Earth Charter in Brazil

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Michèle Sato, Luiz Augusto Passos, and Carlos Maldonado, Brazil.

A project descriptive
essay on the many inspirations and applications of the Earth Charter in Mato Grosso, Brazil

Mato Grosso Writes Its Earth Charter

Michele Sato holds a Sometimes we neglect our internal axiological endeavors dedicated to
doctorate in science and values in exchange for material aid. environmental education.
is a full member of the But without political foresight,
Commission of the Earth dollars and international help are Our first steps did not begin at the Inter-
Charter of the State of useless. For instance, we need to national Conference of the Earth Charter
Mato Grosso, Brazil. prove the viability of Extractive (1998), but with the dialogues of its
She is the leader of the Reserves as an alternative to preparatory process, with the collective
Research Group in Environmental Education Amazonian development. In the organization among various institutions
at the Federal University of Mato Grosso. meantime, these reserves become and players who enable it to be a project
remote islands in a sea of misery for all. Thus, our efforts attempted to
Luiz Augusto Passos and injustices, if the political under- dialogue on the religious, ethical,
holds a doctorate in standing is not clear. We need to political, artistic, conceptual or tactical
philosophy and is a strengthen the alliance with the differences, and on our willingness to
full member of the environmentalists without losing build propositions that could express
Commission of the Earth our own characteristics as workers our desires to change life – reinventing
Charter of the State of who want a ecologically responsi- passion. This task has not been easy;
Mato Grosso, Brazil. ble society, where we can live with and perhaps our greatest difficulty
He is a philosopher and educator, with a dignity, social justice, and also resides in overcoming the dichotomy
practice in homeopathy. enjoy what wisdom, science, and society-nature, which carries a strong
technology have to offer us. illuminist influence which, to this day,
Carlos Maldonado is Chico Mendes continues to exist. It impacts different
national coordinator of concepts and attitudes among the

Principle 9. Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social, and environmental imperative.

the Earth Charter in players who work with environmental
Brazil and full member onceived in the utopia of civil education, and their desires to reaffirm
of the Commission of
the Earth Charter of the
C society, the Earth Charter remained
a draft for a long period, so that regional
the Earth Charter as one of the political
platforms of great complexity. Another
State of Mato Grosso. interests could re-write it and place it in challenge was to insert ourselves in the
He holds a degree in law and is currently the unique context of each beating heart international context recognizing that
doing his doctoral research on formal of this immeasurable ecosphere. Thus, humankind is a stage for conflicts and
systems of education. in the Brazilian Central West Region, tensions, and that there was never the
Mato Grosso claimed a politico-educa- intent to eliminate differences, since we
tional reality of the Earth Charter are aware that the biggest challenge we
because, being aware of the conflicting face is the difficult task of mutual co-
sides among subjects, it bet on the existence (Passos and Sato, 2002).
pedagogy of transformation. As it paid
attention to plurality, many times silent, To overcome the divorce between nature
we recognize that, as with all proposi- and culture, between environment and
tions, our Earth Charter was somewhat people, between state and nation, there
fragile, as well as embedded with virtues is an on-going dynamic in the heart of
which forced us to place the Charter Latin America, and in the center of Brazil
next to conceptual, methodological, and We understand that the clarity of the

