Agro-Terrorism: A Dangerous Threat

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U . S . C u s t o m s a n d B o r d e r P r o t e c t i o n H Fa l l / W i n t e r 2 0 0 8

A Dangerous Threat
Raising public awareness
on border fencing –Page 22

Taking care of business

Office of International Trade Second Anniversary –Page 33
Veronica Ledezma. CBP Field
Operations Agriculture Specialist

Lights, Camera…
H on the cover Photo by: James Tourtellotte
Photo by: ©ABC/RON TOM

and Plenty of Action

For much of last year, television crews from
ABC have tried to be a fly on the wall,
observing and recording what goes on within
10 Agro-defense in the Spotlight
When a microscopic pest can enter through U.S.
the major components of the Department of
borders and devastate America’s agricultural
Homeland Security. Their work has culminated
resources, the pressure is on for CBP’s highly
in a reality series to be aired 13 Tuesdays this
trained agriculture specialists.
winter and spring.
“They’re ordinary men and women working
against an epic landscape,” said series
producer Arnold Shapiro (Scared Straight, H Features
Rescue 911). “They have a job that is
dangerous, difficult and always unpredictable.
What viewers will see is powerful,
dramatic, amazing and emotional, with 16 Breaking the Mold
unexpected moments of humor.” It has taken new thinking, an aggressive campaign
  and a very fast sponsorship to promote the job of
Previews of the upcoming show can be Border Patrol agent, attracting more than 200,000
seen at new applicants.
20 Safety First 16 30
As imported goods flood into the U.S., CBP joins a
federal effort to make sure these products are not
harmful or bogus.

26 From Barriers to Understanding

CBP works to assure that good fences make good
neighbors along the southwest border.
20 34
30 Unrivaled
Deputy Commissioner Jayson P. Ahern wants all
U.S. citizens to know that no agency has a greater
responsibility for protecting the homeland than CBP.

34 Q & A with Michael Kostelnik

The leader of CBP’s air and marine assets discusses
what it takes to build an organization today that
will succeed well into the future.

H Departments

2 Frontline Images 45 In Partnership

6 Around the Agency 48 To The Trade
34 In Focus 51 Great Work
39 Agriculture Actions 54 CBP History

New ABC primetime series airs in January 2009

42 Travel Tips
Frontline Images
Commissioner’s message

A Community Unites to Safeguard

Our Agricultural Resources
F a l l/W i n t e r 2 0 0 8
CBP Protects America from all dangers present at our borders. While the Secretary of Homeland Security
Michael Chertoff
news is full of troubling scenarios involving terrorism and smuggling, far Commissioner of U.S. Customs
less attention has been paid to threats to a crucial element of the American economy and way of and Border Protection
W. Ralph Basham
life: our agricultural resources. assistant commissioner
In many ways this is understandable, because the threats to agriculture literally can be o f F I C E O F p u b l i c a ff a i r s
Jeffrey C. Robertson
microscopic. But as the agro-defense story in this issue points out, the potential damage caused by Editor
pests bringing disease to our shores can be devastating. Laurel Smith

I am pleased to report to you that the last two years especially have seen great progress in Managing Editor
Dannielle Blumenthal, Ph.D.
CBP’s capacity to protect U.S. agriculture. I believe we now are working smarter as we’ve been able
S t a ff W r i t e r s
to forge more cooperative relationships with federal and state partners. Like so much of CBP’s Elysa Cross
Linda Kane
homeland security mission, protection of agriculture resources requires being on constant alert and
C ONTRI B UTING W r i t e r
having the capacity to continually learn. Eric Blum

The key resource for improving our relations with federal and state agriculture stakeholders production manager
Tracie Parker
is the Agriculture Quarantine Inspection Partnership Council, a group made up of leaders in
P h o t o g r a ph e r s
agriculture protection from around the country. Its purpose is relatively simple: assure greater Gerald L. Nino
James R. Tourtellotte
communication between agriculture stakeholders, provide a forum to promote innovation as well as
process and policy improvements, and monitor and support progress on action plans to safeguard Richard Rabil
Diana Flores
U.S. agriculture.
The Secretary of Homeland Security has determined
From my perspective, this partnership in a very short time has proved to be invaluable. Like that publication of this periodical is necessary in the
transaction by CBP of public business as required.
all homeland security efforts, agriculture protection is a team sport. CBP’s officers and agriculture
specialists cannot succeed without the support of industry experts. The launching of the Partnership A ddress letters and contributions to:
M a i l : Managing Editor, Frontline,
Council has invigorated our efforts. U.S. Customs and Border Protection
 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Room 3.4A,
So while other aspects of CBP may get a few more headlines, I have a huge amount of Washington, DC 20229
E - M a i l :
admiration for the concerted efforts being made to safeguard one of America’s unique resources. F a x : 202.344.1393

