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WORLD WAR (Japanese-American Conflict: December 13th, 1937April 27th, 1952):
Greg LaLiberte:
I have reccomended you to many people, as a historian that you may not agree with, but once
you check his sources; he changes your mind.. Most people cant believe a Church of Satan leader
was a major figure in the US Military. People forget about the Flying Tigers.
Fascinating the British, and Soviets were not part of the occupation force with Macarthur, as
Germany was carved up. However, didnt the Japanese also gave territory to the Soviets.
Why didnt the Soviets and British occupy Japan? The US paid reaparations or a ransom?
A deal was cut where the Emperor was not tried for War Crimes and got to keep a ceremonial
post, thats obvious. But I am missing a piece; I get the Occupation of Japan was mild due to the
US not wanting to try an invasion of mainland Japan, but why didnt the Japanese retaliate with a
The Japanese set off a nuke in China, and used one on the Russians; and the balloon bombs in
the US; then I am lost.
One last time please; why didnt the Japanese nuke the crappy Alaskan island they invaded? or
Sorry, I keep missing it. Soemtimes you have too much info to absorb.
Douglas Duane Dietrich:

Your multiple Queries are Prefaced by unconscious Regurgitation(s) of the Indoctrinated

Punchline(s) from the Very U.S. State-Sponsored Fairy-Tale(s) which I have Publicly
Deconstructed for quite some time now.
I have Redundantly Addressed ALL of the factors you rather casually enquire of while I have
been ON-AIR through Each and Every One of my Broadcasts and Interviews as well as within
the Time & Space Limits of my DVDs.
You are invited to Review them yet again Repeatedly, if necessary. The Life of my Last
Remaining Loved One was Sacrificed to Impart such information; and one cannot sit at their
Keyboard and expect me to continually Repeat myself at their own Convenience (sans
Remuneration, no less) simply because they suddenly find themselves in an inquisitive mood.
In Summation of The Japanese Empires Situation as it stands Today:
Japan is still Legitimately Under Imperium as Japans Emperorship is Constitutionally
Maintained and Internationally Recognized as such.
It is important to remember that this is quite a sizable Imperium: Possessing more Land Area
than France, the United Kingdom, or even the V.D. (Vereinigte Deutscheland [United
Germany]); straddling astride an archipelago comprising no less than almost Seven Thousand
(6852) islands.
The Empire of Japan Retains the worlds Tenth (10th) largest Population-Base, with over One
Hundred and Twenty-Seven Million (127, 000, 000) people.
The (Ki [Chrysanthemum Throne]) of the Japanese Imperial Family is Maintained
within the Imperial Palace on the Core Home Island of (Honsh), within the
(Shuto-ken [National Capital Region]), wherein the Greater Tokiyo Areas de facto Capital
City of (Tkiy-to ['Eastern Capital Metropolis']) forms the largest and most populous
metropolitan area in the world; housing Forty-Three Million (42, 920, 000) Residents and
inclusive of its Municipal Jurisdiction over (Minamwi-Morii Tori-Shima [Minami
Southern Bird Island]) extends into the Pacific by over One-and-a-Half Thousand (1591)
Kilometers (over a Thousand Miles [1000 Mis. +]); in and of itself boasting the largest Urban
Agglomeration Economy on Earth with a GDP of One-and-a-Half Trillion United States Dollars

(US$149, 000, 000, 000), ahead of New York City Metropolitan Area (which Ranks Second
[2nd] on the list). Tokiyo Metropolis Hosts Fifty-One (51) of the Fortune Global 500 Companies
the highest number of any city on the planet; while still maintaining itself as The Worlds
Most Livable Megalopolis (The Michelin Guide has Awarded Tokiyo by far the most
Michelin Stars of any city in the world).
Within this sprawling Empire:
The Japanese S.D.F. (Self-Defense Force[s]) and the United States Military Maintain Separate
Commands per Japanese Law.
The United States Does Not Occupy Japan (a fact of which most Americans are kept completely
ignorant of).
The U.S. Occupies (Okinawa-Jima [Okinawa Island]), which is the Capital Island of
the (Nansei-Shoto [Riyukiyus Archipelago]) the Territory of a Culture and
Ethnicity distinct from the Japanese. The Okinawans have suffered atrociously due to the
Presence of American Forces. More Okinawans killed themselves to avoid rape and torture at the
hands of Americans than Japanese died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined and the behavior
of the Invaders hasnt much improved since.
The Japanese Imperium is still Negotiating their much-anticipated Withdrawal.
On The 8th of May In 1945:
Upon General European Cease-Fire (So-Called: VE Day ['Victory-in-Europe Day']), the
555th All-African-American PIB (Parachute Infantry Battalion) is Deployed on Permanent
Change-of-Station to Oregon as the Top-Secret Spearhead of Operation: Firefly; with
Operational Intent to Disarm Ever-Increasing Incoming Waves of Japanese (Fu-Go
[Windship Weapon; or: Balloon Ordnance]) I.C.U.B. (Intercontinental Unguided
Bomb[s])s on the Western United States Fire-Lines of The North American Front of World war
II as the worlds first Military Smoke-Jumpers (Under Fort Douglas, UT [Utah]s 9th Services
Command; On-Station: Pendleton Field, OR [Oregon], with Detachment in Chico, CA

