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Article No: 2.

UK to send hundreds of troops to Iraq

Troop (N)
Train (V)
Defence (N)
Secretary (N)
Telegraph (N)
Telegraph (V)
Bid (N)
Bid (V)
Step up (Verbal
Battle (N)
Fighter (N)
Already (Adv)
Deployment (N)
Deploy (V)
Commander (N)
Guide (V)
Guide (N)
Coalition (N)
Ally (N)
Ally (V)
Air strike (N)
Include (V)
Method (N)
Away (Adv)
Formation (N)
Open space (N)
Tuck (V)
Tuck away (Verb
Root out (Verb Phrase)
Seize (V)
Territory (N)
Despite (Prep)
Exact (Adj)
Final (Adj)
Finalize (V)
Improvised (Adj)
Explosive (Adj)
Device (N)
Particularly (Adv)
Across (Adv/prep)
Quote (Verb)

Soldiers, armed forces, the army, the military, soldiery

Instruct, teach, coach, tutor, give lessons, educate, upskill,
edify, prime, drill
Protection, shielding, safeguarding, guarding; security, fortificati
Assistant, PA, administrator, clerk, clerical assistant, amanuensis
Cablegram, call, coded message, flash, radiogram, report
Transmit, Telex, Announce, Send a message
Proposal, Submission, Tender, Proposition, Offer, Attempt, Effort
Try, Attempt, Undertake, Endeavor, Seek, Strive
Increase, go up, add to, raise, Intensify, double, soar
Fight, conflict,
clash, struggle, skirmish, engagement,affray, fray, encounter
Soldier, fighting man/womann, warrior , trooper, Combatant,
By this/that time, by now/then, thus far, hither to, before, before
Placement, Disposition, Positioning, Arrangement, Distribution,
Organize, Install, Arrange, Array, Implement, Utilize, Set up
Commandant, Superior, Chief officer, Leader, commanding
officer, captain
Direct, Show, Lead, Conduct, Funnel, Pilot, Escort
Leader, Director, Chaperon, Controller, Attendant
Alliance, union, partnership, affiliation, bloc, caucus;
federation, league
Associate, colleague, friend, confederate, partner, supporter,acc
omplice, helper
Unite, join, join forces, band together, go into partnership, team
up, combine
Air raid, areal strike, attack, barrage, blast , the
Blitz, , bombardment, bombing
Comprise, Contain, Embrace, Consist of, Involve, Add in
Way, Technique, Mode, System, Manner, Style, Scheme
Off, from here, from there, at a distance, apart, isolated
Creation, Development, Construction, Realization, evolution
Allowance, expanse, gap, headroom, margin, opening, assart,
defoliated area
Insert , Put , Push , Slip , thrust, stuff, stick, cram
Hide, cover, obscure, conceal, blot
out,mask, camouflage, submerge
Throw away, shed, dispose of, do away
with, eliminate, dump, eradicate
Capture, take, overrun, annex, occupy, take possession
of, conquer
Land, Area, Zone, Space, Place, Terrain, Region
In spite of, notwithstanding, regardless of, in defiance of, without
Precise, accurate, correct, faithful, close, true, veracious, literal
Last, closing, concluding, finishing, end, ending, terminating, cul
Conclude, complete, bring
conclusion, clinch, settle, establish, work out
Unpremeditated, Unplanned, Spontaneous, Unprepared, Off-thecuff
Volatile, inflammable, flammable, combustible, incendiary, erupt
Implement, gadget, utensil, tool, appliance, apparatus,
apparatus, instrument
Especially, Specifically, Mostly, Predominantly, Mainly
of, from
, over,
covering, everywhere on

Recite, repeat, say

again, reproduce, resta
te, retell, echo, iterate,

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