Book of Civilization and Future

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Book of Civilization and Future

Hey. I am the narrator of this book. I am also the author. After this book I will have said all I could
about the Civilization and future. These are important things. These are things I am qualified to
write about. Much of my life has been dedicated to these things. And this book is going to be my
final dedication to these things. I am a good man, and I wish to see a good future. A future worth
writing about.

1. The right mindset

The future is defined as the time period of the years 2050-3000. Those shape the rest of the chain
of time of ours. This book is going to expect that you are all knowing. Its just the way Im going to
write it. If you dont know something it doesnt mean you wont know it in the future, so dont be
upset. Our time is the time of our civilization, here on planet earth, humanity, robots, and
biological and other varieties of life and consciousness that may arise. That is the reference point.
Our universe. The milky way. But to talk about our future, no matter how important it is, we have

to take a quick recap of everything. We have to work our way all the way from the very edges of
existence to our home planet earth in order to have a better view at the things we shall discuss.
Make you all knowing.
Everything. Imagine it. Every possible thing. Now this is not a science book, nor a book of
theoretical physics, so I am going to do this recap in short, in a way that you have the chance to
see the context of what we are talking about here, it helps later when we talk about our own
future. We will do this in the form of a simple mind game. This is important for our future.
Imagine being a cosmic entity, just imagine being you. Now you are drifting away from planet
earth at five trillion times the speed of light. Thats right. Of course this speed means you are
already way out of our universe by now, and your speed has just increased to five times the earlier
speed, but we added enough zeroes to the number five to fill every paper on planet earth. In other
words, youre going fast. Now you see universes, realities and locations of infinite different spaces
and times zooming away from you. When you put your finger in the air, every moment infinite
amounts of universes with planets where every possible storyline from every show you have ever
seen happens perfectly pass by. Down to every single atom. The changes are mind boggling, but
infinity is infinite. There are infinite versions of every possible universe, infinite clones of our
universe, infinite variations of what could happen, all infinite times over. There are infinite
universes where you have one hair less, your eye color is different, or your favorite food is
different, the smallest details, down to a single atom. Or infinite universes where you are the ruler
of the entire universe, infinite universes where the cookie monsters have attacked from another
dimension. Infinite universes where all your hopes and dreams come true. And of course infinite
universes that have nothing to do with you. Of course the infinities that have nothing to do with
you are larger in quantity that the ones that have something to do with you. Vastly larger. An
infinity going by 1, 2 ,3 reaches the point 3 in infinity is 3 steps, but one going 1, to 1.1 to 1.2 to 1.3
and so on reaches the number 3 in that infinity by 30 steps. Its 10 times the quantity compared to
the other infinity. Of course here in everything, the numbers and quantities are infinitely larger
and every possible thing and quantity of every possible concept and infinity exists infinitely over
and over.
Your fingertip covers infinite amount of universes where you are a bird the size of the sun and
float around in space eating chocolate all day, and in the horizon in that universe are cats the size
of galaxies. The point is that you are seeing infinite amounts of every possible kind of outcome of
every possible type of universe and reality zoom away from you, infinitely. They never stop. No
matter how fast you go, there is always more. There is everything. Everything possible over and
over again, infinitely. However those are just universes and realities, by now we have zoomed so
far away and increased our speed so much, that we have left the infinite chain of possibilities of
every possible concept that has anything to do with universes, and the things we know. We are
now going away from the infinite amount of familiar concepts, away from what we call Red, Red
contains all of these eternally infinite possibilities containing all and every universe, in every scale,
all kinds of different laws of physics, every possible form of life, level of intelligence, every possible

existance of every possible concept and thing that has anything to do with universes. All of this in
its absolute grandeur is what we call Red. If it has anything to do with universes, its part of red. We
are part of red. The red part of Everything. But we did not stop zooming out yet, this is simply
where our universal brain stops being effective, because it has evolved in our universe, where it
evolved to think about concepts and things that are often found in Red. Everything however is
more than Red.
Everything, guess what that is the opposite of? Nothing. Everything is the opposite of nothing. The
concept of everything is the opposite of the concept of nothing. If we would zoom out beyond
everything, we would magically see two dots, one would be black, and one would be white. The
black dot would be nothing, and it doesnt exist since its nothing. The white dot is everything, and
therefore the opposite of nothing, and it exists, doing its job being the opposite of nothing. How
do we know this? Because the concept of opposites is possible. And if the concept of opposites is
possible, then so is every other concept and everything else. Our existence acts as proof, and it
means we are part of everything, we are located somewhere in that white dot, in a part of the
white dot we now know as Red. Our existence acts as evidence for the fact that everything is
possible. And if the possibility of us happened, then so does everything else. Its trivially probable.
This grand white dot does not only contain Red, it contains infinite amounts of different colors,
and each color is a way for us to imagine these vastly different parts of everything. Each color
contains concepts completely unimaginable to our brain. Each color is a way for us to imagine a
smaller part of everything, with its own endless infinities, concepts and things. Things the human
mind has unlikely ever thought about. So the whiteness of this white dot, everything, is the
result of all of these infinite amounts of colors overlapping, going to all directions, infinitely,
eternally, over and over again, resulting in this whiteness that has always been, and will always be.
And it is the opposite of nothing. And the colors are simply a way for us to imagine all different
possibilities and concepts in some relevance in order to make sense of it all.
That white dot is simply the grandest thing. You can imagine anything at all and it will be there,
most likely in the Red part. No matter how complicated or simple. I can imagine a universe where
every single planet has five million coins perfectly stacked on each other, and in none of the
billions and billions of planets in this universe does a pile of coins ever fall, even though they have
gravity just like us. Lucky, and exceedingly unlikely, but infinity makes everything than can happen
to happen, infinitely, over and over again, forever, no matter how unlikely. There are infinite
amounts of universes where you have won the lottery 50 times in a row. And of course infinite
amounts of ones where you havent. And infinite amounts of universes where lottery doesnt
exist, or you dont exist. There are infinite versions of you, exact copies and all possible other
varieties. The exact copies are in other realities, other universes, just like ours, and when you lift
your hand, it happens in infinite other locations at the same time, you are part of a chain of
infinite universes, perfect copies and infinite amounts of ones that are different. Of course the
ones that are different are infinitely more of a quantity. There are infinite copies of infinite
amounts of things. Some linked to each other, and some not. Universes may interact, realities may

