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200 + -2- Which of the following techniques may be used to Separate a mixture of plant pigments into theit individual components? ‘A) _ Fractionaldistiation (B)” Solventextraction (©) Paperchromatography (D) Centrifugation ‘The rate ofa chemical reaction does NOT dependon the (A) Concentration ofthe reactants (B) presence ofacatalyst © perature of thereacting system (D) anergy change associated with the overall reaction ‘The arrangements of electrons in atoms of X and Y are 2, 8, 5 and 2, 8, 6 respectively. Which ofthe following represents X and Y? x Y (A) Metal nonmetal (8) Nonmetal nonmetal «c) Nonmetal metal (D) Metal metal Items4-. j referto the following information. The atomicnumber of elementPis 13. Inwhich group ofthe periodic table should Element Pbe placed? a F @ 4 © 3 @ 2 The oxidation state of Element P would most probably be @ 3 6 8 © 5 © + Which of these elements has 7 electrons in its outer shell? * (A) Hydrogen (B) Oxygen (© Nitrogen (D) «Chlorine The ionic equation for the reaction between an acid and a carbonate may be represented as (A) H+ (aq) + COs*(aq) > HCO (aq) (B)_ 2H* (aq) + CO, (aq) > H,CO, (aq) (C) 2H* (aq) + CO;? (aq) > CO, (g) + H,O(1) (D) H* (aq) * CO; (aq) > CO, (g) + H,O()) The quantity, I mole of atoms of an element,” refers to the mass of (A) the element which combines completely with 12g of carbon -12 (B)__theelementwhich contains 6.0x 10 ‘atoms (©) theelement which occupies 24.0 dm? at (D) 1 atom of the element 10. 1. “3. Mtems.9-19 refertothe following method 12+ of preparir ga sample of sodium chloride. ‘Three grams ofsodium hydrogen carbonate are added to 100 cm? of 0.2 mol dm? hydrochloric acid. When effervescence ceases, the mixture is filtered andthe filtrate heateduntilasaturated solution is obtained, ‘The saturated solutionislefttocrystallise. re (Rel. ator iemass:Na=23; H=1;C=12; O=16;C1=35.5). ‘The number of moles of hydrochloric acid participating in this reaction is (A) 092x100 (8) 190x0.2 1000 14. (C) — 1000x0.2 100 (D) 190, on ‘The effervescence is caused by the evolution of 15. (A) oxygen (8) catbondioxide (©) hydrogen (D) _ hydrogenchloride Isotopes of'an element contain I. thesame number of protons 11, thesame number of neutrons IIL different numbers of electrons IV. the same number of protons as 4g. electrons (A) TandIlonly (By Tand IV only (©) Mandittonly (0) MendtVonly Which ofthe following processes suggests that matter ismadeupofminute particles? (A) Diffusion B) Capillary (©) Evaporation (O) Distillation ‘Which ofthe following isthe correct formula for ammonium carbonate? (A) 'NH,CO, (®) _NH,(CO,), (© — (NH,),CO, ©) (NH,),(CO,), What substance, when added to pure water, significantly increases the water's conductivity? (A) Graphite (B) tron (UI) hydroxide (©) Copper (tl) hydroxide (D) Sodium chloride Which of the following statements BEST describes the formation ofa metallic bond? (A) Cations are held together by a seaof mobile electrons. (B) Metal ions are held together by asea ofanions. ” (© Anions are held together by electrons. (D) Metal atoms are held together by anions, ‘Covalent compounds can be formed between (A) ametal and nonmetal (8) positive anda negative ion (C) two identical nonmetal atoms, excluding the noble gases ©) two identical nonmetal atoms, including the noble gases 17. 18. 19. 20. Items 17 -18 refer fo the following types of 4 21. substane (A) Salt (B) Base (© Alkali (Dd) Acid In answering Items 17 - 18, a particular choice from above may be used more than once, on eornotatall Which of these substances isthe oxide ofametal? ‘supplies protons as the only positive ions in aqueous solutions? A substance that has high melting point, is insoluble. in water and does not conduct electricity in the solid or liquid state, has (A) ametallic structure (B) anionic structure (C)—agiant covalent structure (D) —_aSimple molecular structure 22. When X and ¥ are stirred together in a beaker and the mixture filtered, X and Y are both presentiinthe filtrate, Which ofthe following could deseribe the mixture formed by X and ye L Solution 11. Colloid 111, Suspension 23. (A) Tenly (B) Tony (© fandifonly ©) Wand! Itonly From which of the following can a solid be obtained by the process of sedimentation? (A) Gels (B) Emulsions (©) Foams ) Suspensions [tem 22 refersto the solubility curves in the diagrambelow. Mass of (120: Potassium nitrate crystals in grams 199 that dissolves in 100g of water 80: 60 40: aa Potassium sulphate eae ‘Temperature/*C At approximately what temperature is the solubility of hydrated copper(I) sulphateand sodium chloride the same? () 25°C ®B) 35°C © 45°C @) 55°C Which of the following salts isan acid salt? (A) NaHSO, (8) —_Na,S0; © Na,PO, ) Na,Co, 24. 