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EDT 532 Instructional Design (ID) Plan Template For:

Digital Design & Technology

The Problem
All the students in a Computer Graphics class do not have access to or knowledge of the
graphic software Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, or iMovie.
90% of the students have worked exclusively on a Windows platform with little to no
experience working on a MAC. 10% have some experience working on a MAC platform.
80% are at current reading level while the other 20% are below their reading level
The Need
Based on a verbal communication session with the students as well as a written survey, the following are
needed to solve the problem.
1. Have access to MAC computers/platform
2. Demonstrations on how to get around on the MAC
3. Demonstrations on how to introduce the (4) applications
4. References for students to access when needed
5. Hands-on activities to reinforce mastery.
The Audience
The audience for this course are males ages 14 18 (high school age group). Below is the breakdown of the
students here in the graphics program. A survey was created to compile the following data which will be used
for the design process.
60% African American
30% Hispanic
10% Caucasian
100% Speak English fluently
80% Are at reading level
20% Are well below reading level
100% Have NO physical disabilities
80% Are visual kinesthetic learners (from survey)
20% Are auditory and kinesthetic learners (from survey)
The objectives for this course is for the students to learn some of the visual applications used currently in the
Graphic Design field. This course is set up for students to learn the design applications for getting images ready
for both print, web-based or online material. The detailed objectives are stated below.
Students will be able to:

Demonstrate how the MAC platform works

Identify where key items are located
Identify the tools in Photoshop
Demonstrate how to make various selections in Photoshop
Demonstrate how to create and manipulate images using Photoshop
Identify the tools in Illustrator
Demonstrate how to create custom brushes in Illustrator and create

a simple illustration
8. Identify the different sections and tools of iMovie
9. Demonstrate how to edit a simple movie by splicing
10. Demonstrate how to add music, transitions, then exporting a movie
Students will learn to identify the different between Vector and Raster images and identify the importance of
each type of graphic image. They will learn to create, manage, and solve issues that arise when files need to be
changed or used in other formats.
Students will be evaluated using Summative assessments (final projects) for each application. A
demonstration of mastery for that lesson.
The content for this course is visual design applications. Students will learn how to set up, create and manage
various types of graphic images from vector to raster to movie editing. Students will learn how to apply these
images and techniques used in the graphic design industry.
Students will learn introductory principles using the various applications. Students will identify copyright laws,
and basic principles of design. Students will identify the various file formats so that images will be compatible
for final usage. Some of the State Standards for this content are:
Instructional Strategies. Strategies to be used for this Moodle will be introductory demonstration videos using
Screen-cast-o-matic, and QuickTime Player, to demonstrate to the students how to use the applications and to
demonstrate the outcome for each project.
Many resources for students to access for review such as links to websites, Youtube videos that pertain directly
to the lesson at hand will be available. Thinglink activities will be incorporated as well to show or pinpoint parts
of the various design applications or identification of tools for each application.
I am creating lesson plans for each topic to be available to state objectives for the students. Resources are being
gathered for each section to that students have reference material for each topic. Assessments will be created
using Google Forms for the end of each of the (10) topics.
Video recording of demonstrations will be uploaded for students to have for not only learning the material, but
for constant review as needed. The videos demonstrate the objective and helps students identify the tools and
techniques used for creating their project.
Program Use
This Moodle will be used for the classroom and to evaluate students to see if this type of instruction is
beneficial for this content area.
Summative Evaluation
To evaluate the success of the Moodle, I will set up a survey using Google Forms. Students will fill this out at
the end of the course so I can determine what changes or improvements need to be made before the next term or
session enrolls. This information is vital to better the instruction for future students.

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