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Mantras| NepaSaligram

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Everything which I informed about saligram is very true, but without dedicated worship of Saligrams, the Saligram is like a stone. Hence, I am
letting everybody know the stotram, according to Vedas, through this page to be blessed by Saligram.
For everybodys comfort, the Stotram is presented on both version ancient and universal language, that is in Sanskrit and English.
Thank You,
Mukunda Khatiwada.


Yesay Shree saligram strotra mantrasya Shree Vagban Hrishi

I chant this saligram strotra matra in front of Lord Narayan Hrishi
Narayano Devata Anustup Chhanda Shree Saligram strotra mantras
and in sitting in good position.(In Kush Asan) offer water.
jape bini yoga
Yudhistiro Ubacha
Shree Dev Dev devesa Devarchanamutamam Tat sarbam
srotaumichhami Bruhime Purushotamam / 1/
Shree Vagban Ubacha

Yudhistir asked
Lords lordship Purushotam, I request you know the saligram
Lord Replied

Gandakyam Chotare Tire Girirajshchya Dakshine !Das Yojan

Vistirnam Mahachhetra Vasundhara //2// Saligramo Vabet Devo Devi
Dwara Bati Vabet Uvayo Sangamo Yatra Mutistratrana Sansaya //3//
Saligramo Sila Yatra Yatra dwara Bati Sila Uvayo Sangamo Yatra
Mutistratrana Sansaya //4//

Himalaya is situated in the bank of river Gandaki. In the south of this

Himalaya a big and beautiful land is situated where you can find
saligrams sila. This is the place where Devi Dwarabati begins. This
place is called Mukti Chektra.

Ajanma Krita Papanam Prayaschitam Ya Ichati

Saligram Silawari Paphari Namastute //5// Akal MrituHaranam
Sarvabyadhi BinasanamVishu Padodakam Pitwa Shirasha
Dharyamyaham //6//Sankha Madhya Sthitam Toyyam Vramitam
KeshavopariAngalagnam Manukshanam Bramha Hatya Dikam Dayat

Saligram Sila found here are very precious and significant. These silas
are consider as Lord Vishnu and the person who worship or keep in
house or wash it and drinks water or pour water in head that man
became free from all sine and it prevent from untimely death. That
person became free from all sine and disease. The most feared sine
Bramahatya( Killing a Brahmin) is also wash away by worshiping

Snano Dakam Piben Nityam Chakrankita Sirot VabamPartkshallya

The person who do snan(wash) saligram with chakra everyday get rid
Sudham Tatoyam Bramha Hatya Byapohati //8//Agnistomasahasnani
of sine like Bramahatya and if he drinks such water daily gets the
Vajapaya SatanichaSamyak Phalama Bapnoti Visnornai Vedya Vakshina
equal boon of thousand of havan of Lord Vishnu.
Naivadyayuktam Tulsim cha Misritam Vishesta Pada Jalen
VishnuYoshnati Nityam Purato Murari Prapnoti Yazya Uta Koti
Pundyam //10//

The person, who worships saligram with Tulsi leaf daily, gets the
boon of million Yajna.

Khandita Sphutita Viina Vandi Dakdhya Tathi Va ChaSaligram

Sialyatra Tatra Dosho Na Vidyate//11//

Except damage and broken Sila all sila are good to worship

Namantra Pujanam Naiva Natirtham Na cha BhabanaaNa stutir Na

With out worship, with out offering any sweets or with out any
uppachars cha Saligram Silar cha ne //12//Bramha Hatya Dikam Papam
pilgrims only chanting this saligram mantra is enough to wash away
Manobak Karya SambhamamShirgram Nachyati Tatsarvam Saligram
sins and fulfillment of all desire.
Nanabarna Mayam Chiva Nana Bhogena VestitamTathavarprasadena



Mantras| NepaSaligram

Laxmi Kantam Balamhayam //14//Narayanorbhabo Dev Chakramadya There are various kind of size and shape of saligram in which Lord
Cha KarmanaTathavarprasadena Laxmi Kantam Balamhayam//15// Vishnu is situated in different incarnation.
Krishane Sila Taneyatra Susmam Cakram Cha DrisyateSaovagyam
Santatim Dhatye Sarva Sakshaym Dadhaticha//16//

Good Luck increases and gets satisfaction from children in every

aspect by worshipping saligram black in color with little cakras

Vashu Devschya Chinhani Distwa Papai PramuchyateSridhar Sukare

Bame Harivbarnatu Disyate//17//Varaha Rupenam Devam Kurmangai
Rapi ChinhitamGopadam Tatra Dissheta Varaham Vamanam Tatha
//18//PitavarnamTu Devanam Rakta Varnam Vayabhaham

Person who gets the chance to look Vahudev sila he became free from
sins. Shreedhar, Sukar,Vam, Harivarna,Varaha, Kurma and lots of
other type of saligram are available. some Saligram has marking of
cow feet and Narshimha Avtar.

