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Emmanuel Episcopal Church

June 2015
Greetings from Fr. Chuck
When do you pray? Do you
pray when you are anxious about
something that arises in life? Do you say
your prayers when you feel that you have
been blessed and are especially thankful?
I find myself reading to pray many times
throughout the day.
Lately, I have been saying my
prayers very early in the morning as I am
sitting up against a tree while chasing
turkeys. With my back up against a tree I
begin to draw close to God in my prayer
life. I will begin with acknowledging my
love for God and offer thanks for the
beauty of creation. I ask forgiveness for
the things that I have done that I regret. I
ask God to watch over my loved ones and
to help me with the tasks of the day.
Often, I pray for those of you
reading this as I ask God to be with you

and to watch over you.

When I ask myself why I
pray, the answer is simple. I love God
and when you love someone you want
to spend time together. I relish the
time that I spend drawing close to God
and God giving me the strength and
courage to face the day. I am not
asking for a list of favors or begging
God for something. My prayers have
more to do with not me asking for
something but rather listening to what
God can do through me. In prayer, I
listen. In prayer, I became a better
person because I am more attuned
God and Gods ways.
When I pray I am making
myself present to God and Gods
presence is felt in a special way. God
takes the initiative. God speaks and I

listen. God sometimes asks me hard

questions and I must answer with
what I am doing with my life. God
comes to me and I listen.
I am telling you all of this
to remind you of the importance of
developing a strong prayer life. I
want you to take the time to draw
close to THE ONE who loves you for
who you are. And what God wants
for you to be near and dear to you.
I have been near those
who have a strong prayer life and
there is something about them that
stands out. They have a presence
about them that allows God to shine
through them. Draw close to God.
God will embrace you and fill you
with love. Let God shine in you!

Living & Loving as Gods People!

We begin the season of
Pentecost by hearing the story about
Jesus believers forming a new
community that became what we call
the church. That early community went
through growing pains, teachings,
learnings and developing the community
practices of hospitality, generosity,
encouragement, discipline and
forgiveness. All of these practices
helped them to become Christ like in the

way they treated one another and those

they encountered as the church grew in
size and in spirt.
As we journey forward in
Pentecost, we will sit alongside these
early community members and marvel as
God continues to lead, and as we seek to
follow in a world surely in need of Gods
ways. We will get glimpses of Gods vision
for justice, wholeness and peace for all

The practices and

teachings of the early church have
become ours today and during the
season of Pentecost we are called
to grow more into the likeness of
Christ. In what practices do you
engage in that nurture community,
wholeness, and justice? May we
build up a community that lives and
loves like Christ!


Page 2

June Birthdays & Anniversaries


1 James Everard
7 Pierce Smith
8 Victoria Kappel
9 William Lindner
11 Alexandria Fink; Gary
Woodard; Jordan Smith
12 Jonathan Austin
15 Patti Ann Gladstone
16 Sharon Everard; Shaylee


17 Maxwell Morris, William

& Gloria Scottie Decker


Dottie Mattice; Ryan

Debra Bramer Zampetti;
Michael Gibbon
Stephen Spittler; Carlie
Thompson; Melinda Cole
Charles Rogers
Linda Stiess, Joan
Mark Grainger
Jordan Murphy, Bridget
Murphy, Nicholas Murphy
John & Sandra Shepler

June Lessons

1st Samuel 1: 20,



2nd 2 Corinthians

14 1st 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13

28 1st 2 Samuel 1:2, 7-27

Psalm 20

Psalm 130

2nd 2 Corinthians 5:6-17

2nd 2 Corinthians 8:7-15

Gospel Mark 4:26-34

Gospel Mark 5:21-43

Gospel Mark 3: 20-35

21 1st Samuel 17:32-49
Psalm 9:9-20
2nd 2 Corinthians 5: 6-10
Gospel Mark 4:35-41

There was a little boy who expressed his joy by clapping his hands. If you put him on the floor with a toy, he would clap
his hands. If you mentioned going out, he would clap his hands. It reminds me of the song, If you are happy and you
know it, clap your hands. If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands. If youre happy and you know it, your face
will really show it. If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands!
In Johns Gospel we find Jesus telling about the main source of joy for his followers. After saying that if we abide with
him, we will bear much fruit, our Lord said: I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your
joy may be complete. (John 15:11) Christians should be joyous hand clappers! In Johns Gospel, Jesus went on to say,
I have called you friends...You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that
will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. (John 15: 16-17). Bearing good fruit, through
our service in Christs name is our calling and our duty. Clap your hands!


Page 3

The Origin of Fathers Day

One Sunday in 1909, Sonora Smart Dodd listened
to a sermon honoring mothers. Her mother had
died some years before, so her father had raised
her by himself. Dodd wondered why there wasnt
a day to honor fathers, so she arranged a tribute
to her father at a church in Spokane,
Washington. The date was June 19, 1910. Many
people believe this was the beginning of Fathers
Another account holds that a West Virginia
church held a tribute service for fathers in 1908,
following a mine explosion that killed 360 men.
Regardless of which story is correct, President
Calvin Coolidge was the first president to designate a special day to honor fathers. In 1924, he
proclaimed the third Sunday in June as Fathers

What is a dad?
A dad is someone who wants to
catch you before you fall
but instead picks you up, brushes you off,
and lets you try again.
A dad is someone who wants to
keep you from making mistakes
but instead lets you find your own way,
even though his heart breaks in silence when you get
A dad is someone who holds you when you cry,
scolds you when you break the rules,
shines with pride when you succeed,
and has faith in you even when you fail.


