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(be)very disappointed. When I

(find)that all my cake

. (disappear)Someone

window while I


2. OK. I

(get)into the room I

(leave)the room,

(see)me through the

(realize)that the door was open

(go)in to eat my cake.

(leave)this job tomorrow. That's decided. Although I


here for more than 20 years , there are things you cannot really tolerate. Last week Mr


(call) inspection if we

coffees in the middle of the morning. That's enough,but I

(call) my lawyer friends and

(keep) on having

(do) something.

(tell)them everything about the case.

3. But they, the managers, are not much better than us. The other day, while Mr

(drink) his coffee, I

(see) two of his secretaries go inside the

office carrying two huge trays covered with wrapping paper. I then


(be) full of pastries like for a birthday party.That's for sure. While

the secretaries

(eat) pastries, Mr Jones

(drink) one coffee after

4. Well, I don't know why I

something. I

(tell) you all this on the phone, I think it is because

(not feel) too well today. Maybe I

(need) to go for a walk or

(know) everything seems a little bit over the top but this is how things

are. I

(think) about it yesterday I


(do)me good.

1. I


buy a boat and sail on the sea.

(never/see) a party like that before. When I

(get) there

(be) at least five swimming pools with water in different colours.

2. She

(live) here for ages, so she

(tell) you the names of all the

3. Many years ago my elder son

when he

(tell) me he

(grow) up. I

(be) a whale fisherman

(tell) him that there

(be) not many

whales when he was old enough.

4. Summer evenings

(be) boring during the holidays. While my sister


(play) the guitar, my brother Fred

5. I

(fly)to London tomorrow evening so I

(sleep) siesta.

(bring)you all the records

you want.
6 When she

(open) her eyes she

(dream) of somewhere she

7. I think I


morning and I

(say) that she

(be) before.

(have) a tortilla sandwich and a salad.

(see/you) Mary ? No, not really. We

(see) anybody.

(work) here for the whole

9. When the firemen

, (arrive)the fire

(destroy) most of the

10. What

(the weather/be) like tomorrow ? We

(have) some rain

and cold.

(eat) at a restaurant every night. We

2.I think it

(rain) tomorrow. It's very cloudy

3.When they

in (go in), all the children

4.As soon as they

( come), we

5.When I

(be) twenty, I


(know) her all my life.


she ever

8. We




(know) the owners

up (stand up).

(start) the meeting.

(visit) my American relatives.

(ever/take) a photograph of a wild animal ?

(not be) at home when you

(call) us last night?

(be) in Brazil for a year now and he

(love) it there,

(think) of settling down (establir-se) in Sao Paulo.

(not / recognise) her at first although we

(share) a flat for

some time in Gandia.

1. They

2. Before I


(lose) their cat yesterday and

(meet) my friend Bayu, I

(not find) it yet


(not speak)

3. I can't help you. I have a lot of problems because I

(move) to new house right

4. A fortune teller told me: "You

(be) a very famous opera singer".

5. While I was running (run) in the park, it began (begin) to rain .

6. They will finish (finish) the building in two months.
7. She had left before I gave (give) her the present.
8. I think he

(leave) her as soon as he

(know) what

(happen) to her other boyfriend.

1. Her plane

maybe you want

2. Please,

3. While everybody

(not arrive) yet, so we'd better

(wait) in the hall or

(go) into a cafeteria.

(not shout) so much in class, I can

(hear) you perfectly.

(dance) in the school party, we

(talk) outside in

the garden.
4. The builders

the community, but they

5. I think if you

(say) they

(build) a park and a swimming pool for


(wear) nicer clothes and you

(feel) better with

6. Our train

7. The prices of oil

(leave) in five minutes, so hurry up or we

(be) late.

>pista> (rise) considerably . The press

(announce) it yesterday.
8.We used


(live) in a ranch but we

(move) to the city three years

9. Please let me

(know) when you

, (finish) I would like

(tell) you a couple of things.

10. Everybody was very hungry and by the time we


>pista> already

1. Please

2. It

(get) there the


(not come) to see me before 5, I

(be) the worst storm we

3. It is the first time I

(sleep) siesta.


here (be), so I

. (have)

(not can) tell you where the

station is.

4. The shops



(close) when we

(arrive), and

(can) get any food.

5. "The weather

(be) very good next weekend",

(say) the old man

looking at the sky.

6. We

(have) a drink outside the Museum when we

(hear) the

explosion from the fireworks.

7. They

(not let) us inside the reception because we

(not bring)

our night dresses.

8. Where is Jennifer? I think she


(do) some yoga in her bedroom.

(practice) since 7 o'clock.

9. My favourite cinema director


(make) a film 3 years ago, but this year

(not produce) anything.

10. Nowadays I

(think) that

(find) a house is the most difficult

problem for young people.

my school.
2. While we

you ever

(go) to Sevilla' Yes, I

(be) there in 1982 with

(clean) the house, the boys were preparing (prepare) dinner, so

everything was (be) ready in a minute.

3. Italians immigrants
(live) in America for a long time. They
the 19th century and many of them

(establish) in New York.

(arrive) in

4. I

(meet) my girlfriend's parents tomorrow evening and I

5. It

(rain) heavily, so we

6. Someone
so we


(be) very

(not can) go out.

(pick) all the mushrooms in that part of the forest,

(not find) any.

7. A cat

(get) into the room and all the dogs

8. Oh look, a dog

(eat) your lunch, but I think he

(start) to bark.
(not like) the bread in

1. You look really great! (you, work)

2. A: What (you, do)

B: I (try)

3. I (have)

out at the fitness center recently?

when the accident occurred?

to change a light bulb that had burnt out.

the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about buying a new

4. If it (snow)

this weekend, we (go)

skiing near Lake Tahoe.

5. A: What do you call people who work in libraries?

B: They (call)

6. I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three months ago. When I
return to Australia, I (study)
for nine months and I (be)
England for exactly one year.
7. Sam (arrive)

8. Samantha (live)

9. If Vera (keep)

in San Diego a week ago.

in Berlin for more than two years. In fact, she

there when the Berlin wall came down.

drinking, she (lose, eventually)

her job.

10. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however,
their culture (disappear, virtually)
by the time Europeans first


in the New World.

11. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep)

12. It (rain)

all week. I hope it stops by Saturday because I want to go to the

13. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss)

the bus this morning. You

late to work too many times. You are fired!

14. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake)

morning, the sun (shine)

up tomorrow

15. I have not traveled much yet; however, I (visit)

the Grand Canyon and San

Francisco by the time I leave the United States.

16. I (see)

many pictures of the pyramids before I went to Egypt. Pictures of the

monuments are very misleading. The pyramids are actually quite small.
17. In the last hundred years, traveling (become)

much easier and very

comfortable. In the 19th century, it (take)

two or three months to cross North

America by covered wagon. The trip (be)

very rough and often dangerous.

Things (change)

a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly

from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.

18. Joseph's English (improve, really)
American television programs and (study)

, isn't it? He (watch)

his grammar every day since he first

arrived in San Diego. Soon he will be totally fluent.

19. When I (arrive)

home last night, I discovered that Jane

a beautiful candlelight dinner.

20. If you (need)

Sheraton in San Francisco.

to contact me sometime next week, I (stay)

at the

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