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Joe Posillico 1961 & Patti Bilencia Posillico 1962

Thank you for the card, and for thinking of me. It was
much appreciated. Today is our 50th wedding
anniversary, thanks again for your happy greetings.
John and Barbara Dibella Dowd

Thanks so much for the birthday card.

I appreciate all you do at HIX News and look
forward to reading about old friends every month!
Steve Weinblatt Class of 62

Marilyn Schwab Zaretsky 1962

Nancy Neglia Martirano


Don Werkstell

Debbie Fischer Dowdell

1973 and Don Dowdell

Kathleen Donovan Agiesta

1958and Louis Agiesta

Alberta Hunt and

Bob Bolettieri 1959

Ken Arnold 1965& Joanne Joyce Thorburn Jurgensen

Tracy Arnold 1967

Patricia Moore Smith


Ginny Frazer Calguri


Richard Cluxton 1968

Linda Parrella Ruggiero


Irene Bilancia Boehm


Happy Birthday!
Robert Uhlich 1957
Barbara Shores Moore 1965

Happy Anniversary!

Eileen Wieditz Moore 1963 & Donald Moore 1960

Eileen Walter and Tony Toscano 1959

Thank you for the Anniversary card...

its been 19 wonderful years..and we are still
having fun!
Richard Wittig & Doreen Jakabek Witting

Thank you for the

card, and for thinking
of us. It was much
appreciated. Love all
of you guys!
Tony and Roe
Marchese Genovese

Charlie Brooks 1965

Thank you for the card.

I love daffodils and look forward to your birthday greeting each
year. It was much appreciated. Thanks again
Sandy Brindisi 1966

Hi HixNews,
Appreciate all the work it takes to publish the
Newsletter. I noted an omission of my wife's
maiden name in the May 2015 Bdays section:
"Kathleen ( ) Leo". My wife of 41 years is a Class
of 1969 graduate, Kathleen Vita.
Robert Leo 1965 and Kathy Vita Leo 1969

Margaret Petrone Werner


Thank you for the adorable card,

and for thinking of us. It truly
made us smile and It was much
George Ferguson &
Cynthia Claus Ferguson 1974

Chris Calma 1976

Thank you for the card, and for

thinking of us. Thirty three wonderful
years together and looking forward to
the next thirty three.
Colleen Sluder & Peter Sluder 1977

Barbara Sprufera Ruggles


Thanks Bob and thanks to all the great people at!

Beth DesLauriers and David Rubin 1982

Hi Gang,
The last two months I
haven't been able to
access the Newsletter.
I can click on everything
else -- ie: birthdays,
veterans news, Memory
Lane, etc. but NOT the
actual newsletter and just
wondered if you have
changed anything. Been
looking forward to seeing
this each month and have
been a fan for years. This is something new. Any
help you can give would be so appreciated.
Thanks for all you do to keep the good old days
going strong!
Carol Mack Berry Class of 1963

Richard Speciale
Judy Rudowsky
Hi Robert
Hoping you and yours are well!
Richardand Judy Speciale
Lake Worth, Florida day soon I will get back to you on my
invention we discussed a couple of months ago.
Judy and I are taking a well deserved trip to Europe
in June. Stay healthy.

A note sent to Jeff Vogel:

Received the following note from your sister that said:

my brother, Daniel R. C. Vogel died December 29,
1993. He was 22 months older & I believe 2 years
ahead of me in school, so class of 1966.
Nothing has changed in the past two months, or
Can you shed some light on the above???
several months before that. Rather than view the
newsletter in the embedded viewing window, can you
Buffalo Bob Casale
click the little arrow in the lower left to download the
Found some info on Daniel at Ancestry.
newsletter as a pdf and view that?
Name: Daniel Richard Charles Vogel
Roger Whitaker,
Born: 22 April 1948
Webmaster for
Died: 29 December 1993
Dan passed in San Diego.
I just sent an email saying I couldn't access the
latest newsletter -- please disregard. My grandson
Found both your picture and Dan's.
showed me what I was doing wrong! LOL Guess
old age is setting in. So, please accept my apolobuffalo bob casale
gies and disregard the previous email sent all of
five minutes ago!
Thanks again for everything.
Carol Mack Berry

Editors note:

I heard that was going around...old age!

Carol, I have 11 grandchildren and they can be a big
help when it comes to high tech new gadgets.
Jeff Vogel

Dan Vogel

Oh good, I was worried someone had hacked my
account . Mom had a wonderful life. She was 93 when
she passed. Dad died in 1998. She met my Dad at
Hicksville High School. They graduated in the Class of
1939. They had 8 children and now there are 19 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren.

Linda Mastrosanti Aragoncillo and Jim Aragoncillo

will be married 52 years the end of May. Where did the
time go, she asks? They say when you're having a
good time, time flies. They were good years and there
are many more to come.
Dear HixNews,
On page 18 of May 2015
newsletter there was
announcement of my
mother's passing and a
picture of her and I. I didn't
send this announcement.
Could you please let me
know who sent you this
Thank you
Maureen Hanifan Olsen
(HHS 1966)
I found it on your Facebook page. I went there and saw
the announcement. So sorry for your loss. I lost both
parents years ago and what was really sad is they lived on
the island of Oahu in Hawaii and I didn't see them that
often. Then my mom had Parkinson and I saw her in 1985
before she got really bad and then again in 1990 about
two months before she passed.
You were fortunate to have mom around for many years
and you had a nice relationship.
Take care.
love yah bob

That is a constant fear nowadays. I'm glad the newsletter
was able to pay homage to a remarkable lady who had
remarkable children. You should write a little sketch
about how important your parents were in your life
growing up. I remember growing up and my dad working
his ass off to make ends meet.
When we lived in Bayside, he was working at the Army
Pictorial Center in Astoria. He was working part time at a
pharmacy. He would call me to drop off prescriptions to
the elderly who had mobility issues. I would hop on my
bike and head to the pharmacy that was on the corner of
Horace Harding Blvd and Springfield Blvd. Not far from
our apartment on 69th Avenue. Horace Harding Blvd
evolved into the Long Island Expressway.
I enjoyed doing it and wasn't
looking for

anything but got

tips. It allowed me to buy my
most favorite candy Welch's Chocolate Bars.
They are no longer around...too bad... they were
love yah bob

