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ENAM Securities
Mutual Fund Research

Liquidity Overhang? Credit Policy Review

Prateek Jain
(+91) 22 6680 3616

RBI has hiked the Cash Reserve Ratio by 50 bps to 7.0% (effective 4th August)
The daily reverse repo (under LAF) cap of Rs 3,000 crore has been removed (effective 6th August)
The second/afternoon reverse repo (under LAF) has been discontinued

What has changed?

Liquidity is in abundance in the system due to constant intervention by the RBI in the forex market on
account of staggering capital inflows while striving to ensure that the rupee does not breach the
psychological Rs 40/$ mark. This focus in turn released immense liquidity into the system as the RBI
avoided new MSS issuances. Furthermore, the RBI imposed a Rs 3,000 crore cap on the daily reverse repo
which caused overnight rates to fall to ten year lows of 0.10%.
The previous rate hikes (CRR and repo) have ensured that the galloping credit growth is within the RBIs
target. However, Money Supply (M3) continues to grow unabated and is above the RBIs comfort zone. In
view of the excess liquidity and money supply in the system, the RBI has increased the CRR by 50 basis
points to 7%. This increase is expected to drain close to Rs 15,000 crore from the system. Furthermore, to
provide some vigor to the liquidity overhang in the system the RBI has removed the daily reverse repo cap
of Rs 3,000 crore.
These measures taken by the RBI should ensure that overnight interest rates lie in between the reverse repo
and the repo band of 6-7.75%.

Stance of the Credit Policy

 To reinforce the emphasis on price stability and well anchored inflation expectations while ensuring a
monetary and interest rate environment that supports export and investment demand in the economy
so as to enable continuation of the growth momentum.
 To re-emphasis credit quality for securing macroeconomic and in particular financial stability.
 To respond swiftly with all possible measures to the evolving global and domestic situation
especially on the inflation, financial stability and the growth momentum.

Macro Numbers

Interest Rates (worldwide)


Target for 07-08

GDP Growth (%)





Inflation (WPI) (%)





Money Supply (M3) (%)





Non Food Credit (%)









Call Rates


































Interest Rates (%)

India key policy rates


Overnight MIBOR vs Call Rates


Movement of 3, 6 & 12 month CP

Central Banks

Reverse REPO
Repo Rate

Source: Bloomberg

31 JULY 2007

ENAM Securities

Liquidity Overhang? Credit Policy Review

Mutual Fund Recommendations



Liquid Plus

Floating Rate

Short Term

Income/ Bond

Gilt Funds



Impact on the Mutual Fund Industry

Liquid Funds: These schemes will strive to gain from the changes mentioned in the credit policy as overnight
MIBOR, call rates and CBLO will witness a surge from their current lows of sub 1 percent. We expect the call
rates to realign themselves between the reverse repo and the repo rate due to the removal of the daily reverse
repo cap.

Liquid Plus Funds: These schemes also stand to gain as the incremental inflows can be deployed into higher
yielding papers as the shorter end of the yield curve has moved up post the announcement of the policy. The
running yield of the portfolio should witness an upward revision as a sizeable number of schemes are
maintaining exposure to cash due to an asset glut.

Short Term Floating Rate Funds: This category is broadly non existent as most of the schemes are managed
like quasi liquid funds. Any upward rate revision bodes well for this category.

Long Term Floating Rate Funds: Most of the schemes in this category are quasi liquid plus funds and offer
a reduced dividend distribution tax. This category also stands to gain as the running yield of the portfolio
should witness an upward revision.

Short Term Income Funds: Most of the schemes are ideally positioned to capitalize on the credit spread
between the 18-24 months corporate issuance vis--vis its underlying government security. Investors seeking
to generate superior returns will have to be very selective about the scheme in which they invest as few are a
play on the credit story while the others are purely into trading gains.

Long Term Income Funds / Gilt Funds: These schemes present more a trading opportunity in the short
run as against an investment opportunity. Better avoided until some clarity comes regarding various issues
like the SLR reduction. A relief rally was witnessed in this category post the announcement.

Monthly Income Plans: Status quo being maintained for these schemes as the returns of monthly income
plans are mostly determined by the vagaries of the equity markets as against the debt markets. We recommend
this style of investing to investors who have a sufficiently long time horizon and are comfortable with taking
exposure to equities.

Derivative/Arbitrage Funds: The debt portfolios of these schemes are usually invested at the shorter end of
the yield curve and they will benefit from the liquidity tightening. Their ability to lock into trades which offer a
high cost of carry separates the winners from the losers. The recommended time horizon for these schemes is a
minimum of six months.

We continue to recommend exposure to liquid plus funds due to their investment style i.e. investing
in papers ranging from 3-12 month papers while having negligible mark to market exposure.

31 JULY 2007

ENAM Securities

Liquidity Overhang? Credit Policy Review

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31 JULY 2007

ENAM Securities

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