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AIIMS Nov 2013 ALL Que at One place with answers ..

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Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:24 pm (12 hours ago) #1

AIIMS Nov 2013 ALL Que at One place with answers ...

Senior Titan

Posts: 165
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Aim Andhra Pradesh

1.Mesorectal fascia doesnt include Superior rectal vein
2.Not a derivative of neural ectoderm- ciliary muscle
3.Not a part of ethmoid bone- inferior turbinate
4.Dynamic sholder cu stabiliser rotator cu
5.Anal sphincter- S2,3,4
6.Predominant artery of stomach-left gastric artery
7.Muscle of back that is related to front- lattismus dorsi
8.Thumb and index nger C6 , C6
9.Blood testis barrier- sertoli sertoli cells
10.Spermatogenesis division of chromosomes- Spermatogonia to primary spermatocyte
11.Blood supply to medulla all except- Superior cerebellar
12.Which space doesnt follow VAN structures -11th space
13.Long space collagen bres- Cornea
14.Anatomical sphincter for fallopian tube - intramural part
15.vaginal epithelium derived from endoderm of urogenital sinus in dams buk its given
mesoderm with a journal as reference

1. Aleviation of pain by repated stimulation gate
control theory
2. Regarding muscle contraction false is- calcium
binding to tropomycin
3. Peripheral vascular resistance best ascessed by4. Platelet attachment to collagen is through vWF
5. Progesterone excreted in urine as
6. Sympathetic stimulation causes vasoconstriction
of skin vessels

Bio chemistry
1. Suicidal enzyme- cycloxygenase
2. Not a use of NADPH for ATP in RBC
3. To detect known genetic loci -FISH
4. PCR DNA amplication
5. Low insulin glucagon ratio glucose 6 phosphatase
6. Light microscopy 500kb
7. Von gierkes disease fat immobilization is low
8. Ribosome peptidyltransferase
9. Enzyme not in fatty acid complex acetyl co a
1. Rho kinase inhibitor fasudil
2. DOC for JME in pregnancy - levatiracetam
3. Lennaux gestaut syndrome newly approved drug runamide
4. True regarding carbamazepine steven johnsons syndrome
5. Cholinomimetic contraindicated in partial heart block
6. Sudden stoppage doesnt cause any side eects with uoxetine
7. Apoptosis by corticosteriod
8. Corticosteriod is indicated in Typhoid
9. LMWH vs unfractionated heparin Less bound to proteins
10. Drug doesnt cross BBB Glycopyrrolate ????
11. Elimination of a drug is called Clearance
12. False about iodine C/I in hyperthyroidism
13. Duration of action of fumazenil 20min
14. Drug used for primary pulmonary hypertension bosentan
15. drug with both alpha and beta agonism - epinephrine


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1. Seminoma marker PLAP
2. In B 12 deciency not seen is increased reticulocyte count
3. False regarding latent iron deciency anemia Saturation < 16%
4. Parental disomy not seen in bloom syndrome
5. Africo american kid with chronic hemolytic anemia , abnormal rbc shape
point mutation (sickle cell anaemia)
6. Tensile strength of the wound cross linkage of tropo collagen
7. 16 yr old girl ht 58 inches primary amenorrhea , raising FSH histology
nding no oocyte in ovary
8. A 70 yr old man who was working in asbestosis factory . On routine xray
a mass was seen in right apical region the histopathology of this is Option with villi???
9. A 32 ye old female with virchow node enlargement on biopsy owl eye
cell and CD 30 and CD 15 positive diagnosis nodular sclerosis
10. In retinoblastoma patient other primary malignacy seen is -

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1. In autopsy curling ulcer should be examined in 1st part of
2. Disclosure of rape victim 228A ipc
3. Conduction of criminal abortion ipc 312ipc
4. Embalming before death certicate ipc- 201ipc
5. Declaration as unclaimed dead body according to delhi anatomy
rules after 48hrs
6. lateral traction test for habitual passive agent
7. False regarding methyl alcohol poisoning fomipizole is a competitive inhibitor of
8. Rigor mortis not seen in fetus of less than 7 months
9. Color code for dangerous pesticides is red
10. In RTA patient lost conciousness later he gained again after sometime he lost
conciousness Lucid interval

1. Function of MHC class I and II antigen
2. Not a common cause for neonatal sepsis in
india is aceintobacter
3. After disaster epidemic not seen in Rickettsia