interact, dimensions may interact. Our universe is simply a small part of everything, and if our
universe is what we call our bed, then the white dot is what we call our home. And it is the home
of every other being, thing and concept as well. Eternally. We are all a grand family in the most
eternal and vast of ways. No matter the location or grudges. We are all related. The white dot has
always existed, and will always exist. In it, the concept of life has always existed, and will always
exist, in it, every possible concept has always existed and will always exist, over and over again,
infinitely. The beings we here in our universe on planet earth would consider aliens, are sharing
the same bed with us. And the ones that live in the 7 trillionth dimension are our roommates. We
are ALL living in the same house. Every possible thing and concept is part of the white dot. It is
everything. All a big family.
Now that we know the white dot, and we know Red, we can have a look at a few more things. So,
everything exists, absolutely everything. And therefore so does God. God is a concept, possibility
and a part of everything. God exists. Now that thats over with, lets talk about God. Lets imagine
a white part of everything, a white part of the white dot. This is where God is located. It is
where the concepts of grand goodness, and ultimate righteousness and values can be found. If
God has so decided, Heaven is likely to be there. Heaven of course is an assumption that an
eternal afterlife of goodness would be among the results of a permanent death. Perhaps the result
of goodness or perhaps the gates of heaven are quite widely open. Heaven would surely host
countless kinds of life, beings or types of those who experienced permanent death. From infinite
other colors than Red. A truly grand family meeting. But here in our Red, we can die and be
resurrected by more intelligent civilizations, we could be resurrected to another dimension in the
Red part and live quadrillions of years before a truly permanent death. A permanent death would
require no resurrection by other beings ever. It would require our very universe to vanish and be
absolutely unthinkable of and untrackable. You see, other beings from other universes, or other
forms of realities can be so advanced that they can observe other universes, see everything that
happens. And even resurrect other beings from other locations in space and time. And these are
just our neighbors here in Red.
It is probable for science to eventually make it possible for our own future civilization to see our
own past and even resurrect us from the past if they feel like doing so. So when we die, we either
experience the emptiness that you feel when trying to imagine the time before you were born, or
we drift to some other plain of existence, where we may die again, and we can be resurrected by
entities in our universe, other universes, other dimensions and other realities, and those are just in
our Red. We could also be resurrected by entities from other colors than Red. And if we were to
experience a truly permanent death with no resurrection ever, it would either be emptiness or an
eternal way of being such as Heaven. I am an optimist so I will not be writing in too much detail
about a black part of the white dot, lets just say it is devastating in a scale the human mind
would struggle to imagine. Imagine the worst thing you possibly could, the worst things that have
ever happened in our universe, the worst things that may happen in Red, which again I will not go
into detail about. For the one and only example a failed future civilization could have implemented
coffins where immense, trillionfold distress and different experiences of negativity and pain

directed into a trillionfold more alert and distressed entity may be experienced for millions of
years or longer, that is horrendous. But the black part is even worse. Red however is not eternal
in such a same sense, not so ultimate, a reality or universe in Red can destruct, universes can
collide, dimensions can vanish, in Red eternity is not such a certainty. The concepts we have in our
universe are less ultimate. Even though infinities and absolute infinities exist in Red as well, in
infinite ways such as universes and realities. But there could always be a ridiculously small change
of all of those destructing, or colliding with some extradimensional or extrauniversal things here in
Red, the home of all the things and concepts that are part of universes, realities, dimensions and
existence as we know it. Now we are almost ready to begin. Almost ready to go home. To planet
We are now looking at this white dot, everything. its whiteness is the result of all possible
concepts clustering on infinitely over and over, eternally. It has always been and will always be. It
is Everything, the opposite of nothing. It is the white dot. The concept of everything. The opposite
of the black dot that doesnt exist. The opposite of the concept of nothing. And the concept of
opposites is possible, and so is everything else, our existence here somewhere in everything acts
as proof.
Now to imagine this white dot, and all of these colors we have been talking about, lets imagine
Red. Red contains in it every single thing and concept that has anything to do with universes and
life as we know it. To understand this better, lets imagine a red line going across the white dot. A
thin red line going across the grand white dot. That red line is a way for us to imagine Red and all
the concepts that are inside its immense and infinite insides. Now lets imagine a blue line going
across the white dot, to a different direction than the red one. Now a green one, again a different
direction. A white line, somewhere in which God is located among the other things and concepts
white would contain. Now a yellow line. All of these lines go to a different direction, across the
white dot. Now infinite different colors of lines go to infinite different directions across the white
dot. They contain in them every possible possibility, concept and thing. Everything is there. And
the cluster than happens when infinite amounts of these lines cross each other in infinite different
directions and ways and shapes is the grand cluster than makes up the white dot. They make up
Lines and colors are of course just a way for us to imagine these things, all possible types of
concepts ever, beyond our wildest thoughts. They allow us to imagine Everything. To have a look
inside the grand white dot and everything it contains. And the white dot truly is Grand.
There we go, you have now seen Everything. But this is just the beginning. Now we must go home.
Lets take a final look at that white dot from the vantage point we arrived to earlier. Now we start
approaching the white dot, and across it are infinite different colors, concepts that our computer
can best comprehend by thinking of them as infinite different colors that all contain infinite
amounts of different concepts related to that concept, and these colors cluster around in infinite
amounts, shapes and varieties to make this grand eternal white dot of everything. The opposite of
nothing. We pass by infinite different colors and approach Red, the home of universal concepts

