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SAGA the Rising Sun

BUKE (Hearthguard)
(4 for 1 point)
Hatamoto (optinos: Heavy Armor, Heavy Weapons, Mounted)
Elite Samurai (optinos: Heavy Weapons / Sword / Spear / Bow, Mounted)
Sohei Warrior Monks (3 Attack, Heavy Weapons, max. 6 figures/unit)
BUSHI (Warriors)
(8 for 1 points)
0+(but < Samurai)

Samurai (optinos: Sword / Spear / Bow)

Elite Drilled Ashigaru (optinos: Spear / Bow, 10 figures for 1 points)
Yamabushi Warrior Monks with Heavy Weapons
Ronin (no SAGA abilities, one free activation) (optinos: Sword / Spear / Bow)

HEIMIN (Levies)
(12 for 1 points)
Ashigaru (optinos: Spear / Bow)
Teppu Ashigaru with Muskets (only in Sengoku period)

Heavy Armor: +1 AV, -VS Movement Mounted or Foot.
Heavy Weapons (Naginata, No-Dachi, Tetsubo): -1 AV and +1 To Hit in Melee.
Spear: +1 to hit vs Mounted, -1 AV vs Shooting.
Bow: range L, -1 AV in Melee.
Mounted: Movement to L , on uneven ground S + 1 Fatigue. -1 AV vs Shooting and no cover. Never
enters in buildings.
Musket: range L, must Rest Activation for Reload, +1 To Hit in 2xS range or closer, -1 AV in Melee.

Clan Army lists special points

Takeda any Samurai Warrior units may be mounted
Date any Samurai Warrior units may upgraded to Heavy Infantry (Heavy Armor and Heavy
Uesugi Warband can have more than one Warrior Monk unit (Sohei and Yamabushi)
Shimazu any Samurai Warrior unit may have Heavy Weapons
Oda may take 0-2 of Elite Drilled Ashigaru
Chosokabe Bows range: L+VS
Minor Warlord may take any number of Ronins, one unit may upgrade to Heavy Infantry

by Grf 2015.

Based on Phils great work.

by Grf 2015.

Based on Phils great work.

by Grf 2015.

Based on Phils great work.

by Grf 2015.

Based on Phils great work.

by Grf 2015.

Based on Phils great work.

by Grf 2015.

Based on Phils great work.

by Grf 2015.

Based on Phils great work.

by Grf 2015.

Based on Phils great work.

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