My deep appreciation goes to dedicated men and women who serve as CBP agriculture specialists CBP Web site add ress:
and provide an invaluable contribution to America’s way of life.

D istribution:
Do you want to add or delete your name from
—W. Ralph Basham, Commissioner the distribution list? Have you changed your address?
Please call 202.344.1310 or fax changes
to 202.344.1787.

2 H C OMMISSIONER ' S MESSAGE H H CBP Field Operations agriculture specialist at the Port of Philadelphia inspecting wood packing material for harmful foreign exotic pests and
the presence of bark.
Frontline Images Frontline Images

H  The Border Patrol intercepts tons of drugs each year, some of it in not very convenient locations. H Cars are often sent to Secondary at Land Border crossings for inspection. CBP Field Operations Officer takes a closer look at the inside of a
vehicle for illegal contraband.
around the agency

Pomp and A Pause to

Circumstance Remember
Office of Field Operations brand on

display at change of command

philosopher once said, “No
man can answer for his valor
n a summer day marked or courage, till he has been
by near-perfect weather, in danger.” This spring, CBP
CBP Field Operations—the honored those who have passed this test of
division of the agency that courage. On May 13, leaders and employees
oversees the CBP officers stationed at gathered together in a Valor Memorial
America’s ports of entry—conducted its ceremony to remember the men and women
first-ever formal change-of-command of CBP and its legacy agencies who have
ceremony. The ceremony was held given their lives while working to protect

The Long Goodbye

in El Paso, Texas, to welcome Ana B. the United States and its citizens. This past
Hinojosa, the new area director. For year, the names of four Border Patrol agents
Field Ops, as the office is called, the and three Air and Marine interdiction
ceremony was a small but deeply agents were added to this memorial, which
meaningful milestone in the young H Ana B. Hinojosa, the new OFO area director
stands in the lobby of CBP headquarters
agency’s history. in Washington, D.C. “This has been a

Operation Jump Start winds to a close

Since its inception in March 2003, to meet those goals. As Assistant devastating year of loss for CBP,” says CBP
CBP has developed and implemented Commissioner for Field Operations Deputy Commissioner Jayson Ahern. “The
standards, policies and symbols to Thomas Winkowski explains, “This very fact that we once held this annual
advance the internal and external event is part of the larger Field ceremony in our lobby, but this year had

recognition of the agency and to Operations branding initiative, which to bring it to the larger amphitheater, tells
n officer in a military uniform frontline border security activities. The time last year. demonstrate the strides the agency has is designed to provide a visually us how tragic a year it has been. Seven of
stands alone in a field, holding president also announced plans to hire There have been several noteworthy made as the guardians of the nation’s recognizable distinction to our fellow our best and most promising young people
a pair of binoculars, watching 6,000 new Border Patrol Agents over examples of the cooperation between borders. The change-of-command CBP employees and to the public.”  died last year and we are all diminished
to make sure that no one is two years, increasing their number from the agencies. California National Guard ceremony is the latest addition designed by their loss.” 
crossing the U.S. border illegally. This 12,000 to 18,000, to gradually replace the members based out of San Diego became
has been a familiar sight over the past National Guard members. the first non-CBP employees to receive a
two years. More than 6,000 members of During the two-year operation, Letter of Commendation by the agency