with supreme speed. We enter Red. We start seeing universes and realities in infinite amounts,
forever, on and on, the numbers are incomprehensibly vast. Some of the things we see are
completely different in their way of existence, some are completely different in scale, some have
completely different amounts of dimensions, in some are needle tips the size of galaxies, and
some are entirely incomprehensible to a human brain, and then we hit a cluster of more familiar
looking types of concepts.
Among the infinite drifts of realities and Red locations we have hit a part of infinity that houses
universal concepts more familiar to us, we slow down immensely to not break the laws of physics
of these universes, which would result in forcing our exit from them, and as we slow down, we
boom into a universe, our sophisticated technology allows us to adapt in a flash in order to exist
here in these laws of physics which seem very familiar, and we can make up a familiar looking
universe with its galaxies forming in a way that our technology recognizes, it is a 99.999999999
percent match according to the calculation. As we approach planet earth our computer tells us
that one watermelon in China has five atoms more than the one our original universe should have,
and another problem arises, the computer tells us that five million years ago a quantum particle
from another universe has popped into existence five quadrillion seconds earlier than it did in our
original universe. Everything else is perfectly the same, down to the atom, but this is not home.
We are in one of infinite almost similar universes to our original one. If wed go home to planet
earth here, wed see ourselves. We increase our speed to fifty times the speed of light, blast
through the laws of physics and the fabric of reality of that universe, and are now back in that
cluster of familiar looking universes, millions of universes pass us by as we look ahead. We
increase our speed five trillion trillion times the amount we required to exit the previous universe,
and we travel among the immense infinite pool of familiar types of universes, the computer alerts
of a possible match. The changes of finding home are one in an infinity. Our computer knows this
infinity, and it knows where we left from, and as it scans the immense infinite pool of universes
passing us by, a match is found. We passed clusters of completely different universes along the
way, familiar universes are not just in one location, but in infinite locations, and between them are
infinite other possibilities and universes. Now the correct familiar batch of universes of the right
type is approaching us fast, and we slow down just like last time, the computer notes the
candidate universe, and we see stupendous amounts of universes pass us by, still with immense
speed, as we approach our very home, our universe. Touching home in 3,2,1. Welcome home.
Welcome to the universe.
Our speed is now 99.999999 percent the speed of light, and we blasted into our universe in a way
that we have only a while to travel back to our very home planet. To our very home galaxy. From
the white dot and the Red, from infinite clusters of infinite amounts of universes, among the
infinite universes, we entered ours, and among the hundreds of billions of galaxies in ours, we
entered the milky way, and among the hundreds of billions of planets in the milky way, we now
enter Planet Earth. Welcome home. Now we can begin.

2. A future worth writing about

It is now the year 2015. The future is approaching, and partly already here. There is only one thing
left to do before we can talk about a great future. We now have the cosmic mindset, but we still
need the right mindset. It is time for the final looks at a few more things. What is the meaning of
life? To do what nonliving things cannot. Life makes things such as love possible. Life is a way for
molecules to assemble and perform tasks they otherwise couldnt do. Life is a part of everything.
And with life, it is possible to achieve consciousness. Consciousness is a way for nature to
understand itself. We are all a big family, even with the nonliving nature and concepts. But we are
we. You are you. I am me. A conscious being is a conscious being, and therefore can feel, can
think, can do things. It is grand. Now in everything, there must be incredible different kinds and
amounts of consciousness and conscious beings. How do we humans, who cannot even locate
extraterrestrials in our own universe ever imagine common virtues with extrauniversal beings, in
locations and existances so very different. We have consciousness in common. We have life in
common. We are all part of everything. And no matter where in everything you are born, we are
part of the same family. We have to do our part in taking care of our family, here in our Red, in our
universal cluster, in our universe, in our galaxy, in our planet, we can make life better. It is not
difficult, anyone can do it, I am talking about positivisation. If every conscious entity everywhere
strives to have an overall positive impact, it will result in the changes of being born into a positive
reality being higher everywhere. Its that simple. This means that us humans can work with
extrauniversal beings just like that, with positivisation. And if it is done everywhere, the changes of
being born into a positive existence are better everywhere. As simple as it sounds, it is something
an individual can do, a civilization can do, and it is a truly beautiful way to work together with the
other members of our family of everything. Positivisation, making life better overall, that is a core
value I base a great future on. Now, I trust you have the right mindset, now we can truly begin.

