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The League of Macedonian-Americans

Volume 1, Issue 6
3. Which Macedonian was the leader of a famous rebellion
against the Ottoman Empire in 1689? Karposh
4. Name the two villages that are located on Dojran Lake,
Recap of the Week...............1
which is situated in the southeast of the Republic of
Next Weeks Goals...............1
Macedonia? Nov Dojran, Star Dojran
Test Your Knowledge.............1
5. Name the Macedonian band known for the song
Upcoming Event..................2
Mashala. Melodija

Complete the Paragraph..........2
Narodna Song of the Week......3-4
Farmers Market..................4
Website Statistics..............5
Quotes about Macedonia........5-6
News from Macedonia.............6

Recap of the Week

We had a good week. Some of our highlights

Sent out letters to Macedonian churches

and community groups regarding
potential farmers markets
Received some responses
Increased membership and online
presence, particularly on Facebook and

Next Weeks Goals and Projects

Heres some of what we have planned for next

Increase online presence

Continue planning and implementing
new initiatives and plans
Advocate for farmers markets
Watch news for use of FYROM and Slav

Test Your Knowledge about

Last weeks answers:

This weeks questions:

1. Name two carnivorous fish species that can
only be found in Lake Ohrid.
2. What mineral has been extensively mined for
in the Debar Mine?
3. Born in 1903, this person in known as a
founder of modern Macedonian art.
4. In Macedonia, is German a name of a: lake,
river, village, or city?
5. What is the Republic of Macedonias highest
mountain peak and what is its elevation?
Submit answers to:

The Australian Macedonian Human Rights

Committee (AMHRC) is co-hosting a historic
scholarly conference on Macedonian issues in
Lerin, Aegean Macedonia (Florina, Greece) from
July 16th to July 19th. The conference will spotlight
several international academics and speakers
with the goal of contributing to an understanding
of modern-Macedonian history.
This event will be a huge success. To contribute to
that success, you can contact AMHRC with inquiries
on attending the conference or donating to help
cover essential expenses. Their e-mail is: and their website is:
Let's help our Macedonian kinfolk around the
world in promoting Macedonian culture and
protecting the Macedonian identity.

1. What is the Macedonian currency called? Denar

2. How did the ancient Romans subdivide Macedonia?
Macedonia Prima and Macedonia Secunda
Interested in joining LOMA? Do you have ideas to share or a project you want to work on? Or do you want
to contribute an article or section to The Loma Weekly Herald? Contact us at and visit our website at

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The League of Macedonian-Americans

Volume 1, Issue 6

The Alphabet as a Helping Tool

Macedonian Crossword
= sh


= zh

= lj

=g =d
= dz = I
= m = n
C=s T=t
= ts = ch

= gj
= nj
= kj

Complete the Paragraph Using the

Words in the Word Bank

____ . ____
. ____ . ____
____. ____ ____
. ____
____ .



Word Bank







1. /leta

3. /peche

2. /trcha

5. /slusha

4. /mirisuva

6. /veruva

9. /makedonija 7. /gotvi
10 /kazhuva

8. /sedi

12. /spie

11. /gleda

13. /ubie

12. /vidi

15. /zhivee

14. /umira

(English Translation)
Tomorrow is Monday. I have to go to
work. I do not want to go. My
brother does not go to work. He
plays soccer with friends. Someone
has to work and someone has to have

Interested in joining LOMA? Do you have ideas to share or a project you want to work on? Or do you want
to contribute an article or section to The Loma Weekly Herald? Contact us at and visit our website at

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The League of Macedonian-Americans

Volume 1, Issue 6

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Interested in joining LOMA? Do you have ideas to share or a project you want to work on? Or do you want
to contribute an article or section to The Loma Weekly Herald? Contact us at and visit our website at

The League of Macedonian-Americans

Volume 1, Issue 6

Narodna Song of the Week

This weeks song is Narode Makedonski. This is a
very famous patriotic song that describes the
events of a massacre against the Macedonians in
a village in Aegean Macedonia. The lyrics in
English are as follows:
Macedonian people, with what kind of ideals
are you living? Thats enough, wake up and
come to your senses dont sleep anymore.
You dont know who you are or what you are,
but others know you. Its a big shame for you
yourself to not know who you are.
In the village of Zagorichani, they beheaded
women and children. But in front of the
Turkish army you threw down your weapons.
They are wearing thin tassels and carrying
Berdan rifles, their clothes are torn and dirty
and they are out of bullets.
Where is Karaivanov and his company? Melas
Karavangelis he is in a jail in Bitola.
NEW! You can now find LOMA-produced music
videos of these songs on our Facebook page and our
Youtube channel. Check us out:

Macedonian Farmers Market

The League of Macedonian-Americans (LOMA)
is a group that, among many things, wants to
help bring together and strengthen the
Macedonian communities through the United
States. We are writing to you regarding a project
that the Macedonian churches and cultural

centers could initiate in order to help achieve

this goal. A copy of this letter is being
distributed to several churches in the US,
Canada, and Australia, as well as to the
community at large.
Our idea is that, once or twice a month during
the summer and fall months, the church or
cultural center can host a Macedonian Farmers
(or Gardeners) Market, similar to a pazar in
the old country. This daytime event would
ideally last two or three hours on a Saturday
and could be held outdoors or indoors. People
from the Macedonian community who have
gardens would bring in their vegetables, fruits
and herbs that they have grown and could sell
them to whoever shows up and is willing to
buy; or they could trade their produce with
other growers/sellers. In addition, people could
also cook or bake traditional Macedonian foods
that they are willing to sell or trade; or they
could bring canned and preserved goods to sell
or trade.
This event, with the right advertising and
marketing, could have the potential to bring
many benefits to our Macedonian communities,
a) bringing the community together
more often to interact with one another;
b) encouraging Macedonians to garden
more and potentially earn a profit from their
hard work;
c) encouraging Macedonians to eat
healthier and local;
d) exposing Macedonians to traditional
Macedonian foods more frequently; and
e) getting the whole family involved in a
fun and meaningful project.