The 555 ultimately engages in over Thirty-Six (36) Fire-Calls from the U.S. Forest Service
resulting in over One Thousand and Two-Hundred (1200 +) Individual Jumps Covering all the
Northwestern States including Montana. The U.S. OWI (Office of War Information) successfully
Indoctrinates the American Electorate into accepting that African-Americans would never be
Deployed In Vital Homeland Defense Operations and that, therefore, the CONUS (Continental
United States) must not be Under Attack.
June 18th: VE+10 The Truman Debriefing (Minutes of Meeting Held at White House on
Monday, 18 June 1945 at 1530, Xerox 1567, George C. Marshal Library).
June 30th: U.S. Army Chief of Staff, General George Marshall gets Maj. Gen. Leslie Groves
Tactical Report.
July 16th: On the Day of Trinity the U.S.S. Indianapolis Departs Mare Island Naval Station,
San Francisco; Transferring the Primary Components of the Reichs-Sourced Little Boy
Uranium Bomb Intended for Reassembly on Tinian for Deployment against Hiroshima.
July 17th: Trinity+1 Potsdam Conference Commences.
July 26: Trinity+10 the U.S.S. Indianapolis Reaches Tinian;
The Potsdam Declaration is Issued In Consequence.
July 30th: The U.S.S. Indianapolis is Sunk at Midnight by three (3) (Kai-Ten ['Turning of
the Heavens;' or: Divine Transformation in Fortune]), Manned Suicide Torpedoes Launched
by the IJN (Imperial Japanese Navy) Submarine I-58; killing approximately Three Hundred
(300) Seamen in less than Twelve Minutes (12 Mns.). Of the less than One Thousand (900,
Approximate) Seamen who Hit the Salt (made it alive off the sinking ship and into the Ocean),
only Three Hundred (317) would ultimately survive the largest, longest, and most violent massed
Shark Feeding Frenzy in Recorded History
August 1st: Potsdam Concluded
President Truman Crosses the Atlantic Home via Ship.
August 6th:
Standardized Axis Atomic Ordnance (Little Boy) Dropped on Hiroshima.

08/06/1945 IJA (Imperial Japanese Army) Field Marshal Shunroku Hata and Prefect Takejiro
Nishioka Survive Hiroshima to Directly Inform The Emperor.
08/06/1945 Dr. Yoshio Nishina is immediately flown into Ground-Zero: Hiroshima;
Dr. Ryokichi Sagane subsequently formulates The Sagane Equations.
08/06/1945 The Flight of the Sacred Cranes of the SCTF (Sacred Crane Task Force) is
Launched out of Japanese-Occupied China In Direct Retaliation for the United States Nuclear
Escalation of Conflict.
08/06/1945 U.S. Army Chief of Staff, General George C. Marshal Receives U.S. War
Department Analysis of New Japanese Divisions.
08/06/1945 The First and Only Recorded Smoke-Jumper Combat Fatality of the 555th during
a Fire-Jump on The American Front: Medic Marvin Brown.
August 7th: U.S. Army Chief of Staff, General George Marshal Sends General Douglas
MacArthur Eyes Only Communiqu On Shifting Operation: Olympic to Tokyo
Primarily to Avoid the Seven (7) Extant and Operational IJA (Imperial Japanese Army)
August 8th: Operation: August Storm the Soviet Union Declares War on the Empire of Japan.
August 9th:
Americas Abortive Atomic Attack Against The Imperial Japanese National Armory of Kokura:
The Domestically Designed & Developed American Atomic Ordnance (Fat Man) is Dropped
on Nagasaki In Expeditious Retreat during a Failed Attempt to Deploy the U.S.A.-Manufactured
Fat Man (a singular Plutonium Bomb with much more powerful Yield than the AxisManufactured and Standardized Little Boy Uranium Shell as so recently Dropped Over
Bockscar Failed to Bomb Japans National Arsenal after three (3) unsuccessful Bomb Runs in
Forty-Five Minutes (45 Mns.) of Flight-Time, during which attempts her Flight-Engineer
discovered a Major Malfunction: Her Fuel Pump had Ceased Functioning trapping six hundred
(600) Gallons of Fuel in her Auxiliary Bomb-Bay Fuel Tanks and rendering it unavailable for
use; as Iwo Jimas Airfield was Closed, the Crew could not Transfer the Fat Man to another B-29
and her Commander: Major Charles V. Sweeney, Opted to Drop the Single Most Powerful
Weapon in the American Inventory over Nagasaki In Panicked Retreat: Nagasakis geography
played a major role in Limiting Fat Mans Effectiveness and Dissipated Eighty Percent (80%) of

