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5th Grade E-Portfolio Checklist

Your e-portfolio should have the following:

A personal Home page: In this page you should include things such as:

A photo
A brief description of yourself; interests, hobbies, likes, dislikes,
educational background, special activities, sports, hobbies, etc.
A short video, or photo gallery about yourself.
At least one Widget or Widgets you find interesting to have in your

A Strengths Page: here you are going to add samples of work and reflections on what you
are good at.

You have to include at least one piece of work per bimester with a
reflection regarding why you selected that piece of work. In order to
guide your reflection you could use the following questions:
o Why do you think this is a good piece of work?
o What did you enjoy the most about completing it?
o What new things did you learn while completing it?
o To what area(s) of interaction is it linked to and why?
o What attributes of the learner profile did you develop during this task, why?
o Why are you proud of it?

An areas to improve Page: Following the same structure of the previous page, this page
will contain pieces of work from areas you think you should work on.

You have to include at least one piece of work per bimester with a
reflection regarding why you selected that piece of work. In order to
guide your reflection you could use the following questions:
o Why did you select that piece of work?
o What aspects could you have done better?
o What skils, knowledge or attitudes do you need to develop in order to
improve this particular piece of work or subject area?
o What steps would you take in order to achieve this purpose?

A Learner Profile page: here you will include reflections on the way you are developing
the attributes. You should also select one attribute you think you are particularly good at
and design a small presentation (video, animation, slideshow, story, song, PowerPoint etc.)
about it.

Una página de reflexiones en español: En esta página seguirás el mismo formato que en
las páginas sobre tus fortalezas y aspectos a mejorar, sólo que aquí reflexionaras sobre las
áreas en Español tales como Español, Estudios Colombianos y P.E. Puedes usar las mismas
preguntas para guiar tus reflexiones y recuerda que debes tener al menos un trabajo por

A Personal Learning Network Page: In this page you can add links to pages you like,are
useful when learning new things (E.G. Wikipedia, Maths games, etc) upload youtube
videos, game pages, etc. Here you are free to add things you like regarding your life as a
student and also your personal life, sports, interests, etc. This is your personal page, you
will have freedom but really need to be really careful when uploading things or adding
links. Just reflect and think if what you want to include is appropriate and in line with the
attributes of the Learner Profile.

Those are the main pages your e-portfolio should have. It´s up to you if you want to add more to
it. Remember this is your project and it should reflect who you are as an IB learner. Be creative,
explore new things, designs, evaluate what you do, make changes, have fun and improve your
final project. At the end of the year we will all have a portfolio sharing day.

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