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Time : 3Hours

Maximum Marks : 264


1. This sealed booklet is your question paper. Do not break the seal till you are instructed to do so.
2. The question paper CODE is printed on the left hand top corner of this sheet and the right hand top
corner of the back cover of this booklet.
3. Use the Optical Response Sheet (ORS) provided separately for answering the questions.
4. The ORS CODE is printed on its left part as well as the right part. Insure that both these codes are
identical and same as that on the question paper booklet. If not, contact the invigilator.
5. Blank spaces are provided within this booklet for rough work.
6. Write your name and roll number in the space provided on the back cover of this booklet.
7. After breaking the seal of the booklet, verify that the booklet contains 32 pages and that all the 60
questions along with the options are legible.
8. The question paper has three parts: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Each part has three
9. Carefully read the instructions given at the beginning of each section.
10. Section 1 contains 8 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer ranging from 0
to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer and 0 in all other cases.
11. Section 2 contains 10 multiple choice question with one or more than one correct option.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
12. Section 3 contains 2 match the following type questions and you will have to match the entries in
column I with entries in column II.
Marking scheme: for each entry in column I, +2 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all
other cases.

Candidates Name



SECTION 1(Maximum Marks: 32)

This section contains EIGHT questions.
The answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER ranging from 0 to 9, both
For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct integer in the ORS
Marking Scheme:
if the bubble corresponding to the answer is darkened
In all other cases

tan 2 x 4 tan x 9
1 tan 2 x
2. Let f : 0, 4 0, be defined by f x cos1 cos x .The number of points x 0, 4
1. The number of positive integers in the range of the function f(x) =

10 x
3. The number of integral values of k for which the equation 7cos x 5sin x 2k 1has a
4. The number of integer values of m for which f x x3 mx 2 3x 11 is invertible

satisfying the equation f x

5. The maximum value of f x

3x 2 9 x 17
is 5k 1 then the value of k is
3x 2 9 x 7

1 x
6. If x,y,z are non-zero real numbers are 1 y 1 2 y
1 z

1 z


1 1 1
0 then
x y z
1 3z

7. If x 2 y z 4,2 x y 2z 2, x y z 4 are inconsistent then

sin x cos x cos x

8. If cos x sin x cos x 0 x then tan x =

cos x cos x sin x

Space for rough work


SECTION 2(Maximum Marks: 40)

This section contains TEN questions.
Each question has FOUR option(s) (A), (B), (C) & (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these
four options is(are) correct
For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option(s) in the ORS
Marking Scheme:
if only the bubble(s) corresponding to the all corresponding to the correct option(s)
is(are) darkened
If none of the bubbles darkened
In all other cases
9. Which of the following is/are periodic?
1 x is rational
(a) f x
0 x is irrational
(b) f x

x x ; 2n x 2n 1

Where [.] denotes the greatest integer function, nZ



(c) f x

[2 x / ]

, where [.] denotes the greatest integer function.

(d) f x x x 3 tan x / 2 , Where [.] denotes the greatest integer function, and a is a
rational number.

10. f : R 1, and f x ln sin 2 x cos 2 x ; (Where [.] denotes the greatest

integer function). Then,
(a) f x has range Z

(b) f x is periodic with fundamental period /4.

(c) f x is invertible in [0 , /4].

(d) f x is into function.

Space for rough work

11. Let f x sgn cot x tan / 2 x , Where [x] denotes the greatest integer function less

than or equal to x. Then which of the following alternatives is/are true?

(a) f x is a many-one function but not an even function.
(c) f x is a bounded function.

(b) f x is a periodic function.

(d)The graph of f x remains above the x-axis.

12. Which of the following functions have the graph symmetrical about the origin?

x y
(a) f x given by f x f y f
1 xy

(b) f x given by f x f y f x 1 x 2 y 1 x 2

(c) f x given by f x y f x f y x, y R

(d)None of these.

13. Let the function f : R be defined by f x 2 x sin x for x R . Then f is

(a) One-to-one onto.

