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The League of Macedonian-Americans

Volume 1, Issue 3

Recap of the Week...............1
Next Weeks Goals...............1
Test Your Knowledge...........1-2
Did You Know?...................2
Word Scramble...................2
Narodna Song of the Week......3-4
Letter Campaign.................4
Links to Other Sites..........4-5
Quotes about Macedonia..........5
News from Macedonia.............5

Recap of the Week

This week was a little slower than last week, but
we still managed to get some things done:

Wrote 1 letter
Contacted 11 Macedonian organizations
and groups to post links to their
websites on our site
Began planning future initiatives

Test Your Knowledge about

Last weeks answers:

Who was the first president of Macedonia after it

broke off from Yugoslavia? Kiro Gligorov
2. What is the second biggest city by population in
the Republic of Macedonia? Bitola
3. Which Macedonian town has recently received a
lot of international press for its pagan carnival?
4. Which Macedonian dialect is the modern
Macedonian literary language primarily based on?
5. True or false: Lake Mavrovo is man-made? True
6. In which part of Macedonia is Solun located:
Aegean, Pirin, Prespa, or Vardar? Aegean
7. What are the names of the two MacedonianOrthodox churches in Michigan? St. Marys and
St. George of Kratovo
8. What was Alexander the Greats mothers name?
9. Who said the following: For many years, since
the decade of the '90s, we have been making
efforts so that the name 'Republic of Macedonia' is
not recognized. Mike Rann (Australian politician)
10. What Macedonian singer is famous for the song
Biser Balkanski? Goce Nikolovski

This weeks questions:

Next Weeks Goals and Projects

We hope to continually build our groups
activities and efforts, and we would really like
to involve as many people as possible. Heres
some of what we have planned for next week:

Increase membership
Continue the letter writing campaign
Create a variety of sections for the
newsletter that do not necessarily
appear every week
Continue planning ideas and initiatives

Whoever submits their answers first and gets

the most right will get a shout-out in next
weeks issue, which will also include the correct
answers. Good luck!
1. Name the two Macedonian-Canadians who
have gone first in the NHL draft.
2. In what municipality can you find the
Macedonian village Drugovo?
3. Name the three national parks in Macedonia.
4. At the Battle of Issus, how many Greeks
joined the Persians to fight against Alexander
the Greats Macedonian troops?

Interested in joining LOMA? Do you have ideas to share or a project you want to work on? Or do you want
to contribute an article or section to The Loma Weekly Herald? Contact us at and visit our website at

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The League of Macedonian-Americans

Volume 1, Issue 3

5. In the year 2000, which political party did the

Bulgarian Constitutional Court expel from the
political system?
6. The city of Prilep is built on the ruins of which
Ancient Macedonian city?
7. What four Axis forces occupied the Vardar
portion of Macedonia during World War II?
8. What did Greece rename the Macedonian city
Voden to after they occupied Aegean
9. The Macedonian Byzantine Catholic Church is
headquartered in which Macedonian city?
10. What was the name of the song Ajri
Demirovski wrote that was voted by residents of
Bitola as Bitolas song of the 20th century?
Submit answers to:

The Town of Dover in Vermont has a monument

to Stoyan Christowe, a Macedonian who came
to the United States in 1912 and served as a
Vermont House Representative for 5 years and a
Vermont State Senator for 13 years. When he
first came to this country, he worked in
Montana on the railroad tracks. He eventually
went on to write 6 books, one of which President
Franklin Roosevelt considered to be a favorite.
He died in 1995 and is buried in Dover.

English Word Bank

(not in order of appearance)
1. body 2. Monday 3. sun 4. country 5. face
6. tomorrow 7. yellow 8. waterfall 9. airport
10. book 11. shirt 12. army 13. government
14. free 15. never 16. church 17. clock

Scrambled Words in Macedonian

Macedonian World Scramble

Unscramble the following words in order to get
the get the correct Macedonian word. The words
are written in Cyrillic. To help you out, we have
also included a word bank of the Macedonian
words translated into English. Good luck!
Interested in joining LOMA? Do you have ideas to share or a project you want to work on? Or do you want
to contribute an article or section to The Loma Weekly Herald? Contact us at and visit our website at

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The League of Macedonian-Americans

Volume 1, Issue 3

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Interested in joining LOMA? Do you have ideas to share or a project you want to work on? Or do you want
to contribute an article or section to The Loma Weekly Herald? Contact us at and visit our website at

The League of Macedonian-Americans

Volume 1, Issue 3

Narodna Song of the Week

This weeks song is Veterot Veje, Gora Se Lulee. A
young lady is in a mountain forest and the
weather is bad it is storming, windy, and cold.
She tries to cuddle up with her brother and
sister, but it is too uncomfortable sleeping next
to her brother is like sleeping on a door. But
then she lies next to her darling and its like
sleeping in a fire. Oh God, she exclaims, I am
not cold anymore!


