Characteristic of Good Teaching

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Subject: How to teach English

Le Thuy Kieu Khanh

Luong Vy Quang

1. Identify the characteristics of a good teacher

2. The main features of the process of teaching-learning

Teacher is not an easy job. Furthermore, becoming a good teacher is far much more difficult. There

are many characteristics that make a good teacher. These include:

1. Organization

be well-prepared lessons and materials in advance.

make difficult topics easy to understand and memorize by examples, details, flash cards, power
points and variety in modes of explanation

make the objectives of the course clear

have backup plans just in case lessons dont go as planned

2. Instructor-Group Interaction

can stimulate, direct, and pace interaction with the class

encourages independent thought and accepts criticism

establish variety of activities that develop critical thinking abilities (problem solving,
questioning, discussion or "buzz group" instead of lecturing)

knows whether or not the class is following the material and is sensitive to students motivation

is concerned about the quality of his/her teaching

3. Motivation

require more cognitive complexity to help students to become motivated

use authentic measures of learning outcomes as a source of motivation

develop tasks at just the right level (no mean feat, but possible with some work)

encourage students to develop understanding in various ways (work in group and


have enthusiasm, rapport and expressiveness

4. Respect

create a welcoming learning environment for all students

make students feel safe to express their feelings and learn to respect and listen to others

never take students viewpoints for granted because each persons ideas and opinions are

endeavor to draw the good sides from students ideas. It proves they have ability to learn

5. Caring

observe students in class (they keep up, feel excited or bored, or not understanding) so that
they can amend their teaching methods in an appropriate way

keep asking many different questions to catch their understanding

be approachable and willing to help

be flexible in responding to student needs

6. Passion

love teaching and inspire students with his/her passion

constantly renew himself/herself as a professional

has no fear of learning new teaching strategies or incorporating new technologies into lessons,
and always seems to be the one who

desire to learn from students and other sources about the effects of teaching and how it can be

The process of teaching-learning

1. Teaching: is deliberate intervention that involves the planning and implementation of instructional
activities and experiences to meet intended learner outcomes according to a teaching plan

2. Learning: can be defined as the relatively permanent change in an individual's behavior

(knowledge, skill and attitude) that can occur at any time or place as a result of consciously
3. Teaching-learning process: can be defined as the relatively permanent change in an- individual's
behavior (knowledge, skill and attitude) that can occur at any time or place as a result of

4. Teaching learning process consists of four basic elements

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