Hi Bob,
Once again our group of Hicksville High
School graduates gathered at the home of
John and Ginger Goodell in beautiful and
picturesque, San Luis Obispo, California.
Our mini reunion began Monday, March
23rd and ran through Wednesday March
25th. Although there are only six of us now,
myself, Ron Rocek (60), John Goodell (60),
Robert Oehler (60), Bill Allan (60),
Pete Henneberger (61), and John Hannon
(61), Jim Edwardson (61), who lost his life
in an air accident, and Pete Wells (60), who
is struggling with Alzheimers, were with us
in spirit. Our hosts, John and Ginger
Goodell, did an excellent job of balancing
daily activities with relaxing evening
Tuesday morning was spent visiting
Hearsts Castle in San Simeon, about an
hours drive North from San Luis. Lunch was
enjoyed at a dockside restaurant in Morro
Bay. Wednesday found us in Paso Robles at
the Estrella Air and Auto Museum, followed
by lunch in downtown Paso Robles. The
afternoon was spent in downtown San Luis
Obispo, visiting the beautiful and historic
San Luis Mission. Each evening, though,
was spent at the Goodells enjoying their
hospitality and catching up on what everyone was doing in their lives. It is always
good to renew old friendships.
Interesting Notes: I like to give credit to
John Hannon the team leader of Kodak
engineers who developed the lenses that
fixed our Hubble Space Telescope. Way to
go John!! Also, Ginger Goodell put
together a chronology(PDF) of all our
gatherings. As you can see, our reunions
started in 1986. Time sure flies!!! Lastly, San
Luis Obispo is also
home to California
Polytechnic where
John Goodell and I
earned our
degrees. Nestled
in the Santa Lucia
mountains, it is a
bit of paradise.
Ron Rocek 1960

Back Row: Pete Henneberger, Ron Rocek, Bob Oehler, John Goodell, John Hannon,
and Bill Allan. Front Row: Rose Oehler, Ginger Goodell, Lin Rocek, Carol Henneberger, Marci Allan, and Martha Hannon.

The group at the Estrella Museum.

The ladies, in Paso Robles: Carol Henneberger, Ginger Goodell, Martha Hannon,
Rose Oehler, Marci Allan, and Lin Rocek.

Steve Weinblatt, Class of 1962, participated in a staged reading

of Stephen Gracia's "Let Us Rid Ourselves Of All Our Accidents at
Mr. Dennehy's Pub in Manhattan on April 23rd.

Recently, I met someone

who looked very familiar.
After some casual
conversation, I discovered it was
Mrs. Ruth Weiss, one of
the Business Teachers at
HHS. She asked me about
many alumni and many
teachers, but she is trying
to find one of her favorite

Jan (Clayton) Allan (HHS '68).

She's not on Facebook or
Google. Anyone have any info?
I think Mrs. Weiss would love to

Diana DAntuono DePalma


After living my entire life on

Long Island, I have retired
( R.N.for 44 years ) and my
husband Marc and I have
moved to Vero Beach , Florida.
Lynn McMorrow O'Riordan '68
P.S.- tried sending to editors at
Hix news link but it brings me
to Google. I do not have
Google account.May seem
unusual but I would guess
many HHS grads prior to 70s or
80s could use a few pointers. Thanks for all your attention to details & information.
Editor note... Got it. Good luck in your new home, Lynn.
Best, Henry

Dear Classmates and Friends,

I was married and have 3
GREAT kids two girls and
one boy.I was employed with
UnitedAirlines for 13 years and
after the children started
coming, I became a stay-athome mom for many years.
Once they grew old enoughto
become self-sufficient, I took a
job as administrative secretary
in our local town highway
department.I am separated
from my husband and due to a couple of serious
accidents, I have relocated to a small town in California. I
miss New York terribly and hope to return someday in
the not too distant future.
I enjoy HixNewsso much. Many thanks for publishing
these articles.
Rita Henneberger Cooney 1965

can do better I would

greatly appreciate copies
of the pages that have notes on
them. (I think there are about 22 and the back page.)
Unfortunately I could not get the entire page in my
scanner. Thanks Bob and again my apologies for the
delay. Best regards,
p.s. Date: Tue, 5 May 2015... The yearbook should be
delivered today by UPS. I always enjoy the newsletter.
Thanks to you and the HixNews gang for all the work it
takes to get the job done. Amazing!

Hello Buffalo Bob,

I am very embarrassed to be
writing to you 8 weeks after I
located my 1970 yearbook but
here I am with my deepest
apologies. If you are still
interested inthe 1970 yearbook I have it packed in a UPS
envelope and can have it sent
tomorrow using my work's UPS
account. Please let me know at
your earliest convenience.
So sorry to hear about the
terrible weather your area was experiencing these past
few weeks. I read your email and I was amazed by your
Best wishes always,
George Wink 1971

Glad to hear you have a scanner that can fit the whole
page. That's wonderful! I had to lose either the top or
bottom of each page I scanned. It wasn't pretty. Yes, just
the pages with handwritten notes on them. Sorry, I
should have put post-it notes on the pages. If you could,
please also scan the very back inside cover. There are
two handwritten notes there too. Thanks again Bob. I
am glad I could help even in a small way.
A dear classmate of mine from '71 passed away in
August 1994 at the age of 41. Her name was Carolyn
Stack. She lived on the next block from me and our
parents were close neighbors along with several others.
We both ended up going to Adelphi U. but lost touch
after that. She was a beautiful girl (in many ways) and a
good friend. From seeing your tributes it seems way too
many of our classmates have passed on way too early!!!
Thanks again. Kind regards,

No Big Deal. Yes, I do want it and thanks so much for the

follow up. The newsletter for May should Publish tomorrow. Enjoy and thanks for remembering me and your

Received the yearbook at around 4 as expected. Thanks.