the Plutonium Bombs power by Confining the explosion to the bowl-shaped valley amidst the
Nagasaki Hills and thusly prevented Casualties, Fatalities, and Material Damages from becoming
as extensive as those produced by the Lower-Yield Little Boy
08/09/1945 Over Two Thousand and Five-Hundred (2500 +) Mitsubishi Production Personnel
Survive American Atomic Attack against Nagasaki in Lead-Lined UG (Underground)-Bunkered
continuing the Mass-Productive Manufacturing of Ki-74 Patsy Long-Range Bombers
08/09/1945 America Experiences Topological Space Collapse (Breach-of-Airspace):
The Sacred Crane Task Force (SCTF) Crews and Complements of Bushidist Japanese ronauts
Disembark at Tonopah Army Air Base (later to be Composited with C.I.A. Designate: Area-51).
The (Shwa [Enlightened Peace/Harmony]) Ultimatum was thereupon Delivered to
the United States High Command (and ultimately the American Office of the Executive
[President Truman]) Demanding In The Name of the God-Emperor that the United States of
America and her Allies Commence Active Cease-Fire Negotiations by The Ides of August (as
the 15th of August is the Anniversary Date for the Original Manifestation of The
[Kamikaze; or: Divine Wind"] Super-Typhoon of One Hundred and Fifty Mile-per-Hour
Winds which raised Twenty [20]-Meter Waves and sank Arakhans Mongolian Armada of Four
Thousand and Four Hundred [4400] ships [a Fleet-In-Being literally proportionate to that floated
by the Allies off Normandy at D-Day] drowning One Hundred and Fifty-Thousand [150, 000]
Mongol Marines off Japan Six Hundred and Sixty-Four Years [664 Yrs.] prior in Anno Domini
1281, Common Era [the single greatest Loss-of-Life at Sea ever Recorded in History], Hirohito
deemed Imposition of this 081545 Deadline as apropos)
08/09/1945 Upon being Informed of The Shwa Ultimatum In Advisory Status:
Dr. Robert Goddard (Aged Sixty-Eight Years [68 yrs.]) Dies, Succumbing to Heart Failure.
08/09/1945 In Consequence:
Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Ernest J. King Orders Admiral Chester Nimitz to Make
Withdrawal of United States Navy Support for Operation: Downfall Known to the Executive
Commander-in-Chief: President Truman.
August 10th: United States Secretary of War, Henry Hap Arnold Issues Urgent and Immediate
Call To All U.S. Forces General Pacific Cease-Fire per Primary Relay to General Carl Spaatz,
U.S. Army-Air Forces on Tinian.

(Arnold to Spaatz, WAR 47880, Box I:21, File: August 1945 Personal, Carl A. Spaatz Papers,
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington D.C.).
August 11th: Gen. George Marshall Orders Groves NOT to Ship Anymore Fissionable Materials
[to the Pacific].
August 12th: (Genzai Bakudan [Bomb of The Present Moment; or: Contemporary
Imperial Japans Deployment of Konan/Hungnam Complex-Manufactured Atomic Bombs Stop
the Soviet Advance Cold on the Korean Peninsula
(Accessible References include: David Snell, Agent with the 24th Criminal Investigation
Detachment in Korea [Following Discharge; in the Atlanta Constitution, Summer of 1946]; Also
Reference: Japans Secret War, by Robert K. Wilcox [Regards May 21October 31, 1946
08/12/1945 In Consequence:
United States Head of Army Intelligence Informs General Marshall that Americas
Commitment to Going Nuclear is of NO Strategic Significance.
August 13th:
The Intelligence Center for the CINCPAC (Commander-in-Chief, Pacific) Calculates the
Japanese as Having Ten Thousand, Two Hundred and Ninety (10, 290) Aircraft Available for
Homeland Defense (per: SRMD-008, p. 266, 16 JUL, p.297, 13 Aug, RG 457, NARA)
08/13/1945 Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations and Planning. (Lieutenant General John
Hull) Informs General Leslie Groves Aid (Colonel L.E. Seeman) about U.S. Army Chief of
Staff, George Marshalls Ideation for the Future Deployment of Atomic Bombs in Operational
Support On-Basis of Strategic Failure(s).
Seeman Wrongly Speculates: seven by November first (only six [6] more Axis Little
Boy Bombs would be Rendered Available by July of 1946)...
August 15th:
Climactic Japano-Soviet Battles Begin for the Chishima/Kurilsk Archipelago.
08/15/1945 The newly created American Joint Army-Navy Committee on the Japanese Air
Forces Estimates Japans Air Strength on the Japanese Home Islands ALONE at: Five Thousand,
Nine-Hundred and Eleven (5911) Aircraft (per: Magic Far East Summaries, 19 Jul 45, 9 Aug

