Mediaeval Liturgical Commentaries

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A number of sources allow us to know about the liturgy and how it developed. There are books
with the words used for Mass, daily prayer, baptism, etc., and other books called pontificals with
the material used in the liturgy in which bishops play a part. Ordos tell us about the liturgy as do
church architecture, religious art art and liturgical commentaries. The scope of the
commentaries was unexpectedly broad, describing and giving the reasons for the elements of
daily prayer, the Mass, baptism and ordinations but also touching on church structures, their
contents and how they were consecrated. They were interested in the ministers of the liturgy,
their orders and dress, and in the calendar (temporal and sanctoral), and of course in the
complex question of how the parish priest computed the date of Easter. The earliest
commentaries included the Didache from the late 1st century and the Apostolic Tradition from
the early 3rd. Commentators in the middle ages often relied on the work of their predecessors
and so layers of tradition were built up. The sources included scripture, sayings of the fathers,
canon law, monastic rules, papal decrees and sermons. We shall look at the work of four
commentators, Isidore of Seville from 7th century Spain, Bonizo of Sutri and Bernold of
Constance, from Italy and Germany of the 11th century, and a part of the huge commentary of
William Durand, 13th century bishop of Mende in southern France.
Instructor: Barry F. H. Graham
905 279-5090 (a local call from 416)
905 279-4065
Having no office, I do not celebrate office hours. However, students with problems which they
have been unable to work out on their own are urged to call any time between 10 am and 10
pm, any day of the week. I would be very grateful for telephone notice by 9:30 on the
morning of any class a student will not be able to attend.
The classes will be spent in reading through parts of the following five liturgical commentaries:
Isidore of Seville, De ecclesiasticis officiis, books 1 and 2,
Bernold of Constance, Micrologus de ecclesiasticis observationibus,
Bonizo of Sutri, Libellus de sacramentis,
Guillaume Durand, Rationale divinorum officiorum, first part of book 4, and possibly
John Beleth, Summa de ecclesiasticis officiis,
using the instructors translations into English. The instructor will explain the meaning of the
readings and there will be discussion.
The objective is to understand the facets of mediaeval liturgy which commentators found
important and will examine how the explanations are crafted. We will also see how the liturgy
was conducted.

A familiarity with the structure of the Eucharist as it is practised in the Anglican and Roman
Catholic traditions. A knowledge of Latin would be helpful, but is not required.
1. 2% will be given for every class attended, to a maximum of 22%
2. At the beginning of each class after the first there will be a quiz, each consisting of 5
questions requiring short answers. Each correct answer up to a maximum of 4 will gain 1%
toward the final mark.
3. There will be a final examination worth 34% and, like the quizzes, will require a number of
short answers.
Class Size
A minimum of two students at the first two classes will be required for the course to proceed.

16 April 2011

Amalarius of Metz. Amalarii episcopi opera liturgica omnia. 3 vols. Vatican City: BAV, 1948-50.
ROBA and TRIN BX1970 A.64
Beleth, John. Summa de ecclesiasticis officiis. Turnhout: Brepols, 1976. PIMS BQ310 .C9 v. 41
Bernold of Constance. Micrologus de ecclesiasticis observationibus. Migne PL CLI. PIMS BR60
Berschin, Walter. Bonizo von Sutri: Leben u. Werk. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1972. ROBA BX4705
B47; PIMS D116 .B5 Bd. 2
Bonizo of Sutri. Libellus de sacramentis. Migne PL CL. PIMS BR60 .P38
Bouhot, Jean-Paul. Les sources de lExpositio missae de Remi dAuxerre. Revue des tudes
augustiniennes 26 (1908). PER IMS.
Cabrol, Abbot Fernand, tr. The Roman Missal in Latin and English according to the latest
Edition, 7th ed. Montreal, 1930.
dAvranches, Jean. Le De officiis ecclesiasticis de Jean dAvranches, archvque de Rouen
(1067 1079) [microform]: tude liturgique et publication du texte indit du manuscrit H. 304 de
la Bibliothque de la Facult de Montpellier. PIMS BX1970 .J4 1923a
Diamond, Wilfrid. Dictionary of Liturgical Latin. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing, 1961. Trin and St.
M, PA2895 .D53 1961
Durand, Guillaume. Rationale divinorum officiorum. I - IV. Turnhout: Brepols, 1998. PIMS
.C9 v. 140a
Franz, Adolph. Die Messe im deutschen Mittelalter: Beitrge zur Geschischte der Liturgie und
religisen Volksleben. St. Louis, Mo.: Herder, 1902. PIMS BQT 4156 .F8.
Grsse, Johann Georg Theodor. Orbis Latinus Braunschweig, 1972. - or, more conveniently,
Gy, Pierre-Marie.Guillaume Durand, vque de Mende: canoniste, liturgiste et homme
Actes de la Table ronde du C. N. R. S., Mende 24-27 mai 1990. Mende, France: CNRS,
1990. ROBA BX4705 .D 875 C45 1990; PIMS BX4705 .D87 G83 1992
Isidore of Seville. Sancti Isidori episcopi hispalensis de ecclesiasticis officiis. Turnhout: Brepols,
1989. PIMS BQ310 .C8 v. 113
Isidore of Seville. De Ecclesiasticis Officiis. Edited by Thomas L. Knoebel. New York: The
Press, 2008.
Jungmann, Joseph A., S.J. The Mass of the Roman Rite. Westminister Md.: Christian Classics,
Maurus, Rabanus. De institutione clericorum libri tres. P. Lang, 1996. ROBA and PIMS BX890
Mosey, Douglas L. Allegorical Liturgical Interpretation in the West from 800 A.D. to 1200 A.D.
Toronto, 1985. PIMS

Roger E. Reynolds. Guillaume Durand parmi les thologiens de la liturgie, Guillaume,

de Mende (v. 1230-1296): Canoniste, liturgiste et homme politique, Acts
de la Table Ronde du C. N. R. S.,Mende 24-27 mai 1990, ed. P.-M. Gy (Paris, 1992),
Liturgy, Treatises on, DMA 7, 624-633.
Reynolds, Roger. Liturgy, Treatises on. Dictionary of the Middle Ages. Vol. 7. New York, 1986.
624 - 633.
Rupert of Deutz. Liber de divinis officiis. Rome, Herder, 1999. ROBA BX2000 .A5 G38 1999
Sicard of Cremona. Ed. Paul Gerhard Ficker. Der Mitralis des Sicardus nach seiner Bedeutung
die Ikonographie des Mittelalters. Ramm & Seeman, 1889. ROBA N7829 .F5 1889
Taylor, Daniel. S. Bernold of Constance, Canonist and Liturgist of the Gregorian Reform: an
analysis of the sources in the Micrologus de ecclesiasticis obsevationibus. 1995 PhD
thesis found in PIMS or ROBA.
Wright, David. A Medieval Commentary on the Mass: Particulae 2-3 and 5-6 of the De
mysteriis (ca. 1195) of Cardinal Lothar di Segni. 1977 PhD thesis, Univ. of Notre Dame.
PIMS BQ6675.2 .D5
Zawilla, Ronald J. The Sententiae Ivonis Carnotensis Episcopi de Divinis Officiis. 1982 PhD

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