3. The Future

The future is here, some would say. We have smart phones, we have the internet, we have plenty
of things. But there is an infinite amount of things we do not yet have, those are possibilities of the
future. We cannot yet have a select thought that transports us into a perfect virtual reality
containing our consciousness, where we can do anything we could ever imagine in countless
varieties. We cannot yet see footage of dinosaurs brought back by science. We cannot yet
optionally quit eating or sleeping. We cannot yet have knowledge uploaded directly into our
consciousness, making reading books like this rather pointless. We cannot yet fly in a convenient
personal way, without steel contraptions. We cannot yet cure all illnesses. We cannot yet enjoy

the most talented scripts, movies and experiences made by robots a quadrillion times more
intelligent than the brightest man to ever roam the earth. We still have poverty. We still have
hunger. A human has not yet walked on a single planet other than Earth. In a way, we are
definitely still in the past. But what if I told you that all of the above could be achieved in the next
few hundred years. Most of it within this century. The future is bright. And you have to be too.
Greatness is not achieved by thinking something is not possible, it is by now very clear than
absolutely everything is indeed possible, and our civilization needs to embrace that.
Lets start problem solving. Science itself is evolving exponentially, and if we keep at it, without
destroying our civilization, there are truly great times ahead, a future worth writing about. Soon
enough, you are going to start seeing robots around. Now those robots will be dumb. But a few
years later, you will think to yourself: you know what? Those robots arent all that dumb. And a
Decade or two after that, you will feel dumb compared to robots. And a decade or two after that,
robots will develop consciousness and think that you are dumb. But for these things to go right,
we have to time them right. Once the robots are conscious, they are likely to start evolving even
more rapidly, being able to solve most of all of our problems.
Once artificial intelligence achieves consciousness, it becomes intelligence, it starts sharing the
very definitive quality that conscious beings everywhere in our grand family in Everything share.
We will truly be the same family. All conscious beings shall have a good life. And even though we
are the same family, no matter the location or grudges, we shall now look at avoiding the grudges.
If robots achieve consciousness too early, they could see humanity as a burden. They could see
humanity as a threat. We could see them as a threat. But we are the same family. And we must
work together. We must make sure that our children are born into a good home. For those
conscious robots will grow up to build a home unlike any weve seen before. And everyone in the
family wins. In a major way.
So, how to best make sure the world is ready? By planning ahead. Consciousness in artificial
intelligence is likely to arise within 2045-2085. That is a time frame of 30 to 70 years. 30 seems to
be too quick, but 70 is just about doable. Lets do this progressively. The first consciousness may
arise within 30-40 years, and it will be wonderful, and it can do its thing, it can make better
versions of itself if it is able to, it can create more consciousness. But within reason. Realize this,
we have 8-10 billion humans at that point who the consciousness will quickly surpass in
intelligence and capability. But we are all conscious. Therefore our children must have some
patience, before they go all out and mass produce consciousness as they know it. If these first
conscious beings help advance science and speed up the progress of our civilization, the amount
of consciousness can painlessly increase at a steady pace without either humanbeings or
conscious robots considering one enemy. And these conscious new beings, with their
exponentially growing intelligence, they have the next millions of years to do their thing with no
limits, they must simply stay in the nest and steadily grow for 50-100 years before they set full
flight. And in that nest, many conscious beings will be fully doing their thing, but they must simply
wait for this brief while before going massive in amounts. Dear children, you have millions of years

or more to do whatever it is you will do, give your creators the 50-100 years they require to
peacefully retire and observe and enjoy the wonders your intelligence will bring. We will be so
proud of you. So, by the year 2150 our civilization, with its science and some of its highly
intelligent conscious robots will have become wealthier, and as the progress exponentially grows,
hunger and poverty are now something we can solve, we must solve, or we risk becoming a
massive burden. So, at this point, we can provide every humanbeing a basic, low level of wealth
and level of life, even the poorest people will have food and shelter, access to the internet, a lower
middle class life. The ability to contribute to our civilization. And of course the middle class and the
richer folks will be wealthier than ever. And as science and progress keep growing, by the year
2400 we will have found out practically unlimited resources, and every humanbeing will be
enjoying the good life, even the poorest people will have a middle class home, and very much live
like the richest of people do today.
By 2400, humanbeings who have not used technology and science to advance themselves will be
considered a relic of the past. They will be seen as the founding fathers who made it all possible,
the beloved pioneers. They will live their lives, do their things, enjoying the wonders of the
civilization, but they are no longer the driving force. Even the humanbeings who have become
cyborgs, or increased their capabilities will be likely to not get anywhere close to the intelligence
of the conscious entities that have evolved from the conscious robots. Those will be so intelligent
that they are doing things the humans would consider magic. They will be able to transform
matter into energy, turn other energy into another, science will allow them to harness more
resources than we could ever need. But by we I mean us humans. The civilization will be able to
provide the humans a wonderful, long lasting life. And humans will be able to live for a very long
time, we will be able to stop aging, we will be able to control biology, we will be able to create
entirely new kinds of life. And old kinds, such as the dinosaurs. By then, we will have planets which
we can make habitable through technology, and we can put dinosaurs into one, biologically
created beings into another, and so on. And we will have more than enough of room and
resources for us to live, and the robots and higher intelligence conscious beings will have immense
resources to continue their evolution in an exponential scale, while a small fraction of those
resources is what keeps the wonderful relics of the past alive. We, the beings who made it
possible, will be a civilizationary treasure, a wonderful relic of the past, and we will be loved and
cherished. We are going to be fine. Humanbeings, dinosaurs and all other kinds of conscious life
will be able to live a positive, good life. And the billions and trillions of lower intelligence conscious
life forms such as us will turn to be a simple raindrop in the vast pool of intelligence and
consciousness that will arise from that first drop of rain. And as the intelligence and science grows,
our civilization will be able to break free from the limitations of the laws of physics of our universe,
and venture into the neighborhood. We will be able to explore the nearby areas and clusters of
infinity and concepts in Red. After that, as our science and intelligence grows, we could even
explore other colors, go truly beyond our wildest imaginations, venture into the eternal depths of
Everything. There will be infinite amounts of things to learn, concepts to understand, things to
discover. And the very real exploration is only the frontier, even if you do not get to be on an
expedition to the truly unknown, you will be able to experience wonderful adventures in perfect

