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CEE 552

Lake Tahoe erosion

and stabilization
Nevada Highway 28
Larry Yenko
Student number 0860258

Lake Tahoe Highway Right-Of-Way Erosion and Stabilization

Proposed SWPPP:
I Certifications and Approvals.
Certifications were submitted by hydraulic engineers for NDOT and not the
contractor. NDOT is ultimately responsible for developing, submitting,
obtaining approval, compliance and maintenance of the SWPPP (though, by
contract, the contractor is responsible to maintain the terms of the SWPPP).
projects within the Lake Tahoe basin must also obtain a permit
from TRPA1.
III Introduction and Project Description
A. General Description
The Lake Tahoe Highway right-of-way erosion and stabilization project started
in May 2011. It is an upgrade to a storm water filtering systems and an
upgrade to existing utilities contained in the right-of-way of the Nevada
Department of Transportation (NDOT), Highway 28 from the intersection of
Nevada Highway 341 to the California border in North Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
For years, development of the Lake Tahoe basin remained unchecked with
little or no regulation, especially to the control of storm water runoff.
Beginning in the late 1960s, people in the Lake Tahoe basin became
increasingly aware of the quality of life in the Lake Tahoe area, in particular,
the environment. One of the most alluring attractions to the basin is that
clarity of Lake Tahoe. In 1967 the clarity of the Lake was measured by
lowering a circular target, 18 inches in diameter with a black cross painted
on it, into the Lake. The distance was measured where the target was no
longer visible. In 1967, this depth was 100 feet. The clarity of the Lake had
been measured using this method of about every 10 years since then. In the
late 90s, the depth at which the target was no longer visible was 67 feet.
Scientists concluded that the loss of clarity was due to the increased organic
matter and sediment carried by storm water over disturbed areas
surrounding the Lake. To try and reverse this problem, the government
formed the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) with the mandate to
improve the environmental quality of the Tahoe basin. The most important
improvement was to prevent contaminated storm water runoff that enters
the Lake.
B. Receiving Waters
Lake Tahoe-California-Nevada
C. Unique Site Features and Potential Problems
The Lake Tahoe basin is unique among alpine lakes in that most of the soil
surrounding the lake is deep volcanic sandy loam containing large gravel,
making the soil pervious to water. Because of the deep nature of this well
drained soil, storm water is filtered through this soil and enters the Lake
through the groundwater minus most organic and inorganic sediment. To
1 State Route 28 Water Quality Improvement Project (EIP #1000), Washoe County,
Nevada, TRPA Project Number 5601-201-00, TRPA File Number EIPC 2008-0032 (see

