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The 100 Most Beautiful


ere are the 100 most beautiful words in English. How do we know we have
the most beautiful? They were chosen by Dr. Goodword (Robert Beard), who has been
making dictionaries, creating word lists, and writing poetry for 40 years. For five
years he wrote the Word of the Day at and since 2004 he has
been writing the series, So, What's the Good Word? here at AlphaDictionary. Below is
a selected list of his favorite poetical words that he used in his poetry—or wishes he

The 100 Most Beautiful Words in English

1. Aestivate 15. Demesne
2. Ailurophile 16. Demure
3. Assemblage 17. Denouement
4. Becoming 18. Desuetude
5. Beleaguer 19. Desultory
6. Billet-doux 20. Diaphanous
7. Brood 21. Dissemble
8. Bucolic 22. Dulcet
9. Bungalow 23. Ebullient
10. Chatoyant 24. Effervescent
11. Comely 25. Efflorescence
12. Conflate 26. Elision
13. Cynosure 27. Elixir
14. Dalliance 28. Eloquence
29. Embrocation 69. Murmur
30. Emollient 70. Nemesis
31. Ephemeral 71. Niveous
32. Epiphany 72. Odalisque
33. Erstwhile 73. Offing
34. Esculent 74. Onomatopoeia
35. Ethereal 75. Opulent
36. Evanescent 76. Palimpsest
37. Evocative 77. Panacea
38. Fetching 78. Panoply
39. Felicitous 79. Pastiche
40. Fluke 80. Peccadillo
41. Forbearance 81. Penumbra
42. Fugacious 82. Petrichor
43. Furtive 83. Plethora
44. Gambol 84. Propinquity
45. Glamour 85. Pyrrhic
46. Gossamer 86. Quintessential
47. Halcyon 87. Ratatouille
48. Imbrication 88. Redolent
49. Imbroglio 89. Riparian
50. Imbue 90. Ripple
51. Incipient 91. Scintilla
52. Ineffable 92. Sempiternal
53. Ingenue 93. Seraglio
54. Inglenook 94. Serendipity
55. Insouciance 95. Surreptitious
56. Inure 96. Sumptuous
57. Lagniappe 97. Sussurous
58. Lagoon 98. Symbiosis
59. Languor 99. Talisman
60. Lassitude 100. Tintinnabulation
61. Leisure 101. Umbrageous
62. Lilt 102. Umbrella
63. Lissome 103. Untoward
64. Lithe 104. Vestige
65. Luxuriant 105. Viridescent
66. Mellifluous 106. Waft
67. Moiety 107. Wherewithal
68. Mondegreen

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