1. Topiramide concentration .01 i.e 1%
2. Band keratopathy CALCIUM
3. b/l proptosis Neuroblastoma
4. True regarding pterigium Bare sclera recurrence 30 to 70%
5. Optic atrophy not seen in retinitis pigmentosa
6. False regarding indirect opthalmoscopy is virtual n erect image
7. In cataract increased insoluble proteins and decreased soluble protiens
8. A new born baby was refered from CHC to a opthalmologist for 28 wks GA
9. In glaucomatic atrophy changes are seen in ganglion cells
10. A patient with eye pain and blurring of vision the drug contraindiacted is homatropine
11. Corneal change in VIT A deciency is actinic degeneration
12. According to NPCB post catarct surgery survialnce done by Passive surveillance
13. True regarding degenerative myopia retinal tear and RD
14. Regarding anti glaucoma drugs true is brimodine decrease acqueous production
15. Source of most common intraocular malignancy metastasis id from - breast

1. b/l hearing loss worsened during pregnancy tympanogram
curve As
2. Topical steriod contraindicated after sinus surgery in
antrochonal polyp
3. Part of cochlear implant that is implanted during surgery
transmitter coil
4. A person consumed peanut developed urticaria , swelling
of neck , lips angioneuritic oedema
5. Child with enlarged tonsils false statement is ???
6. A patient with OSA with hypertension on treatment and
apnea index 5 next step CPAP
1. Regarding ESI ACT which is correct -The State Governments share of
expenditure on medical care is 1/8 ; the ESI Corporations share of expenditure on medical
care is 7/8 of total cost
2. In assessing the literacy rate -age above 7 years
3. Screw feed technology false is -ideal for pathological waste
4. % of GDP allotted to health in India 0.012
5. Burden of under 5 mortality in the world in 2010 6 million
6. Regarding measles vaccination strategy in 9-14 yrs is called as catch up
7. regarding Q test - to determine outliars
8. Indoor air pollution will cause all except Neurological complctn
9. roll back malaria true all except Devlping new insecticides
10. True regarding RSBY is only for BPL
11. True statement regarding polio-last case in jan 2011
12. Hb mean of a population is 13.5g% population above mean -0.5
13. Population between mean and +1 standard deviation is - 0.34
14. In triage importnace given to red
15. RDA of iodine in pregnancy -200mcg
16. False statement regarding folic acid fortication -???

1. Coarse tremors of tongue not seen in Thyrotoxicosis
2. Acquired red cell aplasia is not seen in- ???
3. A diabetic patient with loss of vision next investigation to be done serum homocysteine
4. For contrast nephropathy abnormality seen is- ???
5. Not a marker of acute kidney injury miRNA122
6. True regarding critical myoneuropathy Diaphragm palsy
7. a 32 yrs bengali woman with fever and had episode of seizure awaiting investigation by that
i.v mannitol
8. A patient with hemiparesis presented after 2.5 hrs b.p was 180/100 immediate NCCT scan
9. A patient with hemiparesis recovering after a week .he has nave aortic valve .treatment to
prevent recurrent stroke- antiplatelets only
10. TB meningitis patient develops confusion investigation not required CSF exmntn
11. A female patient who eats mainly junk foods with bleeding around hair follicles , bleeding

mucosal areas and joints the defect in this patient is hydroxylation of proline
12. Not a criteria for severe malaria- hct >15%
13. A patient on amphotericin B had potassium level of 2.3meq/dl correction to be given - 40
meq over 24 hrs
14. A patient had an anaphylactic shock in treatment which is not required is crystalloids
15. A male didnt have alcohol for 2 days presented with seizures treatment given - diazepam
16. Post surgically patient developed diastolic hypertension treatment given sodium
1. Anorchidia IOC laproscopy
2. For h shaped oesophageal stula investigation oesophagoscopy
3. Necrotising fascia treatment is debridement
4. NEC staging- IIb
5. Lactating women with breast pain investigation ultrasound
6. A new born baby with respiratory distress , cyanosis , froth in the mouth oesophageal


7. Mortality rate for surgery of ruptured AAA - >50%
8. False regarding endemic stones is they are recurrent after surgery
9. Increased PSA tender prostate next step admit n give antibiotics
10. Tension pneumothorax needle into the 2nd intercostal space
11. RTA Patient with bradycardia neurogenic shock
12. Glascow coma scale withdrawl of limb M4
13. A 50 yr old female with progressive painless jaundice malignancy
14. Neoadjuvant chemotheraphy not useful in PNET chestwall

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AIIMS NOV 2013 topics
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Raw score aiims nov 13

15. Alcoholic liver disease with hemetemesis which is not true in managemant NG tube
precipitates bleeding
16. A female pateint with hemptysis which is true-???