Exporting Expertise
the U.S. National Guard have worked Border Patrol agents and National Guard for their surveillance of alien smugglers.
at the border alongside Border Patrol members together arrested 176,000 National Guard members in Del Rio
agents, participating in surveillance, illegal immigrants, rescued 100 people Sector rescued a Central American from
construction and logistics. This summer, and seized more than $80,000 in cash drowning in the Rio Grande River by

the National Guard members handed back and more than 315,000 pounds of drugs. jumping into the water to save her.
his Spring, the CBP Office of Border Patrol shared its inaccurate and preconceived beliefs, thus fostering good working
their assignments to the Border Patrol as They also built more than 38 miles of Operation Jump Start officially
approach to combating terrorism, illegal immigration relationships that will benefit Customs and Border Protection and
Operation Jump Start came to an end. pedestrian fence, 95 miles of vehicle ended on July 15, but CBP’s partnership
and smuggling on the United States border with the United States Border Patrol in the global arena,” says Agent
Operation Jump Start began in fence and 18 miles of new all-weather with the National Guard remains. The representatives of 13 different countries who attended a Hitchcock.
August 2006 when President Bush roads. And responding to observations National Guard will continue to work with border security course in Ankara, Turkey, at the NATO Partnership Hitchcock adds that it was evident from this course that “the
announced measures to improve by National Guard members operating the Border Patrol through counterdrug for Peace Training Center. USBP [U.S. Border Patrol] has been identified and accepted within
security at the border by temporarily a remote video surveillance system, missions and by participating in annual Assistant Chief Patrol Agent William P. Hitchcock from the international law enforcement community as a subject matter
assigning members of the National Border Patrol agents netted 287 pounds of training projects. The two years of the New Orleans Sector and Field Operations Supervisor Eric J. expert on border control and security issues. The ability to create
Guard to monitor the borders at Arizona, cocaine valued at $9.2 million in a single Operation Jump Start strengthened the Swanson from the San Diego Sector attended at the invitation of a network in this international environment is conducive to global
Texas, New Mexico and California and seizure. Overall, apprehensions of illegal partnership between CBP and the National the Turkish General Staff. border security.” 
“The opportunity for representatives of different countries to
strengthen infrastructure, freeing up at aliens along the Southwest border are Guard and helped make the U.S. border
converge in a training and social environment helped to disprove
least 500 Border Patrol agents to conduct down more than 15 percent versus this more secure. 

6 H around the agency H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 7

around the agency

Rolling out the welcome wagon YOUR TICKET to get out of the line.
International Global Entry pilot program launched
be prompted to answer several

Photo by: Gerry Nino

CBP declaration questions posted on
the kiosk’s touch-screen. Once the
process is successfully completed, the
traveler will be issued a transaction
receipt that must be presented to the
CBP officer as the participant leaves
the CBP inspection area. 

Application for enrollment in the Global Entry

program is available through the Global Online
Enrollment System at

United Kingdom,
H DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff kicks off the new Global Entry pilot program. sign up
On May 19, CBP signed

a joint agreement with
or international travelers looking declared inadmissible to the United States the government of the
to enter the United States more under immigration legislation. Biometric
Netherlands to develop a
quickly and safely, CBP has a fingerprint technology will be used to
plan. It’s the Global Entry pilot verify the passenger’s identity and process to integrate the Global
program, designed to shorten wait and confirm his or her status as a Global Entry program with the Dutch
processing times for participants, allowing Entry participant. Privium program to facilitate
CBP officers to concentrate their efforts on Upon returning from international travel of U.S. and Dutch
potentially higher risk travelers. travel, Global Entry-enrolled travelers
The pilot kicked off on June 6 at may bypass the regular passport control
citizens between the two
countries. One month later,
Are you a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident
three “model ports”: John F. Kennedy
International Airport in New York, George
line and proceed directly to the Global
Entry kiosk. At the kiosk, the traveler will the agency signed a similar who is a frequent international traveler?
Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston activate the system by inserting his or her agreement with representatives
and Dulles International Airport near passport or U.S. permanent resident card of the U.K. Border Agency. Global Entry is your express pass through the U.S. international arrivals
Washington, D.C. into the document reader. The kiosk will The International Expedited area. Located in select airports, automated kiosks are designed to
Global Entry is available for U.S. direct the traveler to electronically provide
citizens or lawful permanent residents his or her fingerprints and will compare
Traveler Initiative will process pre-approved, U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents for
who are frequent international travelers, that biometric data with the fingerprint
integrate CBP’s Global Entry entry into the U.S. using fingerprint biometric technology.
provided they have not been found biometrics on file. A digital photograph of program with the British
guilty of a criminal offense, charged with the traveler will also be taken as part of the Registered Traveler program.
a customs or immigration offense or transaction record. Finally, the traveler will Enroll Today!
Visit to learn more.
Global Entry is a trusted traveler program operated by US Customs and Border Protection. Travelers will need to pass a background investigation to participate in the program.
8 H around the agency H F r o n t l i n e H fall/winter 2008 9
Photo by Gerald L. Nino
in the
Spotlight By Elysa Cross
Newly trained and technology-
Photo by: Gerry Nino

