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Movement Matters!

An Introduction to

A 2.5-hour introduction to making learning easier through m ovement

Joyfully Presented by Katy


Movement and Learning Specialist Licensed Brain Gym and

Bal-A-Vis-X Instructor/Consultant
Phone: 734-649-7457 E-mail:

August 1 9 , 2011

Movement Matters!
An Introduction to Brain Gym
Age nda

Int roduc.........

. . ...................Brain Gym?


Background a nd Hist ory - P aul De nnison, P h. D.


Resea rc h

Get Rea dy to Learn by doing P ACE (P osit ive, Act ive , Clea r, a nd E nerget ic)
P re-Act ivit y
P ACE a. Wate r
b. Bra in B utt ons
c. Cross Cra wl
d. Hook- ups
P ost-Act ivit y - What diffe re nces do you not ice ?

Brie f Ove rvie w of t he Bra in using t he T riune Mode l

Three Dime ns ions of Lea rning

Learning P rofiles: Domina nt E ye, Ea r, Ha nd, Foot a nd B ra in

Bra in Gyms T hree Dime nsions of Move me nt

a. Foc us
b. Ce nte ring
c. Latera lit y

The Most A pplica ble of t he 26 B ra in Gym move me nts ( plus some modificat ions)

Foc us Dime nsion E xe rcise s


Ce nte ring Dime nsion E xe rcises


Latera lit y Dime nsion E xercises

S upport a nd T ools
a. Wa ys t o use Bra in Gym - in t he classroom a nd at home
b. Opt ions for lea rning B G - Re peat ing, Ot her Courses, Individua l sessions
c. Refe re nces: B ooks a nd Music

A bit of Ba l-A-V is- X - BALance, A udit ory, Vision e Xercises done in rhythm, using ra cquet ba lls
and/or sa ndba gs, ofte n while sta nding on a ba la nce boa rd

What is Brain Gym?

Brain Gym is a system of simple movements that relieve

stress naturally and quickly enhance brain function.

Simply put, "Brain Gym is moving your body to wake up your brain.
Brain Gym was developed by Paul Dennison, Ph.D in the early 1970s.
It is practiced in over

88 countries, with courses translated into 15


How does Brain Gy m facilitate learning?

Brain Gym integrates the

It draws out

left and right

hemispheric functions of the brain.

innate gifts and talents and brings about whole-brain learning.

It controls emotional

stress that is so often created in new learning situations.

Brain Gym addresses the


components of learning -- the

auditory, visual, fine motor and

postural skills .
The Brain Gym system:
Increases long- and short-term memory
Improves and accelerates learning, condenses the learning cycle.
Increases reading and math skills
Creates positive changes in attention and the ability to focus
Increases self-confidence
Supports behavioral management by reducing stress quickly

Brain Gym prepares the brain to learn. It enhances rather than replaces other programs or curricula. The
program can be used individually or in groups.

Brain Gym movements can be done occasionally, routinely, or even daily. They are safe, simple, and only take a
few minutes to complete. Individuals need no special space or equipment.

Brain Gym is a register ed trademark of the Educ ational Ki nesiol ogy Foundation and Brai n Gym I nter nati onal . www.Br ainGym .or g

Basic Brain Gym Concepts

1. P hys ica l Move me nt S t imula tes B ra in Funct ion. S pecific body move me nts st imulate pa rt icula r aspect s of bra in funct ioning.
Bra in Gym move me nt s a re designe d t o act ivate diffe re nt cognit ive funct ions, including communicat ion, compre he nsion, a nd
orga niza t ion.
2. Stres s Inhibits Learning. St ress pre pa res t he body for fight /flight (a ggre ssion/fea r - bra in ste m) react ion. As a re sult, act ivit y in
the limbic s ys te m, whe re me mory occurs, a nd in t he ne ocorte x of t he cere brum, whe re a bst ract t hink ing a nd reasoning take pla c e,
is minimize d. A ls o, t he st resse d lea rne r ca n go int o a Homolatera l lea rning sta te, in wh ich t he domina nt bra in he misphe re t akes
ove r most me nta l proces ses. Unde r st re ss, t he non- domina nt he misphe re shuts down up t o 75 or 80%. As a re sult, t he lea rne r no
longer has full acce ss t o t he funct ions of t he non- domina nt he misphe re. One-side d lea rning occurs, t hus ha ndica pping
pe rforma nce.
3. Learning B loc ks Ca n Be R e lease d by B ra in Gym. Lea rning blocks ca n be specific or ge ne ra l. We a re a ll lea rning - bloc ke d to
some e xte nt, ha ving s witche d off for ce rta in task s. B ra in Gym move me nts consciously a ct ivate t he whole bra in/body s yst em ,
les se ning t he fight/flight rea ct ion. Whe n learning is ea sy a nd stre ss - free, t he lea rne r re ga ins his/her innate inte rest in lea rning,
and is a ga in mot iva te d t o achie ve learning goa ls.
4. Not ic ing is a P ers ona l Fee dback Me cha nism. A ll ne w lea rning de pe nds on t he a bilit y t o not ice what work s a nd what does nt
work in t he mas tery of a sk ill. Whe n t he lea rne r be comes a wa re of va rious learning block s ( not ices), a nd t he n ca n take a ct ion
through e ffect ive t ools ( i.e ., Bra in Gym) t hat improve pe rforma nce, se lf-e stee m is he ighte ne d. T he tools ga ine d t hrough t h e
Bra in Gym proce sse s s how t he learner how t o intera ct wit h a nd control his or he r response to t he lea rning e nvironme nt.