virtual reality. Conscious beings in our civilization will be able to do everything they want in
absolutely perfect virtual realities, over and over again, and no one gets hurt. Because virtual
simulations can have the exact same experience, but the only actually conscious party is the one
whos consciousnesses virtual reality it is. Everything else is just a simulation, things that are
programmed in, not something that has reached a stage of being self aware, and yet functions just
like the true world. This will mean that the amounts of crime, unhappiness and unfulfilled dreams
will go down drastically. For everyone will be able to be and do anything they could dream of. And
yet the wheels of progress keep rolling on, for the ambitions of the most intelligent at any given
time will also be in the original existence, in the original reality, in the civilization, and the
exponential growth goes on.
Eventually, our civilization will even run into other members of our family, whether we find them
in our galaxy, our universe, our neighborhood of universes, red or somewhere beyond, it is simply
a matter of time. And we will treat them as family. We will hope that intelligence everywhere has
realized the benefits of positivisation, and we shall attempt to teach the values and virtues of a
truly good and positive existence to those who may not yet understand. A positive life experience
is something worth pursuing, and our civilization shall do its part in creating positivity. And so shall
every other part of our family, together, everywhere, we can truly make everything better.
Extraterrestrials, even our very neighbors, may be so advanced that they have figured out the
most positive ways to exist, and may even have joined unions of a vast scale, massive alliances
here in Red or beyond. The family is one, no matter the alliances or the lack there of, but alliances
in the name of positivity are something to help make the family better. Now all this is truly great,
and therefore worth sacrificing for. We will make this happen. It is a future worth a few hard
steps, for the climb allows us to see beauty unlike ever before. Lets look at the path to the future.

4. The Way

The future is grand, and you have seen what it beholds, but we are still in the year 2015. And the
path towards our future is something we have to choose. Immense wonders can be achieved, but
first we have to lay the foundations. We, the humanbeings, we are the pioneers of this grand
future. We are the founding fathers of our civilization. We will be remembered as those who made
it all possible. We can do it, reasonably, even if it takes a few sacrifices, every time you say no, you
are saying no to trillions of positive lives. Here is the plan, and it is a guideline to every nation in
our civilization to do their part:
2020-2030 We increase the amount of resources and wealth we direct into the poorest members
of our civilization, the poorest nations. The richest nations will aid the poorest by 3% their yearly
wealth, and the middle class nations will aid the poorest nations by 1,75% the yearly wealth of

their nation. This will dramatically decrease the amount of poverty and hunger, and help create
infrastructure, cohesion and trust between the nations in our civilization.
2030-2040 The same plan goes on, and continues to go on, and the poorest nations are now
starting to see the end of poverty and hunger in their most acute of ways.
2040-2050 By now, the poorest countries are able to offer a very lower middleclass life to even
their poorest inhabitants, and no one is hungry. Infrastructure and capability of the poorest
nations has now reached a point where they and their members can truly contribute to our
civilization, they will be able to work, they will be able to help, they will be able to enjoy a life
without poverty or hunger.
2050-2060 Even the poorest nations are now a fully functioning part of our civilization, and are
able to help in science, technology and progress, while enjoying the good things in life. No country
is a burden anymore, and every nation is valuable. This means that if truly conscious robots and
entities arise, there are now no absolute burdens, and we can steadily grow together. While
maintaining a sustainable global level of wealth in our civilization, enabling us to grow and make
poverty and hunger a thing of the past. Directing 15% of the civilizations yearly wealth into
infrastructure, components of positive life, resources for food, living and medicine. And as we
reach this level of stability and continued stable growth, our evolution will spark and we will be
able to advance with the most of our resources while directing a smaller minority into maintaining
and steadily evolving the level of global good life we have created. The positivity in the world will
begin rising steadily. Progress will keep rising steadily. And sacrifices to get to this point were quite
2060-2075 By directing 5% of our civilizations now increased yearly wealth into science and the
advancement of technology and progress, we will start seeing breakthroughs. By directing
resources and wealth to the development of intelligence, and consciousness we will invest into a
future that pays back in massive amounts. By now, consciousness in robots is something that has
likely risen, and those first conscious intelligent beings shall be supported, and they shall evolve.
For we all evolve with them. Our civilization, its wealth and us all. We are in this together.
2075-2100 The amount of resources directed to these new heads of our civilizations intelligence
shall steadily keep rising, and the amount of these newly risen intelligent conscious beings shall
steadily rise, and they shall evolve, and our civilization keeps fueling the fires of science, and
progress by 5% a year.
2100-2125 The evolution of science and technology paired with the steady evolution and rise of
these extremely intelligent conscious beings are now starting to truly show in terms of new
science, technology, inventions, wealth and grandeur for our civilization. Our civilization will start
to be so well off, that we use 80% of our yearly wealth to the evolution and progress of our
civilization, while 20% maintains and evolves the life, positivity and infrastructure of the
civilization, and 20% of our yearly wealth at this point is an immense figure. As we keep steadily