08/15/1945 In Consequence of Both of the Above Factors:

America Declares Comprehensive Cease-Fire In-Effect (Worldwide) On Part of The United
August 18th: The Battle of Shimushu:
IJN (Imperial Japanese Navy) (Toku-ni-shiki uchibitei Ka-Mi [Special
Type 2 Launch: Divine Bite]) Amphibious Tanks are Deployed to murderous effect against
Invading Soviet Amphibious Forces
decisively Defeating Stalins attempted Invasion of the Japanese Home Islands.
August 28th:
By Order of General Douglas MacArthur, The Cursed Banner (a False Flag) was Immediately
Transported In All Urgency from Annapolis, Maryland, to be on hand for the Ceremonial
Cessation of Proactive Hostilities In The Pacific (Exclusive of the Greater East-Asian Mainland,
where other such Ceremonies occurred where Regional Situation Allowed).
The Nine Thousand and Five Hundred Mile (9500 Mis.) Delivery took One Hundred and Twenty
Hours (120 Hrs. [5 dys.]) and covered Twelve (12) Time Zones.
The Courier, whose Orders required him to keep the wooden box containing the False Flag InSight At All Times, slept with it, ate with it, and even took it with him into the bathroom.
The Flag Case Housing The Cursed Banner was Mounted on the Bulkhead of the Battleship
USS Missouri Overlooking the Ceremony.
Following its Urgent Delivery: The Courier slept for Forty-Eight Hours (Two Days) missing
the Eighteen Minute (18 Mns.) September 2nd Ceremony; which was Falsely Propagandized
back in The States as a Surrender.
The very idea of a Millennial Victory in the Pacific followed so immediately by the Calumny of
Defeat in Korea and Retreat from Vit-Nm is patently absurd on the face of it yet an
American Electorate wearied by almost Half-a-Decade of Legally Declared Proactive
Prosecution of Second Global War-Level Hostilities (19411945) was understandably willing
to Accept whatever Rational its Corrupt M-M.O.S.I.C.C. (Militarized
Medical/Occult/Science/Industrial/Congressional-Complex) Fronted (No Matter how
Unbelievable) If Only for the Sake of seeing Millions of their Sons Return Home from

Overseas without the sufferance of any further pointless deaths in the largest Demobilization in
the History of Mankind.
American Battle-Deaths throughout both European and Asiatic Theaters-of-Conflict Combined
in the Totality of Global War To-Point of Pacific Cease-Fire in 1945 numbered (as Officially
Admitted) approximately: Three Hundred Thousand (292, 000) Fatalities (K.I.A. [Killed-InAction]) and almost Seven Hundred Thousand (671, 000) Casualties (Permanently Wounded in
In 1947: On Speaking To the Intended Allied Invasion of Japan, Former U.S. Secretary of War
Henry Lewis Stimson (b.1867d.1950) wrote that he: was informed that such operations
expected to cost over a million casualties to American forces alone.
Six Years Later (In 1953):
Upon the Death of Communist Dictator Ijosip (Joseph) Stalin (b.1879d.1953; 1st Gensek
[General Secretary] of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: 19241953) and the
Consequent Close of Proactive Korean War Hostilities in the Ignominy of a Cease-Fire Still
Extant Today On Part of the United Nations and Communist North Korea; The Former British
Prime Minister, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (b.1874d.1965; Prime Minister of the
United Kingdom: 19401945 & 19501955) asserted that:
to quell the Japanese resistance man by man and conquer the country yard by yard
well require the loss of a million American lives
(Churchill didnt dare upset his Countrymen any further by Factoring-In the inevitable Imperial
British Fatalities in such an Operation).
All such Estimates were Calculated to be conservative
The I.J.A. (Imperial Japanese Army) was the largest Organization in Japan. By 1945: Over Ten
Percent (10%) of the Adult Japanese Population was either in an I.J. Army Uniform or on I.J.
Army Payroll for Civilian Workers. Over Ninety Percent (90%) of the I.J.A. was Actively
Advancing On-Offensive in China At Time of the Americans Going Nuclear.
On The Very Day Of The Hiroshima Bombing (August 6th, 1945), a special War Department
analysis of the new Japanese divisions being mobilized reached U.S. Army Chief of Staff George
Catlett Marshall (b.1880d.1959). It revealed that from 19371943, the Imperial Japanese
Army had mobilized an average of eight (8) Divisions a year. But in 1944 alone, thirty (30) were

