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Work Status

Identify the PRPC standard property which holds work item status
As a work item is created and throughout its progress towards resolution, a work status
property tracks its state, whether open or resolved. The standard property for work item
status is Work-.pyStatusWork. Its values are restricted and controlled. Do not confuse
work item status with assignment status which is a different property and out of the scope
of this lesson.
Understand the Four Broad Categories of Work Item Status Values
There are four categories of work status values:



Pending and


A New work status indicates that the work item has just been created and has not been
reviewed or qualified for processing.
The Open status indicates that the work item is being processed by the organization
which is supposed to process it.The Pending status indicates that the responsibility of
processing the work item is currently with an external organization. So the processing of
the work item is suspended until the external organization or group has done its part. A
Resolved status is generally the final status for a work item as it indicates the
completion of the work item. Usually, a work item in a resolved status is not modified
by any later processing unless the work item needs to be reopened.
Be Able to List the Typical Work Item Status Values
A few standard values are defined in each category. To access them, click on the Pega
button, then Process & Rules, Processes and Status Values. You can also define
more status values through Field Value rules.
When doing so, we need to make sure that we start each value with one of the words
New, Open, Pending and Resolved with initial capital as shown here for OpenFulfillment in PurchaseRequest. From the Application Explorer, right-click on the work
type for which we want to define a new work status. Navigate from New to Data Model
and then to Field Value. Select this option. Enter or select a value for Field name. This
should be the property name. In our case, the property name is pyStatusWork. Then enter
a value for Field Value. Lets say for example Open-Review.
To use the Quick Create option, enter a Description for our field value rule. And then
select the Quick Create option. We have a new status value to use in our application.
It should now appear in our Status Values list.
Be Able to Use PRPC Standards to Update Work Item Status
Most flow shapes provide a means to set or update work status. To set or update the
property Work-.pyStatusWork value, do not use the property-set activity method but

instead, use the Properties panel of the flow shapes. The Status tab on the panel allows
us to define the new work status value by providing a value in the Work Status field.
This is the preferred way. The flow End shape provides two fields; Flow Status and
Work Status. Make sure to use Work Status for this purpose. PRPC also provides the
standard activity Work-.UpdateStatus. This activity, which can also be called from a flow
utility shape, changes the property directly and calls some standards activities such as
Work-.Resolve if the status value is one that started with the word Resolved.
By using the Status tab of the Properties panel as discussed previously, the system
ensures the same functionality if the Work status field value is set to a value started
with Resolved.
There are also few standard rules which call the Work-.UpdateStatus activity. Activities
like Work-.WorkBasket and Work-.Worklist which place an assignment in a Workbasket
or worklist respectively, also call Work-UpdateStatus.
Identify key OOTB Functionalities Which Leverage the Work Item Status
When a work item status is first updated to a Resolved status, PRPC calls the Resolve
activity automatically. This activity activates the Status-Resolved ticket which can be
included in multiple workflows. A workflow can then start a special process upon first
resolution of a work item. For example, a cover work item is interested in knowing when
its covered work items are being resolved so he can decrease its number of covered items
Another particular standard ticket is AllCoveredResolved. If a work item is covered, and
when its status becomes Resolved, the immediate parent cover is checked. If the open
covered count is equal to 0, meaning that all its covered items are resolved at this point,
then the AllCoveredResolved ticket is raised on the cover object. If the cover object is
itself covered and gets resolved by this ticket, the AllCoveredResolved ticket is also
raised on the covers cover and the upward cascading continues.
PRPC also automatically maintains three standard properties in Work-class. They are
pyElapsedStatusNew, pyElapsedStatusOpen and pyElapsedStatusPending. These
properties contain cumulative time in seconds that a work item has had a status value that
started with the word New, Open or Pending respectively.
On the Case Designer details tab, PRPC provides the option to display the status
where am I gadget to the end-user through the stages settings. This gadget allows the
end user to have a visual indication of which stages of the process have been worked on
and which ones are remaining. When clicking on the Edit link, a modal window
appears. We can define as many stages as we would like. In this case we have four stages
For each stage, by clicking on the Stage arrow we can specify the work status that
indicates the stage.
The next step is to include the appropriate section into your harness to have the stages
displayed to the end user. For example, in our Perform harness, we identify the work
header section in which we would like the stages to appear. We save the
Work-.pyWorkHeader section into our RuleSet.
And add the Work-.pxWhereAmIChevronView section to it. This section is the PRPC

standard section which allows us to display the stages to the end user.
When processing a PurchaseRequest, the system then displays at the top of the screen, the
different stages the user has been through as she is progressing through the flow.

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