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1. Learning of 2. significant,
non-sense meaningful,
syllables experiential learning

Elements involved in Significant/

LEARNING: meaningful/ experiential learning:
2 kinds Quality of personal involvement
Act. in which person being taught
wants to benefit from the of learning Self-initiated involvement
teaching & acquire particular Pervasiveness
content => all processes Learner’s evaluation of the event
contributing to changes in Element of meaning
behaviour – exercise &
insatiable curiosity that drives the
adolescent mind to absorb SU 1
everything he can see or hear or Teaching
read about a topic that has inner &
meaning…any learning in Learning
which the experience of the
learner progresses…
Whole-person learning dilemma

Logical + linear Intuitive alternatives
Defn: Intellect Feelings
Teaching strategy – broad Concept Experience
plan of action for teaching Idea Meaning
masculine feminine
act.’s with a view to
achieving an aim
Teaching methods – means by Significant learning = logical + intuitive
which teacher attempts to
bring about the desired
learning (way teachers
organize & use techniques,
subj. matter & teaching
media to meet teaching obj’s
& attain desired learning
DEFN teaching
The use of preplanned behaviours founded in learning principles and child development theory and
directed towards both instructional delivery and classroom management, which increase the
probability of affecting a positive change in pupil behaviour.

DEFE learning
Fraser et al (1993:211)
An activity in which the person being taught wishes to benefit from the teaching and in fact to
acquire particular (learning) content. Therefore it refers to all those processes which contribute to
changes in behaviour brought about by the exercise and repetition of the desired response.

Rogers & Freiberg (1994:35-38)

insatiable curiosity that drives the adolescent mind to absorb everything he can see or hear or read
about a topic that has inner meaning…any learning in which the experience of the learner
Teaching Strategy: A broad plan of action for teaching activities Teaching methods: Techniques you will use
with a view to achieve an aim during each phase of lesson
Deductive teaching strategy: priori logic
general law/premise/truth/validity which is taken for granted in advance
to some particular case Primary aims of Co-operative learning:
The cause which is already known to the effect Improve pupil understanding & skills in the
Teacher give learners some general statement, rule, law, theory subj. being taught
For pupils to develop co-operative group skills
and goes on to apply it to specific cases & gain an appreciation for the different indiv’s
& cultures found in classrooms
Learners participation lies in the application of the statement
Common charac’s of co-op learning act’s:
to numerous examples Face-to-face interaction
Positive interdependence
E.g.: mathematics Individual accountability
Inductive teaching strategy: posteriori logic
proceeds from a particular set of causes/facts or experience to the Social skills
general law or principle Processing group functioning
Individual examples are used to bring out the general principles
underlying them Types of interdependence:
Most scientific discoveries and creative processes in general are the (All positive) [R.R.R.T.I.]
outcome of the inductive strategy Reward interdependence
Resource interdependence
4 F’s of Social Skills: (func. In grp) Role interdependence
Task interdependence
forming – initial mngmnt skills – start up of grp Identity interdependence
functioning – grp-mngmnt skills – ctrl types of
interaction SU 2 Transition from whole class teaching
formulating – behaviours – better processing of info TEACHING to learning teams: 3 NB steps
fermenting – resolve cog. conflicts within grp STRATEGIES &
Write key steps on chalkboard/charts
State directions clearly & ask 2/3 pupils
Approaches to Co-op learning: METHODS (1)
to paraphrase the directions
Identify a location for each learning
STAD team & have that clearly marked
Group Investigation Example of Key steps for formation of Learning
Evaluation: Teams:
STAD/Jigsaw - pupils do a quiz on content
- quiz is objective – scored asap Step 1: Move quickly to the location where your team’s
Amt. each student contr.’s to team is det. By amt by which quiz score name has been posted on the wall.
exceeds own past quiz average. Step 2: Choose 1 team member to come to my
Students with perfect score – maximum pts. desk to gather the needed learning materials
Indiv. Improvement sys. – good chance to contr. Max pts. to team if
Step 3: Spend 10 min reading your particular task
doing their best by showing substantial improvement or getting
perfect paper Step 4: At my signal, begin your discussions.
Improvement pt. sys. – increases student academic performance Step 5: At my signal, return to your learning team
even without teams but especially NB as a component of STAD – & start presenting your information.
avoids low performing students not fully being accept ed by grp.
members not contr. many pts. Planning & prep for using Co-op Learning as a
No elaborate scoring sys. For GI approach teaching strategy:
Grp. report/presentation serves as 1 basis for eval. & pupils should be Choose appropriate content
rewarded for both Indiv. Contr & collective product. Form pupil teams
Teacher – careful with eval procedure – NB reward grp. product Develop materials & directions
Experienced teachers – solution
2 Probs: 2 evaluations - 1-> group & 1 -> Indiv.
- prevents less able pupils from making as
1. Ambitious learners – do more significant a contr. as in STAD/Jigsaw
than their share – resentful Conducting the lesson:
Conclusion: a) Making the transition
when other members get Co-op learning strategy - produces variety of poss.
same mark to co-op learning
results much of the time b) Managing & helping
2. Pupils who neglect resp. - improvement in -academic achievement
to grp. effort may develop pupils during
- social relationships teamwork
cynicism towards a sys. that - co-operative work skills
rewards them for work not c) Evaluation
- self-esteem
Teacher Strategy:
present A broad–plan
new content of action
verbal or textfor teaching activities Teaching methods: Techniques you will use
with a view to achieve an aim during each phase of lesson
Learners divided into 4-5 member learning teams