Hi Bob.
The yearbook is going out today via UPS. You should
have it on Tuesday. My scanned copies of the pages
came out OK (see example attached) but if your scanner

You said copies of the pages with notes on them. When you
say notes, do you mean handwritten notes or stick em
notes? Worst case, send me the page numbers and I can
scan. I'm able to get a full page on my scanner and it does
a nice job. Please let me know and thanks again. It'll add
tremendously to my ability to add pictures to the
buffalo bob casale

Glad you got the yearbook OK. Yes, the handwritten

notes from teachers and students who signed the book.
The two back cover notes are continuations from Liz
Oliverie and Denise Moldavak. They were "kids" of some
of my customers on my L.I. Press paper route (just north
of the old Mid Island Plaza) which I had for 5 years. Your
scanning came out much better than mine. Thanks Bob.

Should be read by all people over 60 to understand

A few years ago, my wife and I moved into a retirement development on Florida 's southeast coast.We are
living in the"Delray/ Boca/Boynton Golf, Spa, Bath and Tennis Club on Lake Fake-a-Hachee". There are
3,000 lakes in Florida ; only three are real.
Our biggest retirement concern was time management. What were we going to do all day? No longer. Let
me assure you, passing the time is not a problem. Our days are eaten up by simple, daily activities. Just
getting out of our car takes 15 minutes. Trying to find where we parked takes 20 minutes. It takes a halfhour in the check-out line in Wal-Mart, and 1 hour to return the item the next day.
Let me take you through a typical day: We get up at 5:00 am, have a quick breakfast and join the early
morning Walk-and-Fart Club. There are about 30 of us, and rain or shine, we walk around the streets, all
talking at once. Every development has some late risers who stay in bed until 6:00 am. After a nimble walk,
avoiding irate drivers out to make us road kill, we go back home, shower and change for the next activity.
My wife goes directly to the pool for her underwater Pilates class, followed by gasping for breath and CPR. I
put on my 'Ask me about my Grandchildren' T-shirt, my plaid mid-calf shorts, my white socks and sandals
and go to the clubhouse lobby for a nice nap. Before we know it, it's time for lunch.
We go to Costco to partake of the many tasty samples dispensed by ladies in white hair nets. All free! After
a filling lunch, if we don't have any doctor appointments, we might go to the flea market to see if any new
white belts have come in or to buy a Rolex watch for $2.00.
We're usually back home by 2:00 pm to get ready for dinner. People start lining up for the early bird about
3:00 pm, but we get there by 3:45 because were late eaters.
The dinners are very popular because of the large portions they serve. We can take home enough food for
the next day's lunch and dinner, including extra bread, crackers, packets of mustard, relish, ketchup and
Splenda, along with mints.
At 5:30 pm we're home, ready to watch the 6 o'clock news. By 6:30 pm we're fast asleep. Then we get up
and make five or six trips to the bathroom during the night, and it's time to get up and start a new day all
over again. Doctor-related activities eat up most of our retirement time. I enjoy reading old magazines in
sub-zero temperatures in the waiting room, so I don't mind.
Calling for test results also helps the days fly by. It takes at least a half-hour just getting through the doctor's
phone menu. Then there's the hold time until we're connected to the right party. Sometimes they forget
we're holding, and the whole office goes off to lunch.
Should we find we still have time on our hands, volunteering provides a rewarding opportunity to help the
less fortunate.
Florida has the largest concentration of seniors under five feet and they need our help. I myself am a volunteer for 'The Vertically Challenged Over 80.' I coach their basketball team, The Arthritic Avengers. The hoop
is only 4-1/2 feet from the floor. You should see the look of confidence on their faces when they make a
slam dunk. Food shopping is a problem for short seniors, or 'bottom feeders' as we call them, because they
can't reach the items on the upper shelves. There are many foods they've never tasted. After shopping,
most seniors can't remember where they parked their cars and
wander the parking lot for hours while their food defrosts.
Lastly, it's important to choose a development with an impressive name. Italian names are very popular in Florida . They
convey world travelers, uppity sophistication and wealth. Where
would you rather live: Murray 's Condos or the Lakes of Venice ?
There's no difference -- they're both owned by Murray, who
happens to be a cheap bastard.
I hope this material has been of help to you future retirees. If I
can be of any further assistance, please look me up when you're
in Florida . I live in the Leaning Condos of Pisa in Boynton Beach.
Pat Brimm 1964

A note to
Rozos Masters:

Email Address Changes

I have an old email address

for Mike Rozos that was
originated by BOCES. Do
you have a current email
so I can update the Newsletter Master List and then
I can also send him a
birthday card.
love yah buffalo bob casale
Mike's email address:(concealed). If you should
need a physical address, please let me know as he
has recently moved from Vero Beach toSatellite
Beach, FL.
Love ya too!

Dear Classmates,
Elfriede (Ely) Kix Hink'sdaughter Diann entered her in
a contest for Sarasota's Mother of the Year. Ely is from
the class of '49. If you'd like to vote for her click website
Picture of Ely w/ her favorite Chef.
Art Lembke
Dear Bob,
The class photo in last month's newsletter really
brought back memories of attending Nicholai Street
School. Miss Harris was a terrific teacher, loved by all.
My brother Denis had been lucky enough to have her
as his teacher in the year prior and I was thrilled to have
been assigned to her class. It looks to me like all the
names are right and I remember having close friendships with many of those guys, especially Peter
DeNeeve and Buddy Juppe. I also enjoyed friendships
with Obracanik, Zarczynski, Cook and Wolfe. Ronnie
Cavallo lived right down the block from me on East
Cabot Lane and Cynthia Moulton was my first "crush" in
second grade. We were classmates right through
elementary school. In the middle of ninth grade my
parents decided that I was a discipline problem as I was
failing several subjects, so they pulled me out of Hicksville and sent me to Eastern Military Academy from
where I graduated in 1961. I am now retired after 41
years of practicing law in Hauppauge. I presently live in
Annapolis which is near where my son and grandchildren live.
Paul Rousillon

The following HixNews Readers

have changed their email
addresses. Anyone wishing to
contact them, please send a note
to and we
will make the contact.