(b)One-to-one but not onto.

(c)Onto but not one to one.

(d)Neither one-to-one nor onto.

14. If f x sin x cos x, g x x 2 1 , then g f x is invertible in the domain

(a) 0,

4 4

2 2

Space for rough work

(d) 0,

15. If A is an odd order sequence matrix such that A + A + 2I = 0 then which of the following
is/are true

(a)A is non-singular (b) A is symmetric

16. If AB = A and BA = B, then
(a) B = I
(b) A = I
1 x
17. Let


1 x

(c) A cannot be skew symmetric (d) A1

(c) A2 = A

(d) B2 = B

x 2 ax5 bx4 cx3 dx2 ex f then :

1 x

(a) f = 1
(b) e = 3
(c) a + c = 1
18. If f x and g x are functions such that f x y f x.g y g x. f y , then
f g
f g



f is independent of


Space for rough work


(d) b + d = 1


SECTION 3(Maximum Marks: 16)

This section contains TWO questions.
Each question contains two columns, Column I & Column II.
Column I has four entries (A), (B), (C) & (D).
Column II has five entries (P), (Q), (R), (S) & (T).
Match the entries in Column I with the entries in Column II.
One or more entries in Column I may match with one or more entries in column II.
The ORS contains a 4 X 5 matrix whose layout will be similar to the one shown below:

For each entries in Column I, darken the bubbles of all the matching entries. for example if entry (A) in
Column I matches with entries (Q), (R), (T) then darken these three bubbles in the ORS. Similarly, for the
entries (B), (C) & (D).
Marking Scheme:
if only the bubble(s) corresponding to the all corresponding to the correct option(s) is(are)
If none of the bubbles darkened
In all other cases


In all other cases


Column I

Column II
1 x

One-one ,onto

f : R 0 R f x x


One-one , not onto

f : R 0 R f x x


Onto, not one-one

f : R 0 R f x x


Neither one-one nor onto

f : 0, 0, f x

1 2

20. If A 2 1 2 and 3B =A then match column I with column II

2 2 1

Column I

Column II

Adj A is

Orthogonal matrix

B is

Involutory matrix

BT is

Cofactor matrix of A



Space for rough work


SECTION 1(Maximum Marks: 32)

This section contains EIGHT questions.
The answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER ranging from 0 to 9, both
For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct integer in the ORS
Marking Scheme:
if the bubble corresponding to the answer is darkened
In all other cases
1. Three charges
are placed at the vertices of a triangle. A dipole moment is
placed at O at shown. Take
. The force exerted by charges
on dipole is

. Find

2. The electric field in a region is radially outward with magnitude

. Calculate the value
of charge
contained in sphere of radius
centered at origin. If
3. A capacitor stores
when connected across a battery. When the gap between the plates
is filled with a dielectric, a charge
flows through the battery. The dielectric constant
of material is
Space for rough work

4. If the following combination of capacitor are connected with 4V battery then charge on
second 1F capacitor (in C) is

5. Suppose one wishes to construct a

capacitor using circular discs. If the sepration
between the disc is kept at
, what would be approximate radius of disc(in km)
6. A wire is bent in the form of a regular hexagon and a total charge q is distributed uniformly
on it. What is the electric field at center?
7. A charge of
is given to one plate of a parallel plate capacitor of capacitance
and a
charge of
is given to other plate. The potential difference between the plates (in Volts)
8. Two identical particles, each having a charge of
and mass of
, are kept at a
seperation of
and released. What should be speed of each particle (in x
/s) when
the seperation becomes large
Space for rough work

SECTION 2(Maximum Marks: 32)