equipped, CBP’s field operations

agriculture specialists
reach out to prevent
A Field operations agriculture specialist disaster-causing
opens a box of vegetables and sees several small spots on some of the vegetable.
pest diseases
He knows that if the disease that caused those small spots gets into the United States,
it could potentially bring about the destruction of an entire segment of the agricultural
resources of this country and cost millions of dollars to eradicate.

10 H agro-defense in the spotlight H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 11

Photo by: Gerry Nino
“Your job is vital to protecting America’s agriculture,
our environment, our economy and our citizens.”
—W. Ralph Basham, CBP Commissioner

Specialists Wanted
Field operations agriculture
specialists are highly trained
and specialized. Their initial
educational requirements
include a bachelor’s or
higher degree in biological
sciences—including botany,
H A CBP field operations agriculture specialist examines fruit at a port of entry for pests and diseases that could potentially harm U.S. agriculture. entomology and plant
natural resource management,
The threats this individual faces down to reduce dependence on foreign crops. No so it will make sense to fast-forward now to chemistry or a closely related
may be microscopic in size compared less prominent figures than Benjamin Franklin March 1, 2003, when everything changed
and Thomas Jefferson brought olive trees field. And although they
with the terrorists, smugglers and drugs again. CBP was created and employees from
her counterpart Border Patrol agents and and rice to the United States to increase the Immigration and Naturalization, the Border are not law enforcement
CBP officers are after, but they are no less variety of crops available for cultivation. As Patrol, the U.S. Customs Service and the U.S. officers, CBP trains them in
dangerous in magnitude. And as one of a Jefferson said, “The greatest service which can Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Plant the laws and regulations that
cadre of highly trained scientists, she focuses be rendered to any country is to add a useful Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) program govern not only agriculture
all her efforts, every day, to keep Americans plant to its culture.” were brought together with a new priority but also admissibility, cargo
safe, healthy and free from the harm that The introduction of new plants mission: to prevent terrorists and their
enforcement and other areas
pests can do. continued, with few worries about weapons from entering the United States.
“Your job is vital to protecting America’s potentially negative consequences, until This new mission didn’t mean that under the CBP umbrella.
agriculture, our environment, our economy 1912. That year, the Plant Quarantine Act agriculture specialists had a new job (See
and our citizens,” says CBP Commissioner was passed to address building concern description. Rather, it shed new light on their to apply for a position as an
W. Ralph Basham. over pest outbreaks in nursery stock in the existing one. Rather than looking only for agriculture specialist.)
United States. This law also established a accidentally introduced pests and diseases,
A mission develops network of inspection stations at major ports they also had to focus on intentionally
Agricultural threats were not a problem for of entry and gave the federal government introduced ones.
America when our nation first formed and the authority to organize border quarantines
we farmed native plants exclusively. It started to inspect all agricultural products and to Bringing two worlds together
to become an issue only when farmers were restrict entry of any infested goods. The world of agricultural inspection is a
encouraged to grow sugarcane and other Space does not permit a fuller discussion complex one, and the integration of its
produce that were not native to the colonies, of the rich history of agriculture inspection, specialists into CBP, has not been without

12 H agro-defense in the spotlight H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 13

was to bring us together to compare Capitol Hill, industry representatives and agriculture specialists to perform their jobs

