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Human Cloning

It is not in this modern era, the concept of human cloning had started around 1952. It is
not only technology innovation but strongly indicated humans have capability to create living
beings. In 1970, the Dolly, a sheep which was cloned successfully had proved it already. This
cloning process was not limited to animals only, and then extended to human beings too.
Scientists got success in this aspect also, but here is a problem that even human cloning is
successful, in which way it will be a good sign for human beings?
Scientists cant provide assurance that the result of human cloning will be successful or
not as there is high level of uncertainty on the results. It is not sure that, even after cloning, the
life span of clone is limited. The expenses, those occur for cloning is very high as there is a need
for sophisticated technical equipment. In general, each and every individual on earth has
different genes. But in cloning we cant find out different genes which lead to genetic disorders
that affects human life cycle.
Most of the people who believe in God will not support human cloning. In their
perception, it is insulting God as they believe that, he is the only person who created this entire
world as well as creatures living on it. They believe that if human cloning is allowed, then the
relationships among the people will get affected. If it is allowed in massive creation, it will
become problem for current population. This will create lack of natural resources availability and
stress on currently available natural resources as well.
Apart from this, there is identification problem too. If the clone got even successful, it
raises problem of identity, the cloned person and donor will be alike. This will lead to misuse the
power of individuals in different ways. For example, assume there are four persons standing in

front of us having same faces, it is very difficult to find out the cloned person and actual
individual. If clones are used as weapons in crimes it will raise a national security threat and
harmful for world peace. And mostly it is considered against the nature by distracting the natural
process of reproduction.
Whatever the inventions had done through utilizing the power of science, the main
intention is to reduce the efforts of people and to provide them a better way to lead their lives. If
it is not providing healthy environment for people or if there is any threat to the society, there is
no use to continue it for a long time. For example, the invention of atom bomb which is a great
scientific creation that spread the name of Nobel worldwide. But when there is a serious threat to
public and national security ban on its production had done. In the same way, as per the above
statements, I strongly wont support for the concept of human cloning as its negatives are
dominating positive aspects.

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