This section contains TEN questions.
Each question has FOUR option(s) (A), (B), (C) & (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these
four options is(are) correct
For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option(s) in the ORS
Marking Scheme:
if only the bubble(s) corresponding to the all corresponding to the correct option(s)
is(are) darkened
If none of the bubbles darkened
In all other cases
9. A thin walled spherical conducting shell S of radius R is given a charge Q. The same amount
of charge is also placed at its center C. Select the correct statements from following:
(a) charge density on outer surface of S is
(b) Electric field is zero at all points inside S
(c) At a point just outside S, Electeric field is double the field at a point just inside S
(d) Electric field is inversely propotional to square of its distance from C at points outside
and inside the conductor.
10. An electric charge
is placed at point (1,2,4). At the point (3,2,1), the electric
(a) field will increase by factor K if the space between the points is filled with a dielectric of
dielectric constant K.
(b) field will be along y-axis
(c) potential will be approx 49.9 V
(d) field will hae no y-component
Space for rough work

11. Electric potential in a region of space is given by:

, where V is in volts
, x is in meters and A,B,C are constants.Then,
(a) E varies linearly with x
(b) Unit of E is newton coulomb-1
(c) E is in negatie x direction
(d) E is constant in this region
12. A conducting spherical shell of radius R has a charge. Then
(a) the charge is uniformly distributed over its surface in absence of external fields.
(b) distribution of charge over its surface will be non-uniform if an external electric field is
present in space.
(c) potential at every point of the shell must be same
(d) the electric field inside the sphere will be equal to zero only when no external field exists.
13. Consider two identical charges placed 2d distance apart along x-axis. The equilbirium of a
positive test charge placed at O midway between them is
(a) stable for displacement along x-axis
(b) neutral
(c) unstable for displacement along y-axis
(d) stable for displacement along y-axis
14. Two identical parallel plate capacitor are connected in one case in parallel and in the other
case in series. In each case the plates of one capacitor are brought closer by a distance and
the plates of other are moved apart by same distance . Then
(a) total capacitance of first system increases
(b) total capacitance of first system decreases
(c) total capacitance of second system increases
(d) total capacitance of second system decreases
Space for rough work

15. A charged particle having a positive charge q approaches a grounded metal spheres of radius
R with a constant small speed v as shown in figure. Then select the correct alternative

(a) as charge q draws nearer to the sphere, a current flows into the ground
(b) as charge q draws nearer to the sphere, a current flows out of the ground
(c) as charge q draws nearer to the sphere, magnitude of current in wire increases
(d) as charge q draws nearer to the sphere, magnitude of current in wire decreases
16. Which of the following is true?
(a) The electric field inside a closed conductor is always zero.
(b) The electric field at the surface of a conductor is perpendicular to it.
(c) The potential at the surface of a conductor is constant.
(d) The electric field lines never forms a closed loop.
17. A isolated conducting sphere
(a) Can be used as an energy storing device.
(b) The electric field inside it would be zero if it doesnt have any charge within its body.
(c)The electric field at the surface of the charge wont be continuous/
(d) Its capacitance decreases as the radius increases.

18. A small conducting sphere of radius mounted on an insulated handle and having a positive
charge q is inserted through a hole in the wall of a hollow conducting sphere of inner radius
and outer radius .The hollow sphere is supported on an insulated stand and is initially
uncharged. The small sphere is placed at the center of the hollow sphere. Neglect any effect
of the hole. Which of the following statement(/s) will be true for this system?
(a) No work will be done in carrying a charge from inner conductor to outer conductor
(b) The electric field at a point in the region between the spheres at a distance r from the
center is equal to
(c) The electric field at a point outside the sphere at a distance r from the center is equal to
(d) The potential of the inner sphere with respect to the outer sphere is given by

Space for rough work

SECTION 3(Maximum Marks: 16)

This section contains TWO questions.
Each question contains two columns, Column I & Column II.
Column I has four entries (A), (B), (C) & (D).
Column II has five entries (P), (Q), (R), (S) & (T).
Match the entries in Column I with the entries in Column II.
One or more entries in Column I may match with one or more entries in column II.
The ORS contains a 4 X 5 matrix whose layout will be similar to the one shown below:




For each entries in Column I, darken the bubbles of all the matching entries. for example if entry (A) in
Column I matches with entries (Q), (R), (T) then darken these three bubbles in the ORS. Similarly, for the
entries (B), (C) & (D).
Marking Scheme:
if only the bubble(s) corresponding to the all corresponding to the correct option(s) is(are) darkened
If none of the bubbles darkened
In all other cases


In all other cases

Columns I

Columns II

Zero potential

Zero electric field



Constant electric field

Constant electric potential


Concentric circles with centres on

axis of a dipole
At a fixed distance d from a point
Inside a uniformly charged
conducting spherical shell
In the vicinity of an infinitely
uniformly charged large sheet



The electric potential at surface


The electric flux at surface increases

The electric potential at surface


The electric flux at surface decreases

A positive charge q is put in

the cavity of a solid sphere
A negative charge q is placed
at the body center of a cube
Two spheres of same radius
but different surface charge
density are connected.
A positive charge is kept at
the surface of a conductor

Space for rough work




SECTION 1(Maximum Marks: 32)

This section contains EIGHT questions.
The answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER ranging from 0 to 9, both
For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct integer in the ORS
Marking Scheme:
if the bubble corresponding to the answer is darkened
In all other cases
1. A metal (Atomic mass = 75 g mol-1 ) crystallizes in cubic lattice, the edge length of unit cell
being 5. If the density of metal is 2 h cm-3 , then find the radius of metal atom (nA = 6
1023). If radius of metal atom is X pm. Then find the value of

[ ]. Where [ ] denotes the

greatest integer value.

2. KCL crystallizes in the same type of lattice as does NaCl. Given that

= 0.5 and

0.7. Calculate the ratio of the side of the unit cell for KCl to that of NaCl. If value of ratio is
a.bcd ( where a, b, c & d are numbers. For eg. if ratio= 2.987 then c=8 ) then, find the value
of c.
3. The edge length of unit cell of LiCl having rock salt type lattice is 5014 . If Li + ions
precisely fit into the octahedral void of clased packed structure of Cl- ions, if the ionic radius
of Cl- ions is X pm. Then find the value of

[ ]. Where [ ] denotes the greatest integer

4. A metal crystallizes into two cubic phases, face centered cubic(fcc) and body centered
cubic(bcc), whose unit cell lengths are 3 and 6 respectively. Calculate the ratio of
densities of bcc and fcc.

Space for rough work

5. 29.2% (w/w) HCl stock solution has a density of 1.25 g mL . The molecular weight of HCl
is 36.5 g mol-1. The volume(mL) of stock solution required to prepare a 200 mL solution of
0.4 M HCl is:

6. 2.71 g of sulphur in 72 g naphthalene shows a freezing point lowered by 1.015 oC. Kf for
C10H8 is 6.9 K mol-1 kg. How many atoms of S are present in a molecule of sulphur?
7. A metal M of molar mass 96 g mol-1 reacts with fluorine to form a salt that can be
represented as MFx. In order to determine x, a 9.18 g of the sample of the salt is dissolved in
100 g of water and its boiling point was determined to be 374.38 K. What is the chemical
formula of the salt? Given Kb (water) = 0.512 kg mol-1. Assume complete dissociation of salt.
8. An element X of atomic mass 25.0 exists as X4 in benzene to the extent of 100%. When
10.30 g of saturated solution of X in benzene is added to 20.0 g of benzene, the depression in
freezing point of the resulting solution is 0.51 K. If Kf for benzene is 5.1 K kg mol-1, the
solubility of X(in g) in 100g of benzene will be

Space for rough work


SECTION 2(Maximum Marks: 40)

This section contains TEN questions.
Each question has FOUR option(s) (A), (B), (C) & (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these
four options is(are) correct
For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option(s) in the ORS
Marking Scheme:
if only the bubble(s) corresponding to the all corresponding to the correct option(s)
is(are) darkened
If none of the bubbles darkened
In all other cases
9. Let Benzene and naphthalene form an ideal solution at room temperature. For this process,
the true statement(s) is(are)
(a) G is positive
(b) Ssystem is positive
(c) SSurroundings=0
(d) H=0
10. Which of the following is/are correct statements(s) about the Raoults law applied to a
solution of non-volatile solute?
(a) Vapour pressure of solution is proportional to mole fraction of solute
(b) V.P. of solution is proportional to the mole fraction of solvent
(c) Relative lowering of V.P.= mole fraction of solute
(d) Lowering of vapour pressure is proportional to the mole fraction of solute.

