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The design project involved the construction of SMK Puncak Jalil at the site located near to
Faculty of Law. This project site is adjacent to the existing road leading to Faculty of Law. In this
project, we need to design sufficient drainage system to carter the quantity of runoff which will
be increase after the development due to the increase in impervious surface. Furthermore, it is
important to avoid erosion of soil, sedimentation, flash flood and other problem in future.

Scope of Works

The scopes of works involved in designing the drainage system are as follows:

The setting of network and direction of flow that take into consideration of certain factors
such as contour, platform level, road level and slope that will affect the flow of the water


The estimation of the total flow rate for the whole project area.


Take consideration of quantity and quality of the water.


Determination of types and sizes of drains, culvert and sumps that need to be used.


The estimation of depth and area required for detention pond.


Design Concept

The main concept and design of the drainage system and on site detention for this project is
based on the guidelines that had been provided by Department of Irrigation and Drainage. The
guideline being used is Manual Saliran Mesra Alam (MSMA) aligned with hydrological
procedure and rules set by local authorities. The informations from MSMA that had been taken
into consideration are as follows:
Chapter 4

Acceptance Criteria

Chapter 13

Design Rainfall

Chapter 14

Flow Estimation Routing

Chapter 19

On-site Detention

Chapter 26

Open Drains

Chapter 27


Surface water from drains will be channeled into the detention pond before being
discharged into the nearby river. The design of the drainage and detention pond follows the
guidelines that had been provided.

Design Procedure


Estimating the Peak Runoff

Rational Method is the simplest method which can be used to calculate runoff. This is the most
commonly used method of determining peak discharge from small drainage areas. Peak
discharge is the greatest amount of runoff coming out of the watershed at any one time.
Step 1: Specify the catchment area (project boundary)
Step 2: Draw the drainage layout
Step 3: Divide the catchment area into several sub-catchment areas according to the particular
drainage area being considered

Step 4: Determine the particular drainage area

Step 5: Estimate runoff coefficient
Estimate C values for each segment if there are different land covers according to the
table below.
Table 4.1

Recommended Runoff Coefficients for Various Landuses

(DID, 1980; Chow et al. 1988; QUDM, 2007 and Darwin Harbour, 2009)
(Table 2.5 in MSMA)

Step 6: Select design ARI

For this project, 10 years ARI is adopted for the planning and design of minor storm
water system accordance with table below as this development considered commercial.
Table 4.2

Design Storm ARIs for URBAN Stormwater Systems

(Table 4.1 in MSMA)

Step 7: Determine average rainfall intensity, yIt

Calculate 10I10 for design ARI 10 years and duration 10 minutes by using formula 13.2
and 13.3 in MSMA. Coefficients of the fitted IDF equation for Kuala Lumpur is selected
because the catchment area is located near to Bangi compared to Kuala Kubu Bharu. The
value of storm duration factor, FD is taken from table 13.3 in MSMA as 1.28.

Table 4.3

Coefficients of the Fitted IDF Equation for Kuala Lumpur

(Table 13.2 in MSMA)

Table 4.4

Values of FD for equation 13.3

(Table 13.3 in MSMA)

Step 7: Input the drainage area, C value, and intensity into the rational method formula to
determine the peak rate of runoff. (Equation 14.7 in MSMA)


Estimating the Drain Dimension

Open drain may be sized by Mannings formula using the roughness values provided in MSMA.
Step 1: Estimate Mannings n of the lining material.
n = 0.015 and n = 0.035 is selected for lined drains and grassed swales respectively.
Table 4.5

Suggested Values of Mannings Roughness Coefficient, n

(Design Chart 26.1 in MSMA)

Step 2: Use design Chart 26.2 or 26.4 in MSMA to determine the flow depth, y, or use Design
Chart 26.3 to determine the minimum base width for a trapezoidal shaped grassed swale.
Estimate y from the charts or calculate manually. (In this project, we choose to calculate
Step 3: Check if y is within required limits for the open drain type. If not, adjust the drain
dimensions and return to step 2.
Step 4: Calculate the average flow velocity from V = Q/A and check that it is within the
maximum and minimum velocity criteria for the open drain type. If not, adjust the drain
dimensions and return to step 2.
Step 5: Add required freeboard to y and calculate top width of drain for drains with sloping sides.