formed to secure the Chinese mainland. And in the first seven (7) months of 1945, at least fortytwo (42) had now been activated, twenty-three (23) inside Japan itself. And Japan had the
Available Manpower to generate even more: As many as sixty-five (65) Infantry and Five (5)
Armoured Divisions By-Time of Scheduled American Invasion Japan Had Only Just Begun To
Fight; this monumental Mass-Mobilization being the very reason why so few if any AbleBodied Japanese Men were to perish via Strategic Bombing (either Conventional or Nuclear).
American officers had laughably anticipated that on X-Day, the Japanese would have only Six
(6) Field Divisions on Kyushu and only Half (3) of those in the south to confront the U.S. Sixth
Armys Thirteen (13) Assault Divisions.
The estimate that the initial Japanese Capability was to Garrison Kyushu with six divisions total
with only three in the southern zone of the island is mentioned repeatedly in planning
documents from at least Mid-1944 and reiterated in: DOWNFALL: Strategic Plans for
Operations in the Japanese Archipelago.
General MacArthurs woefully inaccurate projection of ultimate Japanese capabilities, including
air strength, is from reliance on the same appropriately named DOWNFALL plan.
General Marshalls Estimate before President Harry S. Truman (b.1887d.1972; 33rd U.S.
Presidency 19451953) of ultimate Japanese strength of Eight to Ten (810) Divisions
comprised of no more than Three Hundred and Fifty-Thousand (350, 000) men is found in:
Minutes of Meeting Held at White House on Monday, 18 June 1945 at 1530, Xerox 1567,
George C. Marshall Library.
Entirely inexcusable by any standards, these minutes make no mention of reference to Japanese
air capabilities the Commander-in-Chief of the United States (Truman) was kept entirely in the
dark by what at this point in history was Franklin Delano Roosevelts (b.1882d.1945; 32nd
U.S. Presidency: 19331945; Assassinated[?]) most enduring Legacy an Acting American
Military Junta that was determined to administer the (by now) thoroughly Militarized and
Mobilized Republic from this point forward
Unknown to the American High Command, one of the primary reasons for the total and complete
failure of their atomic attacks to manifest strategic repercussions was the fact that Field Marshal
of the Japanese Army Shunroku Hata (b.1879d.1962) survived the Hiroshima bombing while

awaiting the arrival of Prefect Takejiro Nishioka from meetings with Dr. Nishina and Japans
other leading nuclear physicists.
After witnessing the atomic blast, Prefect Nishioka fled south to evacuate his family from
Nagasaki, which he intuitively ascertained might be the next target of American Atomic Attack.
Field Marshal Hata departed Hiroshima for Tokiyo and argued as an eyewitness before the
Emperor himself that the Japanese Nation could absorb atomic attacks and survive.
Dr. Yoshio Nishina (b.1890d.1951) was the Japanese Nuclear Physicist serving as Director
(with Dr. Ryokichi Sagane, a fellow Nuclear Physicist) of Japans wartime Nuclear Weapons
Programs (plural), including bomb core designs and plans for the worlds first particle beam
weapons (four decades [40 Yrs.] ahead of the rest of the world, in 1945).
Doctors Nishina, Sagane, and several colleagues were targeted by the Soviets for capture and by
the Americans for capture, interrogation, and neutralization or termination, if capture
impossible, to prevent capture by the Soviets. Instead Japanese Victory Conditions saw Nishina,
Sagane, et al, safely resume Post-Ceasefire scientific pursuits.
Dr. Nishina was flown to Hiroshima after the atomic attack. His Geiger counter readings were
coded in radio to Tokiyo, where Dr. Sagane underscored his confirmation of the American
escalation of war to nuclear level with calculations as follows: All of the American refining
facilities and power plants that could be devoted exclusively to yielding fissionable materials if
allowed to operate twenty-four hours a day (24 hrs./dy.), seven days a week (7 dys./wk.), for
three years (3 yrs.) might be able to produce two (2) or three (3) atomic bombs.
Japan knew that the enemy had wasted one (1) bomb in testing via their offshore submarinelaunched aerial reconnaissance and radiation-sensitive balloon-trains; and Japans physics
community concluded that after Hiroshima, if they were not already out of DomesticallyProduced Atomic Bombs, they had only one (1) more left in their Domestic Nuclear Arsenal.
Even though these Calculations did not effectively factor in the expanding Nuclear Industry
already being devoted to Plutonium Production, or the booster shot given slightly more than two
months earlier, by a ship arriving in New York Harbor with over three hundred troy ounces of
captured German uranium (refined to nearly ten percent purity of U-235), the (Kami
[Gods]) of Japan were watching over their own; and balanced against these recent plutonium

