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HSE AUDIT REPORT ‘Audit Report Ret: DPCIMSEIAnAU20tA 001 HSE AUDIT REPORT DPC/ Tender! 2013/ 49 - Construction of 33/11 kV 2 X 20 MVA Primary Substation designated as North Awgad II. Ref: DPC/HSE/Audit/2014/ 001 dated 31.08.2014 Auditors: Namo janature Date: 31/08/2014 KS Balachandran Said Ahmed Al Mashini Distribution Original ‘Muridharan Nair Project Manager, SFO Copies Eng.Alllssa Shamas - Chiat Executive Ofticer ‘Mr. Omar ALAwadi - Acting Director— Projects ‘Mr. Walid MA == HSE Manager - OPC Me. § Sawant = Site Manager, HES HSE AUDIT REPORT ‘ot Repet Ra: DPCIMSEIA/201 0 Executive Summary During the aust, the compliance to HSE requirements, contractual terms and conditions and applicable regulatory requrements was assessed. The assessment was performed through feview and. verification of supporting evidences, records, documents, work practices and interaction with HES, and Contractor's personnel. Following good practices and observations fr improvement were noted during the audit 114 Good Practices 4. Generally housekeeping standard is high throughout the eit however suggest to maintain ‘tall time, 2. The site has achieved 11988 manhours with « miner incident on 08.05.2014 and 2850 Km without any trafic incidence. 3, Contract documents and approved HSE plan & Contractors HSE requirements were ‘avaiable at site office 4, Documents related to workmen compensation insurance of contractor and subcontractor wae avaliable sn found tobe vai ti 2015, 5. Contractor displayed company HSE Policy at prominent locations. 6, HSE issues were dszussed in veokly progress review meetings and recorded, 7. Contractor conducts dally tol box taks and cords were avalable. 8, Contractor maintains he record of HSE statistic at site office and records were a 9, Contractor has an agproved CEP at site 2s an Electrical Engineer. the activities and records avaliable, 10. Contractor has card out sk assessment for 11, Contractor has identi and maintained method statements for al high risk activites. 12, Contracor has provided workers rest room, wash room, tole at ste offie. 19, Contracor has recerds of incident and corrective measures cascaded to all employees. +4. Contractor has ideniied emergency assembly point and emergency evacuation route for ‘te office and curing the emergeny alarm sounded, all employees assembled at assembly point ina shor time 416, Subcontractor engaged forthe activity Is being approved by Consulta” DPC and records were available. 4.2 Observations on documentation: 1, Approved HSE Officer has been demobilized from ste and CV of prasent HSE Advisor is rot approved by Consultant and DPC. 2. Comprehensive aulsmobie liabiity insurance as per clause no, ® of contract is not ‘avalable and records were nat provided for evidence. 3, Training matrix provided by the contractor isnot matching with DPC taining requirements ‘and found thal HSE induction by contractor and OPC were not carted out and records ‘wore not available al site for evidence 4. Refer to appravad HSE plan serial no. 11, Site safety committee; Safty committee isnot ‘consiuied forthe project and there were no records available '5. Responsibities mertioned for CEO of the contractor for carving out site inspections. However no records avaiable. brennan en Ens HSE AUDIT REPORT ‘Audit Report Rot: OPCISEIAvsR2014/001 6. HSE Manager Roles and responsbites mentioned in the aporoved HSE plan however it is not reflected in the approved Organogram, 7. Refer to approved HSE plan sl, No. 11; Weekly Safety walk downs ~ No records were available a8 evdence. 8. Refer to SI no, 12 of approved HSE plan, Vehicle & Equipment inspection formats used for eneuring safely requirements were found to be inadequate 6 per the safely requiremens, 9. Refer to SI No, 13 of approved HSE plan, Equipments, third party inspection certificates of all equipments were nt available and there were no records avaiable as evidence. 10. Refer to SI no, 15 of approved HSE Pian, House keeping, there were no records avaiable for house keeping inspections by the contractor as evidence. 11. Refer to SI no, 16 of approved HSE Plan, Scaffold; Scaffld taining was not done for any ‘workers and there were no records avaiable for evidence 12. Refer to SI no, 17 ol approved HSE Plan, Electrical safety, there is trained electrician at ‘te and celficate was found tobe Invalid. ELCB's were not inspected a site office and ‘records were not avalable for evidence. 19, Refer to SI no, 19 of approved HSE Plan, Fre precautions, there are no records available for contractor trained ther employees in fe prevention and fre watchers were not ‘denied 14, Refer to SI no. 19 of approved HSE Plan, emergency dls are to be cated cut every ‘month, however no recor were available as evidence. 