Interested in joining LOMA? Do you have ideas to share or a project you want to work on? Or do you want
to contribute an article or section to The Loma Weekly Herald? Contact us at and visit our website at

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The League of Macedonian-Americans

Volume 1, Issue 6

Of course, the logistics and execution of these

Farmers or Gardeners Markets will vary from
one community to the next. For example, some
communities may want to have their market
indoors and not outdoors. Other communities
might want to expand what is being sold to
include meat products or handmade crafts.
Some might want to have their market on a
different day, and some might want to have it
only once a season and make it into a bigger
event with music and festivities. Others may
want to open the doors to non-Macedonian
gardeners and buyers, as well. These differences
are good things as they will allow the
communities to discover what works best for
The setting up of a Farmers or Gardeners
Market (or a Pazar Day) would not take too
much effort. First, a convenient day and time
would need to be found. Second, even though
most cultural centers prepare and serve food,
the cultural center should contact the
appropriate local and state agencies in order to
ensure that no additional licensing or
requirements are needed. If so, they should
ensure that those requirements are met. Third, a
small volunteer staff would be needed to help
with the set-up and take-down of tables. Fourth,
an aggressive advertising and marketing
campaign utilizing word-of-mouth, radio
programs, and the Internet would need to be
implemented in order to make people aware of
what is going on.
The success of such a project will depend on
many variables, including the size of the
community, location of the cultural center or
church, the number of volunteers able to help,

and how well the marketing and advertising

campaign is executed. LOMA is willing to help
in whatever way that we can.
Please consider the awesome benefits the
Macedonian community would gain by hosting
such an event and please spread the word in
your community about it so that your
community can get something going. If there is
any more information you would like from
LOMA, or if you have any questions, please email us at or . You can also
message us on Facebook.

Website Statistics to Date

+ Most visitors come from these countries in the
following order: USA, Australia, China,
Canada, Russia
+ The average visitor spends 1 minute and 10
seconds on the website
+ 9% of users return to our website again
+ 5% of visitors access our website from a
mobile device

Quotes about Macedonia

A Yugoslav television station has accused Bulgaria
of trying to wipe its Macedonian minority off the
map with every form of pressure, including arrest,
deportation and killingThe Yugoslavs have noticed
a dramatic decline in the numbers of Bulgarian
Macedonians in successive official figures by the
Bulgarian Government. The number in 1950 was
given as 500,000, in 1956 as 180,000. Some years
later officials claimed there were no more than a few
thousand in northern Bulgaria.

Interested in joining LOMA? Do you have ideas to share or a project you want to work on? Or do you want
to contribute an article or section to The Loma Weekly Herald? Contact us at and visit our website at

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The League of Macedonian-Americans

Volume 1, Issue 6

The Yugoslavs claim that over the past 10

years, 23 organized groups of Macedonians have been
condemned in Bulgaria for expressing their national
feelingsAfter the war, Bulgaria recognized the
existence of a Macedonian nationality in the country
and authorized special schools in the Macedonian
language as well as the publication of newspapers
and books. This policy, however, changed in the late
fifties. December 3, 1975, The London Times
[In Salonika, Greece] local patriots are reviving the
old cry of autonomy for MacedoniaMacedonia,
which has not enjoyed a national sovereignty since
the time of Alexander the Great, today is one of the
greatest potential trouble spots in Europe. The
country is divided into three parts. It comprises a
large part of northern Greece and southern
Yugoslavia and a small section of Bulgaria. The
autonomy campaign is in the open in Yugoslavia and
Bulgaria and is underground in Greece. Greeks look
on any effort toward an autonomous Macedonia as a
threat to take from them the rich farmlands of the
north upon which the whole national economy
depends. August 24, 1945, The Tuscaloosa
The government invoked nationwide police
precautions against political terrorism today after the
discovery of a revolutionary plot against the
government. Precautionary steps apparently were
directed chiefly against the outlawed IMRO, an
organization of extremist Macedonians wanting an
autonomous state including the 2,000,000
Macedonians now living in Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and
Greece. October 14, 1938, Sarasota HeraldTribune

A man was once paid a huge sum annually to

consider himself officially dead. This peculiar
situation arose when a notorious Macedonian bandit
personally annihilated 2,400 Turks. He created a
reign of terror against which the Turkish authorities
were impotent. Finally, in desperation and to curb his
murderous activities, they entered into an unholy
alliance: Apostol Petkoff was to cease killing Turks
and the Sultan would pay him 9,000 pounds a year to
pretend he was dead. Mrs. Malin, Pymble,

News from Macedonia

The so-called National Liberation Army
threatened the lives of ethnic Albanian political
leaders in Macedonia and Kosovo.
---------Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski stated that
Macedonia would wait until Russia and the EU
come to an agreement before Macedonia signs
on to Russias proposed gas pipeline project for
the Balkans.

*News generated from a Google news search


Interested in joining LOMA? Do you have ideas to share or a project you want to work on? Or do you want
to contribute an article or section to The Loma Weekly Herald? Contact us at and visit our website at

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