complement this filtration system, the conifer forest and undergrowth

stabilized the topsoil so only a small amount of organic matter and sediment
reached the Lake.
It is in this background that all development, whether commercial, hotels,
residential or transportation (highways), are required to do their part to
minimize or eliminate contaminated storm water runoff. Residential owners
are required to retrofit their property with Best Management Practices (BMPs)
to minimize contaminated storm water runoff. Local subdivisions and
commercial property containing paved parking lots and streets are required
to provide sediment vaults or like devices to control storm water pollution.
State agencies including NDOT are required to provide state-of-the-art storm
water pollution prevention systems as they improve highways and roads.
The choice of a utility modernization and road stabilization project makes it
difficult to separate out storm water pollution prevention practices in
construction phase when this is the focus of the project itself. However,
options, other than those chosen by NDOT engineers are possible. Where this
student agrees with the BMPs chosen, he will try and explain why he agrees
with them and when this student believes other BMPs are the better choice.
Another difficulty in analyzing this project is the limited area, at least in
width, involved though offsite runoff considerations contain lengthy slopes to
be used in runoff calculations.
D. Construction Site Estimates.
Highway right-of-way approximately 200 feet wide, Highway pavement
approximately 24 feet wide, project length-2.68 miles. Disturbed soil
approximately 7% of highway easement, minimal disturbance of soil within
right-of-way, immediate stabilization of disturbed soil by either temporary or
permanent erosion control (hydroseeding).
E. Construction Activity Schedule.
Construction is to begin May 1 and shut down October 15. Winterization and
stabilization plan submitted by October 1. Construction to be suspended JulyAugust and for America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride, Celebrity Golf
Tournament, Hot August Nights, Street Vibrations and Tour de Tahoe. Hours of
work 8 AM-6:30 PM daily, Monday through Thursday, 8 AM to 12 PM Fridays.
Work areas shall be 500 feet maximum, complete each zone prior to starting
an next work zone. Service construction equipment during working hours
only. Deliver working materials only during working hours. Do not work on
Nevada state holidays. Two weeks prior to construction schedule a pre-grade
meeting, this requirement to be scheduled every year until completion of the
F. Potential Pollution Sources.
Unvegetated-disturbed soil areas, sediment on highway, soil on equipment,
soil exposed on trenches, asbestos concrete pipe, soil from removed pipe
and culverts, demolition of utilities being replaced, replaced aggregate,
petroleum products used on or with equipment including maintenance and
fluid changes, sewer waste, toxic adhesives used on plastic sewer pipe, air
pollution from diesel fuel, concrete residue from washing out trucks and
welding materials. Potential sediment pollution from water wells dewatering
(private wells and/or wells dug for the purpose of this contract).
G. Endangered Species Certification.
Swallow and other nesting birds nests not to be disturbed. Compliance with
the Endangered Species Act.
H. History Preservation.

Required certification that no his story structures are within the state
I. Archaeological Sites.
No archaeological sites have been identified, however, exposure of any
historic or archaeological site must be reported to appropriate agency.
J. Applicable federal, state, tribal, and local programs.
Comply with additional TRPA rules and regulations.
K. Responsible Party Obligations and Contact Information.
Special Provisions, Proposal, Contract and Bond2
NDOT, Headquarter
Buildings, Room 101, 1263 S. Stewart St., Carson City,
NV 897123
IV Documents Incorporated by Reference-see Appendix B
Construction Site Best Management Practices (BMPs) Manual.
TRPA Best Management Practices
Special Provisions, Proposal, Contract and Bond, Project Number: MS-0028
Construction Plans Project Number: MS-0028 (005)
Soil Survey Of the Tahoe Basin Area, California and Nevada.
Western US Precipitation Frequency Map, NOAA Atlas 2, Nevada.
State Route 28 Water Quality Improvement Project (TRPA permit) page
Hydraulic Information Computation.
Drainage areas Highway 28 project .
Vegetative communities for off-site watersheds
Hydraulic information calculations (runoff coefficients).
Design report.
V Plan Details.
A. SWPPP objectives-substantially reduce or eliminate organic material and
inorganic sediment from storm water runoff.
B. Vicinity maps-see attached
2 see special provisions ( attached)
3 see special provisions (attached)

1. Soils map of North Lake Tahoe (project 28 junction of Nevada 341 and
Nevada 28 to
the California state line (Appendix B).
2. Sheet number 1 of project plans (Appendix B).
3. Sheet number D2 and D3 project plans-area chosen as focus of
student analysis (appendix C).
C. Pollution source identification.
1. Existing (preconstruction) conditions-roadway without curb and
gutter, stabilized soil
and stabilized drainage formations, weathered
asphalt, including patches, petroleum
pollution deposited on existing
roadway (oil drips etc. from passing cars), underground
utilities and
asbestos concrete pipe, inadequate storm sewer and asphalt turnouts.
2. See III F
3. Characteristics of site soilsOff-site soil characteristics. Soil characteristics are indicated for off-site
subbasins approximately 200 feet long to 10,000 feet long.
-Cagwin rock outcrop complex 5 to 15% slopes.
-Inville stony course sandy loam, 9 to 15%. Slope.
-Jorge-Tahoma very stony sandy loam 30 to 50% slopes.
-Meiss cobbly loam 30 to 50% slopes.
-Rock outcrop-Cagwin complex 30 to 50% slopes.
-Rock outcrop and rumble land.
-Umpa very stony sandy loam 515% slopes.
-Umpa very stony sandy loam 30 to 50% slopes.
-Cagwin-Rock outcrop complex 30 to 50% slopes.
-Inville stony course sandy loam 15 to 30% slopes.
-Jorge-Tahoma very stony sandy loam, it's 15 to 30% slopes.
-Rock outcrop-Tome complex 30 to 50% slopes.
-Tahoma stony sandy loam to to 15% slopes.
-Umpa very stony sandy loam 15 to 30% slopes.
-Waca cobbly course sandy loam nine 230% slopes.
On-site/offsite soil characteristics chosen for analysis (subbasins 5, 6
and 7). See soils map appendix B.

