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PL7-1, 2 from USB Pen Drive

Solution Number: 11

Distribution: All


Mirosaw KWATER




How to prepare startup (bootable) USB Pen Drive, for legacy PL7-1, 2 programming.


PC with floppy drive, capable to boot from USB

USB Pen Drive
TSX 17xxxxx,
TSX 27xxxx, 47-10/20 series
TSX 17 ACCPC series 17 prog.cable
TSX TAC 03 series 7 prog.kit
FT21 CBCL 030 series 7 prog.cable


MS Windows 98 SE (English version)

Win98 driver for USB Pen Drive (if needed)
TSX L PL7 1 /2 /12 /22 V5E

Revision: 1.0

The purpose of this solution was to prepare USB Pen Drive (other name: USB Flash Drive), for working with legacy software PL7-1, PL7-2.
PL7-1/2 was originally developed for DOS and cannot work directly under Windows XP - DOS session is needed.
If our PC can start from USB device (option in PCs BIOS setup), which is common option in new personal computers, we are able
to prepare USB Pen Drive for that and by-pass the problem. Even the smallest Pen Drive (32, 64 Mb) is OK for that purpose.
To prepare the USB Pen Drive we need PC:
- With floppy drive,
- Working under Windows 98 SE,
- Capable to recognize the USB Pen Drive (sometimes, depends on the PC, special Windows 98 driver for our USB Pen Drive is needed).
To work, after all, with prepared USB Pen Drive the only condition for our PC is, that:
- Can start from USB device,
- Is able to work under MS-DOS.
The existing operating system in PC is not important after restarting, our USB Pen Drive will work like normal C:\ drive and will contain
all necessary software environments on itself:
- A version of MS-DOS (coming from Windows 98),
- All the installed software PL7-1, 2.
The PL7-2 ver.5 works under User Interface which is a kind of DOS-based software workshop.
We should start first this User Interface workshop and after, we can start our PL7-2 software for PLC programming.
Connection, from the PC (RS232 is necessary), to the:
TSX 17xxxxx series PLCs is possible via RS485:

TSX 17ACC PC programming cable (kit).

TSX 27xxxxx / 47-10, 47-20, 47-30 series PLCs is possible via 20mA CL:

FT21 CB CL 030 programming cable

TSX TAC 03 converter (kit)

2. Installation procedure.
Prepare MS-DOS startup (bootable) USB Pen Drive, under Windows 98:
My Computer -> Removable Disk -> Format :

After the USB Pen Drive is formatted, open Notepad (Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad) and create two text files on it:

They can contain whatever, but at least one empty comment line should be present, like this one:

From the directory:


Copy the following files to the Pen Drive:
After that create directory Dos on Pen Drive.
Copy to the newly created Dos directory all the files already existing in main USB pen drive directory.
So, after that it should look like:

Then go to your PCs BIOS Setup and check (change) if the first bootable device is: USB device:.
Put the prepared USB Pen Drive into the USB socket.
Restart the PC.
When the system is ready, put into floppy drive, diskette called User Interface - ref. TSX LF USR V5
Go to floppy drive A:\ and type command: install

Follow the installation.

During installation make AUTOMATIC Installation choice:

After that, accept the other, standard settings, by [ENTER] :

Choose the AUTOMATIC start-up method:

After all check the installed software:

The result should be OK:

Follow the same style of installation, from Command Prompt, with PL7-2 diskettes ref. TSX LF PL7 22L V5.
At the end check again the installed software:

Follow exactly the same style of installation for PL7-1 or PL7-3 (ver.3) diskettes.

3. Starting the installed software.

After the whole PL7-1, 2 software is installed we can restart again PC from USB Pen Drive.
User Interface will start automatically and following screen should appear:

It means, we can start programming with PL7-2 /1 /3.

This document is available on

All information provided in this document is correct to the best knowledge of the author. This approach was designed and tested in laboratory conditions. The
environment influences behavior of electronic devices and therefore the user takes full responsibility for applying presented solutions.

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