26. 27. Acidified potassium manganate (VII) is (Ay ateducing agent (8) anoxidisingagent (©) _ bothan oxidising and reducing agent (BD) adehydrating agent Which of the following reactions involve oxidation and reduction? I Mig(s)+2H"(aq) > Mg™(aq)+H,(@) 1 Mg(s) + 4H"(aq) + 2NO} (aq) > Mg*(aq) + 2NO,(g) + 2H,00 I Ba(aq) + SOF (aq) > BaSO,(s) IV. Zn(s)+Cu*(aq)—>Zn*"(aq) + Cuts) (A) LlandItfonly () 1, WandIVonly (© 1, TandIVonly @) ‘I MandIVonly Crystals of sodium chloride are BEST referred toas (A) melecularerystals (B) _macromolecularcrystals (©) metallicerystals D) _ ionicerystals In the anodising ofan aluminium pot, which of the folk wing is TRUE? (A) Aluminium isthe anode in the cell. (B) The electrolyte is a solution of so- dum chloride. (C) HYdrogenis given off at the anode. (D) A layer of aluminium hydroxide farms on the pot. 29. 30. 31. 32. Inan experiment, on heating 402g of mereury, © a black powder with a mass of 434g is obtained (Rel.-atomic mass: Hg = 201 0=16), The balanced equation representing thisteaction is (A) Hg (4) + 0,(e) = He0(s) (B) — 2Hg( 4) + 0,(g)=2HgO(s) (C402 Hg(s)+0,(e)=434 HgO(s) (D) 2Hg+0,=2Hg0 Items 29 39 refer to the following acids. (A) Sulphuricacic (B) Hydrochloricacid (© Nitricacid (D) Ethanoieacid In answering Items 29 - 30, a particular choice from the above may be made more than once, onceornotatall. Whichacid hasa basicity of 2? isweakly ionised in aqueoussolutions? Which of the following chemicals reacts with an acid, liberating a gas which tums lime water milky? (A) Calciumcarbonate (B) — Magnesiummeial (©) Bariumchloride (©) Methylorange Calcium, magnesium and barium are Group IT metals. Which ofthe following istrue ofthese metals when they react with cold water? (A) Magnesium is more reactive than calcium, (B) Calcium is more reactive than barium, (© Barium is more reactive than magnesium. (D) There are no differences in reactivities. 33, 36. Which of the following would allow the - Ties 34-3$referto the following terms. passage ofan electric current through it? (A) Isomers (A) Solidpotassiumbromide (B) Polymers (B) Pure water (©) Alllotropes (©) Propane (D) Isotopes (D) _Aqueoussodium chloridesolution Match each ofthe followingdescriptions with one of the termsabove. Eachoptionmay be used more than once, once or notatall. 34, Solid forms ofa given element which differ in physical properties 35. Compounds having the same molecular formulabutdifferent structural formulae Items36=37 referto the following sequence ofreactions invélving iron compounds, where 1,U, Ul and IV represent the stages involved. Feco, Ly reo Es Fe,0, EL, Fe,So,), —Y+ recom, Inwhich stage is the oxidation state ofiron 37. A suitable reageint that could be used at IV is increased? (A) steam A U (B) —_ aqueoussodiumhydroxide @ 1 (©) hydrogen © mn D) _solidcopperoxide Oo Vv 38. 39. 40. Item 38 re ers tothe Haber process forthe 41. productior of ammonia, according to the equation NJg)*3H(g) 2 2NH,@) A H=-92kI mol! ‘The catalyst used in this process is (A) iron (B) —hickel 42. (© platinum (D) vanadium (V)oxide ‘When copper (I1) carbonate is heated alone inadry test tube a gas is evolved and ablack residue is f rmed. This gas is expected to (A) relightaglowing splint &. B) tured litmus blue (©) decolourize acidified aqueous potassium manganate (VI) () form a white precipitate with aqueous calcium hydroxide Which of the following may be true of metals? L___ They form solid chlorides. I, They generally form basic oxides. UL, They conduct electricity only when ‘molten. 