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CITIZENSHIP (Category- Civil Services -> Indian

1. Which of the following Article number is correctly related to the explanation
given in the constitution?
a Article
b Article
c Article
d Article

Rights of citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to

India from Pakistan.
Persons voluntarily acquiring citizenship of a foreign state not to
be citizens.
Continuance of right of citizenship.
Empowers parliament to regulate the right of citizenship by law.

Only option d correctly relates the article number with the explanation given in
the constitution. The correct article number and explanations are

Rights of citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to

India from Pakistan.
Persons voluntarily acquiring citizenship of a foreign state not to
be citizens.
Continuance of right of citizenship.
Empowers parliament to regulate the right of citizenship by law.

2. Consider the following statements with regard to Article 19.

It is available to all the people residing in India.
It is an absolute right.
Which statement(s) is/are correct?
(a) Only i
(b) Only ii
(c) Both i and ii
(d) Neither i nor ii
Ans- d
Article 19 available to only citizens of India not to aliens. This right is a qualified
one not an absolute one.
3. Consider the following statements.
i. The government can give citizenship to illegal migrants by naturalisation,
if the government feels so.
ii. If any citizen of India is imprisoned in a foreign country for more than two
(a) Statement i is true and Statement ii is true
(b) Statement i is true and Statement ii is false
(c) Statement i is false and Statement ii is false
(d) Statement i is false and Statement ii is true
Ans- c

CITIZENSHIP (Category- Civil Services -> Indian

An illegal migrant cant be given citizenship of India by naturalisation according
to constitution. If a citizen of India by registration or naturalisation is imprisoned
in a foreign country for more than two years within 5 years of registration then
he or she will lose citizenship. So both the statements are false.

4. In India one can acquire citizenship in which of the following ways?

By descent
By renunciation
By deprivation
By termination
Ans- a
One can acquire citizenship by descent while other three are methods to lose
5. Citizenship to an alien is given by
(a) Ministry of External Affairs
(b) Ministry of Home Affairs
(c) Both
(d) None
Ans- b
Citizenship to an alien, a foreign national, is given by MHA not MEA.
6. An US national can be
(a) Prime minister of India
(b) President of India
(c) Both
(d) None
An Indian citizen of any nationality can be PM or President of India. An US
national can be an Indian citizen.
7. Consider the following statements.
i. A person born in US acquires Indian citizenship, then he will be called as
an Indian national.
ii. Every Indian national is a citizen of India.
Which of the above statements are true?
(a) Only i
(b) Only ii
(c) Both i and ii
(d) None
An individual is a national of a particular country by birth. Nationality is got
through inheritance from his parents. On the other hand an individual becomes a
citizen of a country only when he is accepted into that countrys political
framework through legal terms. So, both the statements are false.

CITIZENSHIP (Category- Civil Services -> Indian

8. Which is true for a person of Indian origin (PIO) card?
(a) A citizen of China can hold a PIO card.
(b) A PIO card holder gets lifetime visa to come India.
(c) A PIO card holder can do research work in an Indian university.
(d) This is a scheme under MHA.
Ans- d
No citizen of China, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan and
Srilanka can hold PIO card. A PIO card holder gets 15 year visa and he cant do
mountaineering, missionary, research and other restricted works in India. It is a
scheme under MHA.
9. Which is true about overseas citizen of India (OCI)?
(a) A citizen of China can hold a PIO card.
(b) Can visit India without visa for lifelong.
(c) Once granted, cant be cancelled.
(d) Both a and b
Ans- d
OCI status can be cancelled on certain conditions, so option c is false. Both
option a and b are correct.
10. Consider the following statements about an overseas citizen of India.
i. He is an Indian passport holder.
ii. He can vote in elections.
Which of the above statements are true?
(a) Only i
(b) Only ii
(c) Both i and ii
(d) None
Ans- d
An OCI is not an Indian passport holder, he doesnt have voting rights.
11.Which of the following is/are true about a couple who are currently in India
and are subjects of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan?
They are enemy aliens of India.
They do not enjoy rights given under Article 22.
The child of the couple will be an Indian citizen by birth.
(a) Only i and ii
(b) Only i and iii
(c) Only i
(d) None is correct
Ans- d
An enemy alien is a subject of that country which is at war with India, but
Pakistan is now not in war with India, so the first statement is wrong. Article 22
provides protection against arrest and detention. An enemy alien does not enjoy
such rights, but the subjects of Pakistan are not enemy aliens, so they enjoy this
right under Article 22. Those who are born in India after December 2004 are

CITIZENSHIP (Category- Civil Services -> Indian

considered citizens if both of their parents are Indian. So the child of Pakistani
couple cant be a citizen of India.
12.A friendly alien can enjoy which of the fundamental rights as prescribed in the
(a) Right against discrimination on the basis of race and place of birth.
(b) Right to freedom of speech and expression.
(c) Cultural and educational rights.
(d) Protection against arrest and detention.
Ans- d
Article 15, right against discrimination on the basis of race and place of birth, is
exclusively available for Indian citizens. Article 19, right to freedom of speech
and expression, is exclusively for Indian citizens. Article 29 and 30, cultural and
educational rights, is exclusively for Indian citizens. A friendly alien can enjoy the
right of protection against arrest and detention.
13.The Commonwealth citizenship provided in the Citizenship Act (1955) was
repealed by the Citizenship (Amendment) Act of
(a) 1986
(b) 1992
(c) 2003
(d) 2005
The Commonwealth citizenship provided in the Citizenship Act (1955) was
repealed by the Citizenship (Amendment) Act of 2003.
14.Which of the following is true about constitutional provisions on citizenship?
(a) Article 5 to 11 in part 1 of the constitutions talks about citizenship.
(b) The provisions talk about who are citizens of India when the constitution
was commenced.
(c) The provisions talk about loss of citizenship.
(d) The provisions describe methods for acquiring citizenship.
Ans- b
Article 5 to 11 in part 2 not 1 of the constitutions talks about citizenship. They do
not talk about loss or acquiring of citizenship. The provisions talk about who are
citizens of India when the constitution was commenced.
15.According to Citizenship Act (1955), in how many ways one can acquire Indian
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
Ans- d
One can acquire citizenship by birth, descent, registration, naturalization and
incorporation of territory.

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