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Release of Liability Waiver

Andreas Adventure Presents: Hope Heart & Sole .01k and 5k

I understand that I have enrolled in the Andreas Adventure Presents: Hope Heart & Sole .01k and/or 5k. I recognize that
the Hope Heart & Sole may involve strenuous physical activity including, but not limited to, muscle strength and
endurance, cardiovascular conditioning and training, and other various fitness activities. I hereby affirm that I am in good
physical condition and do not suffer from any known disability or condition which would prevent or limit my
participation in the .01k or 5k. I acknowledge that my enrollment and subsequent participation is purely voluntary and in
no way mandated by Hope Heart & Sole. I also agree to immediately adhere to direction given to me by event officials as
well as law enforcement and emergency personnel.
In consideration of my participation in the Hope Heart & Sole, I hereby release Andreas Adventure and Hope Heart &
Sole and it agents from any claims, demands, and causes of action as a result of my voluntary participation and
enrollment. I fully understand that I may injure myself as a result of my enrollment and subsequent participation in this
program and I hereby release Andreas Adventure and Hope Heart & Sole and its agents from liability now or in the
future for conditions that I may obtain. The conditions may include, but are not limited to, heart attacks, muscle strains,
muscle pulls, muscle tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, injuries to knees, injuries to back, injuries to foot,
or any other illness, injuries, or soreness that I may incur, including death. I covenant not to sue, even though such
liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of event organizer, sponsors, partners, and affiliates.
I further agree that Hope Heart & Sole, race organizers, volunteers, and owners and all sponsors, their representative,
successors and assigns (collectively the Licensee) may take still or moving photographs or other recordings of me, or of
my property during and in connection with the race in which I am participating (the Footage). I hereby grant to the
Licensee and agents an irrevocable license to use and reproduce, in whole or in part, the contents of the Footage, my
name, my likeness, image, voice, appearance, or that of my property and biographical information about me in connection
with the race in which I am participating and the production and exploitation thereof, in any and all manners and media,
throughout the world, in perpetuity, for marketing, promotional, advertising, public relations or commercial purposes via
videos, publications, advertisements, news releases, websites, including social media, and any promotional materials in
any other medium. I grant permission to all the foregoing parties to use any photographs, motion picture, recordings, or
any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose.
I, either for myself or as a parent or guardian, do agree and acknowledge this waiver and do hereby fully release and
forever discharge Andreas Adventure Presents: Hope Heart & Sole .01k and 5k and its partners from any and all claims
for injuries, illnesses, damages, expenses or loss that me or my minor child may suffer arising out of, connected with, or
in any way associated with the race, program or activities. I have read and fully understand the above important
information warning of risk, assumption of risk, waiver and release of claims.


Participant Signature

Guardian Signature
(If participant is under 18)
Date Liability Waiver Signed

Participant Printed Name

Guardian Printed Name

(If participant is under 18)

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