-subbasin 5-100% inville stony course sandy loam 9 to 15%

-Subbasin 6-100% inville stony course sandy loam 9 to 15%

-Subbasin 7-23% inville stony course sandy loam 9 to 15%


D. Soils Analysis.
Soil profile, subbasin 5, 6, and 7-A-topsoil (mineral soil and
considerable organics).
Hydraulic analysis, subbasin5, 6 and 7.
The flow rate (see appendix A).
Volume (see appendix A).
Topographic analysis.
Subbasin 5 -off-site slope and length -15% 300 feet long.
on-site-25% 200 feet long.
Subbasin 6-off-site slope and length-15% 300 feet long.
on-site-10% 200 feet long.
Subbasin 7 -off-site slope and length-15% 2400 feet long.
on-site 3% 300 feet long.
Slopes are North to South.
Potential erosion analysis-Revised Universal Soil Loss Equalization
(RUSLE) Y(s) = R x K
x LS x C x P x A
Subbasin 5 -off-site R = 504*K = .19 (sandy loam + >4%
organics *LS (15% slope,
300 feet long = 4.4*C = .30 (forests +
residential + cover )*P = 1 (no mechanical
treatment)*A =
1.31 acres = 16.4274 tons/year.

Subbasin 5-on-site R = 50*K = .19 (sandy loam + >4%

organics6)*LS (25% slope,
200 feet long = 8.1*C = .517 (cover +
bare ground + asphalt pavement)*P = 1 (no
treatment)*A = .8 acres = 31.3956 tons/year.
Subbasin 6 -off-site. R = 50*K = .19 (sandy loam + >4%
organics8)*LS (15% slope,
300 feet long) = 4.0*C =.33 (forest,
4 NDOT, Appendix D, Water Quality Analysis, page 5, C:\Users\Larry
Yenko\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet
5 Soil Survey of the Tahoe Basin Area, California and Nevada, page 2184
6 id
7 NDOT, Appendix D, Water Quality Analysis, page 7, C:\Users\Larry
Yenko\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet
8 Soil Survey of the Lake Tahoe Basin Area, California and Nevada, page 2184

residential, cover)*P = 1 (no mechanical

30.4722 tons/year.

