within every system through the manufacturing phase
led to a high-caliber finished product for such a young team.



University of North Texas

California State University - Northridge

Matador Motorsports

The 2014 CSUN car features a well-integrated lightweight chassis, highly optimized suspension geometry, and a single unit turbo-engine-drivetrain package
capable of delivering 58 lb-ft of torque to the wheels.
An enormous effort was taken to lighten our vehicles unsprung mass, while
ensuring that compliance was minimal throughout the harsh loading conditions.
Our light-weight 10 carbon-fiber wheels allow us a higher natural unsprung
frequency and a significant weight reduction in rotating-and-translating mass.
Coupled with our analysis of tire data, the result is a car that can tackle any of the
challenges that lay ahead at the track.
We acknowledge the importance of downforce, but believe that heavy and expensive aero-packages do not fall within the needs of a weekend autocross racer.
This philosophy has pushed us to develop a vehicle that can compete with the
aero-giants in both Dynamic and Static events.
We work hard and seek to be competitive with the top teams. Above all, we look
forward to a weekend of racing and engineering. Formula SAE prepares us for the
real world, and we are eager to meet the new generation of engineers who will be
working with us in the future!

BRAKE : 3 floating 175 mm diameter brakes, Wilwood

BSCD : 100 mm bore; 62.1 mm stroke; 1 cylinder; 488 cc
COOLING : Single-pass aluminum radiator with fan
DRIVE : 5-speed; chain drive with spool
ELECTRONICS : AEM EMS4 ECU, AQ-1 data logger;
Arduino Dash Board
ENGINE : Turbocharged Honda CRF450X
FR/RR TRACK : 1270 mm front; 1219 mm rear
FRAME : Steel space frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Sequential fuel injection; single injector;
aluminum fuel tank with return
MATERIAL : 4130 Chromoly Frame, 7075 Al Uprights,
Carbon Fiber Wheels/Suspension
MPT : 69 hp @ 7000 rpm; 58 lb-ft @ 5500 rpm
OLWH : 2695mm, 1420mm, 1093mm
SUSPENSION : Double A-arms with front pull rods and
rear push rods
TIRE : Hoosier 10x18x6 R25B soft compound
UNIQUE : Turbo, carbon fiber rims, isolated engine-drivetrain, Olegs-ground bushings
WEIGHT : 208 kg; 140 kg w/o driver, wet
WHEELBASE : 1530 mm

BRAKE : Brembo Calipers - Floating 4130

BSCD : Standard Bore - 600cc - 4cyl
COOLING : Water Cooled Radiator - Left Sidepod
DRIVE : Chain Drive - Taylor Race MK2
ELECTRONICS : Performance Electronics PE3
FR/RR TRACK : 1219mm [48.0"]/ 1168mm [46.0"]
FRAME : 4130 Space Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Custom fuel rail, Walbro pump
MPT : 45 ft/lb [Wheel] @ 8,000
OLWH : 102.4", 56", 45.6"
SUSPENSION : Pull-Rod Front/Rear; Ohlins TTX
TIRE : Hoosier 20.5x7x13 R25B
UNIQUE : Built in Texas
WEIGHT : 615lb [465lb car]
WHEELBASE : 1651mm [65.0"]

United States

United States


Mines FSAE

Now in our second year, the Colorado School of Mines has revamped their whole
design process. After learning a tremendous amount of car design last year, this
years team has changed focus to designing a more reliable car with modularity
and reduced weight. This years car brings a unique upright design along with an
aluminum box to house the rear drivetrain. The team also incorporated a pushrod
suspension system with an anti-roll bar. This car is the first iteration of its design
for the Colorado School of Mines. With increased funding from last year and
access to a CNC machine, the production quality has risen substantially for the
car. The car is supplemented by a front and rear wing, triple element, aerodynamic package. Through CFD optimization the wings produce 140 lbf at 30 mph.
The wings and body are constructed with carbon fiber for reduced weight. The
2014 team expects to improve greatly from last year.



Colorado School of Mines

University of Southern California

USC Racing

USC Racings SCR14 race car ushers in a new era for the Southern Californian
team. Boasting an all new aero package featuring front and rear wings, undertray,
and redesigned body panels, the SCR14 represents a new dawn for the team.
To complement their new composite work, the team has opted for a 600 cc
Yamaha four cylinder engine to power the SCR14, as well as a redesigned suspension setup to maximize the tire performance.
USC Racing has long been on the leading edge of electronic systems, and this
year the team has included electronic traction and launch control, a customizable
electronic steering wheel, and iPad-based data tracking for real-time diagnostics
from the pits.

BSCD : 65.5 mm/44.5 mm/4/599.8 cc
COOLING : Side Mounted Single Radiator
DRIVE : Chain Drive, Drexler LSD
ELECTRONICS : PE3 ECU with NI RIO Data Logging
ENGINE : Yamaha R6
FR/RR TRACK : 1245mm (49)/1206mm (47.5)
FRAME : 4130 Space Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Custom Tank with Stock R6 Fuel Injectors
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MATERIAL : 4130 Chromoly
MPS : 10,000
MPT : 7,500
OLWH : L: 3050mm / W: 1370mm / H: 1125 mm
SUSPENSION : Unequal Double A-arm
TIRE : 20.5x7x13 Hoosier R25B
UNIQUE : Custum CFRP Steering Wheel
WEIGHT : 490 lb
WHEELBASE : 1550mm

BRAKE : Four disc, Wilwood calipers and master

BSCD : 67mm x 42.5mm, Inline 4, 599cc
COOLING : Dual Core, Dual Radiators, Quadruple Fans
DRIVE : Limited Slip with Automatic Torque Biasing Diff,
ELECTRONICS : Megasquirt 2, Telemtry System
FR/RR TRACK : 39"/ 42"
FRAME : 4130 Chromoly Steel
FUEL SYSTEM : Direct Port Injection
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane
MATERIAL : Carbon FIber
MPT : 13,500/11,250
OLWH : 138"/56"/57"
SUSPENSION : Double A-Arm, Pull-Rod Suspension
TIRE : Hoosier 20x7
UNIQUE : Modular uprights
WEIGHT : est 700 lbs

United States


United States

Warrior Racing

We focused our design goals on improving the previous vehicles weaknesses.

First, we wanted to focus on simplicity throughout the car, this would allow us
the ability to easily troubleshoot, repair, or replace components in the event of a
failure. Secondly, we wanted to focus on packaging, with special consideration
of the drivetrain, steering, and cooling systems. Thirdly, we wanted to enhance
the drivability of the vehicle by concentrating on driver controls and ergonomics.
Finally, a goal to reduce weight by 6% from the previous iteration was set.



Wayne State University

Stevens Institute of Technology

Stevens Institute of Technology FSAE

The objective of the 2014 Stevens Formula SAE team is to design and develop a
vehicle that is capable of competing in each of the 2014 Lincoln Nebraska events.
The vehicle shall comply with the standards set forth by the Formula SAE Rules
and Regulations. The team used designs and experiences from previous Stevens
Formula SAE teams as guides and references towards the design and manufacturing of the current teams vehicle. Among the new features of this years
vehicle includes an aluminum cantilevered box, anti-roll and anti-dive suspension
geometry, custom exhaust manifold, various 3D printed components, and an
improvement on frame design upon previous years.
The team would like to thank our sponsors:
Mechanical Engineering Department, Honeywell, ExxonMobil, Polaris Industries,
Precision Chassis, Picatinny Arsenal

BRAKE : Rotor: Outbound Hub Mounted

BSCD : 67 mm bore/42.5 mm stroke/4 cylinder(s)/599.4
COOLING : Aluminum 2-Row with Manually Controlled
Fan(s), Rear Mounted
DRIVE : Chain driven
ELECTRONICS : Performance Electronics
ENGINE : Yamaha YZF-R6
FR/RR TRACK : 1409mm/1409mm
FRAME : Steel Space Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Fuel Injection
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane Gasoline
MATERIAL : Steel Frame with Aluminum Cantilevered Rear
MPT : 7000
OLWH : 3123 mm long, 1400 mm wide, 1292 mm high
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-arms
TIRE : 20x6.5 Hoosiers
UNIQUE : Cantilevered rear box, exhaust and intake manifold, turbocharger
WEIGHT : 771 lbs
WHEELBASE : 1754 mm

BRAKE : Mild steel rotors/Brembo calipers and master

BSCD : 67 mm/42.5 mm/4 cylinder/599 cc
COOLING : Electric WP/side mounted radiator/550 CFM
rear ducted fan
DRIVE : ATB Differential/Chain
ELECTRONICS : Enginelab ECU/Map Selection/Driver
ENGINE : 2011 Honda CBR 600RR
FR/RR TRACK : Front: 1295 mm/Rear: 1194 mm
FRAME : 4130 Chrome-moly steel spaceframe
FUEL SYSTEM : Fully sequential, port injection/Aluminum fuel tank
FUEL TYPE : 93 octane
MATERIAL : Carbon fiber nosecone, sidepod, and side
panels infused with soy based resin
MPT : 12,500 rpm
OLWH : 2826 mm/1062 mm/1118 mm
SUSPENSION : Double, unequal length A-Arm. Push rod
actuated spring and damper.
TIRE : Front: 20x6-13 R25B Hoosier/Rear: 20.5x7-13
R25B Hoosier
WEIGHT : 277 kg/610 lbs
WHEELBASE : 1613 mm

United States

United States


Wild Hare RAcing

Wild Hare Racing presents its seventh consectuive car to compete in FSAE,
WHR14. This years car is the largest step forward for the team in several years.
The team focused on improving areas where the driver interacts with the car and
many notable changes were made. For example, WHR14 features an entirely
new space-frame chassis designed around greater driver comfort and integration with the other systems on the car. The cockpit is home to a custom steering
wheel with integrated electronics as well as mechanical paddle shifters. Also
new to WHR is outboard brakes in the rear for better balance and control. Other
significant changes include the greatly increased downforce coming from our
second year aerodynamic package which sports the addition of an undertray. A
redesigned 3D printed intake manifold will give WHR14 better drivability on track
through a flatter torque curve.



South Dakota State University

University of New Mexico


LOBOMotorSports is back for the 2014 year with sights set on returning to a top
finish. Operating as a three semester course and requiring a new team every year,
a 17 person team designed, manufactured, and tested the newest vehicle from
LOBOMotorSports: the LMS-14.
LOBOMotorSport from the University of New Mexico launches the LMS-14, a
racecar designed for the competitive weekend racer. The LMS-14 features a fully
independent suspension system with cockpit adjustable front and rear anti-roll
bars (ARB), a floating rotor brake system, steel space-frame chassis, a full carbon
fiber aerodynamics package with hollow wing elements, and a two cylinder engine
with continuously variable transmission (CVT) tied to a belt-driven torque biasing
differential. The CVT operates in the peak torque band, improving lap times and
reducing driver error by eliminating shifting. The LMS-14 is a 450lb racecar with
a wheelbase of 64 and a track width of 50.
A great team of engineers, powerful analysis, and extensive testing have resulted
in a competitive vehicle that is sure to lead the pack!