When to Use Brain Gym for Yourself or a Student

Liste d be low a re se ve ra l sit uat ions t hat ma y ca use you t o fee l switche d -off or st resse d. Circle t he
circ umsta nce s t hat most ofte n create a cha lle nge for you in your life.

Performance anxiety
Lack of confi dence

Lack of communication

Feelings of self doubt

Poor athletic performance

Poor memory

Poor balance

Poor coordination

Lack of focus

Gi vi ng up

Feelings of i nti mi dation

Lack of energy

Fear of failure

Feelings of pressure:

Feelings of frustration

Critical of others

from others, from home,


Fear of success

from work

Feelings of anger

Critical of self

Poor comprehension

Bothered by distractions

Lack of concentrati on

Overly concerned about

Lack of org anization skills

Poor physical performance


7. "Rrut/t Gym / landbook by Paul K. Dennison, Ph.D. and Gail E. Dennison

Bra in Gym is a re gistere d t ra de ma rk of B ra in Gym Inte rnat iona l / E ducat iona l Kinesiology Foundat ion

Functions of the Left and Right Hemispheres

(Logic and Gestalt)

Logic (Left)
Processes from pieces to whole Parts of
language Syntax, symantics Letters, printing,
spelling Numbers
Techniques (sports, music, art)
Analysis, logic Looks for differences Controls
Language oriented
Planned, structured
Sequential thinking
Structure Oriented
When Under Stress
Tries harder, lots of effort Without results
Without comprehension Without joy
Without understanding
May appear mechanical, tense, insensitive

Gestalt (Right)
Processes fro m whole to p ieces
mmmmmmmmrmTim i?iiw^iwii?iTrir?ii?i

Image, emotion, meaning

Rhythm , diale ct, application

Estimation, applications
Flo w and movement I ci c t I
m uc n c t I

Looks for similarities

Free with f eelings Prefers drawing,

manlpulatlonE Spontaneous, fluid

Simultaneous thinking N o w


Less time sense

People Oriented
When Under Stress
Loses the ability to reason well
Acts without thinking
Feels overwhelmed
Has trouble expressing
Cannot remember details
May appear emotional or spaced-out

Source: T he Domina nce Fact or: How Knowing Your Domina nt E ye, Ea r, B ra in, Ha nd & Foot Ca n Improve Your Lea rning ,
Carla Ha nna ford, p. 20.

Research Results
For ove r 30 yea rs, ma ny resea rch a nd fie ld st udies ha ve bee n conducte d re garding B ra in Gym a nd E ducat iona l Kine s iology.
He re are sa mples of s ome of t he more importa nt a nd/or informat ive st udie s. If you a re inte reste d, more deta ile d findings c a n
be found at www.B ra inGym. org or ca ll (800) 356 -2109.

Brain Gym and Its Effect on Reading Abilities

Cecilia (F reeman) Koester, M.E d. 2000

This st udy use d a none quiva le nt cont rol group design. A t ota l of 205 st ude nt s we re a ssigne d to e it he r a B ra in Gym or a c ont ro l
group. T hroughout t he 1998-99 school yea r, 12 tea che rs incorporate d B ra in Gym in t he classroom curricula so t hat t he st ude nts
and teac he rs did a minimu m of 15 minutes of Bra in Gym pe r da y. E qua l sa mples of st ude nts we re ra ndomly se lecte d for t he Bra in
Gym group a nd t he c ont rol group ( which did not use Bra in Gym) , a nd t he ir test scores we re compa re d.
The res ults indic ate d t ha t t hose childre n in t he Bra in Gym group improve d t he ir rea ding a bilit ies -- as measure d by a
sta nda rdize d test - - t wice a s much a s did t hose in t he control group.

The Effects of PACE on self-reported anxiety and performance in first-year nursing students
Jan I rvi ng , Ph.D . 1996

A six- minute inte rve nt ion comprise d of four act ivit ie s, a se que nce k nown as t he P ACE process in Bra in Gym / E ducat iona l
Kine s iology, produce d s ignifica nt results whe n invest igate d by Ja n Irving for her doctora l t he sis. A mult iple ba se line de s ign
was use d over a five- week pe riod.
The res ults indic ate d a 69 .5% re duct ion in se lf- re porte d a nxiet y a nd a n 18 .7% inc rease in pe rforma nce on sk ill te sts. T his is t he
first e xperime nta l re search t o use P ACE, a learner rea diness profile , as t he isolate d va ria ble .

