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Thread: functional specification

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functional specification
Posted: Aug 8, 2008 8:01 AM

Hi Gurus,
Can some one help me about functional specification, how to write
with a example.
phaneendra Reddy

Re: functional specification

Posted: Aug 8, 2008 8:06 AM
ramakrishna rao

Posts: 469
Registered: 4/10/07
Forum Points: 446

in response to:


Functional Specification Document (FSD) is a document to
determine and define the business process of the area discussed.
Depending on how SAP is implemented in your organization, FSD
format may differs for reports, enhancement, interface or forms.
FSD should be reviewed by the business owner. Once agreed,
FSD should be forwarded to the programmer to start the

development of the business process. This is the reason why FSD

should be detail, comprehensive and technical enough so that the
programmer can understand the whole requirement and coding
can be easily developed.
A standard FSD format should include:
Title of the business process
Version history
Detail user requirement
Pre-requisite and assumption
Process flow diagram
Enhancement screen (if any)
Output layout
Field and table description (which table/field to insert, update or
Input and output parameters
Error handling
Testing requirement
Thanks & Regards
Nageswar Pattela

Re: functional specification

Posted: Aug 8, 2008 8:09 AM
ramakrishna rao

Posts: 732
Registered: 12/6/06
Forum Points: 1,202

in response to:


To speak at macro level that is at projet manager or at senior
levels. The Functional Spec (Specification) which is a
comprehensive document is created after the (SRS) Software
Requirements Document. It provides more details on selected
items originally described in the Software Requirements Template.
Elsewhre organizations combine these two documents into a single
The Functional Specification describes the features of the desired
functinality.. It describes the product's features as seen by the
stake holders,and contains the technical information and the data
needed for the design and developement.
The Functional Specification defines what the functionality will be
of a particulat area that is to be precise a transaction in SAP
The Functional Specification document to create a detailed design
document that explains in detail how the software will be designed
and developed.
The functional specification translates the Software Requirements
template into a technical description which
a) Ensures that the product feature requirements are correctly
understood before moving into the next step, that is detchnical

developement process.
b) Clearly and unambiguously provides all the information
necessary for the technical consultants to develop the objects.
At the consultant level the functional spects are preapred by
functinal consultants on any functionality for the purpose of getting
the same functinality designed by the technical pepole as most of
the times the functionalities according to the requirements of the
clients are not available on ready made basis.
Let me throw some light on documentation which is prepared
before and in a project:
1) Templates
2) Heat Analysis 3) Fit Gap or Gap Analysis
4) Business Process Design
5) Business Process Model
6) Business Change & Impact
7) Configuration Design, which is just 5 % of Total SAP- have
different names 8) Future Impact & Change Assessement
9) Functional Design (Module Wise)
10) Risk Assessement
11) Process Metrics and Many More-- Which has impact on
Business and its work flow
ramakrishna rao

Re: functional specif

Posted: Aug 8, 2008 8:1

response to:

Hi Phani,
Posts: 7
Registered: 7/26/08
Forum Points: 0

Thank for u r response


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