BRAKE : 4 Wheel Outboard Disk Brakes with Floating

BSCD : 77mm / 53.6mm / 2 cyl / 499cc
COOLING : Single Pass Double Row Radiator with 1100
cfm Fan
DRIVE : Yamaha CVT tied to Belt-Driven Wavetrac Differential
ELECTRONICS : Performance Electronics PE3
ENGINE : Yamaha Genesis 80fi
FR/RR TRACK : 51" / 49"
FRAME : Laser Profiled Space Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Electronic Fuel Injection
MATERIAL : 4130 Cromoly Steel
MPT : 58HP @ 11,500rpm / 28lbft @ 10,500rpm
OLWH : 123" / 58" / 58"
SUSPENSION : Pull Rod Front, Push Rod Rear SLA Suspension with Ohlins Dampers
TIRE : Hoosier 20.5" x 7" x 13" R25B
UNIQUE : Cockpit Adjustable Front and Rear ARB, Polymer
Belt Final Drive
WEIGHT : 610lbs

BRAKE : 4-wheel outboard, Brembo calipers, stainless

steel rotors
BSCD : 67mm / 42.5mm / 4 / 599.8cc
COOLING : dual, side-mounted
DRIVE : Quaife style rear differential
ELECTRONICS : MoTec, custom driver/relay boards,
steering wheel
ENGINE : Yamaha R6
FR/RR TRACK : F-50in / R-48in
FRAME : CrMo Steel spaceframe
FUEL SYSTEM : ECU controlled fuel injection
MATERIAL : Carbon Fiber, Steel, Aluminum
MPT : 70hp @ 12500, 40 lb-ft @ 10000
OLWH : 113in / 50in / 53in
SUSPENSION : double a-arm, pushrod, Kaz Tech
TIRE : Hoosier 20.5x6-13
UNIQUE : custom steering wheel with integrated electronics
WEIGHT : 615 lb

United States


United States

University of Calgary - Schulich Racing



University of Calgary

University of Wisconsin - Platteville

Pioneer Racing

The University of Calgary Formula SAE team, Schulich Racing, is back for our
16th competition season. With a strong, dedicated team we are prepared for our
best year yet.

The University of Wisconsin-Platteville has been involved in Formula SAE since

2003. Our Formula team has been, and will continue to be a team that prides
themselves on ambitious design and implementation of new ideas.

The SR-16 is redesigned almost from scratch, building from the knowledge of
our seasoned organization. Keeping our vehicle platform similar to old designs,
Schulich Racing focused on a reduction in overall size and weight, as well as
simplification and improved integration on a system level.

We are enthusiastic for the 2014 competition and hope to improve upon our
past success. In the past year, we have focused on producing a robust platform
for future design changes to help improve the handling and power of future
competition cars. Some of the highlights of our car this year are the pushrod
suspension, push-button electronic shifting, rapid prototyped steering wheel with
paddle shifting, AEM engine control module, adjustable pedal trays and optimized
aerodynamic undertray.
We would like to thank all of our continuing and new sponsors and supporters for
their help during the construction and testing of PR14.

BRAKE : Four Outboard, AP Racing Master Cylinders,

Willwood Calipers
BSCD : 67 mm bore / 42.5 mm stroke / 4 cylinders / 599
COOLING : Single aluminum radiator mounted to side of
chassis with fan
DRIVE : Chain to Torsen Differential
ENGINE : 06/07 Yamaha YZF-R6
FR/RR TRACK : 1245.33 mm / 1150.41 mm
FRAME : 4130 Chromoly Spaceframe
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MATERIAL : Aluminum
MPT : 10,000
OLWH : 3030 mm / 1398 mm / 1257 mm
SUSPENSION : Double A-Arm Pushrod
TIRE : 20.5 x 7.0-13 Hoosier R25B
UNIQUE : Adjustable Aluminum Pedals, Aerodynamic
WEIGHT : 305 kg
WHEELBASE : 1677.25 mm / 66.0 in

BRAKE : Outboard Wilwood Calipers, slotted and drilled

steel rotors
BSCD : 67.0 x 42.5 mm, 4 cylinder, 599CC
DRIVE : Chain driven limited slip differential
ENGINE : CBR 600 F4i
FR/RR TRACK : 1250 / 1200 mm
FRAME : 4130 Steel tubing
FUEL SYSTEM : Electronically controlled PFI
FUEL TYPE : 93 RON gasoline
MPT : 78 power-torques @ 10
OLWH : 2720 mm, 1450 mm, 1230 mm
SUSPENSION : 4-wheel independent suspension that
TIRE : 20.5" x 7.0" - 13", Hoosier R25B
UNIQUE : 600 lbs "downforce" @ 10 m/s
WEIGHT : 272 kg


United States


Roadrunner Racing

For 2014, Roadrunner Racing focused on an iterative design highlighted by a

global weight reduction of ten percent over RRR13s design. Other major changes
include inclusion of a Taylor Race differential, improved ergonomics, chassis revisions and extensive modifications to the powertrain. An intense focus was placed
on maximizing manufacturing standards and reliability.
All of these changes ensure that RRR14 is the most competitive entry Roadrunner
Racing has ever produced.



University of Texas - San Antonio

University of British Columbia

Formula UBC

Advanced ergonomics remove driver errors by fully automating the cars shifting
and clutch mechanisms. A smooth power band and well balanced suspension
aids in the ease of control.
Data acquisition has allowed the team to fine tune each detail, measuring
everything from brake pressures and temperatures, engine oil/coolant conditions,
accelerations, to individual wheel speeds and more.
Lightweight infusion moulded carbon fibre aerodynamic components have spent
countless hours in CFD, and prototyped in the wind-tunnel to rule out gimmick
aerodynamic features and optimize negative lift, all while keeping the centre of
pressure directly behind the centre of gravity for all expected speeds.

BRAKE : ISR - Inboard rear

BSCD : 67mm bore, 42.5mm stroke, 4 cylinders, 599cc
COOLING : Water cooled
DRIVE : LSD Salisbury
ELECTRONICS : Haltech Platinum Sport, IQ3
FR/RR TRACK : 48" Front, 47" Rear
FRAME : Spaceframe
FUEL SYSTEM : Common rail EFI
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MATERIAL : Carbotanium
MPT : 11500
SUSPENSION : Penske Push/Pullrod
TIRE : 7" wide super softs
UNIQUE : Semi auto tranny
WEIGHT : 600 lbs

BRAKE : Dual outboard front calipers, single center rear

BSCD : 96mm/62.1mm/Single/449cc
COOLING : Single Radiator
DRIVE : 520 O-Ring Chain
ELECTRONICS : Microsquirt ECU with EarthX Battery
ENGINE : 2012 Kawasaki KFX450R
FR/RR TRACK : 1321 mm/1283 mm
FRAME : 4130 Chromoly
FUEL SYSTEM : Aeromotive
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MPT : 8000 rpm
OLWH : 2667 mm/1499mm/1105mm
SUSPENSION : Unequal, Non-parallel double a-arm
TIRE : 6.0/18.0-10 - LC0
UNIQUE : Reverse
WEIGHT : 555 lbs
WHEELBASE : 1575 mm

United States



Blue Hen Racing

Lose weight, maintain reliability.



University of Delaware

IUPUI Jaguars

Car 43 is IUPUIs second generation Formula SAE car. As a relatively new team
with limited resources, sponsors, and experience, the team focused on designing
and fabricating a reliable and low cost vehicle.

BRAKE : Willwood Calipers/Master Cylinders, Single

Inboard Rear
BSCD : 67/42.5/4/599
COOLING : C and R Radiator, Fan
DRIVE : Roller Chain, Quaife LSD
ELECTRONICS : PE-3 ECU, MyChron 4 w/Ebox
FR/RR TRACK : 45/43
FRAME : Steel w/Bonded Carbon
FUEL SYSTEM : In tank pump w/external regulator
MPT : 9000
OLWH : 103/55/48
SUSPENSION : Double Unequal Length A-Arm. Pullrod F,
Pushrod R
TIRE : Hoosier R25B 20.5 x 7
WEIGHT : 670
WHEELBASE : Long Enough (60.6)

BRAKE : Drilled / Slotted Steel Rotors

BSCD : 67.0 mm bore / 42.5 mm stroke / 4
cylinder(s) / 599 cc
COOLING : Side mounted radiator, thermostat controlled
fan. Side mounted oil cooler.
DRIVE : Chain Drive, Salisbury type Differential
ELECTRONICS : AiM MXL Pista Dash, Electronically
Actuated Active Exhaust
ENGINE : Suzuki GSX-R600
FR/RR TRACK : 1270mm front 1194mm rear / 50"
front 47" rear
FRAME : Steel tube space-frame, 4130
FUEL SYSTEM : Stock Suzuki injectors, Mikuni Fuel
Injection, 2.9 bar
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane Pump Gas
MPT : 69 kW @ 12300 rpm, 58 Nm @ 9700 rpm
OLWH : 2286 x 1270 x 1143 mm, 90" x 50" x 45"
SUSPENSION : Double Unequal Length A-Arm
TIRE : 20.5" x 6.0 - 13.0, Hoosier R25B
UNIQUE : Split Chassis, Data / Video Logging
WEIGHT : 650
WHEELBASE : 1550 mm / 61"

United States

United States


Shocker Racing

Thank you to all our 2014 Sponsors.



Wichita State University

Oregon Institute of Technology

Oregon Tech Racing

Oregon Tech Racing raises the bar again with its most advanced vehicle concept
to date. Fully floating aero with active flaps, sophisticated student developed electronics, an increased focus on total reliability, and several very innovative, secret
technologies distinguish our 2014 car from previous years. Retaining proven design concepts like our ultralight steel spaceframe chassis and mechanical paddle
shifters allows our team to focus on other aspects of the car that need development. This has resulted in a dry sump oiling system, complete cooling system
redesign, new student designed carbon steering rack, carbon wheel development
work, brake system redesign, and increased focus on driver ergonomics. Did I
mention big wings?

BRAKE : Twin piston calipers w/ floating rotors front,

single inboard rear
BSCD : 67mm/42.5mm/4/599cc
COOLING : Sidepod mounted oil and water cooler
DRIVE : Chain
ELECTRONICS : PE3 ECU, student designed DAQ and
in-dash display
FR/RR TRACK : 49/48in
FRAME : Steel spaceframe
FUEL SYSTEM : Electronic fuel injection
FUEL TYPE : 93 octane
MPT : 10000
OLWH : 123.9in, 57.6in, 57.1in
SUSPENSION : Unequal length, non-parallel A-arms
TIRE : 20.5x7-13 R25B Hoosier
UNIQUE : Carbon everything!
WEIGHT : 625lb
WHEELBASE : 62.8in

BRAKE : hydralic, pedal actuated

BSCD : 600cc
COOLING : water cooled
DRIVE : chain drive
ELECTRONICS : PE3 ecu, motec PDM
ENGINE : honda cbr 600rr
FR/RR TRACK : 1270mm Fr
FRAME : 4130 steel tube
FUEL SYSTEM : electronic
MPT : 100 @9500
OLWH : 3153mm long, 1448 mm wide, 1669 mm high
SUSPENSION : push/pull rod actuated double a-arm
TIRE : hoosier slicks
WEIGHT : 785
WHEELBASE : 1850mm

United States


United States

Husker Motorsports



University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Portland State University

Viking MotorSports

The Husker Mark III was designed to fill a market gap between shifter carts
and Formula Ford. It was designed to be a mid-range vehicle that would allow
the weekend autocross runner to run a slightly more technologically advanced
car than a shifter cart, while at the same time being less costly and difficult to
work on as a Formula Ford. This turn key racing solution is much less complex
compared to other FSAE Vehicles that employ aerodynamic systems, high-end
manufacturing, and complex electronic systems.

We like to keep it simple and put our time where it counts. This year we have
adopted a single goal for our team to earn 675+ Points. The 2014 car goal was
chosen to achieve the team goals; reliability, simplicity, performance, and (team)

The Husker Mark III is an improvement over its predecessor in almost all aspects.
Coming off the line at 420 lbs, the Husker Mark III has a 15% increase in brake
horsepower, resulting in 90 bhp. Likewise the torque has increased to 60 ft-lb.
The Husker Mark III will also employ more uniform, easier to design parts. The
car will be built using common fasteners, simplistic pedal designs, and the use of
widely available components for the shifter, springs, and differential. All of these
improvements lead to the conclusion that this vehicle will be easy to maintain and

The team made major strides in understanding the vehicle suspension kinematics.
The team created a lap time simulator for the skidpad, acceleration, and our
standardized testing asymmetric oval map.

