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7: 1890 - 1945

Why 1890 - 1945 was chosen
Closing of the Frontier
as the dates for period 6

Progressive Era
Transition from Rural to Urban


Harlem Renaissance
World War I

Treaty of Versailles and League
Great Migration
of Nations

Period 7: 1890 - 1945

Frederick Jackson Turners

Frontier Thesis argued the
1890 begins with the closing
frontier was closed. Led
of the frontier and 1945 marks
many Americans to call for
the end of WWII
overseas expansion

US society adjusted as more
1890 1920, Progressives
people moved to cities 1920 tended to be women, middle
census more people live in class, and live in urban areas.
cities than rural areas
Progressives sought to use

government influence to solve

societal problems.

US entrance in 1917. US
Celebration of African
played a relatively minor role
American culture through
in the war, but large role in music, poetry, and writing. Key
postwar negotiations.
people Langston Hughes,
Claude Monet, Zora Neale

Mass movement of African
Treaty that ended WWI;
Americans from the South to League led to debates over the
the North during WWI for
role of the US in the world;
economic opportunities
ultimately, the US did NOT join

the League

Period 7: 1890 - 1945

Restrictive Immigration Quotas

New Deal

Japanese Internment

Red Scare

Great Depression

World War II

Decision to Drop the Atomic
Bombs on Japan

Period 7: 1890 - 1945

Fear of Communism after

WWI, caused by: Russian

Revolution, labor strikes post

WWI, nativism; led to a
crackdown on immigrants and
radicals (suppression of rights)

Worst financial crisis in US
1921 and 1924 acts that
history, led to calls for the
severely limited immigration
creation of a stronger financial from Southern and Eastern
regulatory system
Europe (New immigrants)

US remained neutral until
Drew on ideas from the
Pearl Harbor; US and Allies
Progressive Era, sought to
won due to: political and
address causes of the
military cooperation, industrial Depression; faced opposition
production, and scientific
by the left and right; left a
advancements; US emerged as legacy of reforms that are still
a world power
around today

Many reasons save American
Japanese and Japanese
lives, end the war quickly, etc.;
Americans were placed in
raised questions about
camps beginning in 1942;
American values
upheld by Korematsu v. US

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