and uranium gains. The latest American ground-based plutonium trigger tests had misfired in
lopsided fashion instead of in accordance with their impossibly precise spherical implosion
design and they fired prematurely, meaning that, if provided with a real plutonium core and
dropped from a B-29, the triggers would have disintegrated both the bomb and the plane (and
while American Bombardiers were eager to kill, they were less willing to die).
The latest American uranium bomb casing and tamper fared no better. It met with misfortune
when it (minus its priceless uranium) was dropped by mistake near a Chicago runway, and now a
replacement would have to be built from square one.
Thus a fourth (4th) Domestically-Manufactured American Atomic Bomb would not be ready
until mid-September, 1945, and realistically not until October. Reality dictated so. And the
Sagane Equation told it so in spite of the inevitable intelligence voids: One (1) bomb had been
tested. Another bomb had been deployed. For the duration of this Strategic Window of
Opportunity open for Japan in the critical month or two ahead, only the Third (3rd) Bomb
Japanese Minister of War Korechika Anami saw the proof of Dr. Saganes math in the multiple
firebombings of the previous night before the American Terrorist-Strike on Hiroshima.
We only have President Trumans word for it that enough atomic bombs exist to strike down
every one our cities and ports, Anami Attested before the Imperial High Command. Certainly,
if the United States possessed more nuclear weapons, they would not risk their lives by the
hundreds over our skies dropping conventional incendiaries on our cities...
On August 7th The Day After The Hiroshima Bombing the effective Warlord of the United
States, George C. Marshall sent an Eyes Only message to MacArthur. He admitted he was
frankly worried by Radio Intelligence reports about the large enemy buildup of ground and air
strength on Kyushu and southern Honshu, and he expected it to provoke discussions in
Washington, D.C., too. Did it make any sense to attack into the teeth of the Japanese defenses?
Maybe it was better to shift Operation: Olympic to less well fortified places on Honshu such as
Tokiyo (Imagine Marshall cabling Eisenhower three months before D-Day and asking him to
consider switching the Normandy invasion to Norway)
Admiral Ernest J. King (b.1878d.1956), Chief of U.S. Naval Operations, intervened at this
point to play his trump card in Americas increasingly intensified Inter-Departmental Infighting.

Since May, Admiral King had known, in confidence, that Commander-in-Chief, Pacific, Admiral
Chester W. Nimitz (b.1885d.1966), had Withdrawn his prior Support at least for Operation:
Olympic as it currently stood.
All of the Above Factored into the Allied Decision to Beg (there is no other appropriate term) the
Soviet Union to Initiate the Allied Invasion of Japan (a Decision Formulated at the Highest
Level[s] of American Command which In and of Itself Rendered Americas Nuclear
Terrorism just that; an Act of Terror and Nothing More, Strategically meaningless In Face of
United States-Encouraged Communist Objectives) Long Before the Planned Anglo-American
Landings on the Japanese Home Islands farther South.
On August 9th (August 10th, West of the I.D. [International Date]-Line) The Same Day As
The Nagasaki Bombing Admiral King ordered Admiral Nimitz to make his views known to
Washington D.C. and General MacArthur:
Up until this point in the war, the Americans had Outnumbered the Japanese On The Ground in
the Pacific by an average ratio of well over two to one (2.5 > 1). Now, for the very first time in
the entire Japanese-American struggle, it was the Americans who would be outnumbered (by
At the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretariat assimilated the radically altered situation and began
an agonizing reappraisal of Operation: Olympic. Planners turned to alternatives, notably a
landing on northern Honshu in total ignorance of the crack units of the Japanese Kwangtung
Army from Manchuria, including all of Japans only Heavy-Armor Battalions (Medium Armour
by Western Standards, equivalent to the U.S. M-3s [Crewed by Six]), having been surreptitiously
relocated on the Kanto Plains surrounding Tokiyo. This was one of the reasons why
(Manzchosh-kokuguoia [Manchuria, or literally: The Manchu State]) was left vulnerable
to Soviet aggression (without such Redeployments Stalin would never had Entered the Greater
East-Asian Conflict) and Intentionally so for it was considered a Necessary Evil to Sacrifice
the Manzchosh-kokuguoian Imperium and Counterbalance the Soviets against American
Aggression in the Regional Post-Ceasefire Asia-Pacific Balance-of-Power in order to stimulate
Japans ultimate Postwar Military-Industrial Rebound.
While a major Internecine confrontation ignited between the Nimitzian-Influenced U.S. Navy
and the MacArthurite-Influenced U.S. Army (both Warlords acting as bureaucratic gladiators for