Once you get in, you may never get out

Tire: Model/Wheels our analysis led us to the Hoosier 20.5x7.013R25B for the
best output.

Mechanical Design & Process

Drive Train
Fuel System
Due to the limited resources and team knowledge it was determined to keep the
Aero/Body the same style as past years.

BRAKE : Wilwood GP200 Calipers FT

BSCD : 599cc Four Cylinder
COOLING : Single Radiator Filled with Fresh Water
DRIVE : Chain Drive, Taylor Race MK2 Differential
ENGINE : Kawasaki ZX-6R
FR/RR TRACK : 1200mm/47in
FRAME : Mild Steel Space Frame
MPT : 8500
OLWH : 2708 mm long, 1383 mm wide, 1139 mm high
SUSPENSION : Unequal Length Double A-Arm, Pull Rod
Actuation tirE : 18x6
TIRE : 18x6-10 R25B Hoosier
WEIGHT : 470 lbs
WHEELBASE : 1676 mm/66mm

United States

BRAKE : Rotor, RaceTechnologyBrakePressureSensor,

BSCD : 67mm bore/42.5mm stroke/4 cylinder/599 cc
COOLING : motor controller and air cooled
DRIVE : chain drive to limited slip differential
ELECTRONICS : mbed NXP LPC1768 microprocessor,
custom vehicle control unit
ENGINE : Honda / CBR600 F4i
FR/RR TRACK : 49/49 in
FRAME : Welded Steel Tube
FUEL SYSTEM : Throttle Pos, Crank Pos, Cam pos, MAP
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane Gasoline
MATERIAL : 1100 Mild Steel
MPT : 8,500
OLWH : 112/56/45 in
SUSPENSION : 185 lb Springs and ARB
TIRE : Hoosier 20.5 x 7.0-13
WEIGHT : 950 lb

United States


UNAM Motorsports

Being this our fifth season. The main design goal for the UM-515 was to reduce
weight without reducing reliability. We also had a special focus in the manufacturability of our car, we wanted both, cost effective and easy to manufacture, in order
to test the car and acquire data for design validation and re-design if needed.



Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico

California State University - Los Angeles

Golden Eagle Motorsports

For the 2014, the Golden Eagle Motorsports Team designed a small scale, openwheel racecar that anyone can drive competitively in, regardless of stature or
driving ability. The Formula Eagle 2 is powered by a Honda FSC600A motor that
transmits power to a continuously variable transmission, which allows drivers to
focus on using 2 pedals instead of 3. The cockpit and adjustable pedals allow a
variety of drivers to drive the car. The frame and A-Arms were built using 4130
Chromoly steel tubing of various thicknesses.

BRAKE : Fully Floating, Grey Iron Cast Steel Rotors, Hub

mounted, 180 [mm] drilled
BSCD : 67 [mm] / 42.5 [mm] / 4 / 599 cc
COOLING : Water cooled single radiator
DRIVE : Sequential
ELECTRONICS : PE3 ECU, National Instruments cRIO
Embedded Control and Data Acquisition
ENGINE : Yamaha YZF-R6
FR/RR TRACK : 47.9/45.2 inches
FRAME : Steel Space Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Full sequential multi-port fuel injection,
external in-line fuel pump
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane
MPT : 85HP@11399
OLWH : 2800/1344/1111 [mm]
SUSPENSION : AA Arm front push rod, rear pull rod
system and anti-roll bar
TIRE : TS:13, R25B
UNIQUE : Carbon A-arms, Rapid Prototype Intake, Kevlar
Body and Fuel Tank
WEIGHT : 650
WHEELBASE : 60 inches



BRAKE : Front: Wilwood GP-320 ; Rear: Wilwood PS-1 ;

Galfer Rotors
BSCD : 72mm/71.5mm/2 cylinders/582cc
COOLING : Single side mounted radiator
ENGINE : Honda FSC600A
FR/RR TRACK : 55 inches/46.75 inches
FRAME : 4130 Chromoly Steel Tubing
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane
MATERIAL : 4130 Chromoly Steel Tubing
MPT : 40ft*lb @ 6000rpm
OLWH : 101in, 62in, 49in
SUSPENSION : Front and Rear Push Rod
TIRE : 20.7 inches x 7 inches / R250B
UNIQUE : Adjustable Pedals
WEIGHT : 700lbs
WHEELBASE : 65 inches

United States

DVN Mexico

A monocoque vehicle with an unique design, exclusively for speed, comply with all
technical regulation, with our car in diet, low weight means more speed.
The car is rear wheel drive, and brake disk in all wheels. The design in the body
is clean, for a low drag. In additional, we have a intelligent system on the vehicle,
that include GPS, speedometer and measurement of g-forces. To get the best
performance of the vehicle.
The structure is lightweight steel, with the suspension using an hybrid material for
high strength and low weight (unidirectional carbon fiber as reinforcement, and
aluminum as matrix.



IPN - ESIME UP Ticoman

Universidad Autonoma Estado Mexico

UAEMx Racing Team

The UAEMex RACING TEAM has competed in the Formula SAE series since 2006,
this is the sixth team in competition. This new vehicle design was focused on
reliability and serviceability thinking on a competitive market product, making a
balance between cost, manufacture and people preferences in order to create
real engineering problems that can teach to the students to apply the knowledge
acquire. Each year the team objective is to create continues improvement gaining
experience and transmit to future generations important learned design aspects.

Built by engineering students in mechanical engineering, automotive, aerospace,

robotics, and adapted for the benefit of better cost with automotive technology
available in the commercial market.
In DVN Mexico, we look forward to improve our habilities learned at college and
be competitive at an international level, keeping a continuous process, which
takes us to our motto: INNOVATION TROUGH EXPERIENCE...

BRAKE : willwood calipers on the four wheels float break

BSCD : 67mm bore/42.5mm stroke/4 cylinders/ 599 cc
COOLING : single water radiator
DRIVE : chain drive, mechanical.
ELECTRONICS : digital ignition CDI, Android control
ENGINE : Yamaha FZR 600cc 2007
FR/RR TRACK : 1350 mm/1200 mm
FRAME : 1020 Steel tube welding
FUEL SYSTEM : pump system
FUEL TYPE : gasoline 93 octane
MATERIAL : Steel AISI 1020/ Aluminum/unidirectional
carbon fiber
MPT : 63.10 Nm (6.4 kgf-m or 46.5 ft. lbs) @6440 RPM
OLWH : 115.37, 60, 46.75, (inches)
SUSPENSION : independient push-rod rear, push-rod
front, double unequal length A-arms.
TIRE : 185/60 R14 82H
UNIQUE : unidirectional carbon fiber as reinforcement,
and aluminum A-arms.
WEIGHT : 575 lbs


BRAKE : Front Nissin 26.924mm diameter, dual piston

and rear Wildwood PS-1 piston 24.5mm.
BSCD : 92mm Bore/ 62mm Stroke /1 cylinder/439cc
COOLING : Single left side pod mounted radiator with
thermostatic controlled electric fan.
DRIVE : Chain drive 520MXV/DAIDO
ELECTRONICS : Performance electronics PE-ECU-1
ENGINE : Yamaha YFZ 450
FR/RR TRACK : 1219.2mm/1168.4mm
FRAME : Tubular space frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Performance electronic fuel injection,
single injector, Bosch pump.
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane gasoline
MATERIAL : 4130 Steel
MPS : 39HP@6500rpm
MPT : 63.10 Nm (6.4 kgf-m or 46.5 ft. lbs) @6440 RPM
OLWH : 2564mm/1422.4mm/ 1269.02mm
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-ARM. Push
rod actuated spring/damper. front, double unequal length
TIRE : 20 X 7-13 R25A Hoosier
UNIQUE : Fuel injection student design
WEIGHT : 200 Kg
WHEELBASE : 1562.1



Rainbow Racers

University of Hawaii at Manoa has not had a Formula Program in many years so
this year we hope to build a lasting Hawaii Formula Program. The designs for the
2014 car will focus on ease of manufacturing, and component longevity. We set
an initial vehicle test date at five months in to the program which limited overall
design time. The purpose of such a short design time was to focus on vehicle
testing and driver training. Coming from Hawaii we have limited access to vehicle
test space. Fortunately our test time coincides with the final three autox races
of the season. Testing at autox is our main goal to simulate and practice for the
Lincoln competition. The 2014 car focuses on setting initial benchmarks in overall
design and performance, then improving each year and building a lasting program
at our school.



University of Hawaii - Manoa

University of Arizona
University of Arizona Formula SAE

The University of Arizona Formula SAE team has produced its most advanced car
in years. The WF14 features an onboard DAQ system that features an accelerometer, gyroscope, GPS and strain gauges. On top of the DAQ, the car features
a stressed engine and oil pan with integrated baffles and a hanging differential.
The new technology and a lighter, more compact frame has created the most
competitive vehicle to date.

BRAKE : 4- wheel disc, Wilwood compact remote MC

BSCD : 67mm/42.5mm/4cyl/599cc
COOLING : Custom aluminum radiator w/ ducted fan
DRIVE : Chain final drive/Taylor race Mk2 Differential
ELECTRONICS : Micron gold onboard driver information
ENGINE : 2003 Suzuki GSX-R600
FR/RR TRACK : 1219.2 mm/1130.3 mm
FRAME : Steel space frame
FUEL SYSTEM : PE3 controlled sequential fuel injection
FUEL TYPE : 91 Octane Gasoline
MATERIAL : AISI 1020 Seam-welded tube
MPT : 69hp (9600rpm)/44 lb-ft (6200rpm)
OLWH : 2739.64 mm long, 660.4 mm wide, 1287.78 mm
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-Arm. Push rod
actuated spring / damper
TIRE : 21.5x7.0-13 R25 Hoosier (Dry)
UNIQUE : Student-designed and build DAQ system,
Stressed engine and oil pan
WEIGHT : 640 lb
WHEELBASE : 1676.4 mm

United States


United States

Formula Motorsports

The 2014 UW Formula Motorsports FSAE car features significant changes to most
of its systems. The suspension architecture has been moved to a 10 wheel package to save ~20lbs, and now integrates a 3rd spring on both the front and rear of
the car. The aero package was reworked to save weight and increase downforce
using hollow wing construction and leveraging CFD and wind tunnel testing. The
CBR600RR has been refined, and now makes use of a wet sump swivel pickup
to improve engine reliability, as well as significant dyno time to improve efficiency
and driveability. Composite shear panels were used in the floor of the chassis,
paving their way to further structural composites implementation in the future.



University of Waterloo

Honda Technical College Kansai

Team DDR

We made the formula car that anyone enjoys racer feeling.