Mike Rosenwasswer
Class of 1961

Sally Kriegel Jantrarit

Class of 1964

Eileen Wieditz Moore

Class of 1963

Can you tell me how and
where to go about nominating
someone for the HHS Hall Of
Joseph "Buzzy" Assante 1974
If you mean the high school Hall
of Fame and not the HixNews
Hall of Fame, nominations are
being accepted. now but you
need to hurry. HixNews has a Hall of Fame and you can
make nominations anytime.
buffalo bob casale



Hicksville Public Schools established a Hall of Fame in

1985 to confer recognition on graduates who have achieved
distinction in their chosen profession or community and
who will serve as a role model for the graduating class.
This year the district is searching for one individual to join
the ranks of past honorees.
Nomination letters can be forwarded to the school district
and should include the following information: candidates
name, address, telephone number, year of graduation,
biographical information along with professional, organizational and community achievements. Individuals should
also include their own contact information.
Hicksville Public Schools
Attn: Office of Community Services
200 Division Avenue
Hicksville, NY 11801-4800

We need your help to make our reunion a success!

Can you help us with...

Can you volunteer for a few hours at the registration table on Saturday, 10/3?
3:00-5:00 PM 5:00-7:00 PM
Email me if you are willing to help at our 50th Class Reunion:
Elin Fischman Lawrence
Class of 1965 In Memoriam
We would like to honor and remember our
classmates who have passed. If you know of
any classmates who should be added to this
list, please let us know.

Just Added! Saturdays Activities:

9:30 AM
11:00 AM

1-5 PM

1:30 PM
7:00-8:00 PM

HHS tour and meet the

Walk from the High School
to the Veterans Memorial at
the Hicksville Middle School
and on to the Sweet Shop
for Lunch (Dutch treat)
Gregory Museum
$5 Adults, $3 Children,
Hicksville residents free
Football Game

mail to: elaw


Virginia Huie Wins

New York Press Club Award
I am honored to win a New York Press Club
Award in the News Special category for "Fallen
Heroes Memorial Day 2014 Special." It was a
privilege to tell the stories of Long Island
servicemen who made the ultimate sacrifice
one who was Daniel Stea. Many thanks to a
fantastic team of photographers/editors -David Garden, Drew Singh, James Luning,
Brian Endres and graphic artist Charles Bucci.
I'm fortunate to work with such talented

A note from Mary Stea:

Dear Bob,
Virginia Huie is the reporterwho did the
Special on channel 12 News called "Fallen
Heroes" last Memorial Day.She highlighted
four stories. One of which was about my son,
Daniel.She interviewed me and recently won
the New York Press Club Award forthis importantSpecial. If you go to Face Book and click on
where she thanks Frank Romeo and two others. I am one of the "others." Which was very nice of
her to do and to send me this message.
Here is the link to "Fallen Heroes:"
I hope Virginia winning
this award will bring more
light to our soldiers and
Vets who fight PTSD.
Thanks Bob for considering this important. The
more people we reach the
better. I just don't want
anyone to put our soldiers
aside and forget that we
still have 22 a day committing suicide and who need
our help.
Mary Stea

Robert Kafarski 1974

Desiree Leotta Massaro 1987
A note sent to Anthony Buonagura...
We received a request to be included on
the master google list at HixNews...there
was no name. I went to Spokeo and the
name that came up was for Paul Buonagura. I went to the HixNews master list
and found you...are you related to Paul
and is that his email address???
buffalo bob casale
Rita Mallett 1958

Kathy Kappel Smith


Anthony Buonagura

Please add my name to your online spreadsheet:

Just found your website -- a bit too late unfortunately to attend the class of 1964 reunion last
held September.I Left Hicksville after college in
1968 when my parents moved to Mineola and I
moved to Fort Jackson, SC courtesy of the U.S.
Army. Now live in Virginia. I'll definitely bookmark your site since I'm on email regularly (but
that's another story). Let me know if you need
any other info. Thanks for managing the site; it
brings back memories. Sorry to see that my old
elementary/junior high/high school friend Steve
O'Brien died as well as others I used to eat lunch
and hang around the Comet office with.
Frederick T. Pugarelli1964

Yes, Paul is my brother and yes, that
email address belongs to Paul. Paul
graduated in 1983.
Hope this helps.

Editors Note...
Hi Vince...Your membership has
already been established, and
your name is in the queue for
addition to our member list. I will
make the necessary update,
probably by tomorrow.
Welcome to HixNews.
Best, Henry

Vincent Piacenti

r two
derstorm alert fo nly
We have been u ugusta, Georgia area more co Some
days here in
l Savannah Riv
ra s could
known as the
here the street d ing
s were blow
really nasty ra
npour. The tree
g came
not h
rised that nothin the
sideways and I unding yards. I was looking ou nge
down in
d. Dark, dark cl tornado alert
e were under a
looking swirls. W ?? 10 miles away, a tornado to nks
and, guess
essing the dam
y house.
down and th
tching out for m ke of 1969 and that was
n Pablo earthq
I survived the Sa ightening things I've ever lived d forth
one of the most nd I lived in was rocking back
The house Joyc
River in
s up the Congo
and it d
ip cr
The time my sh ipmate who needed an
Banana ,
Africa to d
y in the port of , too. Why???
was scary
ansport to Libya mmunists from
e co
e boarded by th
ted the
Because we wer ld that we were being inspec
Leopoldville an
a, and the
next morning.
r mission in Afric in of
Because of the working for the NSA, the capta
ny morning
fact tha
his butt out of a total darkness
Liberty w
t 11pm in
els in
upped anchor a
inspection. We ngo river. The blockade of vess ade it
and exited th
e pulverized an
front of our es
ntic Ocean safe
back to the Atla le
buffalo bob ca
Robert "Whitey" Otten
Is this the same ship
(Liberty) that was
attacked in the 1967
Arab-Israel war off the
coast of Egypt?

