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Requirements of the project is to identify the OAF personalization for the existing MSI responsibilities
And apply the personalization for the corresponding Zebra Responsibilities.
1) Creation of two independent value sets MSIAR_PAGE_MIG and MSIAR_RESP_MIG which stores
page name and responsibility key respectively.
2) Creation of shell script (host) program to apply the OAF personalization to the newly created
3) Creation of a concurrent program (host) with input parameters.
Create two independent value sets as below
Login into the application using system administrator.
Navigate to Application-->Validation-->Set
Define the below value sets.


Write a host(MSIAR_OAF_PG_MIG_SH) script .Place it in custom top

(/u02/app/applscp/apps/apps_st/custom/msiar/12.0.0/bin) having following functionalities.

For OAF migration from one responsibility to other responsibility for same page, we have are
fowling below approach: we created 2 values sets, one will store responsibility and key and its
dff store page name and category and other value set stores, page name.

Host script requires mandatory parameters like page name and category, bases on these values
(parameters should be same as value set DFF values) it will fetch the responsibility details.
Then it will open the .xml file of particular page and places the Zebra responsibility values then
it will import the page.

1)Fetch the page list and responsibilities list stored in the backend tables
(fnd_flex_values,fnd_flex_value_sets) respectively.
2)Import the XML file from source(MSI) file path to target(Zebra) file path.
Create an execuatable for the Host program MSIAR_OAF_PG_MIG_SH.

Attach the created executable to the concurrent program MSIAR - Migrate OAF pages having three
input parameters.

Define the input parameters

Attach the above program to the request group of the responsibility(MSI Interface Scheduler) from
where we are going to run the concurrent Program.

1)Identification of OAF personalised responsibilities.

Run the below query to get the source responsibilties and page names having OAF personalisation.
SELECT DISTINCT D.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME,d.responsibility_id,a.path_name,
FROM apps.jdr_paths a,
apps.jdr_attributes b,
apps.jdr_paths c,
apps.fnd_responsibility_vl d
WHERE att_comp_docid = a.path_docid
AND a.path_owner_docid = c.path_docid
After fetching the source(MSI) responsibilities,get the corresponding Zebra responsibilities.
Once the target(Zebra) responsibilities are known,Place the corresponding .xml files in custom top.
Place the XML files in the below path which needs to be imported.

2)Adding the Pages and new(Zebra) responsibilities(keys) in MSIAR_PAGE_MIG and

MSIAR_RESP_MIG respectively.
a) Open the value-set MSIAR_PAGE_MIG (Application->Validation->Values)
b)Query for <Pagename>,change the value of DFF(DR Number).
DR number must be unique.Run the below query to check whether the given DR Number already
Select distinct attribute1 from fnd_flex_values where
flex_value_set_id=(select flex_value_set_id from fnd_flex_value_sets where
If the DR number already exists,give an unique number.

Open the value set MSIAR_RESP_MIG, Add the required responsibility key in the context and add the
page name without an extension and category as <folder_name> where the .xml files are placed.

After entering the page name and responsibility key in respective value sets,run the concurrent program
MSIAR-Migrate OAF Pages.
View-->Requests-->Submit a new request-->Single Request-->Enter the program name as MSIAR

Migrate OAF Pages and give the input parameters as below

The above Program (SH) will import the .XML files placed in <om> folder in custom top and place it
in the target file path.
After successful import,run the below query to check whether personalisation has been applied to the
target(Zebra) responsibilities.
SELECT DISTINCT D.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME,d.responsibility_id,a.path_name,
FROM apps.jdr_paths a,
apps.jdr_attributes b,
apps.jdr_paths c,
apps.fnd_responsibility_vl d
WHERE att_comp_docid = a.path_docid
AND a.path_owner_docid = c.path_docid

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