The car modeled on 90s formula 1 made by McLaren Honda.
We aimed what our car accelerates as fast as a formula 1.
We designed to become tight cockpit and ones gazes of drivers are lower.
We installed full cowl and front wing and rear wing our car to look like 90s made
by McLaren Honda

BRAKE : Wilwood GP200, Front and Rear

BSCD : 67mm/42.5mm/4/599cc
COOLING : Dana Air to Water and Air to Oil Radiators
DRIVE : Custom LSD
ELECTRONICS : PE3 with custom shift and PD modules
FR/RR TRACK : 1200/27.2
FRAME : Hybrid Spaceframe with Shear Panels
FUEL SYSTEM : EFI with Walbro Pump
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MPT : 75
OLWH : 3051/120.1
SUSPENSION : Double Wishbone
TIRE : 10" Hoosier LC0
UNIQUE : 3rd Springs Front and Rear
WEIGHT : 625 lbs
WHEELBASE : 1645/64.8


BRAKE : FR 2-outboard 2-piston floating / RR 1-inboard

2-piston fixing
BSCD : 67mm Bore / 42.5mm Stroke / 4-Cylinders /
COOLING : Side pod mount 2-radiator
DRIVE : Chain drive / drive sprocket 14T / driven
sprocket 48T
FR/RR TRACK : FR 1155mm / 45.47inches, RR
1220mm / 48.03inches
FRAME : Steel tubelar space frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Single fuel injection
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane
MPT : 8000
OLWH : (3177mm/125.07inches),(1410mm/55.51inche
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-Arm
TIRE : 20.56.5-13 R25B Hoosier
UNIQUE : Full cowl, Front and rear wing
WEIGHT : 337.3kg
WHEELBASE : (1655mm/65.16inches)



Knickerbocker Motorsports

The KMR-14 is the seventh racecar constructed by Knickerbocker Motorsports,

Columbia Universitys chapter of FSAE. While we are a smaller, younger team,
we have done our best to focus our combined efforts and talents to optimize
certain systems of the car and leave other systems for future years. Our team
has reduced the weight of the hubs by 33%, the suspension links by 40% and
topology-optimized rockers by 50%. The manufacturing process was streamlined
by having our jig structure profiled simultaneously with our chassis tubes and our
body this year will sport the world famous Martini Racing livery.
We would like to thank our sponsors, for without their generous contribution we
would not be here today: Activities Board at Columbia, Alcoa, Carleton Laboratory,
Coastal Enterprises, Columbia Engineering Alumni Association, CU Department
of Mechanical Engineering, CU Facilities, Deatschwerks, DENSO, Espos Powder
Coating, EVS Metal, Martini Racing, microGreen, Momentive, Monster Energy, Morel Industries, Paramount Metal Finishing, PTC, Quality Bearings & Components,
Tri Power and Zoltek.



Columbia University

California State University - Chico

Chico State Racing

The 2014 Formula SAE Competition in Lincoln, NE will be the first event that the
Chico State Formula SAE Team will be competing in. As a first year car team, the
philosophy behind the design was to keep it simple. The focus was to build a car
that could take part in all of the dynamic events and at the same time, establish a
good base for the team. The vehicle utilizes a 2007 GSX-R600 engine driven by a
spool. Simplicity and ease of manufacturing was kept in mind when designing the
suspension and driveline components. This allowed for a car that is straightforward to fabricate and assemble.

The Chico State Formula SAE Team hopes to make their first year not only a successful one, but a memorable one as well.

Best of luck to everyone competing in FSAE! Follow us on Instagram: columbiafsae

BRAKE : Dynalite Floater Front / Dynalite Rigid Rear

BSCD : 67mm / 42.5mm / 4cyl / 599cc
COOLING : Side Mounted GSX-R600 Radiator
DRIVE : Custom Built Spool
ENGINE : 2007 GSX-R600
FR/RR TRACK : 1220mm / 1090mm
FRAME : Mild Steel Tubing
FUEL SYSTEM : Gasoline
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
OLWH : 2800mm / 1450mm / 1220mm
SUSPENSION : Direct Acting Front / Push Rod Rear
TIRE : 20.5x7-13 R25B Hoosier
WEIGHT : 725 Lb
WHEELBASE : 1575mm

BRAKE : Brembo calipers, Semi-floating rotors, AP Racing CP2623 MC

BSCD : 67 mm bore / 42.5mm stroke / 4 cyl. / 599 cc
COOLING : Side-mounted, single core radiator
DRIVE : 520 Chain Driven, Quaife ATB, 52:11 gear ratio
ELECTRONICS : MS3 Standalone ECU, Race Technology
DASH2 display and DL1 data logger
ENGINE : Honda CBR600 F4i, custom intake and 4-1
exhaust system
FR/RR TRACK : 1219 mm front, 1168 mm rear
FRAME : 4130 Steel space frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Fully sequential Spark and Fuel setup
FUEL TYPE : 93 octane, Pump Gas
MATERIAL : Steel space frame, C.F. body
MPT : 8000 RPM
OLWH : 3m (L); 1.3m (W); 1.1m (high)
SUSPENSION : Unequal length double wishbone, Push
Rod actuated shocks
TIRE : Hoosier 20.5x7.0-13 R25A (F
UNIQUE : Topology-Optimized Rockers, B206 Cast
aluminum uprights, C.F. Seat
WEIGHT : 295 kg
WHEELBASE : 1549.4 mm

United States


United States

Spartan Racing

Spartan Racing is proud to introduce SR-6, our sixth Formula SAE vehicle and
the boldest yet. Weve returned to compete this year with more motivation, more
speed, and a lot more carbon (with slightly less yellow). SR-6 incorporates the
strong points of the lightening-fast SR-5, including electropneumatic paddle shifters, a powerful and reliable Honda F4i engine, and a dry sump system. To improve
reliability, handling, and speed, weve added a Drexler differential, redesigned the
chassis to significantly boost stiffness and enclose suspension components for
drag reduction, and designed a three-element wing package for a high lift/drag
ratio. SR-6 sets a new bar for us at Spartan Racing, and we are excited to share it
with all of our friends here at FSAE Lincoln 2014.



San Jose State University

University of Toledo
Rocket Motorsports

This years car, UTR-20, was built around simplicity and reliability while also
taking on some new design features. Utilizing tyre consortium data as a starting
point, UTR-20 features a rigid tubular chassis, an aero package, CBR600 F4i, and
Penske shocks backed up with extensive durability testing. Serviceability and
weight reduction were also considered with every component designed. With
a large amount of time dedicate to testing and refining we hope to have an allaround reliable and fine-tuned car for competition.

BRAKE : Wilwood PS-1 calipers with floating calipers

BSCD : 67 mm bore / 42.5 mm / 4 cylinder / 599cc
COOLING : Left side mounted, singe crossflow heat
DRIVE : Chain
ELECTRONICS : Haltech Platinum Sport 1000, Race
Technology D-1, and Custom Dashboard
ENGINE : Honda CBR600 F4i
FR/RR TRACK : 1257.3 mm / 1206.5 mm
FRAME : 4130 Tubular Space Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Sequential Fuel Injection
MATERIAL : 4130 Steel
MPT : 8,000
OLWH : 2996 mm / 1435.10 mm / 1464.56 mm
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length a-arm, pushrod
actuated spring and damper
TIRE : Hoosier 6.0/18-10 LCO
WEIGHT : 600 lbs
WHEELBASE : 1547.8 mm

BRAKE : Tilton 77 MC / Wilwood GP200 Calipers

BSCD : 67mm / 42.5mm / 4 / 599cc
COOLING : 2 Core, Dual-pass Radiator
DRIVE : Chain-driven Drexler Differential
ENGINE : Honda F4i
FR/RR TRACK : 48in / 47in
FRAME : 4130 Welded Spaceframe
FUEL SYSTEM : Dual Injector Rail
MATERIAL : Graphite Dreams
MPT : 45ft-lb @ 8,000rpm
OLWH : L120.14in x W55.25in x H51.83in
SUSPENSION : Front/Rear Pushrod, hlins Shocks
TIRE : 18in Hoosier R25B
UNIQUE : Closed-loop Electropneumatic Shift / Clutch
WEIGHT : 590lb
WHEELBASE : 61.5in

United States

United States


Polar Bear Racing

PBR14 is a large step for the University of Manitoba Polar Bear Racing team
incorporating many new areas of design. A full aerodynamics package, 4-1
exhaust header with the new CBR600RR, 10 inch diameter Hoosier tires, and a
new salisbury style differential are only the beginning of the big design list the
team has taken on for 2014. Immediately following the 2013 Lincoln competition,
the PBR team began the 5 month design process of the new PBR14 vehicle. The
new aerodynamic and suspension components ate up design time but the team
has buckled down to produce the teams 5th CFRP monocoque for the PBR14 car
featuring more engine access and cooling.



University of Manitoba

University of Missouri
Mizzou Racing

Mizzou Racing is proud to introduce our 2014 entry into Formula SAE. Building on almost 30 years of Mizzou Formula SAE history, we have designed a car
that champions reliability and drivability, while also embracing creativity and
innovation, testing our engineering limits. Starting with the bullet-proof Honda
CBR 600RR, we have produced a formidable power train that reliably produces
a supply of relentless but controllable power. We also focused heavily on putting
that power to use. The use of Hoosier tires demands that our suspension be
highly optimized to squeeze out every last bit of performance, so a premium was
placed on maintaining optimum camber angles, and reducing tire load fluctuation.
To maximize lateral acceleration, our already impressive aerodynamics package
was overhauled, and now produces an incredible amount of downforce, even at
low speeds. To help reduce drag, and manage the massive aerodynamic loads, an
active-aerodynamics system was developed to allow for a tunable aero-balance
at any speed, with the ability to react dynamically to various different driving
maneuvers, keeping us as close to the limit as possible at all times.

BRAKE : Outboard Disc

BSCD : 600cc 4-cyl
COOLING : Double-pass radiator w/fan
DRIVE : Chain drive w/ Drexler (Salisbury) differential
ELECTRONICS : PE3 ECU, CAN Datalogging, HUD, Active
ENGINE : Honda CBR 600RR
FR/RR TRACK : 1219/1219mm - 48/48in
FRAME : Steel Spaceframe
FUEL SYSTEM : Internal, returnless
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MATERIAL : 4340, CFRP, 7/6/2-series aluminum
MPT : 40 ft-lb @ 8,500RPM
OLWH : 2971x1511x1193mm
SUSPENSION : Independent, pushrod, CFRP links
TIRE : Hoosier R25B 20.5x7-13"
UNIQUE : arbon Fiber Suspension, Active Aerodynamics
WEIGHT : 610lb/277kg
WHEELBASE : 1549mm/61in

BRAKE : Tilton Master Cylinders with Wilwood PS-1

BSCD : 67/43.5/4/599
COOLING : Water Cooled
DRIVE : Rear Wheel Chain Drive
ELECTRONICS : AEM Infinity 10, electro-pneumatic
shifting, PWM drives, custom dashboard
FR/RR TRACK : 1219mm (48in) / 1117mm (44in)
FRAME : CFRP Monocoque
FUEL SYSTEM : Sequential EFI
MPT : 8000
OLWH : 3081mm x 1372mm x 1319mm (
SUSPENSION : Unequal length SLA A-arm with pullrod
and anti-roll bar
TIRE : 18.0x6.0-10 R25B Hoosier
WEIGHT : 600lb
WHEELBASE : 1619mm (63.75in)



United States

Sooner Racing Team

The Sooner Racing Teams 2014 entry, known affectionately as Lily, is the next
iteration of a aerodynamically augmented, lightweight vehicle. All vehicle systems
targeted component mass and inertial characteristics while identifying component
durability limits and maintaining ease of service. A simulation-based approach
was used along with multiple forms of physical validation, including but not limited
to integrated data acquisition, to select critical vehicle performance parameters in
order to develop the selected vehicle concept.



University of Oklahoma

University of Central Florida

Knights Racing

For 2014, Knights Racing competes with the most well rounded vehicle to come
from UCF. The KR14 blends advanced technologies with successful and proven
designs, with an overall focus on reliability. Beginning with the most noticeable,
KR14 is the first car from the Knights stable to feature aerodynamics in the form
of front and rear wings. Composites are widely implemented, notably in the intake,
seat, wings, and bodywork. The KR14 continues to be powered by the GSX-R600
engine through Haltech electronics, breathing through a new top-fed intake
and 4-1 exhaust that increases drivability and efficiency. A tubular 4130 space
frame chassis and lightweight steel suspension arms create a stiff, well balanced
vehicle. Packaging and serviceability were key design goals in the integration of
systems with the chassis along with ergonomics and driver comfort. An adjustable
pedal box with incremental points of adjustment comfortably suits drivers of many
proportions, while the seat is designed to reduce pressure points and support the
driver without being constricting. Other systems were designed with the overall
goals of reliability, low mass, and ergonomics in mind.