treatment)*A = 2.43 =

Subbasin 6-on-site R = 50*K = .19 (sandy loam + >4%

organics9)*LS (10% slope
200 feet long) = 2.0*C = .2610*(cover +
bare ground + asphalt pavement)*P = 1
(no mechanical treatment)*A
= .8 acres = 3.952 tons/year.
Subbasin 7-off-site R = 50*K = .19 (sandy loam + >4%
organics11)*LS (15% slope,
2400 feet long) 11.0*C = .34 (forest +
residential + cover)*P = 1 (no mechanical
treatment)*A =
96.34 = 3423 tons/year.
Subbasin 7-on-site R = 50*K = .19 (sandy loam + >4%
organics12)*LS (3% slope,
300 feet long) = .35*C = .2613 (cover +
bare ground + asphalt pavement)*P = 1
(no mechanical treatment)*A
= .8 acres = .6916 10/acres.
E. Best Management Practices.
Construction Management Practices.
Scheduling- Work may be performed between 8 AM and 6:30 PM
Monday through Thursday and 8 AM to 12 PM on Fridays. Work can
commence on May 1 and cease
October 15 of each year. Work is to be
suspended the months of July and August and the designated events per
contract (see attached). Work shall be limited to 500 feet at a
time, to be
completed before the next 500 feet. Winterizing plans for the construction
site to be submitted by October 1 of each year. Material-material to the
ordered and
placed at construction site only when needed. Construction
site to be cleaned at the
end of each day. Monitor weather daily.
Stockpiles of material shall be located off-site, cleaned and stabilized
of noxious weeds.
Asphalt and concrete cement plants to be located
off-site and comply with all environmental regulation. All equipment,
parking and staging areas to be located offsite with landowner
agreements for such activities.
Erosion control practices.
Off-site practices.
-Based on the above RUSLE calculations, the potential for a
large amount
of sediment from subbasin 7 should be
addressed if it is within NDOT or
TRPA authority.
9 id
10 NDOT, Appendix D, Water Quality Analysis, page 7, C:\Users\Larry
Yenko\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet
11 Soil Survey of the Lake Tahoe Basin Area, California and Nevada, page 2184
12 id
13 NDOT, Appendix D, Water Quality Analysis, page 7, , C:\Users\Larry
Yenko\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet

with TRPA

-Insured that all residential property owners have complied

retrofit BMPs.

flow of water

-In stall willow wattlings on public land horizontal to the

directing the runoff to the existing swale.

-ensure all slope stabilizations are installed and maintained

(generally this
would not be a burden to the contractor,
however, NDOT is a public
agency and therefore entire
soil stabilization, even beyond their
is good public policy).
On-site erosion control.
-preservation of existing vegetation, including grass,
shrubs and trees.
Temporary fencing to be installed
to protect areas from soil disturbance
in the
construction process and to provide easy identification of
preserved areas. Fencing around trees and tree drip area (7 feet
trunk of a tree) shall be installed. Temporary fencing
to protect
vegetation to be removed last after
completion of construction.
-immediate hydroseeding of all disturbed soil not covered
by asphalt.
Hydroseeding with native grasses, shrubs and
trees (vegetation seeds
obtained from suppliers of
Sierra native seeds from vegetation 6200 feet
to 10,000
feet) to include mulch and tackifier in a two step process (see
being first application, mulch second application. Hydroseeded
soil to be
irrigated until grasses, shrubs, and trees are
sustainable without
irrigation. Areas of less than
80% germination and growth to be rehydroseeded.
Hydroseeded area to be stabilize/winterized prior to
October 1 of each year. Re-hydroseed areas with less than 80% growth
the following May 1. Hydroseed with fertilizer
approved by project
engineer. Hydroseeding equipment
to be cleaned off-site outside the
Tahoe basin.
-stabilize slopes with riprap per plan design (manual
placement of rock),
top soil integrated into the riprap.
Hydroseeding and mulch applied after
top soil
placement. Organic (coconut woven mulch blanket) blanket
complied two areas of greater than 4:1 slopes or hydroseeding at
the end
of the growing season.
Runoff control practices.
-sediment logs, made of organic fibers rolled tightly and
fixed to the
slopes perpendicular to water flow to
reduce velocity and dissipate water
flow to sheet flow on
long slopes. Sediment logs are placed in a small
and anchored by stakes or staples. Sediment logs can be left in
place permanently. They should be placed above the NDOT right
but not on residential property.
-because the construction site is narrow, most sediment
control consists
of placement of silt fences. Silt fence
placement is indicated on the
project plans however,

I believe additional silt fences should be placed

the southern boundary of the NDOT right away (near existing
residential homes) to avoid sediment particles reaching existing
and the lake less than 100 yards from the NDOT
right-of-way. Silt fence
should be tied 2, fabric with wire
mesh backing, secured by metal T posts,
8 foot on center.
Bottom of the fabric shall be placed in a trench 6 inches
deep dug by handrefilled and tamped. Silt removal when silt reaches
of fence height.
drain inlet with

