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Council Report
June 2, 2015

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council


Douglas J. Schmitz, City Administrator

Submitted by:

Michael Calhoun, Director of Public Safety

Paul Tomasi, Commander


Operational Plans and Staffing for the Fourth of July Weekend


Receive the Report.

The City of Carmel-by-the-Sea routinely experiences a high number of visitors during the
Fourth of July weekend. The City holds a public event in Devendorf Park, which brings an
increase in the number of visitors. During the Fourth of July weekend there is an increase in
traffic, parking, and use of public facilities. This increase leads to an overall increase in
service related calls. To accommodate and better serve the community, staffing will be
increased in both the police department and public works to better serve the community and
to maintain public facilities during the busy weekend.
The proposed plan for the Fourth of July weekend is to increase staffing to accommodate the
crowds in the City, primarily Devendorf Park, downtown and the beach area. An increased
public safety presence will help with controlling the crowds, allowing people to enjoy our City
and to provide services regarding information about City rules and regulations surrounding
beach activities. To provide the increase services the following action is being taken during
the Fourth of July weekend:

Increase in police staffing, public works, and security guards to patrol the beach.
Additional Staffing to assist with Devendorf Park activities.
Coordination with Green Waste Trash Superintendent in the City to assist with the
monitoring and empting of trash receptacles both downtown and the beach area.
Additional restroom facilities placed on Scenic Drive to handle increased crowds.

Council Meeting Date: 6/2/15

Agenda Item: 7.H
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July 3rd:

Two (2) additional Police Officers from 1700 hrs-0100 hrs.

Security Officers on the Beach will be increased from two (2) to four (4). Two (2)
from 1500hrs to 2300 hrs. and two (2) from 1800 hrs. to 2300 hrs.
One (1) Public Works employee 1100 hrs.- 1900 hrs.

July 4th:

Two (2) additional officers from 1200-1600 hrs. to assist with events in Devendorf
Two (2) additional officers from 1100-2300 hrs. to assist with increased traffic and
beach goers.
Use of police volunteers to assist with both Devendorf Park activities and beach
An additional dispatcher to assist with increase call volume, 1500-2300 hrs.
Six (6) additional security guards to patrol the beach. Two (2) from 1100-1900 hrs.
and four (4) from 1500-2300 hrs.
Two (2) additional public works employees to assist with the increase usage of
public facilities, 1100-1900 hrs.
The use of the ATV, Bicycles and other vehicles to assist with crowd control and
response to calls for service.

July 5th

Two (2) additional officers from 1100-1900 hrs.

One (1) Public Works employee to assist with calls for service 1100-1700 hrs.

The increase in staffing will result in an impact to the budget in overtime costs and costs for
contractual services. There will be no additional costs for the use of Green Waste. These
costs will be mitigated through the use of police volunteers as much as possible. The
anticipated costs have been factored into the budget.
Budgeted (yes/no)

Funding Source( general fund, grant,

Public Safety #74010- Salaries
Public Works #76010- Salaries

Council Meeting Date: 6/2/15

Agenda Item: 7.H
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The City has approved staffing increases and additional resources over previous years in
anticipation of the large numbers of people visiting our community.

Douglas J. Schmitz, City Administrator

Date: __________________

Council Meeting Date: 6/2/15

Agenda Item: 7.H
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