BRAKE : Floating outboard, Wilwood calipers

BSCD : 67mm bore, 42.5mm stroke, 4-cylinder, 599 cc
COOLING : Single, side mounted custom radiator, coolant
DRIVE : Chain drive, Torsen differential
ELECTRONICS : Haltech ECU / Race Technology DL1 DAQ
ENGINE : Suzuki GSX-R600
FR/RR TRACK : FR - 1220mm, RR - 1180
FRAME : Tubular space frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Aluminum tank with single stage pump
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MATERIAL : 4130 steel frame, carbon fiber bodywork
MPT : 8,000 RPM
OLWH : L: 3073mm/121in, W: 1432mm/56.3in, H:
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-Arm. Pushrod
actuated spring and damper
TIRE : Hoosier 20 x 7.5 13
UNIQUE : Carbon wheels, full aero package
WEIGHT : 240kg/529lb
WHEELBASE : 1550mm/61in

BRAKE : AP Racing CP 4226 calipers; Front and Rear

outboard ductile iron discs
BSCD : 80 mm / 55 mm / 2 cylinders / 550cc
COOLING : Dual parallel radiators
DRIVE : Taylor Race Differential with Quaife internals;
428 chain
ENGINE : Aprilia 550 RXV
FR/RR TRACK : 1156 mm / 45.5 in (Front); 1156 mm /
45.5 in (Rear)
FRAME : 4130 Steel tubular space frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Sequential Fuel Injection
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MPT : 8000
OLWH : 3099 mm / 122 in (Length); 1372 mm / 54 in
(Width); 1397 mm / 55 in (Height)
SUSPENSION : SLA with pushrod actuated dampers
TIRE : Hoosier 18.0x6.0-10 LC0
UNIQUE : In-house designed PDU board
WEIGHT : 500 lb (227 kg)
WHEELBASE : 588 mm / 62.5 in

United States

United States


Michigan State University Formula

Michigan State Universitys Formula SAE Team would like to present this years
entry into the Formula SAE race series, the SR-14. The SR-14 is powered by the
four cylinder Honda F4i engine, which delivers great reliability, a broad torque
curve, and fast acceleration with a 0-60 time of 3.4 seconds. The powertrain
system is packaged within a stiff and lightweight carbon fiber monocoque chassis. The electrical system features over 60 sensors to monitor car and driver performance. The SR-14 also features an electro-pneumatic paddle shifting system,
traction control, and launch control. It is equipped with a complete aerodynamics
package: front wing, rear wing, and our teams first undertray. Overall, it generates 410 pounds of downforce at 60 mph. The SR-14 is designed to be a reliable
and tunable race car with a simple human-machine interface that inspires driver



Michigan State University

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor


We looked at our aero package from last year and said Lets make it bigger.
Everything was designed around that.

We would like to thank Michigan State University and all of our sponsors, friends,
and families for their kind contributions and support! Without them this invaluable
learning experience would not be possible.

BRAKE : 4 wheel disc brakes

BSCD : 67/42.5/4/599
COOLING : Custom
DRIVE : Chain
ELECTRONICS : We have them
FR/RR TRACK : 1206/1181
FRAME : Steel space frame
MPD : 10500
MPT : 9200
OLWH : 2621, 1372, 1058
SUSPENSION : Double unequal A-Arm
TIRE : 10 inch Hoosier R25B
UNIQUE : Massive aero
WEIGHT : 590

BRAKE : Brembo P34 front/Wilwood PS1 rear, Tilton 77

MC, sintered metallic pads
BSCD : 67 mm / 42.5 mm / Inline 4 cyl / 599 cc
COOLING : Single front-ducted, side mounted radiator
25.4 cm shroud-mounted fans
DRIVE : Chain-driven Drexler Differential
ELECTRONICS : Motec M400 with ADL Data Logger
ENGINE : Honda CBR600F4i
FR/RR TRACK : 1194 mm / 1194 mm
FRAME : Full carbon fiber monocoque with rear steel
FUEL SYSTEM : Sequential fuel injection
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MATERIAL : Carbon Fiber
MPT : 9000 RPM
OLWH : 2747.3 mm long, 1390.1 mm wide, 1098.3 mm
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-Arm. Push-rod
actuated spring and damper
TIRE : Hoosier 13" R25B
UNIQUE : Front wing, rear wing, undertray, electropneumatic paddle shifting system
WEIGHT : 640 lbs / 290 kg
WHEELBASE : 1588 mm

United States


United States

RIT Formula SAE

A product of extensive simulation, design, and testing, the RIT vehicle exhibits
many unique characteristics. A carbon fiber monocoque utilizing unidirectional
fiber maintains sufficient stiffness while significantly reducing weight. The high
downforce active aerodynamic package increases cornering capability while
minimizing the effects of drag. The vehicles entire braking system is custom
designed in house, allowing for component level optimization. The turbocharged
single-cylinder engine is light, fuel efficient, and produces 75% of its peak torque
across a very broad RPM range. Composite suspension links reduce mass significantly. Lastly, composite driveshafts and a lightweight differential allow for a mass
efficient, tunable drivetrain. These features have created a race vehicle with
a focus on scoring potential, performance, efficiency, and drivability, a winning
combination for Formula SAE.



Rochester Institute of Technology

Queen's University - Ontario Canada

Queen's Formula SAE

The Q14 represents the mid-cycle refresh of the 10th generation of Queens
University vehicles. Improvements on the previous model were made with an integrated approach, using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to evaluate the most
feasible and sound improvements. A broadened management structure ensured
redundant oversight of vehicle systems, reinforcing sound design choices that
fully considered constraints from the perspectives of all sections. The central project goals focused on auxiliary component development, addition of driver-centric
elements, improved management portfolio, simplification of systems with resultant
weight savings, and integration across vehicle systems through combined studies.
The Q14 presents unique features such as a three-mode automated shifting
system, aerodynamic undertray, and carbon fibre steering column.

BRAKE : Floating, cast iron, hub mounted

BSCD : 67mm/42.5mm/4/599cc
COOLING : Rear mount single pass radiator
DRIVE : 520 chain drive
ELECTRONICS : Performance Electronics PE3 ECU
ENGINE : Honda CBR600F4i
FR/RR TRACK : 1250mm/1150mm
FRAME : Steel spaceframe
FUEL SYSTEM : Mainfold air pressure, throttle position, air
FUEL TYPE : 93 octane
MATERIAL : Carbon fibre bodywork
MPT : 8500rpm
OLWH : 2555mm/1430mm/1065mm
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length carbon A-arms,
front pull rod, rear push rod
TIRE : 13" Hoosier R25B
UNIQUE : Electronic shift controller with 3 operational
WEIGHT : 609lbs
WHEELBASE : 1550mm

BRAKE : Custom Dual Piston Calipers

BSCD : 95 mm x 63.4 mm, Single Cylinder 499cc
COOLING : Side-mounted single core radiator and duct
DRIVE : Rear wheel chain drive, CFRP halfshafts
ELECTRONICS : Motec M400 with data logging, Racepak Smartwire power control module
ENGINE : 2013 Yamaha WR-450F, Turbocharged
FR/RR TRACK : 1143 mm/45 in
FRAME : Composite Monocoque
FUEL SYSTEM : RIT-developed dual stage sequential
injection, Speed Density Calibration
MATERIAL : Pre-impregnated carbon fiber, epoxy film
adhesive, 5052 al core
MPD : 8,000
MPT : 5,500
OLWH : 3061 mm/120.5 in, 1359 mm/53.5 in, 1488
mm/58.6 in
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-Arm, front pull
rod, rear push rod
TIRE : 18x7-10 R25B
UNIQUE : Drag Reduction System
WEIGHT : 495 lbs
WHEELBASE : 1575 mm/62 in

United States



Wisconsin Racing

Wisconsin Racing would like to give special thanks to our sponsors:

Diamond: The United Wisconsin Grain Producers
Platinum: The Wisconsin Corn Promotion Board, Eric Gorrs Forward Motion, Engineered Metal Products, Mercury Marine, QMI, Craft Pattern, Accurate Pattern
Gold: Ford, Chrysler, Boeing, Polaris, Baum Machine, Wisconsin Metal Parts,
Isthmus Engineering, Bosch, Ricardo, Reuther, Lemo, Mirka
As well as our Silver and Bronze sponsors listed at



University of Wisconsin - Madison

Oakland University
Grizzlies Racing

The Oakland University FSAE team saw tremendous success during the 2013
competition year ending the season with the best competition finish in the teams
16 year history, ranking 2nd in the state, 9th in the country and 36th in the world.
An Endurance Event victory would mark success for 2014 season; by definition,
a car successful in the Endurance Event is one that does not suffer in any other
area of competition. The following design criteria were focused on: reliability,
adjustability, and drivability. Dedication and improvement is highlighted through
simulation and analytical methods used in the design of components. The ability
to make quick adjustments to counteract dynamic circumstances during a race
event was critical. The final component of Oakland Universitys design philosophy
was developed through hours of testing and racing; making GRX4 more drivable
would also be necessary for the teams Endurance Event victory. Previously,
drivability has been overlooked due to difficulty in quantifying changes and their
effect. Several key aspects were determined to have an impact on drivability:
engine output, driver control response, and ergonomics.

BRAKE : Wilwood Front Calipers, AP Racing Rear Calipers,

Custom Rotors
BSCD : 100mm / 77mm / 1 / 605cc
COOLING : Parallel dual pass with right side fan
DRIVE : 520 Chain, Drexler Differential
Steering Wheel Display
ENGINE : KTM 525-EXC, Turbocharged, Single-Cylinder
FR/RR TRACK : 47" / 45"
FRAME : Steel Spaceframe
FUEL SYSTEM : Student-designed Fuel Injection
MATERIAL : 4130 Chromoly
MPT : 5000
OLWH : 121.25" / 54.0" / 47.75"
SUSPENSION : Double Unequal Length A-Arm, Push Rod
TIRE : Hoosier 18x6-10 LC0
UNIQUE : Feed Forward Wastegate and Feedback Ignition
Traction Control
WEIGHT : 510lb

United States


BRAKE : Floating steel rotors

BSCD : 67 mm bore / 42.5 mm stroke / 4 cylinders
COOLING : Side mounted; water cooled single core radiator, 2400 cfm fan mounted to duct
DRIVE : 520 pitch chain, 7075-T6 Al rear sprocket
ELECTRONICS : Watertight fuse block/ manual
ENGINE : Honda CBR600 F4I
FR/RR TRACK : 1245 mm / 1194 mm
FRAME : Tubular space frame with bonded shear panel
floor; welded control arm mounts
FUEL SYSTEM : Megasquirt 3, sequential MPFI with
student built perpherials hardware
FUEL TYPE : 93 Cctane
MATERIAL : 4130 steel round and square tubing
MPT : 9500 RPM
OLWH : 2645.7 mm long, 1415.7 mm wide, 1196.8 mm
SUSPENSION : Double Unequal length A-arm; pushrod
actuated over damper
TIRE : Continental 205/510 13r tires
WEIGHT : 550 lbs
WHEELBASE : 1549.4 mm

United States

Clemson University Formula SAE

Shortly after the 2013 competition, we sat down to discuss what went right and
what went wrong. A long list of ideas was formed then trimmed and reworked
until our design philosophy for the 2014 car emerged. The three driving goals
were to continue our weight reduction with a target of removing 50lbs from the
previous car, finish the car by April 1 in order to test and validate designs, and design for serviceability so that anything that went wrong could be fixed. An evaluation of previous results showed that the team had a consistently solid showing
in dynamic events which could be improved upon through simple elements.
Fundamental to these elements was gaining a better understanding of what the
car is doing and what actually matters in the design. To that end, we focused on
maintaining designs that had proven themselves in previous years, fixing nagging
issues with the design and production, and creating better simulations to study
the effects of changes in the car.
Our 2013 entry weighed 516lbs, down 10lbs from the 2012 car. Our goal for this
year is to move the car down to the 460lb range to make it more competitive in
acceleration and fuel economy.