-storm drain protection type III gravel bag placed around

bags interlocking to a height above the

Tracking practices.
-eliminate tracking of sediment off-site from construction
vehicles or equipment.
Install construction entrance pad consisting of
rock 1 inch in diameter, 6 feet
wide and 6 inches deep,
draining to a sediment entrapment device. Install wheel
equipment, sweep and vacuum entrance to pavement.
Wind erosion control practices.
-since soil stabilization by hydroseeding should command
immediately after soil
disturbance and contouring and all
construction should take place on asphalt
pavement, no
dust depression is anticipated, however, if the need arises, care
should be taken for dust suppression by watering dusty areas so that
method does not contribute to sediment runoff. Dust
suppression chemicals are
inappropriate for the Lake Tahoe
Non-storm water control practices.
-the project calls for installation of curb and gutters with street
drains to a newly
designed storm water drain system. Upgrades
to existing utilities are included.
This requires placement of
concrete, finishing of the concrete, rinsing out readymix
concrete trucks, removal of some existing utilities, removal of asbestos
concrete pipes, converts, steel piping and re-pavement or
patching of existing
asphalt pavement. Concrete truck clean
the areas must be installed (off-site),
concrete and asphalt
batch plants must be set up and maintain (off-site) and
aggregate for backfill and pavement
must be supplied (cleaned
and stored offsite).
Dewatering control practices.
-water used in courts of construction, cutting existing piping
(including asbestos
concrete pipes) is to be separated and
prevented from moving off-site.
Practices for control of other construction site pollutions.
-asbestos removal and free conscience per statute.
-materials to be used on the project shall be stored off-site
including aggregate.
-staging areas-off-site.
-wash out areas (see above).

-vehicle staging, storage and maintenance off-site as per statute.

-spill prevention and cleanup plan, must be reviewed and
approved prior to
beginning construction.
Maps (referred to Appendix C-plans).
Out of bounds fencing, South side of road-referred to plans-TPC 2
and TPC3-out
of bounds fencing, starting from left of plan
South of Highway 10 feet proceeding
West perpendicular to road,
around drip line of existing trees, West, parallel to
Highway at
the toe of the slope at plan marker 195 W. to tree drip line at 195.5
W. to proposed shoulder turn out (197) West 10 feet from
proposed shoulder to
plan marker 200 W. to proposed slope
modification (Southside) West to second
slope modification
(203.5) West to tree drip line (204.5) West to tree drip line at
to 206.5 West parallel (10 feet) to Highway plan marker 210. (Out of
fencing continuous from start of project to end of
Out of bounds fencing, north side of the road-referred to plansTPC 2 and TPC 3
starting at the edge of plans 10 feet from
Highway, West to plan marker 198
around existing riprap
velocity berms, West to tree drip line (199.5), West to tree
drip line at
200.5 West 10 feet from Highway to plan marker 210.
Silt fences-South side of Highway placed at the toe of slope plan
marker 194195.5, surrounding shoulder 197-200.
Additional silt fences 10 feet below
proposed shoulder, silt fence
in swale at 200.5, from toe of modified slopes plan
201-203.5, toe of slope 204.5-206.
Silt fences-north side of Highway-above riprap velocity controls
above the storm drain 199.5, from 205-210 (based
on off-site runoff volume).
Storm drain protection-the Southside of Highway 201.5, 205.5,
209.5, north side
of highway 199.5.
Sediment logs-off-site subbasin 7 as described above.
Pollution control budget-unavailable.
BMP, inspection and maintenance-all BMPs to be inspected weekly by
NDOT personnel and after every rain fall event greater than .5 inches. A
check list to be supplied for each inspection to include all BMPs. Check list
plus maintenance to be recorded.
-contractor training-topics, purpose and need of SWPPP, spell
procedures, review of past spells, review of
good housekeeping procedures,
proper material handling
procedures, proper disposal or recycling of material,
location of
cleaning materials and spill kit, reviewed material storage systems,
familiarize employees with drainage routes of storm water.