Photo by: Gerry Nino

notes on how we can continue to best the American public about what agriculture more efficiently.
protect America’s agriculture,” says Kevin specialists do and why they do it. These In addition, says Harriger, there are
Harriger, deputy executive director for CBP efforts will also be used to attract the next plans to make CBP headquarters “the hub
“In the early days, local farms Agriculture Operational Oversight. generation of agriculture specialists.
A major milestone in this
of the wheel,” serving as the single source
for information. “We’ll have a database of
Moving forward communication effort was the joint photos of every single thing that’s found
Today, CBP sees its agriculture mission as
produced food to provide seamlessly blending homeland defense with
stakeholders’ conference sponsored by CBP
and APHIS in early 2008. Its purpose was
out there. We’re also going to standardize
information materials for ports to use in
economic security. “In the early days, local to obtain honest feedback and comments presentations, and standardize incident
farms produced food to provide sustenance
sustenance for Americans for Americans as our nation developed. Today,
from outside parties on progress made so
far, as well as areas needing improvement.
reports that can be used to develop pest
information notifications to be sent out to
agriculture products not only feed our nation, At the end of the conference, Secretary A.G. all ports.”
but agriculture exports have a tremendous Finally, other plans to assist agriculture
as our nation developed. impact on the U.S. economy,” says Vernon
Kawamura of the California Department of
Food and Agriculture commented on the specialists in performing their job include
Foret, executive director, CBP Agriculture progress that was being made by CBP. He additional training as well as recruitment
Programs and Trade Liaison. “It’s the job of the noted that if this progress continues, private of new agriculture specialists to support
Today, agriculture CBP agriculture specialists to prevent foreign industry stakeholders may reconsider their inspection efforts.
plant pests and exotic animal diseases from reservations about the transfer of agriculture With the increased emphasis on
entering the U.S. through our ports of entry, specialists to the new agency. agriculture inspection and all of these
products not only feed therefore protecting our national economy.” Another element in CBP’s plan to initiatives in place, the American public
To educate the public about CBP’s advance the agriculture mission is improved can feel more secure that CBP is defending
agriculture-related activities, the agency is equipment. Mechanisms are now in place to them against the possibility of a plant disease
our nation, but agriculture embarking on an ambitious communication provide for equipment purchases so that each entering the country and causing havoc.
program. It includes outreach to CBP port of entry—whether air, sea or land— Today, our agriculture resources and food
field offices, other government agencies, will have the equipment needed to enable supplies are safer than ever. 
exports have a
tremendous impact

Photo by: Gerry Nino

on the U.S. economy.”
H A CBP field operations agricultural specialist examines a pest found during an inspection at
a port of entry.
—Vernon Foret, Executive Director,
CBP Field Operations
Agriculture Programs challenge. In 2007, a U.S. Government homeland security in border protection
Accountability Office (GAO) survey of CBP did not overshadow the need to protect
and Trade Liaison agriculture specialists found them concerned the food and agriculture industry from the
about the impact of the transfer on their introduction of pests and disease.
work. Though most reported feeling very well CBP had always been focused on
or somewhat prepared for their duties, some the agriculture mission. But the attention
did state that they had been conducting fewer from Capitol Hill, including constructive
By the numbers inspections and interceptions of prohibited
agricultural items since the move.
suggestions from various oversight agencies
and the House Agriculture Committee,
The GAO report generated a firestorm. led to further improvements. Specifically,
On a typical day in fiscal year Influential California Senator Diane Feinstein the agency formed partnerships with the
2008, CBP field operations and Illinois Senator Dick Durbin introduced USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection
agriculture specialists stopped a bill to move the agricultural inspectors Service (APHIS), which houses the PPQ
passengers carrying prohibited back to the USDA. Other organizations, program (the program still exists despite
meat and meat products, fruit such as the National Association of State the earlier transfer of agriculture specialists
and vegetables more than Departments of Agriculture and the to CBP), and representatives of several state
4,125 times. American Farm Bureau Federation, asked departments of agriculture to map out future
CBP for reassurance that the emphasis on plans. “The idea behind the partnership
H A CBP field operations agricultural specialist slices an orange to reveal larvae that have the potential to devastate the U.S. citrus industry.

14 H agro-defense in the spotlight H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 15

the mold By Dannielle Blumenthal
National Border Patrol ad campaign
focuses on recruiting, future at the Border

Two years ago, U.S.