Clemson University

Purdue University - W Lafayette

Purdue Formula SAE

The 2014 team from Purdue University, West Lafayette put a large emphasis on
sound engineering design and efficient manufacturing. Significant changes were
made to the frame design to increase torsional rigidity while minimizing weight.
Changes to the kinematics were made based on the switch to Hoosier tires and
the associated findings from in-depth tire modeling. The Honda CBR600F4i
engine was fitted with a dry sump oil system to improve oil supply, minimizing
engine damage due to oil starvation. Improvements to the electronics system
were also made, with an electro-mechanical shifter being implemented to allow
shifting via paddles on the steering wheel. A full aerodynamic package consisting
of a front wing, diffuser, rear wing, and sculpted bodywork was implemented to
improve vehicle performance.
The success of the Purdue FSAE team is not only due to the hard work and dedication of its members but also of the entire community that supports the team. A
huge thank you goes out to Purdue University, our sponsors, our alumni, and the
FSAE volunteers that make the events a success. A special thanks to our family
and friends for their understanding, patience, and support this year.

BRAKE : Tilton master cylinders, Wilwood front calipers,

AP rear calipers
BSCD : 67 mm/ 42.5 mm/ 4 cyl/ 599cc
COOLING : Side mounted radiator, custom shroud
DRIVE : Chain drive, Drexler LSD
ELECTRONICS : Motec M400 ECU, Custom dash
ENGINE : Honda CBR600F4i
FR/RR TRACK : 1220 mm
FRAME : 4130 Steel Space Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Fuel injection via 200cc injectors
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MATERIAL : Steel space frame, carbon fiber bodywork
MPT : 7,000 RPM
OLWH : 3073 mm long, 1432 mm wide, 1175 mm high
SUSPENSION : SLA, pull rod actuated front, push rod
actuated rear
TIRE : Hoosier R25B 20.5x7x13
UNIQUE : Electro-mechanical shifting, custom wheels,
carbon fiber steering housing
WEIGHT : 270 kg
WHEELBASE : 1613 mm

BRAKE : AP Racing Calipers and Masters

BSCD : 67mm/42.5mm/4 Cylinders/599mm
COOLING : Water Cooled
ELECTRONICS : AiM MXL Pro Dash, Motec M400 ECU
ENGINE : Honda F4i, Naturally Aspirated
FR/RR TRACK : 49" / 46"
FRAME : 4130 Chromoly Spaceframe
FUEL SYSTEM : Custom Fuel Cell, Electronic Fuel Injection
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane
MATERIAL : Steel, Ti, Aluminum, Carbon Fiber
MPT : 8500 RPM
OLWH : 102" x 55.5" x 43"
SUSPENSION : Double Wishbone, Pullrod Front, Pushrod
TIRE : 20x7.5-13 Hoosier R25B
UNIQUE : Integrated Firewall/Seatback
WEIGHT : 650lbs
WHEELBASE : 61.5in

United States

United States


Tiger Racing

As a second year club, LSUs TigerRacing looks toward competition with the
second iteration of their 2013 competition vehicle. The car features a decrease
in trackwidth in the front and the rear, as well as a shortened overall wheel base.
The goal of this design is to utilize performance gains throughout the vehicles
subsystems, while retaining many features from the 2013 competition vehicle.
The design also focused on better packaging of the subsystems to improve accessibility. A data acquisition system is implemented into this design to advance
the testing quality of the vehicle. The team expanded over the past year to include
a broader member base, and a stronger organizational infrastructure.



Louisiana State University

University of Michigan - Dearborn

UMD Racing

The University of Michigan - Dearborn Formula SAE team (UMDracing) was first
introduced in 1994 - making this our 20th anniversary. The 2014 design includes
a high powered Yamaha Genesis 80FI two cylinder engine and CVT system,
quicker lock-to-lock steering ratio, a newly designed suspension system, and our
first aero package.
This 2014 season, UMDracing has only one goal in mind:Finishing with the best
overall season in our schools history.
We would like to personally thank all of our sponsors and alumni who helped in
the production and success of our 2014 season. Without you we would not be
able to make this dream a reality.

BRAKE : Dual Actuated push type master cylinders with

4x outboard rotors
BSCD : 77 Bore x 53.6 mm Stroke, 2 Cylinder, 499cc
COOLING : Dual side-mounted radiator
DRIVE : CVT to chain drive to Drexler differential
ELECTRONICS : Bosch Motorsports MS3 ECU
ENGINE : Yamaha Genesis 80FI
FR/RR TRACK : 46.5/45 in (1184/1143 mm)
FRAME : 4130 tubular steel space frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Sequential Port Injection
FUEL TYPE : 100 Octane
MATERIAL : AISI 4130 Steel
MPT : 8,500 rpm
OLWH : 3097 x 1385 x 1210 mm
TIRE : Hoosier 18x6 LC0
UNIQUE : CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission)
WEIGHT : 180kg estimated without driver
WHEELBASE : 60 in / 1524 mm

BRAKE : Outboard disk brakes

BSCD : 67mm Bore/ 42.5mm Stroke/ 4 Cylinders/ 599
COOLING : Single side mount radiator
DRIVE : Chain-drive, Quaife QDF7ZR
ENGINE : Suzuki GSXR-600
FR/RR TRACK : 1245mm / 1194mm
FRAME : 4130 Tubular space frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Fuel injection
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MPT : 10,500 rpm
OLWH : 2823mm / 1468mm / 1059mm
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-Arms, Kaz tech
TIRE : Hoosier 20.5x7x13 R25B
UNIQUE : Luxury wood grain steering wheel
WEIGHT : 625lb
WHEELBASE : 1562mm

United States


United States

UIC Motorsports

UIC Motorsports set out to design and manufacture a reliable four cylinder space
frame car that weighs less than 205kg. The design of the 2014 formula car (F14)
was achieved by focusing on the areas of the F13 that possessed the greatest potential for improvement in safety, reliability, and manufacturability while
reducing weight, complexity, and cost. Every component of the F14 was modeled
in SolidWorks allowing designers to notice any packaging issues and fix them
prior to manufacturing. Assigning part numbers and maintaining an up to date
bill of materials enabled the team to track the weight and complexity of designs
based on component count. This significantly reduced the amount of time spent
manufacturing and allowed for the team to focus more energy on testing and
validation of designs.



University of Illinois - Chicago

University of Michigan - Dearborn

UMD Formula Electric Racing

The University of Michigan-Dearborn Formula SAE Electric Racing team will build
an electric car to compete in its second all-electric competition in the United
States. By utilizing the lessons learned from last season and increased membership recruiting, the team looks to build onto its stable foundation and become a
contender for years to come. The powertrain is powered by LiFePO4 batteries,
managed by Sevcon Gen4 Size 4 motor controllers, and propelled by 2 lightweight
Enstroj Emrax PMAC motors. UMD Formula Electric Racing would like to thank
UM-D CECS and IAVS departments, Ford, Chrysler, BorgWarner, Richard Schaum,
Bosch, Libertys Gears, and Cut-All.

BRAKE : 4 outboard, 4 pisotn fixed calipers, floating

COOLING : Air cooled
DRIVE : Single reduction, single speed
ELECTRONICS : eLithium BMS, cockpit fault indication
EMCAC : LiFePO4, 7.2kWh
FR/RR TRACK : 47/45 (inches)
FRAME : Tubular space frame, aluminum subframe
MATERIAL : AISI 4130 steel, 7075 aluminum
MOTORCNTRLR : Sevcon Gen4 Size 4
MOTORTYP : Enstroj Emrax
NMLMM : 2 motors, rear,
OLWH : 103, 55.5, 39 (inches)
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-arm. Pull rod
actuated, horizontal spring and damper
TIRE : 18 inch LC0 Hoosier
WEIGHT : 675lb
WHEELBASE : 61 (inches)

BRAKE : Dura-Bar G2 Cast Iron

BSCD : 67mm bore / 42.5mm stroke / 4-cylinders / 599
COOLING : Side mounted dual core aluminum radiator
w/Honda CBR 600 Fan
DRIVE : 520 Chain Drive
ENGINE : Honda F4i
FR/RR TRACK : 1295/51, 1270/50
FRAME : 4130 Chromoly SteelSpace Frame
FUEL SYSTEM : Honda, 185 lb fuel injectors/Speed
density fuel mapping
FUEL TYPE : 93 Octane
MPT : 8,500
OLWH : 2927/115.25 , 1575/62, 965/40
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-Arm. Push rod
actuated, in plane spring and damper
TIRE : 20.5 x 6.0-13 R25B Hoosier FSAE
WEIGHT : 636 lb
WHEELBASE : 1625/64

United States

United States


Unicamp E-Racing

Unicamp E-Racing is a young Formula SAE Electric team from Brazil, and this is
the second international competition in our history.
Our team members come from all science disciplines including mechanical and
electrical engineering, computer science and also physics and arts students.
Despite our short history, we have been very successful. In 2012 we won the
Formula SAE Electric Brazil and in 2013 we achieved our second national title
and our first international championship: Formula SAE Electric 2013 in Lincoln,
Nebraska. In that occasion, the team has broken the world record score, achieving 985 points of the 1000 that are possible.



Universidade Estadual de Campinas

University of Calif - Davis

UC Davis Formula Racing

UC Davis Formula Racings first electric formula car is designed as a capable

and flexible platform for powertrain innovation through enabling research and
implementation of an advanced torque vectoring and predictive traction control
system. A National Instruments RIO device is used to implement the control and
sensory system. Sensors include wheel speed, acceleration and yaw, steering angle, motor current, tractive voltage and battery current. Maximum torque
vectoring effectiveness is realized through the application of a fully left/right independent electric powertrain. Each permanent-magnet synchronous Z-Force motor
produces a peak of 40 kW and 68 ft-lbs of torque. Electrical energy is stored in
a 6kWh pack composed of high-power LiIon-NCM pouch format cells. Energy
is recaptured using regenerative deceleration and the accumulator is one-hour
quick charging capable.

For 2014, Unicamp E-Racing team focused on weight reduction and reliability. To
meet these goals we used carbon fiber, kevlar and aluminum components and
also reduced from 13 to 10 wheels, for example. The result is a much smaller,
lightweight, reliable and fast car.
We would like to thank our university, UNICAMP, and also all our sponsors for the
great support theyve given to us.

BRAKE : Hydraulic Disk

COOLING : Passive
DRIVE : Electric Independent Direct
ELECTRONICS : Custom with NI sbRIO Controller
EMCAC : NMC Cathode LiIon 6kWh
FR/RR TRACK : 1288/1204 mm
FRAME : Space Frame
MATERIAL : 4130 CrMo, Unobtanium
MOTORTYP : Z-Force Permanent Magnet Synchronous
NMLMM : 2x Rear 40 kW Each
OLWH : 3064 mm, 1525 mm, 774 mm
SUSPENSION : Unequal Length Double A-arm
TIRE : 13" Hoosier R25B
WEIGHT : 750 lbs with driver
WHEELBASE : 1746mm / 68.7 in

BRAKE : Stainless steel rotors, Wilwood PS1 calipers and

Wilwood master cylinders
COOLING : Oil cooled, single aluminum radiator with fans
and electric pump
DRIVE : Direct drive with internal differential
ELECTRONICS : ETAS data acquisition system, WiFi
EMCAC : LiFePO4 / 5.6 kWh
FR/RR TRACK : 1200 / 1180 mm
FRAME : Full tubular space frame
MATERIAL : AISI 1020 Steel
MOTORCNTRLR : Sevcon Gen4 Size8
MOTORTYP : YASA-750 Axial Flux Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motor
NMLMM : 1 / Rear / 100 kW
OLWH : 2504mm / 1386mm / 1126mm
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-Arm, pull rod
actuated spring and damper
TIRE : 18 x 6 10 R25B Hoosier
WEIGHT : 619.5 lbs
WHEELBASE : 1553 mm



United States

Penn Electric Racing



University of Pennsylvania

Universite de Sherbrooke
FSS racing

With a new team and new car entering the Electric series, this year will mark
Penn Electric Racings first entry to the Formula SAE competition. We are excited
to present REVO. The objectives of this season focus on design for reliability and
manufacturability to ensure a completed car with our new team. Performance is
still a key concern in design, but it is not the only concern. Our goals include not
only high performance, but ensuring that the club has a foundation upon which to
improve in future years.

