Marketing Challenges Into The Next Century A. Marketing Operates Within A Dynamic Global Environment

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Negative demand and tasks of marketing management: Consumers deslike the

product and avoid it.
2. No demand and tasks of marketing management : Consumers may be unaware
or uninterested in the product.
3. Latent demad and tasks of marketing management : Consumers can not be
satisfied by an existing product.
4. Falling demand and tasks of marketing management : Consumers begin to
buythe product less frequently.
5. Irregular demand and tasks of marketing management : Consumers purchases
vary on seasonal, monthly, weekly, daily or even hourly basis.

6. Full demand and tasks of marketing management : Consumers are adequately

buying all products
7. Overful demand and tasks of marketing management : More consumers would
like to buy the product.
8. Unwholesome demand and tasks of marketing management : Consumers may
be attracted to products that have undesirable social consequence
5. Marketing Challenges into the Next Century
a. Marketing operates within a dynamic global environment.
b. Todays companies are wrestling with:
1). Changing customer values and orientations.
2). Economic stagnation.
3). Environmental decline.
4). Increased global competition.
5). And a host of other economic, political, and social problems.
Growth of Nonprofit Marketing
c. In recent years marketing has become a major component in the strategies of

many nonprofit organizations (such as colleges, hospitals, museums, symphony

orchestras, and even churches).
d. Organizations such as hospitals (seeking to find out what customers want), the
YMCA (trying to attract new members), the U. S. Army (designing social
marketing campaigns), and the U. S. Postal Service (selling stamps through the
mail) have all learned the value of marketing procedures and techniques.
The Information Technology Boom
e. The boom in computer, telecommunications, and information technology, as well
as the merging of these technologies, has had a major impact on the way
businesses produce and market their products.
f. The Information Superhighway (and its backbone--the Internet) will link
customers to companies in ways that were unimagined only a few years ago.
The Internet is a vast and burgeoning global web of computer networks, with no
central management or ownership. The user-friendly World Wide Web has
changed us all.
g. As information technology becomes more user-friendly, the astute marketer will
learn how to use the various systems to increase business and better serve the
customer of tomorrow.
*****Use Key Term Internet Here; Use Discussing the Issues #5 Here*****
Rapid Globalization
h. Geographical and cultural differences and distances have shrunk dramatically in
the last decade.
i. Today, almost every company, large or small, is touched in some way by global
1). American firms are challenged by international competitors in their once
safe domestic market.
2). Companies are not only exporting, but buying more components and supplies
from abroad.
3). Domestically purchased goods and services are hybrids (with components
coming from many international sources).
4). The secret for business success in the next century will be to build good
global networks.
*****Use Marketing At Work 1-3 Here*****
The Changing World Economy
j. A sluggish world economy has resulted in more difficult times for both
consumers and marketers.
k. Downsizing (to cut costs) has dramatically affected purchasing power.
l. Current economic conditions create both problems and opportunities.
The Call For More Ethics And Social Responsibility
m. The ethics and environmental movements will place even stricter demands on

companies in the future.

n. Environmental responsibility cannot be ignored.
The New Marketing Landscape
o. Companies of every sort learned that they cannot remain inwardly focused,
ignoring the needs of consumers and their environment.
p. Companies must become consumer oriented and market driven.
q. Inward (social responsibility) and outward (customer orientation) values will
remain a constant measure of success.
*****Use Chapter Objective #5 Here; Use Video Case 1 Here; Use Rest Stop (Power
Point 1-18) Here*****

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