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Informatica Deployment Automation Script - UNIX

Bastin Jenifus J

Deployment Automation Script - UNIX

Bastin Jenifus J

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Informatica Deployment Automation Script - UNIX

Bastin Jenifus J

Table of Contents
Business Purpose: ............................................................................................................................ 3
Supported Versions: ........................................................................................................................ 3
List of actions: ................................................................................................................................. 3
Description: ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Create a Deployment Group: (DG_CREATE) ................................................................................ 4
Add objects to a Deployment Group: (DG_ADD)......................................................................... 5
Clear Objects in a Deployment Group: (DG_CLEAR).................................................................... 5
Delete a Deployment Group: (DG_DELETE)................................................................................. 6
Deploy a Deployment Group: (DG_DEPLOY) ............................................................................... 6
Create, Add, Deploy a Deployment Group in one step: (DG_C_A_D) ......................................... 6
Create a label: (LB_CREATE) ........................................................................................................ 7
Delete a label: (LB_DELETE) ........................................................................................................ 7
Apply label to a list of objects: (LB_APPLY) ................................................................................. 7
Create, Apply a label in one step: (LB_C_A) ................................................................................ 8

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Informatica Deployment Automation Script - UNIX

Bastin Jenifus J

Business Purpose:
This script using PMREP helps to deploy the Informatica Objects from source destination to a target
destination without any manual intervention getting involved.
Inventory list for every migration from environment to environment is very mandatory for all the
projects. So using only the inventory list as the source the script migrates the Informatica Objects.

Supported Versions:
Powercenter 9x

List of actions:

Create a deployment group.

Add objects to a deployment group.

Clear objects in a deployment group.

Delete a deployment group.

Deploy a deployment group to a target destination.

Assign permissions to the deployment group for any number of Informatica groups.

Create a label.

Apply label a list of objects.

Delete a label.

Assign permissions to the label for any number of Informatica groups.

Migration of Informatica Objects from environment to environment plays a major role in all the kinds of
projects (Development / Maintenance / Production Support). This activity when done manually will take
time if the list of objects is more. To overcome this effort and ease the activity this script can be used.
Download the below list of files. All the files must be present in the same unix path.
2. Infa_envrionmental_variables.env

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Informatica Deployment Automation Script - UNIX

Bastin Jenifus J

3. Mig_Inventory_list.csv
4. DeployOptions.xml
5. Informatica_Groups_Lst.txt is the main shell script which takes input parameters to perform the list of actions that
are highlighted in the top.
Infa_envrionmental_variables.env holds all the common information that is relevant to Informatica
Powercenter. Use the file as a sample to put in the respective inputs appropriately.
DeployOptions.xml file is the place where you can define the target folders for the respective source
folders. Set default integeration Service, set to copy workflow session logs, set to copy map variables
persisted values, set to copy dependency objects, set to move latest version only, etc..
Mig_Inventory_list.csv holds all the Informatica objects which need to be deployed or which need to
apply a label. Use this file as a sample and the same structure needs to followed.
<Repository Name>,<Folder Name>,<Object Type>,<Object Name>
Informatica_Groups_Lst.txt after creating a deployment group or a label we have to assign the
necessary permissions to the necessary groups. Use the file as a sample and the same structure needs to
be followed.
<Informatica Group Name>,<Permission like rwx / rw / rx>

Create a Deployment Group: (DG_CREATE)

PMREP creates only static deployment group. Also we cannot create a deployment group without a
query. So in order to create a deployment group using this script create a DUMMY query and provide
necessary permissions to all the groups whichever necessary.
As mentioned above create an onetime query which doesnt have any condition within it, as DUMMY in
the Repository Manager.
Use the below syntax to create a deployment group:
[unix:server]/home/path/sh USERNAME PASSWORD XXX YYY ZZZ DG_CREATE
XXX is the source repository name

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Informatica Deployment Automation Script - UNIX

Bastin Jenifus J

YYY is the target repository name

ZZZ is the deployment group name
DG_CREATE is the action that needs to be done.