44. (A) Henly (B) Land Ilonly (©) Mandifonly ©) 1,Nandin Which ofthe following isthe MOSTcomplete listofraw materials used in the extraction of iron? (A) Air,coke, iron ore and limestone (B) _Air,coke,cryeliteand limestone (©) Coke, ironore, bessxiteand limestone (D) Air ironoreandlimestone The ability of an atom to form a cation increases (A) acrossaperiod (B) _asclectronegativity increases (©) __ aselectropositivity increases (D) asthe oxidation state increases Copper and aluminium are both good conductors of electricity, but aluminium is preferred to copper for overhead electrical cables because (A) aluminium is obtained ina very high degree of purity (B) aluminium is lighter and resistant to corrosion (© copper, atransition metal, forms a ‘coloured coating () copper rapidiy reacts with the gases present invair Which of the following substances forms dense white furnes with ammonia gas? (A) Hydrogen” (B) _Hydrogenchloride ( Nitrogendioxide (©) — Oxygen 45. <8. Item 4 refersto the following equation. HOH H OH I I I | H-C-C=C—C—H = B+ X | | H H Which is the correct structural formula for X? ) H H H H a H-C-—cC-Cc-—cH oi od | Br Br H H @®) HH H H © H H H H a H-C—~C-C-C—-H foro ft Br HO HO Br ©) HH H H 47. <9 Item 46 refers to two organic compounds, I andIIl, of molecular formula C,H,O which have the following structures: 46. H- on =—0 HOH I of Tr OH H 0 ‘Compounds I and I are known asthe @ @) © @) isotopes of C,H,0 isomers of C,H,0 condensed formulae of C,H,O molecular formulae of C,H,O Which of thefollowingcompoundsisNOTa 48, member of fe alkene series? (A) ® © © GH Hie CH, CH Which of the following may be true ofalkanes and alkenes? L n. mm. @ ®) © ©) Both bum in air to give carbon dioxide and water. Alkanes undergo substitution reactions whilst alkenes undergo addition reactions. Alkanes afe said to be saturated hydrocarbons whilst alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons. only TandIlonly . Mand Iffonly I, Mand iil. 49. 51. -10- With which ofthe following doesethene show 52 an addition reaction? 1 Hydrogen. 0. Ofygen Ul, Hyptrogenchloride (WV. Bromine (A) UndItonly 8) ItndIVonly (©) MandtVonly (©) i MlandIVonly Items_S'-51 refer to the following compouni 1 ‘Terylene 53. 1, Nylon UL. Fats Iv. Proteins Which of the following compounds are synthetic? (A) Iindifonly ®) — Lndilfonly (© — Tandiflonly (@) —‘BlandIVonly Ester linkage (A) Tlonly (B) I imdIlfonly (© TindIVonly (D) TL andIVonly Which of the following types of polymermay bederived from monomers of the type shown below? bn I H —C —COOH NH, (A) Polyamide (B) Polyester (©) Polyalkene (D) Polysaccharide Which of the following substances is a polysaccharide? (A) ‘Starch ®) Insulin (© ‘Sucrose ©) ‘Haemoglobin Spirit lamp 54. @ cc) © ©) 55. oie Items 84-55 refer to the following diagram, which shows how apparatus and materials are used to identify the products formed when ethanol burns. Test tube containing lime water Which of the following BEST describes what will be observed in the U-tube and the test tube at the end of the investigation? U-tube Test tube Colourlessliquid _Carbondioxide Water White precipitate Colourlessliquid Whiteprecipitate Water Catbondioxide If the ice were removed, which of the following would represent the equation for thereaction? (A) 2CyHsOH(aq) +705 (g) + 4 C09 (g) + 6H 01) (B) 2CH;OH(£) +7 09(g) + 4C09(g) + 6H, O(@) (©) 2C,HsOH(aq) +70 (g) + 4 CO (g) +6 H,0(aq) @) — 2C2HsOH(aq) +703 (g) + 4 C07) +6 1018) 56. 57. 58. 59. 12+ ‘When ethene reacts s (A) ogidisedto carbon dioxide (B) —_convertedtoethanol (C)— cenvertedtoan ester (D) _—decomposedtocarbon ‘The fermentation of sugars, using glucose as the substrate, can be represented by the ‘equation (A) CgH,,0, + 60, > 6CO, + 6,0 ®) GH,0, + CH,0, > C,H, 0,, +H0 (©) GH,,0, > 2C,H,0H + 2C0, () 6 C0, + 6H,0 + C,H,0, + 60, Items _St_- $9 refer to the following hydrocarbons. (A) “Methane @®) — Afhane (C) Propane @) ‘Butane In answering Items 58 - 59, @ paiticular choice frem above may be used more than once, onc@ornotatall. ‘Whichhydrocarbonisthe major constituent of natural gas? source of hydrogen for the Haber process? ith steam theethene 60. Which of the following represents the amide | linkage? a) @) © ©) oon Li -C=N- 1 1 o oH i 1 -C-N- o # I I -C—N-— 1 HO Wot -C-N- IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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