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Culture in Corporate Entrepreneurship

Challenge in Corporate Entrepreneurship




The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without the
participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not all be enumerated. Their
contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. However, the group would
like to express their deep appreciation and indebtedness particularly to the following:
Mr Haji Laili bin Haji Ismail, CEO of Perdana Express, and beloved lecture Miss Siti
Aishah Binti Attaullah.
To all relatives, friends and others who in one way or another shared their support, either
morally, financially and physically, thank you.
Above all, to the Great Almighty, the author of knowledge and wisdom, for his countless
We thank you.

Zahra (1991) described corporate entrepreneurship as a process of creating new business
within established firms to improve organizational profitability and enhance firm's competitive
position or the strategic renewal of existing business. According to Lumpkin and Dess (1996)
corporate entrepreneurship is the processes, practices, and decision-making activities that lead










entrepreneurship as embodying entrepreneurial efforts that require organizational sanctions and

resource commitments for the purpose of carrying out innovative activities in the form of
product, process, and organizational innovations (Hornsby et al., 2002).
This repost is about the business talk that held on 12 May 2015 around 9.30 am at UMK Bachok
for according to entrepreneurship week for students education purpose. Preparation started
with students registration at 8.00 am according to their course and class. Main while the
organization committee prepare all the needs for the event and speaker.
At 9.30 the registration segment was finished and Management council help to continue the
lovely morning. Deputy Dean, Mr.Nik Zulkarnai delivers his warm welcoming speech continued
by prayers. At 9.45 am Mr. Haji Laili Bin Haji Ismail, PKJ, the speaker took charge of the day.
Mr. Haji Laili Bin Haji Ismail started his speech by complimenting the environment of the campus
which is so creatively decorated by umbrellas. He continued the talk with sharing his lifestyle
and knowledge in entrepreneurship based on transportation. He is 3 rd in his family from 8
siblings. His father worked as a teacher and his mother was housewife. There is no business
background in his family. Yet he had passion and interest in this business field since he was
small and thats made him to continue his studies. He did Diploma in business at University
Pertanian Malaysia and conclude his studies at 1988. Whenever he got change to work and
gain experience he never miss that chance. He look for job opportunities at any time so that he
can learn business skills more than learning by books. Sometimes he worked as farm helper
during semester breaks at UPM.

Corporate Entrepreneurship Culture

Organization culture can be defined as the set of values, beliefs, attitudes, expectations,
understandings, norms shared by members of organization (Hofstede, 1997; Daft and Marcic,
2009). It is passed from one generation of employees to the next, and determined the norms for
appropriate behavior within the organization (Covin and Slevin, 1991). Organizational culture is
an important source of sustained competitive advantage as it possesses the characteristics of a
strategic asset, namely scarcity, inimitability, value creating and non-trade ability (Barney, 1986;
Hayton 2005).
In Mr. Haji Laili company, one of the culture that we can assume as meeting. He often met with
workers to ensure that all things work smoothly. He did encounter were bilateral meetings of
interaction between employers and employees and employee with the employer. In this
meeting, he will discuss the problems encountered. These meetings are usually held once a
month. This meeting aims to ensure the smooth running of his business. Sometimes he held
meeting also is to dismiss his workers. This is due to the problems of the workers themselves
for not honest and trustworthy. His employees that the driver picks up passengers without
tickets and the money is not given to the company. Following the incident, the driver is fired
when meeting. He does so to ensure that its employees do not do this and did not recur in the
Mr. Haji Laili also provide bonuses and incentives to their employees. He spent a total of RM
250,000 per year to be allocated to its employees in terms of bonuses and incentives. Bonuses
and incentives will be given to the employees twice a year. Bonuses and incentives are given
during the festival and also at the beginning of the year. The average salary earned by her
driver was RM2800. He gives bonuses to its employees to ensure that workers are more
motivated to do the work. Sometimes, the bus driver, he is also entitled to an allowance from her
if the driver is keeping his bus for passenger comfort.

Challenges in Corporate Entrepreneurship

After he finish his study at he went to Kuala Lumpur for some time. At 1989, Mr, Haji Lailis
Parent requested him to back to hometown and stay with them .He obey his fathers words and
look after them. He worked at a car workshop and earns some money for run the family. Then
he moved to Fishing village at Besut. After sometimes he worked as normal labour at fishing
complex for one year by his fathers recommendation
His working career continued to Terengganu for 3 years. At 1993 he married and his wife also
worked as teacher. He jumped from school dress sales excusive to contractor. At 1996 he
started his journey as bus contractor only with RM 2500.00.He had really a hard time for four
years. He debt all over his customer and bank at year 2004 till 2005 he dont find any other
hope to go anymore further yet he never lose his willing to go thru all this. Throughout this hard
time only his wife can support him to run the family.
By gods grace and his spirit he settled all his dept. just in three years time he become more
stable in construction business. At a time his co-worker suggest him to buy a cater bus. There
was no cater bus service at that particular surrounding and he find it as a good idea. Without
and basic information on this new business he went to KL just with his courage and willing to
take risk. He went to a company thru his friends advice. After further discussion among the
dealer and other parties Mr Haji Laili decided to buy those buses on cash. That was his first bus
and after 5 months he got another change to buy a bus named PERDANA EXPRESS with RM
720 000.00.
At early stage everyone discourage him and advice to drop the newly started business yet he
had a clear vision to succeed in this business even though he have to learn from the very basic
transportation business He said an entrepreneur must have strong will power and spirit to cross
over all obstacles .Even though he had lots of experience in business field but he willing to
down to earth to learn something new and he always ready with backup plan for all problems. At
2004 he stated this business with 4 unit bus and he explores nature of this business to know the
problems and the solutions. At current stage he owned 52 busses.

Mr.Haji Laili applied corporate entrepreneurship in his company. He have clear vision on what
that company based. The company based on costumers satisfaction on their service. To
maintain the quality of service he maintain less power distance among other workers. He
provide annual bonus equally to all staffs and having discussion section among the senior staffs
according to the management level to get updated feedbacks. Besides that he provide incentive
course for newly joint worker to let them know about the vision and mission of the company so
that everyone can work co-ordinately .At the same time he also lack to work together with other
competitors such as MUTIARA EPS. When we asked the reason he replied that those
companies as long established then his company and the chances to cooperate with them are
unhealthy to their business. According to corporate entrepreneurship skills, having good
relationship between competitors will help to the company growth.

Barney, J. (1986). Organizational culture. Can it be a source of sustained
competitive advantage?, Academy of, 656665.
Covin, J. S. (1991). A conceptual model of entrepreneurship as firm behavior.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 7-25.
Daft, R. M. (2009). Management: The new workplace. South Western: International
Student Edition.
Hayton, J. (2005). Promoting corporate entrepreneurship through human resource
management practices. A review of empirical research, Human Resource
Management Review, 21-41.
Hofstede, G. (1997). Hofstede, G. New York: McGraw Hill.
Hornsby, J. K. (2002). Middle managers perception of the internal environment for.
Assessing a measurement scale, Journal of Business Venturing, 253273.
Lumpkin G.T, & Dess G.G. (1996). Clarifying the entrepreneurial orientation
construct and linking it to. 135-172.
Zahra, S., Hayton, J.C, & Salvato C. (1991). Predictors and financial outcomes of
corporate entrepreneurship:. An exploratory study, Journal of Business
Venturing, 363-381.

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