Aiims nov 2013 og question

Aiims nov 2013
Aipgmee 2014 extended date for registration...

1. Drug not used in cyanotic spell CaCl2
2. Immunisation of 5 year old by National immunisation schedule DT booster
3. Eectiveness of phototheraphy doesnt depend on Skin pigmentation

The best thing about this AIIMS

AIIMS Nov 2013 - duplicity of questions...
Your response for online exam

4. A 10 yr old boy with leg muscles hypertropy decreasing CK DMD

5. In neonatal resucitation step not followed nger sweeping of

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mouth to remove foreign body

6. true regarding childhood CML DOC is protein tyrosine kinase
7. A 6wks child with respiratory rate 48 min , no intercostal drawing
false statement is -child has pneumonia
8. A bone scan necessary for mets in a child in case of neuroblastoma
9. Neonate with seizures next investigation trans cranial USG

Acute kidney injury bio markers

1. order in lochia rubra , serosa , alba
2. Fertilised ovum reach uterus by -4-5 days
3. Maxium cardiac output during pregnancy seen at 28 wks
4. Not a risk factor for cervical cancer low parity
5. Best prognosis among sex ambiguity diseases is congenital adrenal hyperplasia
6. Less than 20 wks gestation , bleeding , cervical os dilated , placenta and fetus in the uterus
inevitable abortion
7. Not seen with vacuum cup compared to forceps lateral rectus palsy
8. Sign of heart disease in pregnancy not seen in normal pregnancy distended neck veins
9. A male patient coming to infertility clinic 4 yrs of unprotected intercourse , ejaculate volume
0.8ml , no sperms / hpf next investigation- transrectal ultrasound to rule out ejaculatory duct
10. Drug not used in PCOD is tamoxifen
11. Radiation dose for cervical cancer at point A for early and late stage cancer is 70-75 n
75-80,punit bhojani mentions 70to 80 as the dose
12. Risk of transimision of HIV from mother to baby if no intervntion is done- 15-30 or 40-50%
13. True regarding latent phase of labour it is part of 1st stage of labour
14. A pregnant patient underwent LSCS for fetal distress. She had mild hypertension during
pregnancy . She developed headache and episode of seizure. Mass seen in para sagital area
size 2*3 cm no proteinuria sagital sinus thrombosis
15. Not a screening investigation for detection of cancers in females Endometrial aspiration
its diagnostic
1. Gallows traction - # of shaft of femur
2. True regarding supracondylar # -tranisient nerve injury
3. A child with 14 days of fever and swelling around the tibia
showing periosteal reaction next investigation biopsy
4. In newborn club foot not seen in poliomyelitis
5. A hockey player sustained injury and presented with instability of
knee o/e anterior drawer test positive and lachman test negative
diagnosis is- posterolateral part of anterior cruciate ligament
6. Both vertebral body and intervertebral disc space is involved in tuberculosis
7. A obese patient refered from endocrionology department for a
painful limp investigation not useful is -USG of hip
8. Regarding osteoporosis false statement is ???

1. Mother gives a child whenever the boy eats
vegetables operant conditioning
2. A 20 yr old female had abdominal pain last
week but usg and clinicly normal again
presented with loss of vision reexes are
normal malingneering
3. Kluver brucy syndrome doesnt include Hypermetamorphosis
4. Cognitive remediation ???


view all upcoming topics

1. During laparoscopic cholecystectomy patent develop wheeze
treatment is Deepen anaes
2. Anaesthetic agent contraindicated in epileptic patient I.V
3. Malignant hyperthermia caused by -suxamethonium
4. According to AHA 2010 guidelines drug not used for CPR is
5. Induction is quicker when with N2O
6. For d-tubacurare highly senistive muscle is respiratory muscle
7. For neuraxial anaesthesia not a contraindiaction is
8. Not a method to prevent post spinal headache is Removing stylet before needle
9. Dermatomal level of anesthesia for LSCS T10???