The Effects of Brain Gym with Special Education Students in Grades Three Through Five
Carl a Hannafo rd, MA . @1990

In 1989-1990, Ca rla Ha nna ford, M.A. ., a n e ducat or a nd ne uroph ysiologist, imple me nte d a yea rlong, one -group pre /post-test s tudy
in t he Ha wa ii S c hool Dist rict. Ha nna ford incorporate d Bra in Gym in t he cla ssroom wit h 19 fift h gra de rs in S pe cia l E ducat ion.
P re- a nd post- tests we re complete d using t he B riga nce Inve nt ory of Basic Sk ills.
P ost-tests s howe d a one- to t wo- year aca de mic growt h for a ll st ude nts on t he rea ding a nd compre he nsion te st ing, a nd growt h of
one or more yea rs for more t ha n 50% of t he st ude nts on mat h score s -- greater re sult s t ha n might ha ve bee n e xpe cte d for S pe cia l
Educat ion st ude nts. Be ha vior patte rns a lso improve d.

Brain Gy m is a registered tr ade ma rk f the Educational Kinesiology Foundation.

Art icle from ne wslette r writte n by Kat hy Brown, P hoe nix, A riz ona

Notes from Center


Enhancing Business, Education and Personal Effectiveness Through Brain Gym

Volume 11- Is s ue 1 _________________________________________________________________________ S pring 2000


Study Shows 55 to 89 Percentile Point Increase in One Year

Cec ilia Koester, M.Ed., Brain Gym consultant in Ventura,
California, has recently announced her findings from a yearlong
study of Brain Gym and its effects on reading scores.
S he and her projec t partner, Joyce B. S herwood, M.A., worked with
teac hers and students at S aticoy Elementary School in Ventura,
California, over the 1998-1999 school year.
Twelve teac hers of grades K, 2. 3, 4 and 5 were given Brain
Gym instruc tion every Monday after school for one hour
throughout the sc hool year. In these sessions they learned how to
determine whic h Brain Gym movements and activities were called
for in relation to various academic situations and how to guide the
students in doing them.
The teac hers then taught the children in their classes how to
determine for themselves which Brain Gym movements they would
benefit from at any time. The children became quite self-sufficient in
the use of Brain Gym movements to help them be more productive
in any of their ac ademic subjects. Each participating classroom did a
minimum of 15 minutes of Brain Gym per day. Cecilia and Joyce
also did c lassroom presentations as well as one-to-one instruction
(Oc tober through January) with children who were having the most
diffic ulties in sc hool.
The study was based on the children's reading scores on the
S tanford 9 test, a standardized achievement test given to all children
in grades 2 through 11 in California. It compared the children's
reading percentile scores from May '98 (the end of the previous
sc hool year), to those of May '99 (the end of the Brain Gym school
year). A percentile score shows "relative standing" and works this
way: A c hild scoring in the 30th percentile for reading scored higher
than only 30% of the other children at his/her grade level (in schools
ac ross the country) and lower than the other 70%.
For the purposes of this study, scores o f the 90 grade 3-45
c hildren from "control" classes were compared with those of
randomly-se1ec ted grade 3-4-5 children from the "Brain Gym
c lasses.
The results were nothing short of phenomenal. During

that year, the reading scores of the "Brain Gym group" improved
55-89 percentile points, while the scores of the control group that
received no Brain Gym support improved 0 to 16 perc entile points.
Cecilia is quick to point out that gaining percentile points on
reading scores is only one indicator of the improvement that the
children made through their use of Brain Gym (albeit the most
easily measured one).
Not so easy to measure, but clearly evident to the
participating teachers, children, parents and school adminis trators,
was the shift in self-esteem and attitude toward school that c ame
along with the children's developing abilities. One portion of the
soon-to-be published study is filled with comments from c hildren
who were amazed to be learning more easily, teachers who were
more energized and effective in the classroom, and parents who
were grateful and delighted in the growth they were seeing in their
Perhaps the greatest legacy of this project is reflec ted by an
experience that Cecilia had recently when she visited the sc hool,
almost a year after her last s tudent contacts there. As she arrived
she saw children here and there doing Brain Gym movements as a
spontaneous and natural support for their learning proc ess. As
children integrate Brain Gym throughout their days, they take on
the experience of personal wholeness and self-esteem that will
support them throughout their lives.

Co pies of th is study are avail abl e for $ 20.0 0 pl us postag e.

www. Brain Gy m. org
Co ntact info: Ceci lia Fr ee ma n Ko ester. M .Ed
www. move me ntb ased lea rni m

Copy rig ht Kat hy Bro wn 2 00 0

Brain Gym is a registered trademark of the Educational

Find Your PACE

Everyone has a uni que rhythm and ti minga self-initi ated pacefor opti mal learning. In Edu-K, the acronym

stands for the four leami ng-readi ness qualities shown below.