Letter to the website
regarding their use of FYROM.
Dear Mr. Spiros Sideris,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to
you on behalf of the League of MacedonianAmericans (LOMA) concerning your use of
FYROM instead of Macedonia. The
constitutional name of Macedonia is the
Republic of Macedonia. Although Greece does
not recognize Macedonia as such, and forced
Macedonia to enter the United Nations under
FYROM, the vast majority of countries that
the Independent Balkan News Agency covers do
officially use the Republic of Macedonia when
referring to Macedonia. Moreover, the vast
majority of the people in the Balkans, as well as
the world, refer to Macedonia as Macedonia and
not FYROM.
We believe that if the Independent Balkan News
Agency desires to be viewed as a credible and
fair news organization that accurately represents
and reports on the Balkan peoples and
countries, it should immediately desist from
using the term FYROM. This term is insulting
and disrespectful to a country of 2 million
people, as well as to the many ethnic
Macedonians worldwide. Furthermore, the
independence of your news agency becomes

jeopardized, and the agency itself becomes

biased, when it treats one country different than
all of the rest based on one governments
We strongly encourage you to consider our
comments and suggestions. Thank you for
taking the time to read this letter.

Links to Other Sites

In an effort to build relations with other
organizations who have been advancing the
Macedonian Cause for several years, and to
offer our members and website visitors
important information on Macedonian issues,
we have reached out to Macedonian
organizations around the globe to post links to
their websites on our site. (You can find them on
the Links tabs of our website). Here are the
organizations we have already posted links to,
with a little information about them:
Australian Macedonian Human Rights
Established in 1984, this Australian-based
Macedonian rights organization advocates for
Macedonians' rights worldwide, especially for
the Macedonian minorities in Greece, Bulgaria
and Albania. The AMHRC, along with the
MHRMI, publishes the MHR Review, which is
published four times each year.
Macedonian Folk Songs
This non-profit website has a collection of
around 1,000 traditional Macedonian folk songs.
For most songs, there are lyrics in Macedonian,
as well as translations into other languages, and
several downloadable MP3s of different
renditions of each particular song. This is a great
way to familiarize yourself with traditional
Macedonian music.

Interested in joining LOMA? Do you have ideas to share or a project you want to work on? Or do you want
to contribute an article or section to The Loma Weekly Herald? Contact us at and visit our website at

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The League of Macedonian-Americans

Volume 1, Issue 3

Pollitecon Publications
Macedonian issues, particularly regarding the
Macedonians in northern Greece (Aegean
Macedonia). In addition to books for sale, the
website also has several free books, essays and
other important Macedonian papers and

1. History is a necessary component of LOMAs
mission. We will continue to discuss history in
appropriate circumstances. We will also ensure
that our sources are reliable and accurate. If
anyone disputes or disagrees with anything
written by LOMA, we will openly welcome his
or her comments and opinions.

profit as criminals do, but in time of war die in order

to achieve independence. Vasilka M. Petroff,
January 30, 1939 (in a letter to the editor of
LIFE magazine)
News has reached here of a terrible tragedy at the
village of Dragosch, near Monastir [Bitola], a town
in Macedonia, several days ago. While a festival was
in progress and the villagers were dancing upon the
lawns in a public park, a large band of Greeks
suddenly swooped down upon them and after driving
them into their houses, set fire to the buildings and
burned them to death. New York Times,
January 20, 1908
Certainly I have met few Serbs who did not profess
to despise the Macedonian. He is a Macedonian
the phrase was frequently used of an undesirable
person. Alice & Claude Askew, from the book
The Stricken Land, 1916

Quotes about Macedonia

News from Macedonia

Please register my protest against the

indiscriminate use of the phrase born killers as
applied to the Macedonians. A proud and intelligent
people, the Macedonians have been valiantly fighting
against the social, political, and economic Turkish
oppressions of five centuries duration. After the
World War, Macedonia was apportioned between
three Balkan countries, each one attempting to outdo
the other in imposing its unwanted and unfair
restrictions on the Macedonians.
These descendants of Alexander the Great
cherish freedom of expression and existence and,
despite untold massacres and miseries of the most
indescribable character, are still struggling to achieve
their independence. Given the type of freedom we
fortunate Americans possess, they can and will
develop to the fullest of their potential abilities.
Of the thousands of Macedonians in the
United States, I challenge any one to point out any
who are lawbreakers, who are not willing to share
what they have with their fellow men, who trouble
other people. They in the old world do not kill for

Two individuals riding on a motorcycle threw a

grenade at an Albanian political partys
headquarters in Tetovo, causing light damage
but no injuries.
---------Several dozen Macedonian police and citizens
were injured when protestors clashed with
police in Skopje during demonstrations over an
alleged government cover-up of the killing of a
22 year-old by special police forces in 2011.
---------Albanian terrorists from Kosovo and Macedonia
attacked Macedonian police in and around
Kumanovo, in the north of Macedonian. At least
8 Macedonian policemen were killed and
several dozen injured. Dozens of Albanian
terrorists were killed, injured or captured. There
were also some civilian casualties.
*News generated from a Google news search

Interested in joining LOMA? Do you have ideas to share or a project you want to work on? Or do you want
to contribute an article or section to The Loma Weekly Herald? Contact us at and visit our website at

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