War in The Soul - Letter by THANG LUONG

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I-orr-r Tu-rn

well-meaningbut misguided somewhatuncertainabout article took its own advice to

"when in doubt, leave it out"
dills steppinginto areasin their past,yet want to know
whichthey haveno right to; more aboutit. rather than to perpetuate an
trying to imposetheir ideals The Vietnam War mytholo- incorrect belief that can make
and controlpeople's gy,constructedby the domi- eating out difficult
behaviourin their own garden nant newsand entertainment for vegetarians.
bed or, asthe casemay be, media,conflatesthe political lacqueline Boyle
doublebed. milieu of that day through Killarney Heigbts, NSW
Why shouldpeoplehavean Westerneyes,usuallywith
Australiangarden? that of the gung-hoAmerican
Gardening,if doneat all, is soldier.Anna's storyis one Clearing the air
donefor pleasureandlike all that is not often publicly artic-
pleasuresit is bestleft to the ulatedor evenmythologisedto As a licensed private pilot of
choiceof the participant.If the the extentof a whimsicaland 30 years' standing, it was geat
Vote one freedom meaningless musicallike Mass to read "Sky Channel"
puristswho saywe musthave
"The Porn Industry's Quest for an Australiangardencarrythe Saigon.But ultimatelyher (PoRrRnlr, October 21).
the Really Swinging Voter" day,what pleasureswill be storyis an enrichingone for a In the "old" days these
(October 28) was great. When next?Must we listenonly to peoplewho experiencedthe wonderful chaps welcomed
considering the policies at the Australianmusic?Readonly consequences of war, showing our female voices over aircraft
past Federal election, I looked AuStralianbooks? the resilienceand ardourof radios, as we trundled out for
at the GST as a more honest, The historyof horticultureis the Vietnamesespirit. formation flying practice, just
upfront tax replacing a basedaroundgardenerstrying I hopeshefindsher family bypassing their airspace
massive,confusing and incon- to bendplantsto their will. If andbecomesmore familiar en route from Moorabbin
sistent pile of different sales someonewantsto try to raise with what I understandto be a Airport to Bacchus Marsh.
taxes.The most irisidious an Englishgardenin Sydney poeticlanguagewhichmight Air traffic controllers are
aspectof John Hewson's pack- or raisebananasin helpher learnmore about the unsung heroes of aviation.
age was the policy regarding Melbourne,so what?Thisis thoselost beginnings. Their responsibility is enor-
"explicit" materials. part of the fun. Pleasureis ThangLuong mous and every one I have
The habit the Liberals have supposedto be fun andthe Petersham, NSW had ihe pleasure of meeting,
of suckingup to the ultra- soonerthe gum-treegestaPo traffic permitting, answers
repressive loony religious learnthisthe better. questions readily.
fringe is quite disturbing. LeeKennedy StocHaking In 1966,as I flew into
Liberal philosophy appears to Burwood, Vic Sydney and requestedinfor-
favour personal freedom, As a vegetarian, I was interest- mation on weather, the con-
whether it be the freedom not ed to read Jenny Sheard's troller advised the wind
"Veging Out" (October 28). direction for landing. I was fly-
to join unions or the freedom War in the soul ing over Marrickville tip and I
to gamble at casinos. I was also looking forward
However, they appearquite Storiesof cultural dislocation to trying the recipe which was observed that smoke from the
capableof ignoring that basic are steepedin ambivalent so deliciouslypictured with the tip indicated that the wind was
tenet with regard to the rights emotions which are dormant article. My delight turned to from the opposite direction. I
of individuals to have accessto and repressed,but must surprise, however, when I read advised the controller of this.
erotica,when they think it will eventuallyescapefrom the that one of the ingredients (for he hesitated for but a second
gain them a few votes from recessesof the heart. a supposedlyvegetariandish) to reply, "Delta Quebec
extremist religiousfolk. ReadingJamesStephen's was chicken stock. Romeo, Madam, you are
"A As a non-meat, poultry or clearedto land, if you wish, on
I am not on the Eros mailing fine and poignant story
list and was not aware of their Vietnam Odyssey" (October fish eater, I consistently come Marrickville tip." What a dry
campaign until I read your arti- 28), I felt the samesensations up against cooks who think senseof humour!
cle. In light of this, it's worth of yearning for the country I that flesh-basedstocks can be Elua Rush
pointing out that the signifi- too left in 1975and only revis- used in vegetarian cooking. Mansfield, Vic
canceof this matter to voting is ited two years ago. As Anna's Unfortunately, Ms Sheard's
not just limited to those who story progressed I could tell article made no mention of the Photographer J ustin Morley's i*.
buy the materials and may there would be no resolution. I wide variety of vegetable c redit was inadv ertently {x.l
extend to greater numben than felt most despondent when she stocks that are available. I omitted from "Self-portrait of
a Survivor", November 4.
.i ir*l n
indicated by the mailing list. could not emotionally prepare would have hoped that this
Craig MacBride to meet her mother whom she
craig@rmit.eda.au knew. Not being able to reS.
communicate fluently in the Write to: YouRTUFN,
CaoWeexaa, Gfu Box 506, NCIKIA
language that is Part of Your
7ffi;,\Y#1 l$
Growing pains soul, makes you feel empty. I
could empathise with her as I youftJm@gadw@k$d.com.au
IOfl rW-
iil ,
It was fitting that the article on am in a similar position. Lettssmustcontainwriter'sfull M o B r F a
Australian gardens("Beyond When I returned to Vietnam name, address and davtime TAL T< :i
telqhorgrumb{, and maY be
the Lone Hydrangea", October everyone expected me to dited for purposes of claritYor N'IAN
28) followed the one on the sex speak like a local but I could space. Eachmonth the reader whose letter is
industry. Both relate to the not, much to my own and their sdected by tt,F-Editor as the rnost rnlerestri')g
chaerin. Anna's story assures wiil t&eive a Nokia 10Omobile phone.

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