Customs and Border Protection
was mandated to increase
by 6,000 the total number of
Border Patrol agents by the end
of 2008. This was a challenging
goal, to say the least as it would
take more than over 200,000
recruits to increase the Border
Patrol by this amount. And
CBP would be competing for
candidates with... continued on page 16

16 H Breaking the mold H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 17

Photo by: Gerry Nino
numerous other federal, state and local law of intercepting illegal aliens, smugglers and Technology to put together a complete efforts were timed to coincide with CBP’s
enforcement entities. drugs, their mission has been expanded recruitment event package from press recruiting events on military bases in
Clearly, achieving this goal would to guard our nation’s frontline against release and community relations to Germany during July, with an additional
require a dramatic increase in operational terrorists attempting to enter the country. online application. event in Korea in September.
tempo, new and creative ways of thinking, The ad campaign conveys these As the demand for qualified applicants The results of CBP’s expanded
and unparalleled cross-functional concepts through various images and a increased, so did the intensity of the Tiger military recruitment have given rise to
collaboration between the recruitment arms brand icon, “Protected by U.S. Border Teams and Sector recruiters, who organized the phrase, “Change your call sign, not
of the Office of Border Patrol and the Office Patrol,” that signify that Border Patrol agents a “Buckeye Blitz,” conducting simultaneous your calling.” These targeted efforts on
of Human Resources Management. There are guarding our nation from a wider scope recruiting events in the seven largest Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force
was no time to waste. of threats than ever before. Ohio cities to make use of a statewide installations have raised awareness of CBP
media campaign and to build on previous at each location, resulting in an increase in
Updating the message Tapping new markets recruiting success in that state by capitalizing the qualified applicant pool from military
The CBP recruitment message had to be While working on the message, CBP also on the current unemployment and housing installations by as much as 200 percent,
the right one to attract candidates who recognized the importance of reaching out trends. A second “Sunshine Blitz” was depending on the size and location of
could withstand the intense screening to potential candidates who might simply conducted in six cities in Florida in June, as the military installation. CBP’s initial
process, thorough background investigation be unaware of the law enforcement career it provided the same indicators as Ohio and overseas effort in Germany, which netted
and rigorous Border Patrol Academy opportunities with CBP. To do so effectively, could be executed in a relatively short period 60 applicants, left an “awareness footprint”
training. And the message had to convince the agency needed to supplement the of time. and generated sufficient interest for a
potential candidates that a career in the traditional efforts of local recruiters in the The National Recruitment Division also return trip by those unable to attend in H A Border Patrol academy class marches in formation in Artesia, New Mexico.
Border Patrol would be meaningful and right Border Patrol sectors by tapping new areas targeted its outreach to attract candidates person the first time.
for them. That meant updating the image and using new techniques to increase from colleges and universities with criminal The combination of recruitment
of the Border Patrol agent to more accurately public awareness. justice and law enforcement-related majors initiatives, persistence and creativity has radio spots, along with autograph signing current CBP employees, and by initiating
resulted in steady, positive increases in and promotional items. You may have and funding a referral award program for
qualified applicants over the past 18 months. seen Border Patrol’s NASCAR sponsorship those who successfully refer candidates to
The combination of recruitment initiatives, persistence In July of 2006, the Border Patrol averaged
1,200 applicants per week. For the same
on television broadcasts, commercials,
billboards and even the sides of metropolitan
the Border Patrol. Employees can receive
the initial $1,000 referral award when the
period one year later, it averaged over 2,800 buses. This is only one of a number of referred candidate successfully completes
and creativity has resulted in steady, positive increases in qualified applicants per week. And by June 2008,
that number increased to more than 3,800
similar initiatives.
Another is a national television
the Border Patrol Academy. The remaining
$500 of the referral award is paid when the
applicants per week. The highest weekly commercial campaign, which broke on cable candidate completes the first year of service.
applicants during the past 18 months. total, in April of 2008, netted a record-setting
6,000 applicants.
TV on June 30, 2008. The advertisements
emphasize the vision of the Border Patrol All about results
as a law enforcement force that enables So how is the Border Patrol doing in
Creative outlets ordinary Americans to live their lives in reaching its recruitment goals? As of