the effective American Military Coup Dtat managed by the Admiral King/General Marshall
Duopoly), Emperor Hirohitos Sacred Crane Task Force of Super-Dirigibles with their
Composited Array(s) of Parasite Attack-Craft and their Dirigible-Coupled Super-Bombers All
of which (bombers, attack-craft, and the disc-dirigibles themselves) were loaded with what was
eventually deemed upon extensive analysis by Camp Detrick in Maryland as enough
Weaponized Biocidal Toxins and Contaminants to conceivably Exterminate the entire Human
Race (if evenly distributed across the globe) landed in Nevada to deliver the Shwa Ultimatum
(only three Arrived to Deliver Themselves at Tonapah Army Airfield [Later: Area-51] in Nevada
on August 9th of 1945, as a fourth S.C. [Sacred Crane] rodreadnought was Dispatched towards
Los Alamos Comporting an Atomic Payload to be Delivered Into American Possession In Order
to Enforce American Awareness of yet another Arm of Japans Nuclear Delivery Capabilities
[Complementary to Japan's Strategic I-yonhyaku-gata Sensuikan Sen-Toku
I-400-Class Submarine Fleet]; and was Lost Off of the Californian Coast its ParasiteSuperbomber Disengaged and Crashing near San Antonio, New Mexico, on August 15th16th
of that year the Very Date as Deadlined by their Emperor for American Cessation of
Prosecution of War).
It was now certain that Operation: Olympic in any form would never go forward; not
because it was unnecessary but because it had become unthinkable
When consulted as to what the American Public should be told about these heart-stopping new
developments in the Japanese-American War, Admiral Ernest J. King baldly stated with flat
finality: Dont tell them anything they dont need to know. When its over, tell them who won...
(Hirohito [Abundant Benevolence] Michinomiya Tenn Heika ['GodEmperor Hirohito Michi no miya The Majestic']; b.1901d.1989 [124th and longest Reigning
Emperor of The Yamato Dynasty]; Ascended The Chrysanthemum Throne on Christmas Day of
Yuletide: 12/25/19261989 [Reigned 62 Yrs.]; Last Survivor of All World War II Leaders and
the longest Reigning Monarch in the Recorded History of Earth) was quite prepared to kill the
goose that laid the golden eggs if the Americans refused to Sue For Peace.
But such would leave his people Victorious and Dirt-Poor exactly the position the Peoples
Republic of Vit-Nm found itself in for decades after defeating the United States (politically, if
not militarily).

By Deploying the Very Genuine Threat of Mass-Extinction against the American Government,
Hirohito forced the same Establishment responsible for starting World War II in the Pacific into
not only Reparation and Reconstruction of His Nation but Total Opening of the Largest and
Wealthiest Market on Earth to Japanese Trade; ushering in a Golden Age that provided a
Quality-of-Life which they had never dreamed of attaining militarily.
The Communist Invasion of Northern Japan Climaxed Disastrously for the Soviets in The Battle
of Shimushu on August 18th of 1945 (the Last Major Battle of World War II in the Pacific
[Exclusive of the Asian Mainland]) Four Days (4 Dys.) After the American Leadership had
Already Propagandized to its Populace that the Japanese had Unconditionally Surrendered on
August 15th.
The IJN (Imperial Japanese Navy) Deployment of Type-2 Ka-Mi Amphibious-Tank Units
(Never Before Deployed in The Pacific Theater of War, but Maintained in Reserve for just this
Contingency) Devastated Soviet Transports literally blowing them Out of the Water and
Defeating Stalins Dreams of Occupying Hokkaido and Initiating Invasion of the Japanese Main
Island of Honshu.
By Time of The Battle of Shimushu, the Americans watched in horror as Japanese Forces
Increased quickly in the Southernmost Main Island of Kyushyu, far exceeding General
Marshalls Estimate of approximately a Third of a Million (350, 000) Men (Four [4] Divisions)
to a Total of well over Half-a-Million (625, 000) Men (Fourteen [14] Field Divisions). American
Military Observers Invited to Witness the Japanese Slaughter of the Soviets on Shimushu
without even need to Resort to Kamikaze Tactics and (Bnza [Deca-Millenial; or: Ten
Thousand Year]) Charges Validated Richard Franks Assertion that:
the Japanese buildup on Kyushyu was sufficient to make the cost of invasion
Integral to Ongoing Settlements and Concessions amid the Super-Secret Talk-Down Process(es)
that would Continue Until the Signing of The Treaty of San Francisco (September 8th, 1951 [the
United States would continuously Damage-Control the inevitable Informational Leakage about
Americans contending with "Enemy 'Alien'" Japanese Demands by insinuating that their
subsequent Executive Administrations [from Truman through Eisenhower] were In-Consultation
with literal Extraterrestrials):