FSS Racing is proud to present our first electric racecar. The car was designed
with simplicity in mind. Our team targets the market of newcomers to performance electric cars who are interested in open-wheel auto crossing. This market
needs vehicles offering strong performances while remaining affordable and easy
to maintain. This is what we aim to achieve.

BRAKE : AP Racing MCs / Brembo Calipers

COOLING : Liquid Dual-loop
DRIVE : Dual Rear Direct
EMCAC : Lithium Polymer, 7.9kWh
FR/RR TRACK : FR: 1220 mm RR: 1188 mm
FRAME : Spaceframe
MAXMOTORRPM : 2000 Limited
MOTORTYP : Emrax 228 HV, Permanent Magnet AC
NMLMM : 2 / Rear / 85kW
OLWH : 2616 mm long, 1363 mm wide, 1123 mm high
SUSPENSION : Double Unequal-length A-Arms
TIRE : Hoosier 13" R25B
WEIGHT : 293 kg
WHEELBASE : 1529 mm

BRAKE : Wilwood front calipers, AP Racing rear calipers

COOLING : Water cooled with one radiator
DRIVE : Chain and sprocket
ELECTRONICS : Student built ECU
EMCAC : LiCoO2, 6 kWh
FR/RR TRACK : 42in / 42in
FRAME : Steel Space Frame
MATERIAL : 4130 Chromoly
MAXMOTORRPM : 3600 rpm
MOTORCNTRLR : Unitek Bamocar D3 modified by
MOTORTYP : Enstroj Emrax
NMLMM : 1 / Rear/ 80kW
OLWH : 99in, 48in, 46in
SUSPENSION : Swing arms, push rod actuated spring
and dampers
TIRE : 13 in R25B Hoosier
WEIGHT : 640 lb

United States

The car was built by 16 mechanical and electrical engineering students over a
two year period. All of our control systems are student built to meet our needs.
The design of the car represents a solid base for future electric cars built at
lUniversit de Sherbrooke.



McGill Racing Team

The MFE1 electric prototype will mark the McGill Racing Teams first venture
intothe full-electric FSAE competition. For the first time, MRT and the former
McGillHybrid Racing Team have joined forces to produce both a combustion and
anelectric vehicle.
MFE1 is powered by two, independently driven AC15 motors which feed
powerthrough two student-designed bevel-drive gearboxes. Focus has been set
onproducing a reliable yet competitive vehicle which can be used as a testbed for
torque delivery software development.



McGill University

University of Manitoba
Polar Bear Racing

Every element of the car has been analyzed and redesigned with safety, reliability,
endurance and power efficiency in mind, using systems engineering principles to
prioritize design options. This is achieved through a design processes with numerous design reviews, revision, and testing. Critical design factors include electric
insulation, power efficiency, serviceability and reliability. All vehicle features were
carefully considered when determining the optimal design choices. Design leads
used these matrices in initial brainstorming and design phases to come to a mutual consensus as to the design features incorporated while assuring the project
remains on budget. Sustainability of the product is a key criterion to meet.

BRAKE : AP Racing Master Cylinders

COOLING : Air-Cooled
DRIVE : Independent bevel drive
ELECTRONICS : ; NI Compact-RIO Control Unit
EMCAC : Lithium Polymer cell with lithium cobalt oxide
(LiCoO2) cathode / 4.33kWh
FR/RR TRACK : 47in /47 in
FRAME : Tubular Mild Steel Space Frame
MATERIAL : 1010 Steel
MOTORCNTRLR : Curtis 1238
NMLMM : 2 / Longitudinal / 2x34kW =68kW peak
OLWH : 118.12 in / 54.32 in / 45.82 in
SUSPENSION : Pushrod / Penske Quarter-Midget Dampers / Adjustable Front ARB
TIRE : 18x6-10 LC0 Hoosier
WEIGHT : 620 lb



BRAKE : Tilton MCs. Floating stainless steel rotors with

Wilwood callipers.
COOLING : Air and Water
DRIVE : Chain Drive
ELECTRONICS : Bluetooth communications to a smartphone for both data logging and telemetry
EMCAC : Li[NiCoMn]O2 / 5.9 kWh
FR/RR TRACK : 1375 mm/1405 mm
FRAME : Steel Spaceframe
MATERIAL : 4130 Steel
MOTORTYP : Pancake axial flux Brushless Synchronous
three phase AC
NMLMM : 1/Rear/100 KW
OLWH : 2741 mm long, 1453 mm wide, 1085 mm high
SUSPENSION : Dual unequal length A-arm, Actuation by
Push/Pull Rod by Rocker to Coilover
TIRE : 13" R25B
TRANSRATION : Fixed 3.6:1
WEIGHT : 620 lb
WHEELBASE : 1535 mm


Missouri S&T Formula Electric

Thank you to our 2014 Sponsors.



Missouri University of Science and Tech

Purdue University - W Lafayette

Purdue Electric Racing (PER)

The 2013 Purdue Electric Racing team (PER) is a newly established team and
this years entry represents the first ever electric Formula SAE vehicle produced
by Purdue University. The vehicle was designed from the ground up to take full
advantage of the electric powertrain. The main goal was to design an elegantly
simple and reliable car that would represent a strong foundation for future development. Rather than focusing on optimizing the various subsystems in the car, a
strong emphasis was placed on the overall vehicle layout and systems integration
to arrive at a cohesive end elegant vehicle design.

BRAKE : Hub Mounted

COOLING : Radiators
DRIVE : 520 Chain
EMCAC : 5.3kWh
FR/RR TRACK : 1250/1190
FRAME : Space Frame
MATERIAL : 4130 Steel Normalized
MOTORTYP : Emrax 228
NMLMM : One/Rear/100kW
OLWH : 2825 mm long, 1440 mm wide, 1175mm high
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-Arm, Pull rod
Actuated spring and damper
TIRE : 18x6-10 R25A Hoosier
WEIGHT : 117.7 kg

United States

BRAKE : Wilwood Calipers, Tilton Master Cylinders,

Custom Rotors
COOLING : Water Cooled
DRIVE : RWD, Drexler LSD
EMCAC : Lithium Polymer / 7.5 kWh
FR/RR TRACK : 1270 / 1219
FRAME : Tubular Space-Frame
MATERIAL : 4130 Chromoly Tubing
NMLMM : 1 x 100kW
OLWH : 2700 mm long, 1450 mm wide, 1035 mm high
SUSPENSION : Pushrod Actuated Independent Suspension
TIRE : Hoosier LC0
WEIGHT : 300Kg

United States


Viking Motorsports

2014 will be Portland States first year attending the formula electric competition.
It is widely accepted that a simple design will achieve more points consistently.
Using the simplicity first model allows our team to better understand the vehicle
design and allows educated decisions to be made.



Portland State University

University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign

Illini Formula Electric

The goal of Illini Formula Electric for the 2014 season is to increase reliability and
while decreasing cost. This philosophy manifests itself in every subsystem of the
car. The main focus is placed on modifying last years design so as to reuse any
vital components, allowing us to focus our funds on improving electronics.

This year, a brand new state of the art motor, the YASA 400, was chosen for use
in our car. This motor greatly increased the power output of our car while also
reducing weight and complexity. This paired with our purpose built motor controller formed the heart of the car. The batteries were redesigned to be decrease
complexity and work optimally with our new motor. Mechanically, the largest
We opted to build our own BMS system to interface with existing battery manage- improvement was using a new drivetrain that features a simplified system with no
gearbox, taking advantage of the large rpm range of our motor. Minor modificament slaveModules (RLEC) on the batteries. To create the master controller
tions were made to the chassis and suspension for tune and optimize the car.
(MLEC) of our system we areusing an mbed NXP LPC1768 microprocessor to
emulate the MLEC. The MLEC communicates with six Enerdel RLEC modules over

Every subsystem on the car follows the same process of defining a problem,
researching,brainstorming, engineering, insight into how to better solve the
problem in the future, andvalidation of assumptions and performance of the
system or part.
The motor we are using Remy HVH250 HT motor. The motor is operated by a
RMS PM100 motor controller. The motor has software onboard that varies the
voltage supply to the motor based on input directly from the motor, as well as CAN
messages from the vehicle control unit.

BRAKE : 4 Wilwood Calipers, Custom Floating Rotors

DRIVE : Chain drive
ELECTRONICS : Custom PCBs for controls and HV,
Elithion Lithiumate Pro BMS
EMCAC : LiPO / 6 kWh
FR/RR TRACK : 1270mm/1193mm
FRAME : Tubular Spaceframe
MATERIAL : 4130 Chromoly
MOTORCNTRLR : Sevcon Gen 4 Size 8
NMLMM : 1 / Rear / 55kW
OLWH : 117in, 45in, 57in
SUSPENSION : Pushrod-actuated unequal length Aarms
TIRE : 20.5" Goodyear D2704 Dry Slicks
WEIGHT : 700

BRAKE : Rotor, Race Technology

COOLING : motor controller uses water, motor uses air
DRIVE : chain drive to limited slip differential
ELECTRONICS : MBED NXP LPC1768 microcontroller
EMCAC : Enerdel Moxie cells / 186 ah
FR/RR TRACK : 49/49 inches
FRAME : Welded space frame
MATERIAL : 1100 mild steel
MOTORCNTRLR : Rinehart Motion Systems PX100 kW
MOTORTYP : Remy HVH250-115 HT
NMLMM : 1/ rear / 85 kW
OLWH : 112/56/45 in
SUSPENSION : 185 lb springs, ARB
TIRE : Hoosier 20.5 x 7.0-13
TRANSRATION : Chain drive 11 tooth front, 42 tooth
WEIGHT : 950 lb

United States


United States

Carnegie Mellon Racing

CMR 14e is designed to demonstrate the power of an electric drivetrain. Two

independent rear Emrax 228 motors allow for torque vectoring and an electronic
differential while sidepod mounted accumulator containers hold 83 A123 LiFePO4
Prismatic Pouch cells in series. Combined with a full carbon fibre aerodynamics
kit and nanocrystalline coated composite rear a-arms and CMR 14e pushes the
boundary of current technology.



Carnegie Mellon University

University of California - Irvine

Anteater Racing

The UCI 2013-2014 racecar team is competing in the 2014 FSAE electric
competition hosted in Lincoln, Nebraska. The team has competed in FSAE events
previously, however this is the first attempt at competing in the FSAE electric
competition. For this reason, a completely new design had to be used in order to
build this competition car. The goals for this new design was to create a car that
had a short manufacturing time, an even weight distribution, and as low of a cost
as possible while still remaining competitive.
Design Goals
Manufacturability: The car must be easy to manufacture in order to allow for a
short fabrication length and a longer testing time period.
Weight Distribution: The weight distribution from front to back must be as even as
possible. The goal was a 50-50 weight distribution, and we achieved a 55(Rear)45(Front) weight bias
Cost Effective: The total cost of the car must be kept affordable on our given
budget, while keeping performance at a competitive level.