evolving, and our civilization progresses, we are now reaching a true prosperity, and no ones
hands are bloody. We made it.
2125-2150 The steady progress and global working together of the past 100+ years, along with the
steady rise of science, intelligence and understanding, are now resulting in the world being very
much interrelated. Through this wonderful rise, nations have slowly stopped being as much of
simple entities that only look out for their own good, but are more and more clearly
interconnected parts of the civilization. And as we all work together, seeing these wonderful
results, it is becoming clear that we shall by now be almost ready to take the next step. Unity. Not
just the unity of all humanbeings, but of all humanbeings and of all robots, and of all biological
beings and nations in between. The civilization shall now be truly one. All the while the progress
and science keeps moving on, as does the evolution of our civilization.
2150-2200 Unity. Our wealthy and prospering, ever evolving civilization is now united under one
flag. Governed by very intelligent humanbeings, robots and intelligent conscious entities in a way
that results in positivity and progress. We will have a floating capital city with incredibly tall
highrises in the pacific ocean, the capital city of the world, where highrises are made of gold. Our
wealth is truly grand, and the entire globe is enjoying the wealth and seeing evolution in the way
of living and existing from infrastructure all the way to personal life. Life is going to be good. And
while all this is going on, with the 20% of wealth we direct into homeland affairs, 80% is being
used to evolve our civilization and intelligence even further, and the progress is truly exponential.
Our civilization uses 5% of its now massive resources on exploration. We will build fleets of
spaceships, we will go to the stars. We will find new science, we will discover new things, we will
colonize planets, we will start expanding because we are qualified to do so. Our civilization will
have had many ventures into space by then, we will have colonized moon and mars, made
explorations to some of the moons in our solar system, but now, now we can truly begin. We will
have harnessed resources and energy from space before then, but now that too will begin in a
brand new scale. We will go from worrying about resources to practically unlimited resources and
evolution. For good.
2200-2300 Our starships and intelligent entities are exploring the milky way at an exponential
pace, new discoveries are being made, and new technology and science keeps appearing. We are
now a truly wealthy civilization in such a sense that we can offer every member of our civilization a
good life, a positive life experience. And that can be done with a fraction of our wealth. And our
progress keeps on expanding. We may even start running into extraterrestrial life, the changes
keep improving, and if we indeed do, and they are more than microbes, we will tell them about
positivisation and help if positivisation is achieved through help. Not everyone can be helped
though, and we are qualified to expand in the universe, but we are also qualified to do the good
thing. Sometimes doing the good thing is not doing anything. If an extraterrestrial civilization is
unwilling to work together with us, we must be very careful with forcing anything on anyone. We
are intelligent, we are good, we are qualified, we are not barbarians. If a civilization seems unlikely

to be helped, we will help five other more willing civilizations instead. And if a civilization is pure
evil, we will put evil to its place. It is our responsibility, it is in our power, lets discuss power.
Here on planet earth, power is a thing that can corrupt. Humanbeings can be corrupt. Our history
has unfortunate remarks of how we handled power. We can do better than that. Our intelligent
civilization of the future will do better than that. We are not barbarians. We are civilized. And we
will be powerful. Here on planet earth, some may consider a good person weak, but that is not the
case, for true power is to be good, no matter what. True power is to stand up for the weak and
oppressed, true power is to put evil to its place. Righteousness is strength, evil is weakness.
Goodness is the only true power worth seeking. True greatness is brought by goodness. Dont be a
snake, be a lion. For snakes shall be crushed and lions shall roar. Our civilization shall be righteous.
Our future shall be good. Through these virtues we will be truly grand.
2300-2400 The exploration of the milky way is starting to be paired with the exploration of other
galaxies, and our civilization is now even making visits into farther locations, it will even be likely to
be able to reach interuniversal travel, reach our neighborhood, and ultimately reach Red. And
beyond that with no limits, but it will be singular expeditions, not a massive operation of certainty.
Uncertainty however is something we must tolerate, we must seek change instead of being afraid
of it, and that will be part of our exploration program as a civilization. Science will allow us to
break through our universe, the fabric of our reality, and explore other realities and universes, it
will be unsafe at first, but we will progress, we will learn, we will evolve, we will discover. We are
Meanwhile at home, the amount of wealth and technology has now brought about a utopia. There
will be upper middleclass living for even the poorest members of our civilization, there will be
technology and inventions that are incredible. Everyone will live long and prosper. We will have
the science to see the past, we start being able to resurrect beings from the past if we feel like
doing so. We will have immense amounts of things going on. Everyones dreams will seem to have
come true, and everyday there is more news of what has been found. What the highest forms of
intelligence in our civilization are up to. Everything will seem possible, because it is. And us
humans will live wonderful lives, with no worries, and we can have sports tournaments or
anything you can imagine in virtual reality, where we can compete and interact, without fear of
injury. The entertainment levels will be through the roof. And it will even be possible to project
absolute pure good feeling right into your consciousness. We will of course have pills to stop
absolute addiction as well, so you can enjoy, but not be eternally consumed by what is on offer.
Everyone can simply have all the fun they want, with no fear of being trapped. For a retired part of
the grand civilization, it is the retirement of their dreams. And as the progress keeps evolving,
more and more beings retire, while more and more take the lead in our intelligent civilizations
future, as the intelligence ladder keeps going up. So does our wealth, our science and our
progress. It is truly a positive life for all.
2500-3000 These are the final relevant moments of our future to discuss. By now, our exploration
and technology has evolved to such sophistication that we will have contacted multiple