The Cross Crawl


Part I

Part II


Brain Buttons




Sipping Water
Bra in Gym* 101

Brain Gym Readiness RoutinePACE

What are the four states necessary for
self-directed, whole-brain learning?

Hook Ups
P art One: While s itt ing or sta nding, cross t he le ft
ank le ove r t he right . E xte nd arms, wit h t humbs
down, cros s t he left wrist ove r t he right , t he n
inte rla ce your finge rs a nd dra w t he m up towa rd
your c hes t. Hold pos it ion a nd re la x for a least a
minute, breat hing dee ply. P art T wo: Whe n rea dy,
unc ross le gs a nd t ouc h your finge rt ips of bot h
ha nds t oget he r c ont inuing t o breat he dee ply for
about a not her minute.

The Cross Crawl

Touc h one ha nd to t he opposite k nee; a lternate
movingone a rm a nd opposite le g. Do for 1 -2 minute s. Va riat iont ouc h opposite k nee t o e lbow.

Brain Buttons
While holding t he na ve l a rea wit h one ha nd, rub
the hollow a rea be low t he colla r bone be t wee n t he
first a nd se cond rib wit h t he t hum b a nd finge r of
the ot her ha nd. T he fingers of t he ha nd rubbing
this a rea s hould be 1 -2 inches a part (chin widt h) .
R ub for 20 -30 sec onds wit h one ha nd, t he n switch.

Drink wate r regula rly a ll da y. Wate r increa ses
elec trica l pote nt ia l ac ross ce ll me mbra ne s, which is
esse nt ia l for ne rve net funct ion.

Start with water and work

your way up the ladder _ _ _ _ _ _
S ou r c e: Illu str at ions 19H8 G ail D enni son . Te xt: Brain Gym, (01989) P au l & G ail D enn ison . < www .B r ainG y m.c o m> P ACE
B oo k ma rks 1993, lidu -K in esth eti cs , In c . Br ain Gy m" is a re gist e re d tr a de ma r k o f B r ain G y m" I nt e rn ation al / Th e Edu c ati on al
K in esiol ogy Fo und atio n . P ag e l ay out b y B r end a Ir vin .

Brain Gym * for Educators with Amy Arrendell, M.Ed.,

The Theory Behind the PACE Process

E ve ry individ ua l has a unique pace a n opt ima l rhyt hm, t iming, a nd flow for lea rning. Whe n we ca n re la x
int o t hat rhyt hm a nd t iming, we ca n be come se lf- init iat ing learners, a ble to re cognize our own ne xt
appropriate lea rning ste p. Finding our P ACE gives us a ccess t o t he integrate d high- gear (Got it!) and
inte grate d low- gear (I'm getting it) lea rning states of doing our be st.
We begin eac h ba la nce wit h finding your PACE. In t he PACE process, we sta rt from t he "e " (for t he qua lit y
"E ne rget ic ") a nd work in ba ck ward se que nce (ECAP ) as each of t he four act ivit ies pre pa res us to do t he ne xt.
Ene rget ic - S ipping Wate r he lps to rest ore hydrat ion, e specia lly whe n we le t t he wate r be a bsorbe d in our
mout h, rat he r t ha n gulping it. T he body is ma de up of a bout 70 pe rce nt wate r, t he conduct ive me dium. Wate r
s upplie s t he e le ct rolyte s t hat carry e lectrica l pote nt ia l across ce ll me mbra ne s, a nd t his e lect rica l e xcha nge is
esse nt ia l t o the funct ioning of the ne w ne ura l net work s be ing create d as we lea rn. S ipping Wate r pre pa re s us
to be ne fit from doing B ra in B uttons, wh ich a ct ivates our e lectrica l syste m.
^lea r - T he Bra in B utt ons a re e lectrica l re fle x point s for t he e yes. St imulat ing t he se point s is lik e a mini
ba la nce for c ross ing t he midline. B y moving our e yes right a nd le ft into t he pe riphe ry wh ile holding points in
the k inest het ic midfie ld, we rest ore our ce ntra lize d vision as we sat isfy t he sca nning - re fle x impulse to look
a wa y from t he midline. T he Bra in B utt ons a ct ivit y a lso offe rs a prima ry ve rt ica l a nd horiz onta l re fe re nce in
terms of t he brea st bone a nd colla rbone of t he ske leta l syste m, he lping us t o find our visua l ce nte r (t he
foundat ion of binocula rit y). Doing Bra in B utt ons pre pa res us t o be ne fit from doing t he Cross Cra wl, which
re quires our c ross ing t he midline.
Act ive - Doing t he Cross Cra wl move me nt simulta ne ously act ivates bot h sides of t he body, firing ne ura l
pat hwa ys in t he le ft a nd right ce re bra l he misphe res. T he mot ion a lso he lps t o s ta bilize t he pe lvis, while a lso
mobiliz ing a nd sta biliz ing t he shoulders, t hus support ing t he wa lk ing - ga it re fle xes. T his sta ble a nd
coordinate d gross- motor a ct ivit y provides a comforta ble move me nt patte rn t hat we ca n ma inta in a s we late r
sit a nd do tas ks invol ving fine- mot or cont rol. Doing t he Cross Cra wl pre pa res us to be ne fit from doing Hook ups, whic h re quires our ha ving move d a nd re lease d te nsion so t hat we ca n slow down a nd re la x. P ACE move s
us from t he whole- body act ivit y of t he Cross Cra wl to t he whole- body re la xat ion of Hook- ups.
P osit ive - Doing P art I of Hook- ups a ct ivates t he ve st ibular syste m a nd ba la nce - re late d muscle s, support ing
us in res toring e quilibrium a fte r e mot iona l or .e nvironme nta l st ress. It dra ws blood a nd atte nt ion a wa y from
the body's periphe ry a nd fight-or- flight re fle xes a nd back t o t he body's midfie ld, inhibit ing re fle xive
be ha vior a nd s upport ing highe r- orde r t hink ing a nd decision ma k ing. P art II of Hook- ups offe rs a meta phor
for t he c onne ct ion of t he ce re bra l he misphe res t hroug h t he corpus ca llosum.
We begin ea c h ba la nce wit h finding our P ACE. If sta ying in P ACE is cha lle nging, conside r ot he r opt ions such
as ret hink ing t he goa l.