BRAKE : Steel Slotted, Single Piece ATV Rotors

COOLING : Air-Cooled
DRIVE : Independent Rear Wheel Drive
ELECTRONICS : Arduino Mega Microcontroller
EMCAC : LiFeMnPO4 Batteries /7.68 kWh
FR/RR TRACK : 1320mm/1300mm
FRAME : SpaceFrame
MATERIAL : Mild Steel
MAXSYSVOLT : 72V (86.4 Fully Charged)
MOTORTYP : DC Brushed ME1003
NMLMM : 2, Both Rear Wheels/ 23 KW each
OLWH : 2700 mm, 1524mm, 1205 mm
SUSPENSION : Unequal Double Wishbone Suspension
using Quarter Midget Shocks
TIRE : Hoosier 18.0 X 7.5-10 R25B
WEIGHT : 800 lb
WHEELBASE : 1686 mm

BRAKE : Custom waterjet rotors, Tilton Master Cylinders

COOLING : Custom radiator, twin electric water pumps,
SPAL 9" fan
DRIVE : Chain and sprocket
ELECTRONICS : Orion BMS, 4" tuneable LED dashboard,
custom datalogger, Arduino Due
EMCAC : LiFePO4, 5.4kWh
FR/RR TRACK : 1270mm front, 1168mm rear
FRAME : Tubular space frame
MATERIAL : 4130 Steel
MOTORCNTRLR : Unitek Bamocar-D3
MOTORTYP : Pancake axial flux
NMLMM : 2, independent rear wheels, 70kW each
OLWH : 2997mm long, 1382 mm wide, 988.06 mm high
SUSPENSION : Double unequal length A-Arm. Push rod
actuated spring/damper. Adjustable rol
TIRE : R25B 20.5x7-13 Hoosier
WEIGHT : 750lb
WHEELBASE : 1647mm

United States

United States


2014 Formula SAE Key Players (as of May 26th)

There is a large group of individuals who make sure the
numerous details are completed to make a successful event.
Event Organizers

n Bob Sechler Manager, Education Relations

n Sam Barill Manager, Collegiate Design Series Programs
n Kaley Zundel Manager, Collegiate Design Series Programs
n Allison Hostetler Senior Collegiate Program Coordinator
n Amanda Paciorkowski Collegiate Program Coordinator
n Martha Schanno Manager, Collegiate Design Series
Sponsorship Sales

Registration leads

n Allison Hostetler Senior Collegiate Program Coordinator

n Amanda Paciorkowski Collegiate Program Coordinator

VIP/Sponsor Relations

n Martha Tress Manager, Collegiate Design Series

Sponsorship Sales

SCCA Liaison

n Clancy Schmidt, Linda Duncan, Howard Duncan

FSAE Course Designer

n Roger Johnson

n Sheldon Hoeft

Track Announcer
n Raleigh Boreen

Technical Inspection Leads

n Matt Petty - Combustion
n Danny Bocci Electric


n Brake Alba Colon, Ali Zangeneh, Tim Umshler

n Noise Jerry Frye
n Tilt Gary Young
n Practice Jim McNeil
n Fuel Ken Krenk
n Scales Janice Hueske
n Presentation Rachel Trap
n Design David Redszuz
n Cost Suzy Zukowski
n Acceleration Tim Gornik
n Skid Pad Matt Moody
n Autocros Jacob Homer
n Endurance Lawrence Raitinger
n Dynamic Events Safety Steward Clancy Schmidt
n Chief National Scorekeeper Steve Sayovitz
n FSAE Site Forman & Team Parking Dir Sam Barill
n Gate Control Dave McCagg
n Award Ceremony MC Raleigh Boreen


Design Judges

n Rob Bailey, Robert Bailey, Scooter Brothers, John Burford,

William Burkey, David Currier, Ron Davis, Damon Dilworth,
Brian Dondlinger, Doug Gore, Drake DeVore, Brent Felzien,
Jonathan Freiman, Tyler Furman, Nick (Oscar) Garcia, Sam
Garrett, Zach Gilmor, Rob Giovenale, Ken Halvorsen, Kevin
Higgins, Jeff Holm, Michael Hughes, Joshua Kossel, Brad
Krempasky, Chris Lang, Augusto Lee, Patrick Lynch, Mark
Hutchison, Cody Mayer, Jeremy Moore, Steve Pistora, Kent
Prather, Bill Redinger, Craig Redinger, David Redszus, Brian
Reese, Bill Riley, Pete Ringwood, Neil Roberts, Gabriel
Rodrigues, Claude Rouelle, Jason Schwanke. Wes Snaza,
Robert Strattan, Raechell Thuot, Elmer Wessel, Hanna
Westbrook, James Whisler, Robert Wilmot


n Aaron Zukowski, Alba Colon, Alex Buchka, Alex Drees,

Alex Vaipan, Ali Zangeneh, Amey Patwardin, Anthony
Phung, Billie Gresham, Bob Layer, Bob McElroy, Bobby Lee
Gresham, Brian Butler, Carl Occhialini, Chris Ciuca, Chris
Safranek, Chris Wegner, Chuck Smith, Clancy Schmidt,
Dana Gill, Danny Bocci, David Redszus, Diamon Pitts
Zukowski, Don Knop, Doug Gill, Ed Girard, Eden Zukowski,
Florence Stiles, Francis DeBroux, Frank Safranek, Garon
Griffiths, Gary Young, Gerri Monohan, Grady Wood, Herb
Seubert, Howard Duncan, Jacob Homer, Janice Hueske,
Jason Detweiler, Jason Niemann, Jerry Frye, Jidhin James,
Jim Gibbons, Jim Tuttle, Jodi Johnson, Joe Losito, Joe
Malousek, Joel Ludwig, John Brandeau, John Langholz,
Jon Klostemeir, Julia McConnell, Kelsey McLendon, Ken
Grezlik, Ken Krenk, Krisada Virojanavat, Larry Hughes,
Lawrence Raitinger, Leo Abels, Linda Duncan, Loran
Fortik, Lori Gill, Margaret Grezlik, Martin Madsen, Marvin
Jaques, Matt Moody, Matt Petty, Mazen Hammoud, Mike
Fandel, Mike Scott, Mike Thodoroff, Mike Zieman, Nick
Hatfield, Nick Miller, Oliver Proulx, Quinten Jordan, Rachel
Lebsack, Raleigh Boreen, Ray Turek, Rob Iorio, Rob
Nickolaus, Robert Christmas, Robert Todd, Roger Johnson,
Ron Kalkwarf, Ross Mackert, Russ Kromberg, Ryan
Ostmeyer, Sandi Brown, Scott Gordon, Scott McDonald,
Selena Kugler, Shane Schulze, Simon Ouellette, Stephen
Ducharme, Steve Bloomgren, Steve Steckelberg, Steven
Stiles, Stuart Spero, Suzy Zukowski, Ted Schultz, Tim
Gornik, Tim Umshler, Tobias Michaels, Tobin Watson, Todd
Lewis, Tom Drozda, Tom Holz, Tyler Menci, Velma Boreen,
Walter Chin, William Fisher
Volunteers committed by May 28, 2014

William R. Bill Adam Formula

SAE Vehicle Development Grant

This award honors Bill Adam, his extraordinary contribution to FSAE, and his lifelong
dedication to mentoring young engineers.
Established in 2004, this annual grant is administered by SAE with applications being reviewed by the family
of Bill Adam. The selected team receives a $500 grant to be applied toward the development of their vehicle.
To learn more about this award and other exciting opportunities, please visit

Congratulations to University of California, Davis Formula SAE!

Team members include:
Amanda Decker, Andres Zuniga, Anthony Mayberry, Areeb Mehmood, Brian Rogers, Bryce Yee, Calvin Lam, Cory Cortez, Diego Ugaz,
Geoffrey Christensen, Gordon Chen, Guillermo Valdivia, Henry Herndon, Ivan Pandev, Jack Parnoutsoukian, Jeff Bouchard, Jeffrey
Lee, John Carlo Chy, Jonathan Hromalik, Joseph Daniel Chua, Josh Aguilar, Josh Bihn, Julian Enis, Kimberly Barr, Kimberly Jenks, Kyle
Keating, Kyle Krueger, Lucas Bolster, Nicholas Hori, Nicholas Pio, Richard Hampton, Rocco Hollaway, Samuel Zuniga, Sean Raley, Sergio
Hernandez, Stephen Michael Becker, Steven Dunbar, Trevor Black, Trevor Gibson, Tyler Lanham, Yash Nagda, Zac March


Ad Index
DS SolidWorks.................................1
Lincoln CVB.....................................9


site map


200+ Stop Lane



Practice Stage
Practice Stage
Practice Stage




Pad Stage Lane

Pad Stage Lane


Danley Building


Fire Access

Revision 4.3 April 15, 2014




June 18 - 21, 2014


250 Runoff

2014 Formula SAE

Lincoln, NE

Lincoln Electricadditional
Welding Tent
100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71

Rain Test

42 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70




40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21

Main Tent
and Cost

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20





100 Paddock Spots (~20x75)


General Parking

(444 max - full sized trucks - 12.5 wide spot)


Drain Flow




Endurance Spectator

Bicycle Fence

twentyeight water barriers



30.2 mph

Kill Engine

34.0 mph

35.1 mph


54.6 mph

max @ 1.8 Gs



Black Flag


Passing Area

30.2 mph

max @ 1.8 Gs



37.8 mph

max @ 1.8 Gs

28.4 mph


Exit Lane

twelve water

of Travel


Passing Area


Ground Off


Skid Pad/
AutoX Timing

4 3 2 1

33.2 mph

max @ 1.8 Gs
five water

max @ 1.8 Gs

max @ 1.8 Gs







Skid Pad



5 6 7 8





Kill Engine

2nd Driver
1st Driver


2nd Driver
1st Driver


47.8 mph


2nd Driver
1st Driver


12 11 10 9

27.9 mph

max @ 1.8 Gs

Max @ 1.8 Gs

2 gap

Kill Engine

six water


max @ 1.8 Gs


one or two water

barriers at each
corner worker station
Max of 12 barriers for AutoX.
Plan to move barriers to endurance
following AutoX

max @ 1.8 Gs





150+ additional runoff

Bicycle Fence


30.2 mph



max @ 1.8 Gs



35.1 mph

41.2 mph

max @ 1.8 Gs

max @ 1.8 Gs


75 safety zone






41.5 mph


max @ 1.8 Gs








47.8 mph


29.7 mph


40.2 mph

max @ 1.8 Gs

max @ 1.8 Gs

max @ 1.8 Gs

33 R

33 R

29.7 mph

max @ 1.8 Gs

59 R
39.9 mph

max @ 1.8 Gs


39.9 mph

25.8 mph

max @ 1.8 Gs

max @ 1.8 Gs

59 R



Passing Area


28.9 mph

max @ 1.8 Gs












Visit the SAE Bookstore at Formula SAE!

FREE Book with Purchase!* While Supplies Last
SAE Bookstore Hours: Wednesday, May 14 12:00 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 15 & Friday, May 16 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 17 8:00 a.m. Noon
*Free book choice is limited to selected titles on-site. Limit 1 free book per purchase, while supplies last.

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This book provides an introduction

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List Price: $135.00

Member Price: $121.50**


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List Price: $99.95

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List Price: $32.50

Member Price: $29.25**

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Diamond sponsor

Paddocks Sponsor

Event Partners

T-Shirt Sponsor

Silver sponsors

Bronze sponsors

Friends of Formula

Welcome Ceremony Sponsor

Students engage in hands-on learning experiences by
designing, fabricating, and manufacturing a vehicleas well as
considering the economic aspects of the automotive industry.
Like our Facebook page at or
follow us on Twitter @formulasae for:
Team deadline information
Winner announcements
Special prize giveaways
Team highlights and stories
Answers to your questions

SAE International
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA 15096

o +1.724.776.4841
f +1.724.776.0790

The SAE International Collegiate Design Series (CDS) is a college-level

engineering design and performance competition. It is just one of the programs
we oer within a full continuum of STEM education programs (science, engineering,
technology, math.) Find out more about A World In Motion (Kindergarten-8), F1 in Schools (9-12)
and the rest of the events like Formula SAE in the Collegiate Design Series at

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