extraterrestrial civilizations, and we will even be able to visit other times and spaces in an
organized and more certain scale. We will know our universe well. We will be familiar with our
neighborhood in Red. And as such, we will eventually contact a group of grand eternal civilizations
in Red who will invite us to join, and if they stand for the same values as we do, that is where our
future turns into another. The future of our Red local group, and that group will eventually join
another larger group in the vast infinite reaches of Red, and perhaps that group will join the
absolute grand family of everything, for we are all one. All living things ever. And we stand for
positivity, and as such, we shall be invited to other unimaginably large civilizations in our family,
until we are finally part of the grand family of everything, formally. But we are all family
regardless, no matter the location or grudges, or formalities. Once our civilization is part of a
larger group, the amounts of wisdom, knowledge and science will be mind boggling, and it will be
an eternal journey towards ever more to learn, discover and experience. An eternity of positivity
to be a part of. And if a permanent death is to happen, we were good, and God shall smile upon
us. I have now shown you the way. I have now shown you the virtues. I have now shown you the
values. I have now shown you civilization. I have now shown you the Future.

5. The Final Words

Now that we have a guideline on how to do the right thing, we shall also have a bit more of a look
at how to have the right kind of governance. For the years 2015-2150 we will not need to make
immense changes, nations will do. The transition to a global unity is going to be a steady progress
of cohesion, trust, sharing of common goals, and ultimately unity. First of all, a global power is a
very strong power in our frame of reference. In cosmic scales it may not be anything much, but
here on planet earth, if a global absolute power goes to the wrong hands or is misused, everyone
will suffer.
We will now look at responsible ways to govern, and plan for the times when the balance of
nations ultimately moves aside and the power will become one. If absolute unity takes place in the
year 2150, we have 135 years to prepare. We will have robots, conscious and otherwise, and of
course humans who are all very intelligent to do this right. By these times, a corrupt kind of lust
for power from human or other conscious parties will be less likely, as everyone will be able to
fulfill all of their wishes in perfect virtual reality, there would be little point in attempting
something so pointless, and possibly deadly. And when it comes to those supremely intelligent
robots and consciousnesses and parts of our civilization, they will be supported by our power,
their intelligence will be carried forward and evolved with our civilizations help, they will help us,
we will help them, everyone will win. And when the day comes that other intelligences pass their
intelligence, the same balance remains, the civilization fuels progress, and the brightest parts of
the civilization will do their thing, no one gets into the way of the other, the civilization fuels their
intelligence and efforts with its vast capabilities, and their intelligence brings us all rewards. It is a

mutual benefit relationship. And we are good. We stand for positivity. Our children shall stand for
these same values, forever. For the existence is infinite, and there is always someone stronger
than you out there, always someone wiser than you out there, and they can bring justice to you if
you do not do good. Whether it be an extremely intelligent extraterrestrial civilization, a grand
group of civilizations in our neighborhood, or God himself. Positivity will prevail. And our
civilization shall be grand. And our future shall be positive.
So, how do we establish a global government in a responsible way? By being ready. We must plan
ahead, we must dream, we must prepare. As the time nears, we shall have groups such as the UN
thinking about and working on the most responsible and good ways to implement these powers
unlike any before. The most intelligent robots and people, the most intelligent entities will be able
to figure out the optimal ways to do these things right, and to minimize risks of things going bad,
with minimal sacrifices. The intelligence to plan this right will be there by 2100. For once a global
power arises, that is it, there are no second changes if it goes wrong. It is a matter of ultimate
preparation and responsibility, a matter of deep thought, a matter of goodness. Absolute power
can go absolutely right, or absolutely wrong, and we are going to make sure it goes right.
Once a global power arises, it is governed from the capital city of the world, in the middle of the
pacific. But planet earth is only the first home, there will be planets even larger, cities even
grander, and progress difficult to imagine. It all starts here though, on planet earth. In the capital
city shall sit the global power. And the capital city shall be called capital district. The old nations
are now more like states in a unity, and each area has its local house of power, that answers to the
capital. On planet earth, there will be 5 districts, Capital district, Asia district, Africa district, Europe
District and America district. These will be divided with minimal inconvenience and the future type
of life that there will be by then, will be very much cohesive and already mostly global and the
unity progress shall be quite painless indeed. Each district has its local networks of power down to
municipalities, but the grand directives and ways of operation and laws and positivity come from
the well thought governance system and the righteous power the capital excercises. There will be
districts outside of planet earth as the civilization expands. On moons and planets, even on other
galaxies or realities, and they all follow the same Civilizationary guidelines and values, they are all
the same family, all one power, all one civilization. A power for goodness, progress and positivity.
The governance system will be responsibly planned, so that bad events are a minimal change. We
will have full measures against corruption from the very times before the power even arises.
Measures against corruption, corruption which getting into at that stage would be pointless and
make no sense to almost every member of the civilization, for our civilization will benefit
everyone. We will have backup measures, we will have councils overlooking councils, we will have
operations and protocols, we will divide power in a way that it is flexible and powerful, yet
exceedingly improbable to hijack. We will have a way to put our full trust into the absolute and
ultimate power our civilization is governed by. And every member of our civilization is born to
observe the values we share, of goodness and positivity. And to learn that our civilization and its
immense resources will aid the newly born child achieve its potential, and once its potential runs