-subcontractor framing same ads general contractor training for

subcontractors that will deal with SWPPP.


Appendix A
Peak Flow Rate and Volume
Section 5-100% inville stony course sandy loam 9 to 15% slopes.
*[(.21*1.31*.80) +
+.07 = [(.22) +
(.06)]/(1.31) +.07= .30
Section 6-100% inville stony course sandy loam 9 to 15% slopes.
*[(.21*2.43*.50) +
+.07 =
[(.25) + (.31)]/(2.43)
+.07 = .32
Section 7-23% inville stony course sandy loam 9 to 15% slopes.
[(.21*96.34*.70) +
(.27*96.34*.30)]/(96.34) +.07
= [(14.16) + (7.80)]/(96.34)
+07 = .34
54% inville stony course sandy loam 15 to 30% slopes
22% Jorge-Tahoma very stony sandy loam 15 to 30% slopes.
1% Umpa very stony sandy loam 30 to 50% slopes.
Summation = [ (.30*1.31) + (.32*2.43) + (.34*96.34)]/
(1.31+2.43+96.34) = .339
*[(Base C*Nonresidential Area) + (Residential C*Residential Area)]/(WS Area)
+ Slope Adjustment.
On-site subbasin 5 , 6, and 7 runoff coefficient .21 (per chart hydraulic
information-see appendix B).
Peak flow rate: QR = C IR A
Volume: VR = C PR A ([43560 ft2/acre]/[12 inches/ft])
QR = peak flow (cfs) for a storm of return frequency R;
C = estimated runoff coefficient;
IR = peak rainfall intensity (inches/hour) for a storm of return frequency R;
A = drainage catchment area (acres); and

VR = runoff volume in ft3.

IR Values:
The peak rainfall intensity IR for the specified return frequency R design storm is
determined using a unit peak rainfall intensity factor i R for a given return frequency R
design storm using the following equation:
IR = (PR)(iR)
PR = the total precipitation at the project site for the 24hour duration storm event at the given return frequency,
from the isopluvial map;
iR = (a)(Tc) -b, the unit peak rainfall intensity factor;
Tc = time of concentration (minutes), calculated using the
method described below; and
a, b = coefficients from the Table of Coefficients.

Tt = L/60V
Tt = travel time (minutes)
( Note: Tt through an open water body (such as a pond) should be assumed to be zero
with this method. );
L = the distance of flow across a given segment (feet);
V = average velocity (ft/sec) across the land cover =
kR = time of concentration velocity factor (ft/sec; see
Velocity Factor Table);

so = slope of flow path (ft/ft)

Off-site subbasin 5-1.31 acres of Forest with floor vegetation C = .30 velocity
factor KR = 2.5, slope 15 %, 300 feet long.
On-site subbasin-5 .8 acres impervious asphalt + bare ground + cover C = .
53, KR = 17.0 slope 25%, 200 feet long.
Cc = ((C1 x A1) + (C2 x A2) = ((0.30 x 1.31 acre) + (0.53 x .8 acres))/2.11 acres = .817
IR = (PR)(iR) PR = 2. 8 inches (per isupluvial map, ) i R = (a)(Tc) -b
a = 2.44) b = 0.64
Forest: kR = 2.5V = kR(so)0.5 = 2.5(0.15)0.5 = .155 ft/sec
T1 = L/60V = 300 ft/(60)(0.155) = 32.25 min
right-of-way kR = 17.0 (impervious + bare + cover)V = kR(so)0.5 = 17.0(0. 25)0.5 = 8.5
T2 = L/60V = 200 ft/(60)(8.5) = .39 min
Tc = 32.25 + .39 = 32.64 min
iR = (2.44)(32.64) (-0.64) = 0.26
IR = (2.8)(0.26) = 0.728 inch/hour
QR = (0.817)(0.728)(3) = 1.35 cfs
VR = C PR A ([43560 ft2/acre]/[12 inches/ft]) =
(.871)(2.8)(2.11)(43560)/12 = 18679 ft3.
Off-site subbasin 6-2.43 acres of forest with floor vegetation C = .33, k R = 2.5, slope
15% 300 feet long.
On-site subbasin 6-.8 acres (impervious + bare + cover) C = .59, k R = 17.0, slope
(6340-6320 = 20 feet, difference in elevation/horizontal distance, 20/200, see plan sheet
D2) 10%, 200 feet long.
Cc = ((C1 x A1) + (C2 x A2) = ((0.33 x 2.43 acre) + (0. 59 x .8 acres))/3.23 acres = 1.27
IR = (PR)(iR) PR = 2.6 inches iR = (a)(Tc) -b
a = 2.44) b = 0.64