What Inhibits Learning


lacking Music, Art
and Daily Movement
Devel opmentally
Learning styles
Rigid Educati onal

-I^HzO Intake
Poorl y developed lungs/heart
Inadequate O2
"tStress ='l'Membrane Potenti al
't' Extemal EMFs

4- Protein
4" Essential Amino Aci ds
jr Essential Fatty Aci ds t"
Carbohydrate and sugar

t Tests

Competiti ve
Parental Expectati ons
Expectati ons
Learned Hel plessness

T.V., Computers

and Video Qames

"I Movement
Imaginati ve Development
4- Interacti ve Communication
Occular Lock
\ Vi olence

't Stress


Touch (NGF)
Incomplete RAS Acti vation
'! Interacti ve Communicati on
4Creati ve Pl ay
^ Frontal Lobe Functi on
Family Violence

't Mi ddle Ear Infecti on
^ Anti bi otics

Candi da al bucans
Yeast Overgrowth

Toxins /\
Alcohol /Acetyl dehyde

Low birth weight

(mother smoking/
poor nutrition)

4-Nutrition or
Substance Abuse
FAS Child

Figure 8.1: What Inhibits Learning

From Smart Moves: - WhyLearning is Not AU in Your Head Carla Hannaford,
PIlD What Goes Wrong?


Your Amazing Whole Brain

T he T riun e B ra in
N e o c or te x : Home of creativity and rational thinking; right/left brain; logical processe s; speech, writing,
math, communication; laterality dimension, the human brain.

L i mb i c S ys t e m : Home of emotions, memory, relationships, organizing skills, centering dimension,

sometimes called the mammalian brain.

B r a i n S te m a n d Ce re be l l u m:

Home of the rept ilian brain which monitors automatic

functions like breathing, heart rate, digestion, body temperature, and other internal organ functions;
comprehension, focus dimension.


Reproducible Student Page

Layers of the Brain

The bra in is div ided to p t o bot tom in fo ur lay ers . Ea c h laye r is lik e a
sepa rate bra in wit h differe nt jo bs to do . It is im po rta nt that t hey a ll
wor k to get her a s a tea m .

Thinking Brain: The t hink ing

bra in is in c ha rge o f ho w yo u ex pe r ience t he

wor ld t hro ugh y our se nse s .

The CEO is the boss o f t he bra in. It a llo ws yo u to r eas on a nd ima gine .

Feeling Brain: The fee ling bra in se nds a nd re ce ives e mot io na l s igna ls t o and
fr om t he body .

Coordination Brain: The c oo rdinat ion

bra in he lps y our m usc le s work

toge ther . It a ls o or ga nize s y o ur bra in to he lp y ou t hink .

Survival Brain: The s urv iva l

bra in r uns a nd pro tect s the bo dy wit hout y o ur

hav ing t o think a bo ut it .

Victoria Tennant Cons ulting, 2006.

Licensed Brai n Gym Instructors have permission to copy for instructional pur poses only. Credit must be give n, i ncluding
full text of this copyright notation. Any other use requires written permission of the author/publisher .
Contact vtennant@v Brai n Gym* is a registered tradem ark hel d by Brai n Gym I nternational/The Educati onal
Kinesiology Foundation. To lear n more go to www.brai ngym .or g


Which Brain is in Charge?