The Earth Charter in Action Part III: Social and Economic Justice 91
Earth Charter is not isolated from preference to uniting efforts with all regrettably reflect the reactionary
society, that it reflects its ideology- players interested in the movement. The approach to cultural matters, the
producing trends, many times “new” discourse, which in the name of adoption of an incomprehensible static
reaffirming merely economic devel- reform hides an exclusionary agenda, attitude on matters of dynamic
opment models. The movement is slow brings intolerance with popular values movements, particularly pertaining to
and does not bring any explosive and local culture survival, and obviously the disrespect of the various manifesta-
revolution. But certainly, the Earth promotes the increase of consumerism, tions of human society. This preoccu-
Charter’s impact is long-lasting because particularly in the “techno-globalization” pation may be responsible for the
we are fighting with fervor against era and the standardization of the presence of false poets, mere
isolation, dialectically transforming and human civilization. pamphleteers, handlers defending life,
being transformed, and, in particular, or artists who lack any understanding of
looking for altering the terrible We live in a time of separation from the the meaning of the cycles of life and
“integrating-disintegrating” process, State, exactly in a moment when we death.
which in the majority of the cases only need to redefine the State. Discontinuity Our approach, in this sense, does not
brings pain to the dramatic wish to of individual and collective projects, imply realization and perfection. We
change life toward social inclusion and based on competitiveness and on believe that a continuous review of
environmental justice. exclusion of solidarity, affects the concepts and approaches is necessary,
construction of sustainable societies and using epistemological honesty and a
The Mato Grosso Earth Charter does not not of sustainable development. Thus, firm, political purpose in opposition to
represent a hope that humankind we reject competition and the retreat of those who preach pre-established
becomes sensitive of its impact on democracy, looking instead for the concepts. The dominant players want to
nature, but rather that it has multi-refer- political support of the relationship push for an ideal psychological type
ential political bases, which insistently between society and nature, and, above based on life’s universal values – all this
believe that the ecological movement all, we are immersed in the project of with the purpose of making the Earth
cannot continue to be at the margin’s communion with the sixteen principles Charter just another experience,
edge of economic and social issues contained in the Earth Charter. showing trends and solutions and
(Botkin, 1992). The emphasis in the controlling the esthetical content. We
“Sustainable Development” discourse However, a great question remains in emphasize that there are very beautiful
may represent a strong financial bias of the tense and dialogical-reality which is things in its principles, but if one does
nations, bringing the “myth of the at the core of the world’s and universe’s not see the criticism, personalities may
victory of good against evil, of the movement. Is this question sufficiently mask the greatness of the movement
strong and able against the weak and addressed in the Earth Charter’s text? which, like everything else, has progress
mediocre, and above all reinforcing a Sometimes it does not appear so. At and limitations.
manichaest and positivist approach to times, the Earth Charter still reveals a
reality” (Rummert, 1998, p. 10), predominantly lyrical, wishful point of Wouldn’t this also be the value of the
increasing a hegemonic world behind view, missing the understanding of the traditional education? Is school apt to
Principle 9. Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social, and environmental imperative.

the globalization discourse, and above contradictions and the ruptures inherent face uncertainties, to risk facing
all obfuscating the Earth Charter’s to life, to the movement’s status, to the surprises or accepting diversity? The
importance. energy of development and change. liberating educator must be a revolu-
tionary by education (Freire, 2000),
Thus, in Mato Grosso, the Earth Charter Existing trends in the core of the Earth gifted with an almost magic power to
movement is allied with that of environ- Charter’s movement represent a very tear down all acceptable trends and
mental education in a political manner complex whole. Any claim to charac- seek freedom. A dream education must
to stimulate the collective, without terize them, as we try to do now, is invade art, philosophy, science, and
promoting competition which leads to arbitrary because we are inclined to do it technique. It must overcome the
social atomization, and in a critical in a uniform manner. There are, resistance of the times, their current
ability to accept conflicts in a field of however, trends that show up disciplines with closed ranks, and
uncertainties, and having solidarity as a frequently. One of them is the strangling logic. It must overcome the
commitment of its participating opinionated outcry for peace without hegemonic standardization which has
members. We recognize the existence of taking into account that humankind is a prevented the development of educa-
a vast field of multiple types of stage for conflicts and disagreements. tional diversity (Passos and Sato, 2002).
knowledge, which are not confined to Another is the reproduction of the
academia. We also promote social hegemonic discourse on “sustainable It is not possible to build an ecological
inclusion, which has been wasted princi- development.” Other contradictions may conscience divorced from the dramatic
pally by private sectors. We give exist, but these two are enough as they interaction of opposites and of