Yes... it was. I lost 34 or my

shipmates on 8 June
1967. The attack was about a yearafter our Congo
cruise. I was then an instructor and stationed at
Skaggs Island, California. Did you see my video about
the Liberty??? If not, check it out.
Warm Regards
buffalo bob casale

No, I never saw the video but I was I on Adm
McCain's staff, who was chief of Naval operations

in the European theater in 1967, when the war

broke out. I was on duty in the command center
when we were notified of the attack on the
Liberty. It was a scary time. People don't realize
how we almost came to an all out war then. Sorry
about your crew mates. When I got out of the Navy
I went to work for the department of defense
inspector general's office. I spent a great deal of
time at NSA . Had an office at Ft Meade and used
to evaluate a lot of their programs.
Admiral McCain was not well liked by the Liberty
crew for many reasons. One major reason was that
Captain Ward Boston and Captain Isaac Kidd were
given one week by McCain to convene a Court of
Inquiry. They bartered for more time because it
would take months to come to a conclusion. He
stood his ground and said, "do it in a week!"Anyhow,
the son McCain, considered a hero by many and who
is constantly in the news, hasprofessed to helping.
Hehas been bombardedwithmany letters from the
crew asking for a Congressional Investigation to
finally get some closure for the families of those killed
and wounded. He sent out the same note to several
of the crew who exchanged the letters.A boilerplate
reply came from him and others in Congress who
received many letters. I was very active with the
Liberty Veterans Association for years. Served as Vice
President, Treasurer and published their newsletter
for several years. I got burned out and am not
involved although I'm in touch with many of the
Also received this morning a note from Bob
Bittner from the class of 1968...
Very interesting story Bob.....
Scariest was while heading into NSA at Ft Meade
me and a buddy noticed a whole bunch of broken
rear windows in the cars parked in the lot. All of a
sudden the marine guard was yelling at us to run
and take cover. We got into the watch section and
saw bullet holes through the windows and over
our positions. This was September 1973 a pretty
scary start to a watch. The situation was then
classified but hey you could read about the sniper
in the local paper.

Continued on following page

Richard Traubwrites:
Were you on board during
the horrific Israeli incident?
No. I was short toured
because I wanted to be a
navy instructor and was
selected for that. Went to
school in Norfolk, then off
Skaggs Island, California
that is near to San Francisco
and in Sonoma Valley. We
were surrounded by
vineyards. Anyhow, I was in the classroom instructing
when someone came running in and said your ship
was attacked. The initial report said 4 dead...turned
out to be 34 with 174 others being wounded. One of
those killed was Ronnie Campbell who replaced me.
Have You seen my video of the Liberty??? If youcheck
it out, let me know your thoughts.
Regards bob

...will make an effort to see the video...I too was in
the Navy and yesterday I had a doctors appointment at theVA and in waiting I sat down next to a
guy about my age wearing a Marine hat and I told
him I had just returned from north topsail beach
and the Jacksonville North Carolina area and he
immediately said Camp Lejeune.I said "nearby"...
then said that during my time in the Navy I had
worked with Third and Fifth Marines. He said,
"Corpsman"...I said no...he said CB I said no..I said
Battleship New Jersey.He said that one night
while in the An Shau valley in Spring of 1969, they
spotted lights and trucks and troops and called
the New Jersey for fire. The armament aboard the
New Jersey was capable of bombardment from far
away. I told him that he must have spoken to me
as I had the watch. He said I told him to calm
down. Based on his coordinates, we then put huge
rounds on target. He said we had saved him. So
here it was forty six years later and I get to meet
and talk to a guy who I never met but spoke to
and it'sinstant rapport. He says thanks and I say
Semper Fi...took my breath away.

Talk about a small world and that's quite a story. The
newsletter readers, especially those who served in the
military, will certainly enjoy. Thanks for sharing. I
bumped into a guy in Long Island City, New York

whom I was stationed with on the island of Cyprus

back in the seventies. We shared a mission while
there that in itself is a really scary story.
I watched the entire video...the situation is heartbreaking.
Someone is lookin out for you...God Bless
Richard Traub 1963
Was that the same Liberty
sunk off the coast of
Sandy Moos 1962
Fortunately, the ship did
not sink. She was beat up
with over 800 machine
gun and rocket hits
throughout the superstructure and one forty foot
torpedo hole on the
starboard side that resulted in the killing of 25
instantly. The fact she didn't go down is a miracle
and you can see why if you view my video of the
history of Liberty. I tell a little story. Thanks
buffalo bob casale
The memories of a
lifetime bring the sweetest dreams and the worst
nightmares. Thank you for
your service. Here in
southwest Florida we are
the Lightning capital of
the US. In summer we get
violent storms most
afternoons. In the 11
years we have lived here
I know our home /property
has been hit at least 3
times - lost our big Sony TV - and we have two
whole house surge protectors. I dread the rainy
season and the afternoon storms but I hate the
snow up north more! I love that the sun comes
out after the storm and we have the most glorious
rainbows! The rainy season is just beginning.
Right now it's pouring outside. The rain on the
national weather and it looks like we southerners
are going to have a beautiful day. Enjoy the
Fran Wallach Gallo 1961and Frank Gallo

The Good Lord has
watched over you many
times in your life and I'm
glad to hear he watched
over you once again, given
the nasty storms that
ripped up the East Coast
yesterday. We were far
enough south to be spared
all, but a little needed rain.
All the best,
Joe Carfora 1962
Glad to hear that all is well
in your neck of the woods!!
Pretty scary weather
everywhere these days. I
was fascinated by your
story of the Congo have lived
a most exciting life!
Hope everything stays
Barbara DiBella Dowd
Life, if you are paying
attention, is interesting
especially the scary parts.
Living in a "red" state is
another sort of adventure.
Bob Redmon 1963
(I guess California is a RED
state Bob lives in

The weather is not allowed
to be bad the week of the
Masters, against the club
Be safe.
Norm Hollander1968

Hey, Bob...really scary stuff.

Those tornadoes you are
talking about...another one
of the reasons we moved
to Arizona. The worst
things that happens here
are dust storms. ..oh yes,
and we do have some flash
flood issues when too
much rain comes at one
time (7 inches a year does
not allow for the
occasional deluge), but we
get many warnings about them. I have no desire
to have to worry about another tornado. I am
however very sorry my family is still there and they
have to worry about them. I am coming back to
Georgia to visit my grandchildren and family in
June. .... hope there are no tornado warnings to
worry about then!
Hugs to you. .
Helen Luna Carr 1963
Bob, My scariest stories include spending 14
months in-country in Vietnam, then, surviving
that, Coming home to Hicksville, buying a brand
new Pontiac Firebird in 1968 for the cash I'd saved
while in 'Nam, then totalling it just three weeks
after I took possession and almost killing my
brother in the process, who was in the passenger
seat. There's more , but I don't have enough space
and time to go into detail now. I've lived here in
the Cenral Valley of CA for 38 years now. I've only
experienced 1 earthquake the whole time I've
been here, and it was fairly mild by comparison to
the quakes in the Bay area or Southern CA.
As Zorba the Greek said "Life is trouble, only death
is not".
Steve Manelski 1965
Buffalo Bob
I don't know about
everybody else, but
I am now waiting
impatiently for your
Robin Rhea 1972
p.s. NSA??!!

continued on following page

I agree!
Sue Schwartz Serlin 1961

All I can say is... OMG!!!!!

