Parent Ministry Council Guidelines

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First Baptist Church

Waynesboro, VA

Student Ministry
Parent Ministry Council
The Parent Ministry Council exists to empower the long-term sustainability
and ministerial depth of the Student Ministry.

• Provide administrative assistance for Student Ministry programming.
• Participate in regular discussions with Student Minister concerning
appropriate responses to perceived Student Ministry needs.
• Dialogue with Student Minister concerning research and the latest
information about students, parents, families and cultural trends. This
information may be provided by the Student Minister or by Council members.
It is expected that these discussions will lead to further discussions
concerning the constant reshaping of the Student Ministry.
• Provide guidance and administrative assistance in empowering a meaningful
ministry to the parents of teenagers.
• Serve as liaisons of the church to the schools they represent and to the
families of students at those schools.

• Members of the Parent Council should be professing Christians and active at
some level in the life of First Baptist Church. Church membership shall not be
required for service.
• Members of the Parent Council shall have a student attending the school in
which they are listed as a representative.
• We seek for our Parent Ministry Council to model diversity.
• While respecting tradition, we desire the membership of the Parent Ministry
Council to also be most responsive to the needs of our students, our larger
church body and to the needs of the world around us.
• We desire that each member of the Parent Ministry Council be growing in
their practice of servant leadership.

Council Makeup
• There shall be 10-12 members of the council.
• The Parent Council shall be made up of at least one (1) parent group or single
parent representing each school making up at least a 5% representation
within the student population of our Student Ministry.
• The entire make-up of the council should be adjusted to reflect as much as
possible the student population of our student ministry. (Schools with
significantly larger populations should have more than one representative.
• At least one (1) representative will be placed on the council to represent Non-
Waynesboro City and Augusta County schools.
• A parent group or single parent may continue to represent, at will, the
designated school as long as that parent group or single parent has a child at
that school. Vacancies will be filled in May for the upcoming school year.
Meetings will be facilitated by the Student Minister at a date, time and
frequency determined by need. Meetings should be conducted no less than once a
quarter. It is expected that the group will usually meet monthly or every-other

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