Estimating the On-site Detention (OSD) Pond Size

On-site Detention (OSD) is a way of collecting the rain that falls on a site (known as storm
water), storing it temporarily and then releasing it slowly so that it doesnt worsen downstream
Step 1: Determine storage volume required



Select type of storage

Determine the area of the site that will be directed to the OSD storage system
Determine the amount of impervious and pervious area draining to the OSD storage
Determine the time of concentration, tc and tcs
Calculate the pre-development and post development flows for the area of the site
draining to the OSD storage.
Determine the required Permissible Site Discharge (PSD).
Determine the required Site Storage Requirement (SSR).

Step 2: Determine size of primary outlet

Step 3: Determine storage dimension

Step 4: Sizing of secondary outlet


Design Criteria


Lined Drain


The dimensions of lined open drains have been limited in the interest of public safety and
to facilitate ease of maintenance. The minimum and maximum permissible cross
sectional dimension are illustrate in figure below and described as follows.
a. Depth
The maximum depth for lined open drains shall be in accordance with Table
26.1 in MSMA
Table 4.6

Recommended Maximum Depths

(Table 26.1 in MSMA)

Cover Condition
Maximum Depth (m)
Without protective covering
With solid or grated cover
b. Width
The width of lined open drains may vary between a minimum width of 0.5 m and
a maximum width of 1.0 m.
c. Side slope
The recommended maximum side slopes for lined open drain are indicated in
Table 26.2 in MSMA
Table 4.7

Recommended Maximum Side Slopes

(Table 26.2 in MSMA)

Drain Lining
Maximum Side Slope
Concrete, brickwork, and block work
Stone pitching
Figure 4.1

Dimension Limits for Open Lined Drains

(Figure 26.3 in MSMA)


Velocities and Grades

To prevent sedimentation and vegetative growth, the minimum average velocity shall not
be less than 0.6 m/s. The maximum average flow velocity shall not exceed 4 m/s.


The depth of an open lined drain shall include a minimum freeboard 0f 50 mm above the
design storm water level in the drain.


Grass Swale
A grassed swale is generally located within parkland, open space areas, along pedestrian
ways, and along roadways with limited access to adjacent properties. Grassed swales
should not be provided in urban street verges with adjacent standard density residential
and commercial properties where on-street parking is permitted.


Standardized alignment for grassed swales are provided to limit the negotiations needed
when other services are involved. In new development areas, the edge of a grass swale
should generally be located 0.5 m from the road reserve or property boundary.


The preferred shapes for grassed swales are shown in Figure 26.2. The flow depth shall
not exceed 0.9 m. A vee shaped section will generally be sufficient for most

applications; however, a trapezoidal section may be used for additional capacity or to

limit the depth of the swale.

Velocities and Grades

The average flow velocity in a grassed swale shall not exceed 2 m/s.
Figure 4.2


Recommended Grass Swale Cross Section

(Figure 26.2 in MSMA)

The depth of a grassed swale shall include a minimum freeboard of 50 mm above the
design storm water level in the swale.


Analysis and Calculation

All the analysis and calculations are shown in the drawing, tables and documents attached.


After making calculations and analysis, as well as taking into account the design criteria
that have been set by authority, the proposed drainage system for this project are as


Drainage networks
a. 600 U 300 U-Shape RC Drain
b. 600 U 450 U-Shape RC Drain
c. 300 Diameter Concrete Pipe Culvert
d. 450 Diameter Concrete Pipe Culvert
e. Cascading Drain at hillside
f. Grassed Swale


Detention Facilities
The proposed OSD have optimum size to cater in 50 year peak flow rate of
the development area.

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