How We Learn
(Development of Neural Pathways)

Brand New

Im Learning ...

Getting Better

I Know How!




I f "








Focus Dimension----------------------------------------------Attentional Intelligence

Where am I in s pace?
It will dominate the entire brain to get its needs met.
First to develop
Seeing, participating, anticipating, comprehending
Controls automatic functions such as breathing and heart rate
Facilitates visual s kills
Connected to vestibu lar system
Opens and shuts access to higher reasoning centers
Freeze, fight (survival: aggressive/violent), or flight
Receives all information from senses (receptive)

1 am safe*

Centering Dimension
Emotional Intelligence
Where am I in relationshi p to people, pl aces and objects?
All information is relayed through here.
Second to develop
Feeling, stabilizing , organizing
Assists in converting short term memory to long term
Generates pleasure/anxiety responses
Releases hormones
Fight or fligh t (defensive posture)
Interactions learning about love and play

1 connect.

Laterality Dimension
Informational Intelligence
Who am I? What is it?
All information is relayed through here.
Third to develop, not fully developed un til 8 years old
Thinking , processing, communicating
Interprets all senses
Allows us to form complex memory/thought/reason
Language acquisition
Expression (verbal, non-verbal, written)
Gestalt ( whole picture) and logic (details) centers

1 know who I am.


Stages of Brain Development

The Back Brain
Age: Conce pt ion - 15 mont hs
Basic S urviva l nee ds - Food, she lte r, securit y a nd sa fet y
Se ns ory de ve lopme nt sta ges - Vest ibula r syste m, hearing, tact ile, sme ll, ta ste, see ing
Mot or de ve lopme nt state s - Refle xes/core muscle a ct iva t ion, Neck muscles Arms a nd le gs
lea d to rolling over, sitt ing, cra wling, wa lk ing, Mot or e xplorat ion

The Midbrain
Age: 15 mont hs - 4.5 yea rs
Understa nding: Of se lf/ot he rs, of se lf/e mot ions/ of se lf/la ngua ge
E mot iona l E xplorat ion - La nguage e xplorat ion/communicat ion, Ima ginat ion, Gross Mot or proficie ncy
Me mory de ve lopme nt, socia l de ve lopme nt

The Neocortex
Age: 4.5 - 7 years - Gesta lt He misphe re E la borat ion
Whole pict ure processing/cognit ion Image move me nt /rhyt hm/e mot ion/int uit ion Oute r speech/inte grat ive
Age: 7-9 yea rs - Logic He misphe re E la borat ion
Deta il a nd linea r proce ssing/cognit ion, Refine me nt of e le me nt s of la nguage Rea ding a nd writ ing sk ills
de ve lopme nt L inea r mat h proce ssing
Age: 8 yea rs - Fronta l L obe E la bora t ion
Fine mot or de ve lopme nt, sk ills re fine me nt Inner speech, cont rol of socia l be ha vior
Fine mot or e ye tea ming for t rack ing a nd fovea l focus (2 dime nsiona l focus)
Age: 9-12 yea rs - Increase d Corpus Ca llosum E la borat ion a nd Mye linat ion
Whole bra in proce ssing
Fore ign la ngua ges are easiest lea rne d prior t o age 10 Comple x patte rns, gra mma r, spe lling, technica l
nat ure of mus ic
Age: 12 - 16 yea rs - Hormona l E mphasis
Age: 16-21 yea rs - Re fining Cognit ive Sk ills
Age 21+ - E la borat ion & Re fine me nt of t he Fronta l L obe

Source: Smart Moves: Why Learning is Not All in Your Head by Ca rla Ha nnaford, P h. D.


Our Brain
Learning ca n be quite a st ra in If we dont
unde rsta nd our bra in Its ma de in part s, one
t wo a nd t hree Eac h mak ing up what s you a nd

The first , dee p down, is ve ry old Bee n t he re

since dinosa urs we re told Its t he re t o
gua ra ntee s urviva l B reat hing, hunt ing, flee
from riva ls Only if were sa fe a nd sound Will
our t houghts s hift t o higher ground

The sec ond, wra ppe d a round t he first

Controls e mot ions, best a nd worst Ha ppy, sa d,
upset or ca lm If too dist urbe d our lea rnings
ha rme d

The t hird pa rt runs our highe r t hought s Its

whe re we proces s what we re ta ught Ce lls link
up, me morie s c reate d T rick y proble ms
ne got iate d T his bits divide d int o t wo
Strong le ft, s trong right, which one a re you? T he
le ft likes words a nd s ma lle r bite s T he right whole pict ure, pa tterns, sights If a ll goes we ll bot h
ha lves are use d T he ce lls conne ct, no one s
confuse d A nd t he n while we a re fast a slee p T he
me morie s a re pas se d down dee p

left right

To s um up - t his fa ntast ic t ool Will se rve us we ll at

home or s c hool To kee p it at its best we oughta
Give it e xe rc ise a nd re st a nd wa ter
B ryn E va ns 2001