Art Pardo '62

Me three! Wow, and I

thought my little life was
exciting! Wow! We just
had tornadoes here in
East Texas with 75 mph
sustained winds and rain
that came horizontally.
I've been in many hurricanes before, but this was
pretty scarey to me!!!
Sent with love from
Sherrie Proffe Davis 1962

My dear heavens!! What a dreadfully frightening

experience. Holy shit!!!!!
It must make u treasure every day since then.
Kathy McDonald Corey 1960
Hi Bob,
Ok, here is my scary
moment, although not as
scary as yours, and it is
also Navy related:
We were in port at San
Juan for the weekend of
Nov. 17-18, 1961. I'm on
duty Sunday and get sent
on Shore Patrol to tell the
crew on shore that liberty
has been cancelled, we
were departing that afternoon, and all Little Rock
sailors must return to the ship. We depart leaving
a number of the crew on shore and sail to the
Dominican Republic. The dictator Trujillo had
been assassinated the previous May, supposedly
by conspirators sponsored by the CIA. We were
told that there was a revolution going on, but I'm
not sure that is actually true. I have the morning
watch (4-8 am) on the bridge manning a surface
radar repeater wearing a sound powered phone
connected to CIC. Daylight is just starting when
the Captain enters the Bridge and says, "sound
General Quarters". As I'm putting on a helmet,
amid all the noise of GQ, I'm thinking, damn we're
going into action. I'm waiting for the firing to
start, real missiles loaded, 5 and 6 inch guns
pointed toward shore, but nothing. We steam a
mile off shore across the city of Santo Domingo
(formerly Cuidad Trijillo) at 5 Knots, 5 miles across,
turn around, 5 miles back for 2 days. Turned out to
be nothing, but for that moment when General
Quarters sounded.
John Pizzariella

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This is some of the most spectacular photography we have ever

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A message here for our young people?

Reminder he was 18 years old when he joined the AF in 1942, and I

was 19 when drafted in Dec. 1942. Most of the men in my outfit were
18 to 23 years old. To my recollection, that was the age of most of the
men that fought the hard fights. As he said, there are not many of us
left, and they are dying at the rate of 700 a day. 400,000 lost their
lives in WWll that we may live in peace. Jack Hill
Here's the story of the single most-decorated flight
mission in all of WW II.

Two Medals of Honor, seven Distinguished Flying Crosses andsix

Purple Hearts were awarded the crew of this WWIImission. This is a
video showing awesome courage against impossible odds by some
very brave Americans.

No scary story...just some

info. I'm Gail Harrison Grasso
and my ex-husband
Ralph Grasso, Class of 1966
passed away on December
25, 2014.
I found out about it in the
beginning of March, because
his new wife wasn't forthcoming. Just some bit of
information that might get to
Ralph Grasso
people who had known him.
He was a drummer in numerous bands in high school,
including with Billy Joel. He died from lung cancer, still

Gail Harrison Grasso Phillips

Maryanne Grasso

a smoker, how silly of him. I know that you are always

looking for updates so I decided to send this one to
you. His sister Maryanne, graduated in 1965.
Gail Harrison Grasso Phillips

Susan Gilbert Finder

It is my sad duty to tell you about the passing of my
sister, Susan Gilbert Finder (Class of 1960) on April 17,
2015. My sister was a great Person and my best friend.
We both had fond memories of Hicksville even though
we did not live there for at least 40 years. I, and those

Howard Gilbert

those who knew her, will

miss her forever.
She leaves a Daughter, 2 sons
and 6 grand children, all of
who loved her.
Thank you for posting this so
others who knew her will be
aware of her passing.
Howard Gilbert (Class of

A note from Howard Hacker

I have very fond memories of my cousin Susan. I was

just recalling today being in the car with her when I
was 10 years old. The song on the car radio was "Blue
Navy Blue" by Diane Renay. She told me she at started
smoking but not to tell her parents.
Howard Hacker,
Otego, New York
Susan was my first love and
was always the love of my
life. We dated thru High
School, Prom and would
spend time ather house. She
and Howard were as close as
any 2 people I have know in
my life. She would write all
the time when I went to the
far east. Sadly they kept me
Mitchell Egan
there for nearly 4 years. We
agreed that waiting was too
long and went our own way. I saw Susan in the late 60s
and then again in the 70s Then started emailing and
calling each other, every time I regretfully backed out
of coming back to her. I would say to everyone if you
had a love that you still feel after all these years, go to
that person hold them and you will never regret it. I
can tell you all this is only the 2nd time in my life I have
cried over a loved one, the other was my mother. There
is an empty feeling, that I know will never go away and
but my love for her is forever. Howard I am so sorry for
your loss and where ever she is, she is watching over
Mitchell Egan 1960

...on the passing of

Susan Gilbert Finder

Although very sad...thanks

for the information.
Johanna LoGerfo Dyckman

Johanna LoGerfo Dyckman

It'sthat season of our lives...who is next? life is not fair,

butI hope it is not me.
Robert Redmon 1963

I lost two other people that day who were my customers at Liberty
Plumbing Supply in Hicksville...both were fireman...Bruce Gary &
Brian Hickey. It seems that everybody lost somebody that fateful
day. Let me know about Tom.
love yah bob
p.s. my son, Chad, was in the burn unit at NCMC. He was doing a
fireworks show in Port Washington Sunday when some charges
went off prematurely. He had burns on his chest and arms and was
being treated. I saw him Monday and was getting ready to see him
Tuesday when the first plane hit the building. NCMC said they were
discharging him because they were preparing for burn patients
from the Trade Center and needed the space. He called me so I
didn't make the trip unnecessarily for a visit.
I believe Tommy graduated 1992. We lost a lot of good
people that day and could have lost more.