Narashinho Vawet Devo Mokshadam Cha Prakrititam//19//Sankha

Chakra Gada Kurma Sankho Yatra PradisyateSankha Varnaschya
Devanaman Vame Devaschya Lakshanam//20//Damodarm Tatha
Sthulam Madhya Chakram PratisthitamPurna Dwarena Sankrina Pita
Rekha Cha Drischyate //21//

Chipite Cha MahaDukham Sulagretu Ranam Dhrubam//22//

Yellowish Saligram is very auspicious as Lord himself but reddish

saligram is consider fearful and dangerous. Sankha, Cakra, Gada,
Kurma are printed on saligram. Saligram with Sankha (conch) sign is
considering Vamrup of lord Vishnu, where chakra in the middle is
consider as Damadar saligram. Saligrams of different shapes round,
umbrella shape which has white lines is available; worshiping this
kind of saligram gives wealth and reputation in society. Flat shape
saligram create sorrow in family and saligram with sharp front side
create war and tension in family

Lalate Shesha Vogastu Siropari

SukanchanamChakrakanchanavarnanam VamaDevaschya
Lakshnam//23//Vamaparbe Cha Bai Cakre Krishna Varnas tu
PingalamLaxinarshimhadevanam Prithak Varnastu Drisyate//24//

Saligram which have chakra round the head or in forehead and rest
parts is clean and smooth is very auspicious and consider as Bamdev
sila. Yellowish or black in left side with chakra is consider as Laxmi
Narshimha sila.

Chhatrakare Vabet Rajam Vartule Cha Mahasreeya

Lamboste Cha Dalidram Syat Pingale Hani RevachaLagna Cakre Vabet Worshipping long shape sila create poverty, and saligram having
Baydhir Bidare Maranamdrubam//25//
lagna chakra creat measures diseases even death.
Padom Dakamcha Nirmalyam Mastake Dharayet ShadaVisnor Dristam
Person who offer Tulsi leaf while worshipping saligram gets salvation
Vakshitabyam Tulsi Jal Misritam//26//Kalpa Koti Sahasrani Vaikunthe
and can stay at Vaikuntha(Place where Vishnu live) for million years.
Basate Sada
Saligram Sila Vinur Hatya Koti Vinasanam//27//Tasmat Sampujayet
Dhyatwa Pujitam Chapi SarvadaSaligram Silas Trotram Yah Pathecha
Dijotam//28//Sa Gakshet Parmam Sthanam Yatra Lokeshworo
HariSarva Pap Binir Muktwa Vishnu Lokam Sa Gashati//29//

Therefore always worship saligram, enchant saligram stotra which is

very beneficial for mankind. We can get higher post on Vishnu Lok
for doing so.All sins will be destroyed and gets Vishnulok from
worshiping the saligram.

Dusovataro Devanam Prithak Varnastu DisyateIpsitam Labate Rajyam

Vishnu Pooja Manukramat//30//Kotyohi
VramhahatyanamgamyagamyaKotayaTa Sarva Nasamayamti Vishu
Nai Vidya Vakshanat//31//Vishno Pador Dakam Pitwa Koti

There are various types of description available for Lord Vishnus ten
incarnation therefore Lords incarnation Shree Saligrams worship,
Prayer and drinking water wash away sins of million lives and get
prosperity, wealth and reputation so Saligram should be worship.

Tasma Dasta Gunam Papam Ghumou Vindupatnat//32//

Iti Shree Vishotara Purane Shree Saligram Silastotram Sumpurnam!!

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Nepa Saligram

Saligram , the only self incarnated god in Kali Yuga, found in northern parts of Nepal on the banks of Gandaki river. We
have to spend several days to search saligram and reach Gandaki river as well. Our mission is to provide devotees best saligram
as Saligram Strotram suggest. We are dealing in Saligram from many years and gain knowledge and experience to choose
saligram and name them according to the ancient scripture. We have largest collection of saligrams since many years and more
than happy to help devotees to get best saligram in reasonable donation. There can never be a price put upon what saligram is
worth as there is not enough gold in world to equal even a single saligram.
Our mission is to provide best saligram as desired by devotees around the world. Saligram can be worship inside house and



Mantras| NepaSaligram

tempels. We have large collection for both purpose.

Copyright @ Nepa Saligram 2013


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