reflect the realities of their role in the Therefore, CBP established the National and to reach veterans returning from Reaching the target audience required safety and peace. The ads display a November 8, 2008 the agency had more
21st century. Recruitment Division within the Office overseas deployments. This group was more than crafting a compelling message brand icon that says, “Protected by than 17,900 Border Patrol agents onboard
CBP worked together with two private of Human Resources Management, and especially important as veterans comprise and finding new kinds of applicants – U.S. Border Patrol.” with fewer than 100 more to go by the end
sector advertising and marketing agencies, developed and deployed an outreach plan. approximately 21 percent of Border Patrol it also required measured risk and inspired A third tool is the Internet. While of 2008.)
Image Media Services and JWT INSIDE, This included creating “Tiger Teams” that agents and 23 percent of CBP’s workforce creativity about the methods used this medium is nothing new in terms of “The success of the recruitment efforts
a subsidiary of J. Walter Thompson, to could plan and execute targeted recruiting overall. CBP conducted recruiting events at to disseminate the message to the providing both the visual imagery and the far surpassed any reasonable expectations
research and develop just the right approach. events from start to finish and capture military installations both inside and outside intended audience. content required to attract the younger we could have had,” says Mark Borkowski,
The resulting message incorporated large numbers of qualified applicants in the continental United States, particularly One of the most exciting new tools generation, the agency is using the skills executive director of the Office of Border
the changing role of the Border Patrol agent a short period of time. The Tiger Teams on bases where units were returning from that CBP is using is professional sports of its private-sector partners to develop an Patrol’s Mission Support Division. “It is
as well as the context in which an agent are composed of Border Patrol agents deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and the marketing, largely spearheaded by the Border innovative new “fast-track” portal, www. a strong demonstration of what we can
operates. For while some aspects of the job and Human Resources staff that research military leadership was receptive to CBP’s Patrol, which combines recruiting events,, to provide direct access to accomplish as a team. When you combine
have never changed — the job has always available data on employment, population desire to provide employment opportunities national media and professional sports to the Border Patrol agent online application the Border Patrol’s ‘can do’ attitude and high
required well-trained, quick-thinking, density, proximity to the border, military to them. increase public awareness and acquire more process. This Web site provides testimonials standards with the National Recruitment
patriotic individuals able to handle life- deployments, etc., for targeted outreach. As a result of its outreach efforts, CBP qualified candidates. Today, the NASCAR from real agents, interactive maps of Border Office’s innovative thinking and strong
threatening situations — other aspects Borrowing a term from the law has had repeated exposure in both the Nationwide Series Car #28 bears the U.S. Patrol work locations, information tailored to management, nothing is impossible.”
have been dramatically transformed within enforcement community, the Tiger Teams printed and online Military Times Border Patrol name and Web site address, veterans and students seeking employment, But, as each week presents new
a relatively short period of time. Today, conducted large-scale “takedown” events in describing the career of a Border Patrol and recruiters are on site before, during and and dates of recruiting events. CBP challenges, the agency is not yet at the point
for example, there is a much greater large metropolitan locations such as Chicago, agent and listing recruiting events. after each race. The JRR, Inc. racing team, in continues to use other career-oriented sites, where it can take a breath. CBP will continue
emphasis on the use of technology to assist Miami, El Paso and Tucson. These events Additionally, National Recruitment has concert with CBP’s public affairs officers at such as and to proceed with its current strategy as well
in the detection and disruption of illegal are advertised, marketed and measured. worked with the Department of Defense headquarters and in the field, promote each to advertise Border Patrol positions. as seek out new ways to meet America’s
activity. On a higher level, the context of The Tiger Teams work with Office of to promote our recruitment information NASCAR-related recruiting event through Further, CBP Commissioner W. Ralph border security needs and protect the
the mission itself has changed. While agents Public Affairs, Office of Equal Employment on the Armed Forces Pentagon Channel aggressive media outreach and publicity Basham has made recruiting an agency- American public. 
continue to perform traditional missions Opportunity and Office of Information and through their “Blog Talk” radio. These using interviews, video clips, print ads and wide priority by requesting the help of all