American G.I.s were consequently Forced to Work On-Site both Japanese Atomic Blast-Sites
Immediately Following Ceasefire per Demand[s] of the Japanese Government to Prevent
Overexposure of any additional Japanese Personnel or Civilians.
These U.S. G.I.s were Compelled to do so without Safety-Gear by their own United States
Government Specifically to Measure Rates at which their hair fell out and how long it took for
their bodies to become covered in sores (American Mass-Radiation-Exposure Subjects was
considered Advantageous because their Native-Speaker Fluency in English, and Lack of Cultural
Barriers, Enabled U.S. Federal Scientists to Immediately Comprehend their Descriptions of
Symptoms as they Deteriorated).
The first large group of American Soldiers arrived in Nagasaki on September 23rd of 1945 and
in Hiroshima two weeks later.
They were part of a Force of Two Hundred and Forty-Thousand (240, 000) Despatched to
Occupy the islands of Honshu and Kyushu In Order to Expedite an immediate Cash-Flow
towards Reconstruction. Marines from the 2nd Division Took Nagasaki while the U.S. Armys
24th and 41st divisions Seized Hiroshima.
No one was urged to take Precautions and were instead Ordered instead to Bivouac close to
Ground Zero, and even sleep on the earth and Engage in Cleanup Operations without Protective
Gear (Exempli Gratia: When an American Marine named Sam Scione returned to the United
States a year later, his body was covered in sores and all of his hair fell out. He suffered a string
of Ailments but never was Awarded Service-Related Disability Status, being but one Among a
couple hundred thousand such Cases).
Americans were physically inhibited from bodily entering either the S.C.T.F. (Sacred Crane Task
Force) rodreadnoughts or their Composited Parasite-Airframes (Attack-Craft or
Superbombers) by their very size(s). These same Physical Preconditions rendered Internalized
and/or Integral Components of these Flying Aircraft-Carriers entirely Inaccessible to the
Americans (nor could the Americans torture their Japanese P.O.W.s into Surrendering what the
American Captors did not think could be Concealed).

The Captive (Bushidist [Warrior Wayfarer]) Japanese Crewmen were Operating one
of the three Remaining Stripped-Down and Repainted rodreadnoughts Under Duress of
Torture Preceding the 4th of July Weekend in 1947 Over New Mexico when a Spontaneous
Desert Lightning Storm Afforded the Crew Opportunity to Immolate themselves via
Simultaneously Venting the Hydrogen-Supercells of their Superdirigible and Utilizing Hidden
Flares to Auto-Destruct their Composited Vehicular Delivery-System Craft Resulting in the
Subsequent Roswell Incident; as well as necessitating Desperate Measures On-Part of the United
States Armys High Command to Immediately Cover-Up the Biggest Dirty Secret of All:
The Fact that they had Completely Failed to Defend the ironically referenced CON.U.S.
(Continental United States) Homeland and Consequently Lost The War
Only Once the Post-Modern American Electorate Comes to Terms with the Fact that the United
States Military Hasnt Won a Single War Since The First World War of 19141918 (which was
Ended, Not by Allied Invasion of Imperial Germany, but by The so-called Spanish Influenza
wrought upon The Old World through Americas Expeditionary Forces which Killed Off One
Hundred Million [100, 000, 000] People Worldwide Within Eighteen Months [18 Mnths.] and
edged out The Black Plague in Mortality Ratios at the Cost of Twenty Million [20, 000, 000]
Americans Dead back in The States by Viral Blowback in the Bacteriological Equivalent of an
All-Out Nuclear Exchange) can American Culture Enter Maturity and either Participate or
Isolate itself as a Responsible Member Among the Community of Nations.

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