11. Which pair(s) of liquids on mixing are expected to show no net volume change and no heat
(a) Acetone and ethanol
(b) Chlorobenzene and bromobenzene
(c) Chloroform and benzene
(d) N-butyl chloride and n-butyl bromide

Space for rough work

12. Composition of an azeotrope
(a) Is independent of external pressure because it is a compound
(b) Alters on changing the external pressure as it is not a compound
(c) Remains unchanged during distillation at a constant external pressure
(d) Fluctuates even at constant pressure
13. Colligative properties are similar in that they all
(a) Were discovered in college laboratories
(b) Are due to solvent molecules linked together
(c) Have no harmful side effects
(d) Depend on the concentration os solute particles in solution
14. In benzene the intermolecular forces is/are:
(a) Dipole-dipole attractions
(b) Hydrogen bonding
(c) Dispersion forces
(d) and bonding
15. Which of the following(s) have non-stoichiometric defect?
(a) Frenkel defect
(b) Schottky defect
(c) Metal excess defect
(d) Electronic defect
16. Select the correct statement(s):
(a) Schottky defect is shown by CsCl
(b) Frenkel defect is shown by ZnS.
(c) Hcp and ccp structures have the same coordination number 12
(d) On increasing pressure, coordination number of CsCl decreases to that of NaCl

Space for rough work

17. In Na2O structure
(a) O2- ions constitute ccp and Na+ ions occupy all the octahedral holes
(b) O2- ions constitute ccp and Na+ ions occupy all the tetrahedral holes
(c) O2- ions constitute ccp and Na+ ions occupy 50% of tetrahedral holes and 100%
octahedral holes
(d) Na+ ions constitute ccp and O2- ions occupy half of octahedral holes.
18. Which of the following has antifluorite structure?
(a) CaF2
(b) BaF2
(c) Li2O
(d) Na2O

Space for rough work


SECTION 3(Maximum Marks: 16)

This section contains TWO questions.

Each question contains two columns, Column I & Column II.
Column I has four entries (A), (B), (C) & (D).
Column II has five entries (P), (Q), (R), (S) & (T).
Match the entries in Column I with the entries in Column II.
One or more entries in Column I may match with one or more entries in column II.
The ORS contains a 4 X 5 matrix whose layout will be similar to the one shown below:

For each entries in Column I, darken the bubbles of all the matching entries. for example if entry (A) in
Column I matches with entries (Q), (R), (T) then darken these three bubbles in the ORS. Similarly, for the
entries (B), (C) & (D).
Marking Scheme:
if only the bubble(s) corresponding to the all corresponding to the correct option(s) is(are)
If none of the bubbles darkened
In all other cases


In all other cases

Space for rough work


19. Match the following at constant pressure of 1 atm.

Column- I
(a) Mixture of two immicible liquid.
(P) Composition dependent
(b) Solution of two miscible liquids
(q) Constant, independent of relative
following Roults law
amount of the liquids.
(c) Maximum B. point azeotropes
(r) Constant along with composition
(d) Minimum B. point azeotropes
(s) Constant, composition of
solution and vapour being

20. Match the following column

Column I
(a) atoms are present at corners as well as on edge centre

Column II
Packing efficiency
(i) /6

(b) atoms are present at corners as well as on face centre

(ii) /8

(c) atoms are present at corners as well as on body centre

(iii) /12

(d) atoms are present only at corners

(iv) /6

Space for rough work

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