1. Stratosphere sign on M mode usg pneumothorax
2. FAST - Focused assessment with sonography for trauma
3. at 6wks best test for viability usg for fetal cardiac activity
4. Spinal cord injury not seen on radiology In children
5. Painful great toe radiologcally punched out lesions and
hanging like features gouty arthritis
6. Patient of age 60 yrs presnts with headche , blurring vision
and neck rigidity [SAH} ioc NCCT
7. A patient with 6 months history of altered bowel habits
with increased mesentric fat,dialatation of proximal and
distal ileum and thickening of the walls which is not
included in D.D ischemic bowel disease

Last edited by nandu56789 on Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total
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NOV 2013, Answers With Reference Only! No Guess Work

Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:26 pm (12 hours ago) #2

Post corrections n any more que if you people get to remember ...have compiled que from
other posts in rx pg...
Senior Titan

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Aim Andhra Pradesh
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Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:21 pm (10 hours ago) #3

Correction- answer for contents of mesorectal fascia all except is inferior rectal vein not
superior rectal vein ...
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Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:30 pm (9 hours ago) #4


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Aim AIPGE 2013
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Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:37 pm (9 hours ago) #5

Investigation of choice ... in H shaped tracheoesophagical stula??

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Aim AIPGE 2013
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Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:49 pm (9 hours ago) #6

Thank you...
Nerve Thumb and index: c6 ,c7

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Wed Nov 13, 2013 5:28 pm (8 hours ago) #7

there is no abl bcr translocation in chidhood cml. so how is imatinib indicated?

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Wed Nov 13, 2013 5:36 pm (8 hours ago) #8

imatinib is indicated in ALL with Philadelphia chromosome

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Wed Nov 13, 2013 5:42 pm (8 hours ago) #9

which muscle of the back is related to the thorax was the question. latissimus dorsi is all over
the back and yes is related to the thorax. Levator costorum which was one of the option is
strictly conned to the thorax and could well be the answer.

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Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:59 pm (5 hours ago) #10

hey cn u pls 4m were hv u got d answer key..

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Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:22 pm (3 hours ago) #11

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max blood supply to stomach by

1.left gastric A
2.right gastro epi A
3.phrenic A
4.short gastric

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Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:35 pm (3 hours ago) #12

thanks @nandu56789

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Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:10 pm (3 hours ago) #13

Majority of blood supply to the stomach comes from coeliac trunk as left gastric artery is a
direct branch have marked it as the answer but dont have any reference to support it better
consult your anatomy professor as the question might be reported in any of the forthcoming
state pg entrances ...

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Aim Andhra Pradesh
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Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:16 am (2 hours ago) #14

Part of cochlear implant that is implanted during surgery correct answer is receiver
stimulator ... pls do make a note of the correction ...
Ref quoted from american speech language hearing association website ...

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How does a cochlear implant work?

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Aim Andhra Pradesh

Cochlear implants have external (outside) parts and internal (surgically implanted) parts that
work together to allow the user to perceive sound.
External parts: The external parts include a microphone, a speech processor, and a
transmitter. The microphone looks like a behind-the-ear hearing aid. It picks up soundsjust
like a hearing aid microphone doesand sends them to the speech processor.
The speech processor may be housed with the microphone behind the ear, or it may be a
small box-like unit typically worn in a chest pocket. The speech processor is a computer that
analyzes and digitizes the sound signals and sends them to a transmitter worn on the head
just behind the ear.
The transmitter sends the coded signals to an implanted receiver just under the skin.
Internal parts: The internal (implanted) parts include a receiver and electrodes. The receiver is
just under the skin behind the ear. The receiver takes the coded electrical signals from the
transmitter and delivers them to the array of electrodes that have been surgically inserted in
the cochlea. The electrodes stimulate the bers of the auditory nerve, and sound sensations
are perceived.
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Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:40 am (1 hour ago) #15

2. For h shaped oesophageal stula investigation oesophagoscopy

for this que dont remember whether IOC was asked or how do you conrm it was asked- CT
scan was there in the options CT is conrmative and would trace out other anomalies n exact
location of the anomaly too so if any one has a reliable reference to solve this do post here so
that it would be helpful to all of us ...

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Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:50 am (1 hour ago) #16

I think the answer for CML should be it presents as blast crisis in children cause rst n 2nd
options were wrong n leukemia is the most common malignancy in children ... So even option
4 was incorrect
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