16. Refer to Sino, 28 cf approved HSE Plan, HSE Ault schedule; there were no records ‘avaliable forthe quately audits as per the plan. 16, Refer to page no. 33 of approved HSE Plan; Weekly safety inspection schedule; there wore no records avalabl for evidence, 17. Refer to page no. 39 & 40 of approved HSE Plan; Pemit system; there were no records availabe for evidence 418. Refer to page no. 47 of approved HSE Pan; there were no records avaliable 2s an evidence for waste management 49, Refer to OES 4 contactor has not provided wih power supply forthe electical potable hand tg0!8 and no resrds available 20, Refer to MO 28612008 - Third party inspection certificates of all iting tool, tackles, hydraulic operated machines and safely harnass Is not avaliable and there were no records avaliable a evidence. Refer to MD 28672008 - There were no records available for ensuring the legal urement related lo accommodation of werkers and is inspections and there were no ‘record avaliable as evidence 2 2. Personnel Involved PC Mohammed Ba Alaw HES ‘Sawant, Sulaiman, VenuBabu, Sreejth SFO ‘Mural Nair, Abfilash C, Shi P, Aru, Rajeev, Abhlash HSE AUDIT REPORT ‘sit Report Rat: DPCAISEIAus2016 001 ‘Audit Scope ‘The aust was caried out lo assess the implementation of the requirements in DPC Contract document, Project HSE Plan, MD 286/2008 and DPC HSE requirements for contractors, 4. Summary of Audit Findings During the Auct, the implementation of the HSE requirements was examined. The aut was. performed tough review and verification of supporting evidence, records, documents, work Dractces and interaction wit personne ‘This par is based on the samples reviewed and hence shall be considered representation only. “This fret aud conducted by DPC isto be considered for educating the consuitant and contractor {for improving the HSE requrements as pr th Vision and HSE strategy of DPC. \Non conformance report (NCR) 1s not raised as the auditors noted that contactor needs to Improve further to DPC requirements as this audits conducted onl to verify the present standard of implementing the requirements, However Owners Engineer of the contract shall review the progress salus of mplemertaion of HSE requirements periodically and submit report to DPC. ‘Some observations were ako made curing the audit, which are described in section 1.2 under fexecitve summary. Detaled sta findings were also noted below as serial no. 5 ofthis report for Immediate compliance. ProjectSte Manager of Contractor should take action on all observations and site findings. Fundamental cause of each observation should be analysed and actions implemented to prevent future recurrences. This process may involve staf other than the immediate audtee(6)~ e.g. the Senior management - and the time needed to make the analysis and implement the actions Is likely to take fonger than the cortection ofthe immeciate observation. The Owners Engineer of the contract should take intatveinfolowup and close out ofall the observations and site findings for further improving the HSE requirements and update DPC Project Deparment! HSE department, ‘Onmers Engineer (HES) sha further nfrmed to take not af the DPC HSE requirements and ‘conduct audte to all other convactorsassocatee with DPC and HES In a time fame for Imnpresng the HSE standard and submit repr to DPC project and HSE depariment 5. Detaled sito Findings 5.1, Portacabin Base Earting & Anchoring tobe done 52. Portacabin (SFO Office, Fist Ad Room & Store) 28) Spacer to be provided between Caling Light & Root ») Dis type fat fing tobe provided €) Locking Arrangement o be provided 5.3. Drinking Water facil tobe provided in First Aid Room 154 Thi Party Inspection Centfcato tobe avalable forthe Safety BellHamess HSE AUDIT REPORT ‘ait Report Ra: DPCIISEIANsI2014/001 5555 House Keeping tobe inproved near Rest Room, 5.8 A onaiton (A.C) o be provided for Rest Room 517 Body Earting to be povided for Rebar Cuting Machine, 58 All the Stee! Rods used for Barrcation has to be provided with End Caps (VciWeoden) 5.9. Structural Consutant Approved Drawing not available for Bulding Roof Slab Scaffold, ‘The same tobe implented ir Future Projects 15.10 Base Plate to be provided for Scaffold. 5.11 Cable Trench to be Baricaded (Hard Baricaion required) 5. 12 Excavated Areas for Power Ty/Capactor Bank Foundation & Boundary Wall, Cable Trenches ete 2) Enty& Escape Routes ar o be provided with clear access. 2) Wooden Ladders ae tobe replaced with Approved Aluminium Ladders 5.49 For Root Way, 4) One mere Side Reng has tobe provided. 1) Shayp Edge onthe he Right Han sdeof Ral o be protected «) The Gap near the Root Enty tobe cased on both the ends. 5:14 Anais & deshttored Material tobe removed from the Reo! & Stacked Property, 5:15 Allthe Portable Power Tools mus be operated at 110 Vas per OFS 4 6. Conclusion It was observed that there ie a general interest by the contactor for improving the HSE Fequirements as per DPC HSE requirements. and the representatives from contractor were familar wth the HSE requirements and Procedures. However, there Is scope for continual Improvement as identified section-t.2 and 5 o his report 7. Photagranhs el: DRS 01 Bigs Improper way of acess (wooden adeer to be replace with approved aluminum ladder) try & Escape Routesare tebe rovided with clear access. ‘Allis & shuttered Material tobe removed from the Root & Stacked Prope

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