Lea rain g-Style Summaries of the Edo-K Brain Organization Profile

Uniform Dominance
This profile shows dominance of one side of the brain (other the left or the right)
and the dominance of the eye, ear, and hand on the opposite side.
This profile is most commonly associated with the person who does well in
the classroom but may leam to inhibit one side instead of using the brain as a dynamic
whole, thus not realizing bow much of his or her creative potential is not

Mixed Dominance
This profile shows dominance of one hemisphere (either the left or the right) with
one or two of the dominant functions for vision, audition, or fine-motor movement
on the same side and one or two of the dominant functions on the opposite side.
This profile is found in a large percentage of the population of students who
experience learning difficulties. Handedness and directionality are often
inconsistent, and integration of sensory channels may be incomplete. The
individual is often unaware that he or she is achieving much less than full capability.
One-Sided Dominance (formerly called Blocked Dominance)
This profile shows dominance of one hemisphere and all sensory channels on the I same
side. To access the dominant eye, hand, or ear the learner must switch off
1 the dominant brain and often the corresponding part of the personality that feds
most authentic.
People with this profile may feel that they cant access who they really are,
especially when doing near-point lcill- The skill* typically associated with this
persons dominant hemisphere may be well developed, but it may be difficult for
this individual to connect with a sense of self or personal meaning.
Whole-Braln Aeon
A profile in which both cerebral hemispheres and all sensory channels are switched on
and connected. The student has the ability to access all modalities
2 for any type of learning. This pattern is frequently available through the use of
Edu-K balances and Brain Gym.

y. Learned patterns of visual and auditory homolaterality (low gear) give way to I
visual and audhoqr fusion. Learned patterns of one-sided motor coordination
become more available for the other side to learn and use. Kioesthctic
homolaterality gives way to a preference for bilateral movement.


Foc us


Late ralit y

back-and-front Spinal




Homologous movement





Midline Movements

Sources: Kinesiology: The Scientific Basis of Human Motion, 4th Edition, ( 1966) by Katherine Wells, Ph.D.; Brain Gym Handbook, Revised (1997) by Paul E.
Dennison, Ph.D. and Gail E. Dennison. Brai n Gym is a registered trademark of Brain Gym Int ernational/ Educational Kinesi ology Foundation, <www.braingym .or g>

Interlacing Brain Gym With Children Who Have Special Needs


The following provides a concept ual overview of brain/body integrat ion.

Physical posture and body language are correlates for whole-b rain learning.
Brain Gym movements were developed t o either stimulat e, relax, stabiliz e or releas e the
brain/body s ystem, to facilitate learning wit h eas e.

The Body


Brain/Body System {

The Brain

Focus Dimension
KeyWord: Comprehension
Midline: Participation Midline
Brain Gym Activities: Lengthening activities
Question: Where am I in space?
Primary Learning: Front/back differentiation;
the ability to attend
Movement Pattern: Spinal movement from
head to tailbone
Responsive to: Survival, safety, getting
needs met

Centering Dimension
KeyWord: Organization
Midline: Stabilization Midline
Brain Gym Activities: Energy activities
Question: Where am I in relation to
people and objects?
Primary Learning: Top/bottom differentiation;
ability to take action
Movement Pattern: Homologous movement
of both hands or feet
Responsive to: Emotion, interaction

laterality Dimension
Key Word: Communication
Midline: Processing Midline
Brain Gym Activities: Midline activities
Question: Who am I? What is it?
Primary Learning: Left/right differentiation;
ability to intend
Movement Pattern: Homolateral movement
of arm, leg, hip and
shoulder on same side
of the body
Responsive to: Expression, interpretation


Lengthening Activities for Focus (Brain Stem and

Lengt he ning Ac t ivit ies he lp t he st ude nt t o de ve lop a nd re inforce t hose ne ura l pat hwa ys t hat e na ble t he m to make
connect ions bet wee n what t he y a lrea dy k now in t he back of t he bra in a nd t he a bilit y t o e xpre ss a nd process informat ion in
the front of t he bra in.
The front port ion of t he bra in is invol ve d in compre he nsion, mot or cont rol a nd ra t iona l be ha viors ne cessa ry for pa rt ic ipat ion
in s oc ia l s it uat ions. T hese act ivit ie s ha ve bee n found t o re la x t hose muscle s a nd te ndons t hat t ighte n a nd shorte n by
bra inste m re fle x whe n we are in unfa milia r lea rning sit uat ions. T his resets t he proprioce pt ors, t he "bra in ce lls in musc le s"
that give us informat ion a bout where we are in space, e na bling us t o ha ve bette r a ccess t o t he whole bra in- body syste m.