A note to Nancy Verrall Pedicini:

Jim Thompson

My deepest sympathy to Howard and Susan's family
on her passing from all the Thompson family;
Jim, Jerry, Don and Pat.
Jim Thompson

A note from Desiree Massaro:

Please add the following to the In Memoriam lists:

Mark Colaio, Class of 85, Cantor Fitzgerald 9/11/2001
(brother in law of Thomas Pedicini), Stephen Colaio,
Class of 87, Thomas Pedicini, Class of 1989
Thomas, Mark, and Stephen died together on
9/11/2001. Mark was married to June Pedicini,
Tommy's older sister.
When did Thomas Pedicini graduate? I didn't realize these
three died during that terrible day. My shipmate from the
USS Liberty lost his wife who went to work for Cantor
Fitzgerald as a day worker for the first time on 9/11.

Were you related to a Thomas Pedicini through marriage.

I had a note that said Tom died at the World Trade Center
back in 2001? Please advise at your earliest convenience.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks... any help would
be appreciated.
Buffalo Bob Casale
Thomas Edward Pedicini was my son. He was born on
May 18,1971 and graduated in 1989 from Hicksville
High. He was working for Cantor Fitzgerald along with
Mark and Stephen Colaio. on that fateful day.
A facebook page is set up under In memory of
Thomas Edward Pedicini

Nancy Verrall Pedicini

Memories of Thomas Pedicini

So sorry for your loss. That

travesty had an affect on so
many lives, yours, more
dramatically, mine pretty
devastating but not family.
Lost friends but didn't have
to suffer the loss of one who
you crossed paths with
constantly. If they have
groups set up in heaven,
Tom Pedicini has joined an
elite group, "The Pedicini
Family. Thanks for your
love yah
buffalo bob Casale

Thank you for the card, and

for thinking of us.
Unfortunately, my wife of 53
years, Eileen, passed away a
year ago March 10th. Her
time of illness was short by
most standards and while it
did not give me much time
to prepare myself, the short
duration was merciful to her
and that's all that counts.
Now I have a special
guardian angel to keep an eye on me.
Al Sypher
So sorry for your loss. I can appreciate your comment
about the short durationbeing merciful. My wife, Joyce,
had Alzheimers and I watched her waste away over a
period of three years. I took care of her as best I could,
then had to put her into a nursing home. I couldn't handle
it anymore.She couldn't walk, talk and the last couple of
days couldn't eat. I had a standing order to not do
anything to sustain her life because I wanted the suffering
to end. She passed peacefully. I said a special prayer for
Eileen and Joyce.
Warm Regards
Buffalo Bob Casale
Thank you so much for your warm comments. Eileen
and I were on the Blue Ridge Pkwy. in NC, Oct.2013,
and she suddenly remarked, "something is wrong with
my vision." She explained that she suddenly had no
peripheral vision out of her left eye. We were thinking
it was diabetes related which we checked on getting
home. No so, but she did have a cataract which was
removed. Then her ambulatory ability started to suffer,
worse and worse. I took her to the ER around the
beginning of Dec. and after many tests they discovered
a brain tumor. It was identified as a Glio Blastoma,
incurable, they can only buy the patient time. It was
removed and tradition and chemo began in January
but she was in a very weakened state. In February her
cognitive abilities all but vanished and I was giving
24/7 care for literally everything. She entered Rehab
the first week of March. She was still able to converse
with me until about the 8th thankfully.
My deepest sympathy for your loss. Your comments
about your wife Joyce sound like a carbon copy of

what happened to my cousin. She also declined over

three years with Dementia/Alzheimers with her
husband Ken fulfilling the same role that you did. He
finally called in Hospice during her last 6 months and
she passed at home. I thanked God for finally taking
I'm sure you miss Joyce as much as I miss Eileen. There
are really no words to describe it and yes, I still get
misty eyed every now and then. If you ever are feeling
the need for someone to talk to, or just want to "shoot
the breeze," I'm here. Thanks again!
Best regards,
Al Sypher
Just became a New Member of HixNews. Found out
there was a class of 1964 Fifty Year Reunion. As fate
would have it, however, I would not have been able to
attend due to the death of my brother
Joseph P. Pugarelli, HHS Class of 1959 on September
2nd 2014.
Fred Pugarelli 1964

Joseph Pugarelli

Fred Pugarelli

Dear Fred,
I am sorry to hear about your brother's passing. Joe was in
my class of 1959. My condolences.
Best, Henry
p.s. Welcome to HixNews, Fred!
Thanks for your emails. I'm glad I found the HixNews
site. It's great to be able to see some of my classmates
from HHS with whom I've lost touch over the years as
well as find that someone I've known for 10 years is
also a HHS grad. The internet has really given us great
ways of being in touch.

John Henneberger

Rita Henneberger

I am looking for my classmate from 1966, David Haller.

Suzanne Lindquist Swenson 1966

Editors note...

Hi Suzanne...I have added your inquiry to our "Looking for

People" list.
Best, Henry
Hi Editors, Lorraine has found me, several months ago, but
didnt notify you - so I will.
You can take our her inquiry off the list.
Barbara Di Bella Dowd
Lorraine who? Henry might already have removed the request
but I need to put the info into the newsletter and I cannot find
the request. Hope you and John are well. Everything has

Hi HixNews!
My brother, John Henneberger graduated from Hicksville
High in 1965.He was married to a lovely Texas girl and they
had 2 children.John was a shy, young man (even though
sometimes he was known as the class clown). John secured a
very good and important position with smith-corona. John
died unfortunately at age 41, a victim of a massive heart
attack, too young to see hischildren grow up and to be able
to enjoy life in his retirement years.
Rita Henneberger 1965

bloomed already here in Augusta. The masters is over and it's starting
to get hot hot. I was able to maintain the outside but since I fractured
my ankle, I'm kinda unable to do that. And now my knees are acting
up. Had two steroid shots, one in each knee, on Wednesday. Feeling
somewhat better. love yah bob
Hi Bob,
Sorry to hear of your troubles! I had to have both my knees
replaced- one in 2014 and the other 2013. Although I was laid up
for awhile, I really did well and my hubby was great. Ilooked on
people looking for people and her name Lorraine Rockler
(Anderson) I believe, is still there looking for me.Asa matter of
fact, CherylProffee Davis wrote to me and told me too!
On May 1st, John and I celebrated our 50th wedding Anniversary!
It doesn't seem nearly that long! And yet, when we thinkabout
our children and grands, it is that long! He went to Somerville
High School in Somerville, NJ and his school colors were also
orange and black! I think you must know this...we are in Palm
Coast, Florida, just south of St. Augustine...and we have been here
13 years in August. Seems like that has gone by so fast, also. Love
it here and have made many wonderful friendships.
At the moment, weboth have colds and coughs...don't know
where we got them, but are not feeling that perky...Well we are
hoping to be better as thedays go along. Iwill have my right
shoulder replaced in July this year. I have lots of know
how itfeels. FL is a great place for me!
Take care and think about the knee being will feel
SO much better! Hugs,
Barbara Di Bella Dowd '62

