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Write your prayer requests here

During the month of May, the

Outreach & Missions Team will be
collecting food items for the
Emergency Food Network.
Monetary donations are also
welcome; please make your check
payable to Aldersgate United
Methodist Church, note
"Emergency Food Network" on the
memo line and place it in the
offering plate.
Please join and help us celebrate
this exciting addition of a baby boy
to our church family!
What: A baby shower for Chelsea
Morse, AUMC Worship Leader
When: Sunday, June 14th at 2pm
Where: Hospitality Room at
Aldersgate UMC
Chelsea and Andrew are registered
at Target, Babies "R" Us, Amazon
Please RSVP to
Clara Biswas, our missionary in
Cambodia, will be visiting this
summer! Join us June 16th at
6:30pm in the Reed Room for a
dessert social and presentation on
Claras work with the poorest of
the poor, especially children. To
contribute a dessert for the
evening, please contact Deb
Reynolds at 295-8217 or
Do you know a special high school,
college, military or advanced
degree student who will be
graduating this spring? If so,
please send his/her name, school,
and degree earned to Rachel
( no
later than Monday, June 8th. We
will recognize graduates in the
bulletin on Sunday, June 14th!
Ushers Needed for 11am Service
Commitment is one Sunday a
month. Contact Tom Roesch at or

The Altar flowers today are given to the glory of God.

Please Pray For Peggy Aglubat; Irylanna Butler; Alli Callender; Nancy Clark;
Helen Counsell; Eugene Deane; Harry Fluharty; Tammy Fritz; June Moon
Gaedecke; Chad Gittings; Kathryn Gray; Liz Hood; Nan Hutcherson; Roy
Jones; Jeremy Long; Gloria McDaniel; Don & Pat Milleson; Louis Mustian;
Nancy Reed; Ed Rush; Clara Shifflette; Paula Smith; Bunny Taylor; Travis
Whetzel; Ernestine Williams; Dannie Wright

Do I Need to Believe
Everything the Creeds Say?

This Week at Aldersgate

Today, May 31
9:00 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
11:15 am
11:15 am
11:30 am

Revelation Class (208); Agape Class (108)

Childrens Sunday School
Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Friendship Class (208), Seekers (108)
Sermon Scripture Discussion Group (RR)
Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Monday, June 1
Church Office Closed
5:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm

How To Meet New People mtg. (Starbucks/Mall)

A. Walkup Recital (S)
Boy Scouts Troop 119 (FH,K,106)
Families Anonymous (108)
Member Care (HR)
Worship Team (CR)

Tuesday, June 2
10:00 am
1:00 pm
1:30 pm
6:30 pm

Quilters Guild (FH)

ALS Assoc. support group (RR)
Alzheimers support group (208)
Much Ado About Nothing auditions (RR)

Wednesday, June 3
1:00 pm
5:30 pm
6:15 pm
6:45 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm

Staff Meeting
Small Group Prayer meeting (108)
Covenant Discipleship (Parlor)
Couples Small Group (108)
Womens Bible Study (YR)
Choir Practice (S)

Thursday, June 4
5:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm

Prayer Walk
Sweet Adelines (FH)
Praise Band Rehearsal (S)

Friday, June 5
Saturday, June 6
8:00 am
6-8 pm

Mens Group (208)

Unsleepover (YR)

CR = Choir Room
FH = Fellowship Hall
HR = Hospitality Room
K = Kitchen
RR = Reed Room (Old Sanctuary)
Unfin. FH = Unfinished Fellowship Hall
WC = Welcome Center
YR - Youth Room

1500 East Rio Road

Charlottesville, VA 22901

May 31, 2015

May 31, 2015 First Sunday After Pentecost 10am Worship

Sunday, May 31, 2015 First Sunday After Pentecost 11:30 AM Worship

Looking Ahead

We Gather for Worship

Sunday, June 7, 2015

9:00/11:00 Worship Begins
The Second Sunday after Pentecost

We Gather To Worship

Rev. Chris Fuss, Associate Pastor

Choral Introit

Holy, Lord God of Hosts

Chancel Choir

Karen Roth

*Opening Hymn 64 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty


Kathleen Vogel


Rev. Chris Fuss, Associate Pastor

*Opening Songs

Worship Band

Childrens Message
Rachel Miller, Director of Ministries with Young People
Children will remain in Worship with their families today.

Come Now Children

Childrens Message
Rachel Miller, Director of Ministries with Young People
Children will remain in Worship with their families today.

There Is a Redeemer
Chancel Choir

arr. Keith Christopher

We Hear the Word

Scripture Lesson

John 3:1-17

We Hear the Word


John 3:1-17

FAQs of Faith: Do I Need to Believe Everything the Creeds Say?
Rev. Scott Davis, Lead Pastor

Sermon FAQs of Faith: Do I Need to Believe Everything the Creeds Say?

Rev. Scott Davis, Lead Pastor

We Respond to the Word

We Respond to the Word

Prayers of the People

Hymn of Prayer 328 Surely the Presence of the Lord

Pastoral Prayer
The Lords Prayer

*Affirmation of Faith 881

Offering Prayer

*Doxology 94

The Lords Prayer

*Affirmation of Faith 881

*Hymn of Commitment 374 Standing on the Promises

We Go Forth to Serve


We Go Forth to Serve

Closing Song

Worship Band

*please stand as you are able
Additional information is projected on the screens

9:00 am Worship (Blended) Sanctuary

*please stand as you are able

Additional information is projected on the screens

Please take a moment to fill out this

card, then tear at the perforation and
place it in the offering plate.
Name: ________________________

10:00 am Coffee and

Refreshments, Fellowship, Small
Group Discussion - Reed Room
Sunday School for all Ages


11:00 am Worship (Traditional) Sanctuary


12:00 pm Lemonade and

Refreshments, Fellowship - Reed

Phone: _______________________

Black Box Players and AUMC will

be holding Auditions for the
hysterical Shakespeare comedy
"Much Ado About Nothing"
on Tues 6/2 @ 6:30 in the Reed
Room. You do not need to register
prior to auditions - just show up! If
acting is not your thing though we
would love to have your help
behind the scenes too. Email
or call 825-9202.

I am interested in:

Vacation Bible School at AUMC

will be Monday, June 29th through
Thursday, July 2nd from 5:30-8pm
and includes dinner, Worship,
crafts, snack, games, Bible stories
and more! VBS is for children age 4
through those just finishing 5th
grade. Please sign up online: - questions may be
sent to Rachel at

Offering and Song of Response


8:30 am Coffee and Pancakes

Reed Room

Communication Card

Help Wanted:
Kitchen/Sip n Chat Coordinator
Paid position. See for more
details. Contact Robin Oliver at
434-978-3553 or

Email: ________________________


Will pray for Annual Conference,

June 19-21
Would like to join Aldersgate

Help with mowing and/or

Serve as parking lot greeter
9:00 am service
11:00 am service
Help with refreshments
Before 9:00 am service
Between services
After 11:00 am service
Serve as greeter
9:00 am service
11:00 am service
Help serve Communion
for 9:00 am service
Serve as Usher for 11am service
Serve as Usher for 9am service
Help unload food truck for
Backpack Program at
Greer Elementary,
Wednesdays, 9:30am

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