Forest kR = 2.5 V = kR(so)0.5 = 2.5 (0.10)0.5 = .79 ft/sec

T1 = L/60V = 300 ft/(60)(.79) = 6.33 min
Right-of-way: kR = 17.0 V = kR(so)0.5 = 17.0(0.10)0.5 = 5.38 ft/sec
T2 = L/60V = 200 ft/(60)(5.38) = .62 min
Tc = 6.33 + .62 = 6.95 min
iR = (2.44)(6.95) (-0.64) = 0.71
IR = (2.8)(0.71) = 1.97 inch/hour
QR = (1.27)(1.97)(3.23) = 8.10 cfs
VR = C PR A ([43560 ft2/acre]/[12 inches/ft]) =
(1.27)(2.8)(3.23)(43560)/12 = 41694 ft3.
Off-site subbasin 7-96.34 acres of forest with floor vegetation C = .34, k R = 2.5, slope
15% 2400 feet long.
On-site subbasin 7-1.2 acres of forest with floor vegetation C = .59, k R = 17, slope
(6310-6300 = 10 feet, difference in elevation/horizontal distance 10/300, see plan sheet
D3) 3% 300 feet long.
Cc = ((C1 x A1) + (C2 x A2) = ((0.34 x 96.34 acre) + (0.59 x 1.2 acres))/97.54 acres =
IR = (PR)(iR) PR = 2.8 inches iR = (a)(Tc) -b
a = 2.44) b = 0.64
Forest: kR = 2.5 V = kR(so)0.5 = 2.5 (0.15)0.5 = .97 ft/sec
T1 = L/60V = 2400 ft/(60)(.97) = 41.24 min
Right-of-way: kR = 17.0 V = kR(so)0.5 = 17.0 (0.03)0.5 = 2.94 ft/sec
T2 = L/60V = 300 ft/(60)(2.94) = 1.70 min
Tc = 41.24 + 1.70 = 42.94 min
iR = (2.44)(42.94) (-0.64) = .22


IR = (2.8)(0.22) = .62 inch/hour

QR = (0.43)(0.62)(3) = 0.80 cfs
VR = C PR A ([43560 ft2/acre]/[12 inches/ft]) =
(32.08)(2.8)(97.54)(43560)/12 = 31804002 ft 3


Appendix B
Construction Site Best Management Practices (BMPs) Manual.
TRPA Best Management Practices.
Special Provisions, Proposal, Contract and Bond, Project Number: MS-0028
Construction Plans Project Number: MS-0028 (005)
Soil Survey Of the Tahoe Basin Area, California and Nevada.
Western US Precipitation Frequency Map, NOAA Atlas 2, Nevada.
State Route 28 Water Quality Improvement Project (TRPA permit).
Drainage areas Highway 28 project (figure 2-1)
Vegetative communities for off-site watersheds (figure 3).
Hydraulic information calculations (runoff coefficients).
Design report.


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