Representatives both sexes, various racial groups, high,

average, low achievers

Approaches to Co-operative learning:
Work sheets or other learning devices through tutoring,
discussions Jigsaw
Group Investigation
Help each other to master content

Learners take bi weekly quizzes

Quizzes - scored and learners given ‘improvement score’

– degree to which score exceeds a learners’ past averages SU 2

Each week recognition for improvement TEACHING METHODS (2)
Learners select topics for study pursue in-depth investigation,

prepare and present a report to whole class

Requires sophisticated classroom norms


5/6 member heterogeneous study teams Learners must be taught communication and group process skills
Academic materials presented in text form
Each pupil resp. for learning a portion 5-6 heterogeneous groups
Members from diff. teams with same topic
(expert group) meet to study & help each other 6 steps T.C.I.A.P.E.
learn their topic
Return to home team & teach other members Topic selection
what they have learnt
After meetings & discussions – pupils do quizzes Co-operative planning
individually over content

Analysis and synthesis

Presentation of final product

method A broad plan of action for teaching activities Teaching methods: Techniques you will use
Teacher makes with a view to achieve an aim
info avail. during each phase of lesson
thru speech
Group discussions Teaching Methods:
Debates Q & A Method
Narrative Method Q’s set direct the pupils learning
Q&A towards the spec. learning outcomes
Stories Textbook
Free Activity Tests & Exams
Panel discussions Demonstration Teaching by peers
Guest speakers Drill

Teaching by peers

Oral reports

Textbook Method
- Use of a book to ensure effective teaching
- Must be functionally integrated into the classroom
Reading newspaper clippings/other
material - variation

SU 2
Free Activity Method TEACHING
Provides opp. For self-activity & self learning TEACHING
Considerable amt. of socialization occurs METHODS (3)
Value of games:
- serve as variation for a serious lifestyle
- take human needs into consideration
- serve as a preparation for life
- education can take place through games

Demonstration Method
The carrying out of a particular series of actions by a
capable person (teacher) with/without the use of teaching
Experimentalaids,teaching method
apparatus or applicable material
Abt. discovery of reality be means of examples & making
generalised statements based on the findings thereof
*Direct Instruction – used obj’s during teaching & pupils gain
insight by means of direct observation


Exploratory learning

Excursions and field experiences

Laboratory activities

Drill Method
NB method in cases where rote learning of facts is necessary

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