Page 4

The Greater Gift

A rich man waited at the river front for an ocean liner to depart. An acquaintance who
joined him said, You seem pleased about something.
Yes, said the rich man, Im quite proud today You see that vessel at anchor? I donated
$10,000 worth of hospital equipment thats heading for a hospital in China. I came to see
the vessel off.
Thats very generous, replied the friend. You know, I also have a gift on that ship. Aboard
is my only daughter, whos dedicating her life as a missionary to China.
Stunned, the wealthy man turned to his friend and exclaimed, My dear brother, when I
think of what this sacrifice means to you, I feel as though Ive given nothing!

The Palatine Society of the Evangelical Lutheran

Church, Inc., Rt. 5, between Nelliston & St.
Johnsville, NY will be having three recitals in
their old historic church, c.1770. The dates are
as follows:
July 12, 4:00 p.m. Pipe Organ Recital with two
delightful guest organists. See them duel at
the organ
Aug. 16, 4:00 p.m. will feature Roberta Rowland
Raybold, organ, and Patricia OConnell, French
Sept. 27, 4:00 p.m. will feature a potpourri of
varied local talent

Spring is finally here. The gardens are starting, and the

number of flowers blossoming is increasing daily. The
number of people using the food pantry is also increasing.
As we approach the summer months, the
need for food is greater, as soon, the
children will be home for the summer. Your
generosity in monetary and food
contributions is, and has always been,
remarkable. At this time of year, and
through the summer months, please keep
Our Daily Bread Food Pantry in your
thoughts, and continue your generous donations. Canned
fruits and vegetables, peanut butter, cereal, canned tuna and
chicken are always in demand. If you are a gardener and
have extra fresh produce, it is a wonderful addition to our
menu of items. Thank you.
Barb and Gary Tompkins
Our Daily Bread Food Pantry


You will need:
1 8 oz. pkg. carrot cake mix
1 8 oz. can crushed pineapple, drained
2 carrots, finely shredded
2 eggs
2 Tablespoons Vegetable oil

Preheat oven 350 Coat baking sheet with spray.

Combine cake mix, pineapple, carrots, eggs and oil
Beat 3 to 4 minutes until well blended. Stir in pecans
Drop by teaspoonful 1 inch apart
Bake 14 to 16 minutes, until edges are golden. Remove to
wire rack to cool. Frost with cream cheese frosting. Store in
airtight container.

Page 5


Did you know that the King James Version of the Bible is over 400 years old
It is amazing that the King James Version ever lived so long, because its 1631 edition read: Thou shalt
commit adultery! Today, that might seem a given, but in 1631 adultery, instead of being forgiven, was
sudden compulsory. The KJV also state that Printers have persecuted me without cause. After that typo of
Exodus 20:14, those translators with a persecution complex might have thought: O you bad, bad printers!
However, Psalm 119:16 says: Princes have persecuted me without cause.
And then a few years later, those bad printers cause more problems leaving out a second negative in
1 Cor. 6:9, which read: know ye not that the unrighteous shall inherit the kingdom of God? I bet the
unrighteous got all excited about their future, until it was made clear that the unrighteous shall NOT inherit the
Kingdom of God.
This edition quickly became known as the Wicked Bible. Yet, the King James Version is the most
influential scripture translation of all time. When most of us conjure up Psalm 23, we hear the words. The Lord
is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadth me beside still waters.
He restoreth my soul.
As poetic and comforting as this version is, it was born in a time of conflict. When King James took the
throne of England in 1603, the country was embroiled in a feud between Anglicans and the Puritans. Even though
he sided with the Anglicans, King James extended an olive branch to the Puritans by
commissioning a new translation of the Bible.
Psalm 119:16 ends with: My delight is in your statues, I will not forget your word (dabar). In Hebrew the
word debar means, word, speech, affair, act event, cause and thing. In English we have a different word for
each, but in Hebrew, they all roll together as it was believed that a word can actually make things happen! The
power of speech is strong in the Bible, especially the Word of God. Think of Genesis I, God spoke...and it was
done! Gods dubar had the power to accomplish whatever God intends because it isnt only a word, its an act
and an event!
In the Gospel of John, the word is actually God and Jesus, the Word takes human form and lives among
us, to show us the love and the grace of the Creator. The Word isnt only speech, but is a flesh and blood
embodiment of Gods will and Gods Way (John 1:1-14).
King James had a sense of the power of Gods Word and he wanted this version of the Bible to unify his
kingdom and create a peaceful Garden of Eden on earth. Clearly, heaven didnt come to earth when the KJV was
introduced, but the world did receive a translation that would advance Gods will for the next 400 years.
King James made Gods Word accessible to millions. King James and George Washington believed It is
impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible!
Written by Rev. Roger Lemke

Fr. Chuck Taylor, Rector
PO Box 203
Norwich, NY 13815
Phone: 334-8801 or 847-6361

Norwich, NY

Editor: Fran Nash

Phone: 607-334-8801


To Know God and To Make Him Known

We Worship Together

FLAG DAY JUNE 14, 2015

JUNE 21, 2015

Remember the church in your Will!

Upcoming Events
June 17 - 6:00 p.m. Cook-out
with Compline at St. Andrews
June 21 - Vestry Meeting.
following the Coffee Hour
July 13 & 14 - Chenango District
Work Days at North Pitcher
July 15 - Trip to Old Forges
Water Safari
July 19 - Vestry Meeting
following the Coffee Hour


If you have anything that you would like to
announce in the Newsletter, please have it to
me by the 15th of the month and I will try to
fit it in . Thank you.

The Emmanuel Soul Kitchen

will not be available June,
July or August but
Emmanuel Episcopal
Church will have hot dogs
every Wednesday at
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
right outside
the church
Free of charge

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