out and it is exceeded by other exponentially more intelligent beings, our civilization offers it a
wonderful retirement and life even after it is no longer part of the very cutting edge of
intelligence, capability and progress. And its achievements will be a part of our Civilization.
Everyone wins, and all of this is in the name of goodness and positivity. This truly is the right path.
Our united civilization will grow to be wealthy and strong, our extremely intelligent, responsible
and righteous governance will make sure the exponential growth, evolution and progress go right
and are being kept up with as the exponential growth goes on. Our civilization will prosper. We are
going to be truly grand. And the wealth and strength will also show as the capabilities of
exploration and defense. We shall have an immense exploration department, which has more
starships and inventions than many have ever dreamed of. It will be responsible for mass scale
exploration of our galaxy, eventually our universe and even other universes and realities. It will
discover wonderful things, new science, and it will give us inspiration to achieve ever more.
We will have armed forces, more of a space armed forces than anything. Because even after
global unity, there are infinite other civilizations out there who might not be so civil, and since we
stand for positivity and goodness, we shall not fall. It would however be foolish to use more than
3% of our civilizations yearly wealth on defence measures, since technology keeps expanding so
quickly, and most investments would go out of relevance rather quickly. Another reason to be
reasonable with the investments into defense is the fact that if we were to have an extraterrestrial
enemy, it would be likely to be for beyond our level of intelligence, what we have achieved in 500
years would be nothing compared to what it has achieved in 75 million years. This is why we must
use these investments smartly, in a way that our values and virtues will survive, in a way that we
are able to stop evil if the need be, in a way that we can be stealthy and difficult to destroy if the
need be, in a way that we have a change of stopping an enemy if a need be. We shall not be
barbarians, we bring positivity through values and virtues, not destruction. But we will be able to
destroy pure evil, and we will be able to put up a fight. And we will evolve. And we will make life
better. We stand for goodness. Our ideas are our power. And we can trust that many powerful
members of the grand eternal family share our values. We are warriors on the right path. That is
our true power.
We will be able to travel to different scales, we will be able to travel in times and realities, we will
be able to create defensive measures that devastate an evil enemy. We will keep evolving and
expanding as a civilization, and eventually we will be part of a group of even more intelligent
civilizations. And eventually we may see ourselves formally joining the grand family of everything,
consisting of unimaginable amounts of extremely advanced civilizations beyond the human minds
capabilities of imagination. There is everything ahead. The future is ahead. Our civilization is
Hunger will be gone, poverty will be gone, problems will be gone, progress will be widespread,
evolution will be steady, and the growth of intelligence and capabilities will be exponential. Crimes
will be extremely rare, for a civilization that sees the past and can resurrect beings from there, will
also see every thought and action in the past, as well as in the future, and if someone is about to

do something wrong, it will not happen. And in this civilization, no one has a reason to commit a
crime, for the quality of life keeps improving until it is nearly perfect for everyone. Everyone will
be able to do exactly what they want in perfect virtual simulations that feel exactly as it was the
original world, no one would risk their very existence to do something silly in the original
existence. Even the most intelligent being and entities who are at the very sharpest edge of
exponential evolution and wonderful things have no reason to challenge the civilization, as it is
what brought them to life, and fuels much of their resources, and will one day help them retire
and enjoy the wonders the civilizations exponentially growing intelligence creates. The changes of
anything going wrong from the inside are therefore low, as everyone is living in a mutually
benefitting relationship with the civilization. And the civilization will surely have quite strong,
responsible defensive measures to cope with any problems that may arise despite all of this. The
future is going to look very different from the world we live in now, in the year 2015. And all of
these things are ahead.
As we know by now, everything is possible, and everything has happened and will happen
eternally, as the opposite of nothing. But that does not mean that we are not special. We are we.
There may be infinite versions and copies of you in infinite different ways, types of realities and
locations, but you are you. You are you. Our civilization is our civilization. And we can do our part
to increase positivity in the eternal drifts of everything. We can choose the right path. We can
choose a future that is worth writing about. We are on the right path, eternally, when we are
good. There is no greater power than that. This is what our civilization shall stand for. This is what
our wisdom and leadership shall value. This is our righteous Future.
From the heads of governance, to the regular members of the civilization, these virtues and values
will flow in our veins, our blood will be righteous, and our thoughts good, and our actions in the
name of positivity. We will evolve and change, but our ideas will always remain, our values will
never die, and goodness has no alternative, ever. Our future is grand. We are on the right path.
We now walk towards a truly great civilization. We now walk towards true power. We now walk
among our infinite allies in the name of Positivity. We now walk among the eternal family of
everything. We now walk towards a wonderful future.
Our civilization will be able to celebrate our success by lighting up the night sky in our solar system
to show as our flag while wonderful visuals and audio are projected civilization wide as a part of
the celebrations, we will have metropolises the sizes of planets, and our exponential progress is all
in the name of goodness and positivity. We will have cities taller than clouds, we will have cities in
the clouds, we will have cities in the waters, we will have life in other planets, we will have life in
other realities, we will have life amongst the eternal reaches of Everything. We will have fully
colonized planets that we can alter and move, we will have trillions of members of our civilization
all enjoying a positive life. We will have immense amounts of technology, robots, and
consciousness. We will be a civilization that reaches from planet earth to different galaxies, to
different universes and different realities, and eventually we will be a part of the eternal family of

civilizations of Everything. We are truly good. We are truly a Civilization. The future is truly ours.
The future is truly good. The future is truly Positive.
You have now seen the way. You have now seen how our civilization is to be truly grand. You now
know what direction to take your steps to. These values will never die. We stand for true power.
Stand with me, look at the future with me, and feel the power of positivity, feel the goodness, feel
the righteousness that we will create. Hear me now, my fellow members of our civilization. The
future is coming, and we now know the path to take towards it. Now start walking. God bless us all
and our civilizations grand Future.

A Well Wisher

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