Brai n Gy m i s a registered t rade mark o f t he Educ atio nal Kine siology Fo undation. htt p:// www.b rai ngy m.o rg


Energy Exercises for Centering (Limbic System)

E ne rgy E xe rc ise s he lp t o re-e sta blish ne ura l conne ct ions bet wee n t he body a nd t he bra in, t hus fa cilitat ing t he flow of
elect romagnet ic e ne rgy t hroughout t he bod y. T hese act ivit ie s support e lect rica l a nd che mica l cha nge s t hat occur during a ll
me nta l a nd ph ys ica l e ve nt s.
Left-t o- right/right-t o- le ft,

hea d- to- foot /foot-t o- hea d, a nd back-t o- front /front- to- ba ck circuit rie s est a blish a nd

s upport our se nse of dire ct ion, of side pre fe re nce , fee ling ce nt ere d, focus, a nd our a wa re ne ss of whe re we a re in
s pa ce a nd in re lat ion to obje ct s in our e nvironme nt.
Whe n vis ua l sk ills a re bui lt on t his proprioce pt ion foun dat ion, a match is easil y ma de be t wee n wha t is see n a nd wha t is
expe rie nce d. Wit hout t his congrue ncy, conflict a mong t he se nsory cha nne ls ma kes lea rning difficult.





Deepening Attitudes
T wo a ddit iona l move me nt s t hat conne ct t he bod y's circuit ry. T his a llows for a shift in e lectrica l e nergy from t he survi va l
ce nte rs in t he hin d bra in t o t he reasoning ce nte rs in t he mid bra in a nd ne ocorte x. T his a ct iva tes int egra t ion of bot h
he mis phe res of t he bra in, t hus increa sing fine - mot or coordinat ion, a nd e nha nce d forma l rea soning.

Brain Gy m i s a regi stere d t rade mark of the Educ ational Kine siology F oundation. htt p:// www.braing y m.o rg


Midline Movements for Laterality

(Left/Right Hemispheres)
The Midline Move me nts focus on t he sk ills ne cessa ry for ea sy t wo -side d ( le ft- right) move me nt across t he midli ne of t he
body. T he ve rt ica l midline of t he body is t he necessa ry re fe re nce for a ll bilatera l sk ills. T he midfie ld is t he a rea whe re t h e
le ft a nd right vis ua l fie lds overla p, re quiring t he pa ire d e yes a nd a ll of t he ir re ciprocat ing muscles t o work so we ll as a
tea m t hat t he t wo e ye s funct ion as one.
De ve lopme nt of bila tera l move me nt sk ills for cra wling, wa lk ing, or see ing de pt h is esse nt ia l t o t he child's growing se nse of
aut onomy. It is a ls o a pre re quisite for whole - body coordinat ion a nd ease of lea rning in t he nea r- visua l a rea. T he Midline
Move me nts he lp t o inte grate binocula r vision, bina ura l hearing, a nd t he le ft a nd right sides of t he bra in a nd body.

Brai n Gy m i s a registered t rade mark o f t he Educ atio nal Kine siology Fo undation. htt p:// www.b rai ngy m.o rg


Creative Ways to Play with Lazy 8s

Ribbo ns !
Ho t Whee ls Ra ce T ra ck or T ra in t ra c ks
Wo o de n La zy 8 boa rd (ava ila ble at www .br a ingy m .co m or www .t ur nz wo o m
M e ta l fra me :
Gy r obix Infinity - Go o gle t he na me t o find t he bes t pr ice - c os ts ar o und $15
Blue pla st ic 8 J ak o bs Figure 8 - www.A bilit a t io ns .c om , 800- 850- 8603, #026619, $21.95
3D La z y 8s (be hind y our ba ck wit h a do we l o r pipe ins ulat io n)
Sna pping y our finge rs ar o und t he 8 wit h eye s c lo se d (A udit o ry 8s )
Do t hem BIG - Dr a w in t he a ir .... Or o n a ca rpet In t he sa nd
On a Whit e bo ar d
Hula Ho o ps (o n the floo r )
M a gna do odle !
Do t hem wit h y o ur BODY Ey e s (Ope n a nd c lose d)
No s e
Ne c k
Sho ulder s
Elbo ws
Wr is ts
Finge r s
Kne e s
A nk le s T o es in t he
s a nd
Dr a w t hem o n s om e one e lse s bac k wit h y o ur finger or yo ur who le ha nd (st im ula te s pr o duc t io n o f Ne rv e
Gr o wt h Fa ct or NGF)
Cha lle nge :
St a nd o n o ne fo o t a nd t ra ce
e yes if yo ure re ady fo r a not her c ha lle nge !

t he

s ha pe while k e eping y o ur ba la nce . Clo se yo ur

Co m e up wit h yo ur o wn - play a nd hav e fun wit h t he m !

Fo r inex pe ns iv e m ate r ia ls to ma ke Lazy 8s , v is it t he Scr ap Bo x , 734 - 994-4420, 581 St ate Cir c le , A nn

A r bor , M I 48108.


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