92 Part III: Social and Economic Justice The Earth Charter in Action
metamorphosis, which dizzily circulates Charter esthetics must defend the joy time, often escaping through our hands,
in the entire universe (Santos, 2001). The that comes from gestures, symbols, and but built on the eternal courage for
living and dynamic dialogue depends on feelings which realize and reaffirm the taking chances to write a charter of
a productive, creative, and transforming ethical-praxiological decision of remem- ecological and cultural utopias – an
esthetics which will implement, divulge, bering, expressing, and living in tension Earth Charter. •
and make the Earth Charter’s policies together and in solidarity with all.
adherent and welcoming.
To be in the world is inevitably to References
The Earth Charter, when we understand witness its barbarism, as a volcano that
Bachelard, G. (1990). Air and dreams: Essays
that the great synthesis of its principles erupts in the gulf, following the tyranny
on the imagination of movement.
is based upon respect without borders of a discourse that does not allow Sao Paulo: Martins Fontes.
with all forms of life, will demand, as a dissensions but imposes only one way. Bornheim, J. (1996). The “Bon Sauvage”
as a philosopher and invention of the
trade-off, the banishment of all unnec- To look at the world in this manner is not
perceptible world. In Novaes, A. (Ed.).
essary and prolonged cruelty and only to understand it externally but also Libertines, libertarians. Sao Paulo:
suffering, espousing an esthetic sensi- to care and protect its core. This is the Companhia das Letras.
bility that is positive and dynamic. view that emerged from the Earth Botkin, D. (2002). What ecology for the XXI
century? In Barrere, M. (Ed..). Earth,
Charter, stimulating our capacity to
common heritage: science to the service
The Earth Charter, when proposing defend life in the waves of rebellious of the environment and development
sentiments of compassion and under- movements against the political (p.15-26). Sao Paulo: Nobel.
standing with the community of life and castration of a development-driven Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of indignation.
Sao Paulo: UNESP.
geared toward tolerance, rights, and economy. We may not have undertaken Mendes, C. Amazonia. Retrieved August 8, 2002,
freedom, seeks to cement among co- an explosive revolution but the influence from /rodrig.htm
responsible people a culture of peace. In of our praxis pulsates slowly and beauti- Mondolfo, R. (1967). Figures and ideas of the
renaissance philosophy. Sao Paulo: Mestre
this endeavor, it supposes a continuous fully on the engagement of the ones
and daily war against premature, who not only want to follow destiny but Morin, E. (1997). My demons. Rio de Janeiro:
pointless, unnecessary death and the also want to guide changes. Bertrand Brasil.
demolition of totalitarian and conde- Passos, L.A. and Sato, M. (2002). Esthetics of
the Earth Charter: for the joy (in tension)
scending paradigms. It needs to destroy As we conclude, we do not pretend to be
of living with diversity! In Ruscheinsky,
all presumption of perfection and to definitive on or to represent a replicable A. (Ed..). Environmental education –
open itself to all types of difference, paradigm of the universal method of the Multiple approaches (p.15-36). Porto
seeking knowledge in wisdom and Earth Charter. These are thoughts lived Alegre: Artmed.
Rummert, S.M. (1998). Identification projects:
courage to immerse itself in life’s events in the interior of Mato Grosso life, in dispute, dreams and worker’s identity. In
(Passos and Sato, 2002). It is necessary whose texture thus discloses that our Living Democracy (IBASE), 4, 7-17.
to create a “conviviality” (Morin, 2000) thinking, and our remarks and our
of a new esthetics which will be poetry care for the words and essences
conducted from the point of view of of the existence of beings. To re-

Principle 9. Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social, and environmental imperative.

recreating “feelings’’ and types of joy experience and recreate the senses is a
and pleasure, personal and collective, continuous task for those who reveal a
which nowadays are misinterpreted pattern by pulling the loose threads of
daily by the cultural industry. Joy trails the yarn, and by including others who
all values, without co-responsibility for are not used to embroidering old clothes
its consequences. The implementation made by others’ hands. The continuous
of the Earth Charter’s principles also act of separating threads and of weaving
assumes a personal and collective re- represents the inexorable movement of
education, favoring non-conformity with the past, present, and future. For us to
the guidelines of collusion. sustain does not mean to freeze ideas –
on the contrary, it means to transform
Having addressed these points of view, them in a surrealist metamorphosis. An
we believe that the Earth Charter must international network for the Earth
be at the technical corners of each Charter may be a dimension of the
segment of society, and in particular at complexity, which is weaved and under-
schools. It should also be in the difficult stood through a pattern of multiple
aspects of collective works, in the nuances coloring environmental
expressions of students and the entire education, subject to equilibrium and
school community. The relevant Earth pauses. The rhythm is the constructed

The Earth Charter in Action Part III: Social and Economic Justice 93

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