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TAC Vista /Manager

For monitoring and control of operating costs

Create reports and diagrams quickly and easily

The report generator in TAC Vista enables you to
quickly create reports and diagrams for
documentation of events, alarm status,
consumption statistics, trends, operational status
and other information in various types of reports.
Operational reports can include current values
and status of items in the system, while action
reports can describe what is to be done in response
to specific events, such as alarms. Energy reports

TAC Vista provides complete, highly detailed

are used to present details of stored energy data

control of your plant. Alarms are displayed

and to perform calculations using the data.

Reports can also be constructed from ordinary
written input, as might be needed as part of daily

with full identification and location

information, together with an indication of

work or as project documents. Reports can be

what needs to be done, how it can be done

printed out at regular intervals:

and often, why it needs to be done.

On demand

In addition, TAC Vista is a powerful tool for

In response to events or alarms

the provision of the information needed for

every possible action from analysis of

TAC Signature
TAC Signature is a tool for recording, budgeting or
analysis of energy use. Logged data on energy use

system or component faults to determination

of the optimum operating strategy at any

and ambient temperature provides input material

time in response to constantly changing

for graphical presentation of the energy signature,

conditions. All in a familiar Windows

or power requirements, as a function of ambient

environment either local or remote.

temperature. This provides a check of actual

energy use in relation to budgeted energy use for
various ambient climatic conditions, in the form of
a true comparison of actual and expected values.

TAC Vista /Manager

TAC Signature enables presentation of data on

a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis. The
energy signature provides graphic indication of

such as input or output values that preceded an

alarm or changes in setpoint values.
All events are automatically logged, and selection

the results of different operational strategies and

of items for presentation is simple. Windows for

conservation measures. Any change in the

alarms, items and command changes make it easy

condition or use of a property, such as a change

to concentrate on the required information.

in the number of occupants or different

To see the event history of an item, select it and

operating scenarios, produces an immediate

drag it to the mailbox, after which the program

response in the form of changing heating,

presents a list of the events and changes that have

electricity or water consumption. In order to

occurred. The system can then be reset with the

provide a fast response to costs deviating from

correct original values, which means that events

budget, the system generates an alarm at any

caused by the human factor can be corrected in a

required discrepancy level for display in the TAC

few seconds.

Vista alarm window.

All media supplies to the plant, or to the entire

building complex, can be summed, providing

TAC Vista Manager

This includes the following program modules:

control over every cost levelfrom a subsystem

Report Generator

to a plant, from a single building to

TAC Signature

an entire complex.

Historical Logging
TAC Vista presents the entire building in a
Windows environment. TAC Vista is constructed
around an open standard, with completely open
architecture. This enables it to work with other
software running under Windows, and to gather
information from all the components influencing
daily operation and/or costs of the plant.
It communicates in real time with the TAC Xenta
range of controllers on the LONWORKS network, as

Historical logging

well as with any other LONMARK-compliant devices.

Historical logging is an add-on module that

automatically logs all events that occur in TAC

Please contact TAC for further information, a system

demonstration or technical details.

Vista. This provides, for example, a means of

monitoring the effects of installation, modification
or removal of equipment, a record of events
TAC occupies a leading position in the market as a supplier of open integrated systems
within the field of building automation. Talking Buildings encompasses the companys
operations: to develop, manufacture and market products and services of open systems
solutions to customers who value optimal indoor climate, security and low operating costs.

TAC products are trademarks or registered trademarks of TAC. All other products mentioned
are the property of their respective owners. Copyright 2001 TAC AB. All rights reserved..

ISO 9001
ISO 14001



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0-006-1171-4 USA

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