Add objects to a Deployment Group: (DG_ADD)

After creating the deployment group, have the Mig_Inventory_list.csv ready to add all the objects and
its child dependents to the deployment group.
Use the below syntax to add objects to a deployment group:
[unix:server]/home/path/sh USERNAME PASSWORD XXX YYY ZZZ DG_ADD
XXX is the source repository name
YYY is the target repository name
ZZZ is the deployment group name
DG_ADD is the action that needs to be done.
The source repository name XXX and the repository name in the Mig_Inventory_list.csv should match
as the script connects to the source repository only. If it doesnt match it will fail.

Clear Objects in a Deployment Group: (DG_CLEAR)

If you want to re-use an existing deployment group, we can clear the informatica objects that were
added to that group earlier.
Use the below syntax to clear the objects in a deployment group:
[unix:server]/home/path/sh USERNAME PASSWORD XXX YYY ZZZ DG_CLEAR
XXX is the source repository name
YYY is the target repository name
ZZZ is the deployment group name
DG_CLEAR is the action that needs to be done.

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Informatica Deployment Automation Script - UNIX

Bastin Jenifus J

Delete a Deployment Group: (DG_DELETE)

We can also delete an existing deployment group using the same script.
Use the below syntax to delete a deployment group:
[unix:server]/home/path/sh USERNAME PASSWORD XXX YYY ZZZ DG_DELETE
XXX is the source repository name
YYY is the target repository name
ZZZ is the deployment group name
DG_DELETE is the action that needs to be done.

Deploy a Deployment Group: (DG_DEPLOY)

After adding all the necessary objects to the deployment group we can use the script to deploy the
objects to the target repository. DeployOptions.xml has all the options that comes up in the wizard
when deploying the deployment group manually.
Use the below syntax to deploy a deployment group:
[unix:server]/home/path/sh USERNAME PASSWORD XXX YYY ZZZ DG_DEPLOY
XXX is the source repository name
YYY is the target repository name
ZZZ is the deployment group name
DG_DEPLOY is the action that needs to be done.

Create, Add, Deploy a Deployment Group in one step: (DG_C_A_D)

We can also perform all the three actions of creating, adding objects and deploying the deployment
group in a single step using the same script.
Use the below syntax to create, add and deploy a deployment group:
[unix:server]/home/path/sh USERNAME PASSWORD XXX YYY ZZZ DG_C_A_D

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Informatica Deployment Automation Script - UNIX

Bastin Jenifus J

XXX is the source repository name

YYY is the target repository name
ZZZ is the deployment group name
DG_C_A_D is the action that needs to be done.

Create a label: (LB_CREATE)

Use the below syntax to create a label:
[unix:server]/home/path/sh USERNAME PASSWORD XXX YYY ZZZ LB_CREATE
XXX is the source repository name
YYY is the target repository name (Not necessary, but some parameter needs to be passed)
ZZZ is the Label name
LB_CREATE is the action that needs to be done.

Delete a label: (LB_DELETE)

Use the below syntax to delete a label:
[unix:server]/home/path/sh USERNAME PASSWORD XXX YYY ZZZ LB_DELETE
XXX is the source repository name
YYY is the target repository name (Not necessary, but some parameter needs to be passed)
ZZZ is the Label name
LB_DELETE is the action that needs to be done.

Apply label to a list of objects: (LB_APPLY)

The same Mig_Inventory_list.csv file can be used to apply label on the list of objects in the file. Label will
be applied to all the child / dependent objects
Use the below syntax to apply a label:

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Informatica Deployment Automation Script - UNIX

Bastin Jenifus J

[unix:server]/home/path/sh USERNAME PASSWORD XXX YYY ZZZ LB_APPLY

XXX is the source repository name
YYY is the target repository name (Not necessary, but some parameter needs to be passed)
ZZZ is the Label name
LB_APPLY is the action that needs to be done.

Create, Apply a label in one step: (LB_C_A)

We can create and apply the label to the list of objects in a single step using the same script.
Use the below syntax to create a label:
[unix:server]/home/path/sh USERNAME PASSWORD XXX YYY ZZZ LB_C_A
XXX is the source repository name
YYY is the target repository name (Not necessary, but some parameter needs to be passed)
ZZZ is the Label name
LB_C_A is the action that needs to be done.

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