Hazel Grace Lancaster

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Hazel Grace Lancaster, an intelligent and sarcastic Indianapolis teenager, has terminal thyroid cancer that has spread

to her lungs.
Believing she is depressed, Hazel's mother urges her to attend a cancer patients' support group to make friends. During a support
meeting, Hazel meets Augustus Waters, a teenager who has lost a leg from bone cancer. Augustus invites Hazel to his house, where
they bond. They agree to read each other's favorite novels; Hazel recommends An Imperial Affliction to Augustus, a novel about a
cancer-stricken girl named Anna that parallels Hazel's experience. After finishing the book, Augustus expresses frustration with the
novel's abrupt ending. Hazel explains that the novel's mysterious author, Peter van Houten, retreated to Amsterdam following the
novel's publication, and has not been heard from since.
Weeks later, Augustus tells Hazel he has traced Van Houten's assistant, Lidewij, and has corresponded with Van Houten by email.
Hazel writes to him to ask about the novel's ambiguous ending; Van Houten replies that he is only willing to answer in person. Hazel
asks her mother if she can travel to Amsterdam, but she rejects it because of financial and medical constraints. Augustus surprises
Hazel with tickets to Amsterdam donated by a charitable foundation.
Days before the trip, Hazel suffers from pleural effusion and is sent to an intensive care unit (ICU). Her doctors are eventually
persuaded to allow the trip. Hazel and Augustus arrive in Amsterdam and are presented with reservations for an expensive restaurant,
paid for by Van Houten. During the meal, Augustus confesses his love for Hazel. They meet Van Houten, but are shocked to find he is a
mean-spirited alcoholic; Lidewij arranged the meeting and their dinner on his behalf. Van Houten, angered by his assistant's actions,
taunts Hazel for seeking answers to a piece of fiction and belittles her medical condition.
As the two leave the author's residence dejected, Lidewij invites them to go sightseeing to make up for their experience. The three visit
the Anne Frank House, where Hazel struggles to climb the house's many stairs. At the end of the tour, Augustus and Hazel share a
kiss. They return to the hotel and have sex for the first time. The next day, Augustus tells Hazel that his cancer has relapsed and spread
throughout his body and is terminal. After their return to Indianapolis Augustus' health worsens. He is taken to the ICU for a few days
and realizes he is close to death. Augustus invites his blind best friend Isaac and Hazel to his pre-funeral, where they deliver eulogies
they prepared. Hazel quotes Van Houten's text, and tells him she would not trade their short time together for anything.
Augustus dies eight days later. At his funeral, Hazel is astonished to find Van Houten in attendance. He tells her he maintained
correspondence with Augustus after Amsterdam and that Augustus had demanded he attend his funeral to make up for the spoiled trip.
He tells Hazel that his novel is based on the experiences of his daughter Anna, who died from cancer at a young age. Van Houten tries
to tell Hazel about the fate of Anna's mother; he gives Hazel a piece of paper. Hazel, still upset with his behavior in Amsterdam,
crumples up the paper and asks him to leave. Later, talking with Isaac, Hazel learns that Augustus had asked Van Houten to help him
write his eulogy. She retrieves the crumpled paper and reads Augustus' words, which state his acceptance of death and his love for
Hazel. The film ends with Hazel lying on her back on her lawn looking up at the stars, smiling as she remembers Augustus.

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