To my fellow HHS Alumni

Included are the details of a once in a lifetime vacation. Many have asked to put
together a river cruise, well we have! Abroad the luxurious Amalegro. (Check it out on Our journey starts and ends in Paris, with many interesting
towns along the way. (Especially Normandy!)
Our Departure date is May 20th 2016, over 12 months from now, However due to the
current popularity of river cruises and the fantastic rates (check them out) we can only
guarantee these rates until June 15th 2015, when our charter agreement ends. If the
itinerary, time of year, and costs fits your vacation plans for 2016, please take advantage
of these exceptional rates and get your $500.00 deposit in as soon as possible.
It would be amazing if our HHS Classmates could fill up the entire ship!!! The River
Seine would never be the same!
Bob Birk 1952...Telephone: 631-447-1892
Address: 2404 Waverly Ave, Medford, NY 11763

Springtime in Paris!
7 Nights Paris to Paris River cruise
Departure Date: May 20th, 2016
River Boat: AmaLegro, AmaWaterways
Itinerary: Paris to Paris
(Includes visits to Vernon, Honfleur, Normandy Beach, Rouen, Conflans)
Rates are as follows:
Regular Prices:
Suits $5,998 Per Person
Category A $4,789 per person
Category B $4,698 per person
Category C $4,498 per person
Category D $3,898 per person
Category E $3,599 per person

Our Discounted Prices:

Suites $4,500 per person
Category A $3,800 per person
Category B $3,500 per person
Category C $3,400 per person
Category D $2,850 per person
Category E $2,650 per person

$1,498 per person
Category A $988 per person
Category B $1,198 per person
Category C $1,098 per person
Category D $1,048 per person
Category E $949 per person

Price Does Not Include:

Roundtrip Airfare: $900-$1,100 approximate cost per person
Port Taxes $168 per person
Pre or Post Hotel in Paris (optional): $200-$250 approximate cost per room, per night
Insurance (Reasonable and highly recommended): $175 approximate cost per person
Price Includes:
Accommodations, complimentary choice of excursions in every port, all gourmet meals prepared by
prominent French chef, free-flowing red/white wines (from local regions), beer and soft drinks with
lunch and dinner, bottled water, fluffy bathrobe and slippers, hot tub on sun deck, use of bicycles and
helmets, complimentary internet service in main lounge and cabins (access via TV in cabins as well),
nightly piano music, local entertainment, Captains Welcome champagne cocktail party, Gala
champagne dinner reception, use of wellness center, and much more. Telephone calls from your cabin
for 1 Euro per minute (A Great deal; as compared to cruise ships which charge $9.95 per minute)
Please Note:
There are only 70 double rooms on the entire ship. Its a magnificent time of year in Paris, so this cruise
will sell out quickly and therefore time is of the essence. We need a commitment and a $250 per person
deposit, so we can have as many of our group as possible on this fabulous, once in a lifetime trip! Wed
love to take the whole ship, so please get your deposits in ASAP because it is sold on a first come,
first serve basis. I would like to have all the deposits into AmaWaterways on or before June 1st, 2015.
Payment by check is the best option, as AMA charges an additional 3% when paying with a credit card;
although credit cards are welcome. The final payment is not due until March 1st 2016.

Bob Casales You Tube Videos

Hyperlink to In Memoriam for Class of 1958 (273 Views)
Hyperlink to Hicksville High Mega Reunions 2000 & 2007 (721 views)
Hyperlink to HHS Class of 1960 In Memoriam (439 views)
The big car crash of the 1980s (202 views)
Hyperlink to A Short Tour of Bayside (38 Views)
Hyperlink to 1964 Fifty Year Photo Gallery Before Reunion (535 Views)
Hyperlink to 2014 5 May Photo Gallery (544 Views)
Hyperlink to 1964 Popularity Poll (393 Views)
IPledge Allegiance to the Flag (70,836 Views)
Honoring Hicksville High New York Servicemen and Woman (477 Views)
Class of 1962 Fifty Year Reunion (800 Views)
Memorial Day Tribute to Hicksville High School Veterans (852 Views)

Hicksville New York Then and Now (10,321 Views)
HHS Class of 1963 Photo Gallery (941 Views)
Hicksville High School 1963 Fifty Year Reunion Preview (679 Views)
Hyperlink to HHS 1955 Multi Year & Fifty Year Reunions (171 Views)
Hyperlink to In Memoriam Class of 1963 (302 Views)
Hyperlink to look at Bualo Bob Casale early and in the Navy (93 Views)
Hyperlink to Class of 1959 In Memoriam (282 Views)
Hyperlink to Hicksville High School Class of 1961 In Memoriam (376 views)
Hyperlink to Class of 1964 Before Reunion Collage (80 Views)
Hyperlink to Class of 1964 In Memoriam (954 Views)
Hicksville High School, Hicksville, NY Class of 1961 Reunion 2004 (913 Views)
Campaign to Rebuild the Fountain in Kennedy Park, Hicksville, New York (163 Views)
Hyperlink to Forty Year Reunion Hicksville Class of 1965 (546 Views)

Berryman Lane (152 Views)

Robert Casale U.S. Navy career in Pictures (213 Views)
February 2014 Ice Storm in Augusta, Georgia (13 Views)
Charlie Brown & Franz Stigler (1,064 Views)
Down Memory Lane Class of 1962 Reunion Preview (488 Views)
Mini Photo Tour of Australia (430 Views)
Hyperlink to Class of 1962 In Memoriam (447 views)
1963 Hicksville High School Fifty Year Reunion Preview (77 views)
Hyperlink to 1963 Fifty Year reunion (18 Views)

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