18 H Breaking the mold H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 19

Safety first
CBP Joins Comprehensive Effort to Ensure Imported Goods Are Safe, Reliable
By Eric Blum

Trade is the lifeblood of the growing global

economy. But tainted pet food, fake pharmaceuticals, Salmonella-
infected vegetables, even phony athletic shoes threaten to derail
this new economic train before it ever reaches cruising speed.
20 H safety first H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 21
Photo by: James Tourtellotte
“The bottom line is every product entering the United States,”
wrote Health and Human Services Secretary
Michael O. Leavitt, chair of the interagency Recommendations of the Action
import safety working group. “Doing so
that the consumer would not only bring international trade
to a standstill, but would also distract
Plan on Import Safety
limited resources from those imported
must be confident goods that pose the greatest risk. Instead,
we have to be smarter about what we do.” 1. Create new and strengthen existing safety standards.

that imported What it means for CBP

Although as regulatory agencies, the
2. Verify compliance of foreign producers with U.S. safety
and security standards through certification.
Consumer Product Safety Commission,

goods are safe Food and Drug Administration,

Department of Agriculture and 3. Promote Good Importer Practices.
Department of Commerce all play
significant roles, a great deal of the
and trustworthy” responsibility for implementing solutions
lies with CBP.
4. Strengthen penalties and take strong enforcement actions
to ensure accountability.
The working group and its roadmap
—Dan Baldwin already have had impacts on CBP’s 5. Make product safety an important principle of our
trade office and its national import
Assistant Commissioner for diplomatic relationships with foreign countries and
personnel. There is a new Import Safety
Office of International Trade and Interagency Requirements office increase the profile of relevant foreign assistance activities.
This plan has yielded initial successes, at headquarters, and its director, Cathy
according to a report from the working Sauceda, participated in the import 6. Harmonize federal government procedures and
group, as it claims strong enforcement safety working group.
actions have been taken, agreements with “The work plan will stretch CBP’s requirements for processing import shipments.
key trading partners have been signed, area of responsibility,” Sauceda said.
bilateral and multilateral discussions have “Some things will be quite familiar, 7. Complete a single-window interface for the intra-agency,
occurred, critical information on safety such as greater collaboration with FDA
interagency and private-sector exchange of import data.
and best practices have been shared, and and CPSC, because we already do that
a process to improve safety practices, and will work to do it better.” Others
both inside and outside of government, may be more challenging and long- 8. Create an interactive import-safety information network.
has begun. term, Sauceda said, such as third party
certifications, targeting advancements
9. Expand laboratory capacity and develop rapid test
Smarter about what we do and development of communication
“While we have strong food and product mechanisms. methods for swift identification of hazards.
safety standards, we need to do more “But we are very comfortable with
“The bottom line is that the consumer to accomplish this. The result is Protecting to ensure that American families have the results of the working group and 10. Strengthen protection of intellectual property rights to
must be confident that imported goods are American Consumers Every Step of the confidence in what they find on their store with advancing the initiatives we have a
shelves,” said President George W. Bush. lead role on,” Sauceda added. “It is very
enhance consumer safety.
safe and trustworthy,” said Dan Baldwin, Way: A Strategic Framework for Continual
CBP’s assistant commissioner for trade. Improvement in Import Safety and Action Plan “They have a right to expect the food they similar to CBP’s response to terrorism—
“There are a lot of federal agencies with for Import Safety, a Roadmap for Continual eat, or the medicine they take, or the toys layered, risk- and intelligence-based, and 11. Maximize the effectiveness of product recalls.
different responsibilities concerning trade, Improvement. Products of the combined input they buy for their children to be safe.” dependent on our ability to collaborate and
and it is clear that we must pool our resources of 12 federal departments and agencies, the The enormity of goods arriving in the communicate with others.”
12. Maximize federal-state collaboration.
and expertise, including with the private plan looks to CBP for many of the answers. United States. make this a daunting challenge. The plan primarily identifies paths
sector, to ensure that imported products are “The good news is that this process Last fiscal year saw more than $2 trillion to improvements, assigns responsibilities
safe and legitimate. The bottom line is that endorses many of the trade priorities and in imported goods, arriving in 31.5 million and provides a philosophical umbrella 13. Expedite consumer notification of product recalls.
the consumer needs to be confident that programs that CBP has developed,” Baldwin separate entries, initiated by more than that provides logic and realism to the
said. “Our charge is to collaborate more 356,000 importers enter the United States. process. “I am very pleased that the trade
CBP and our partners are doing all we can 14. Expand the use of electronic track-and-trace technologies.
to protect America from goods that pose an effectively with our federal partners and our at more than 300 different ports of entry. community has embraced these concepts,”
imminent danger. importers, to hit in the pocketbook those And in just seven years these numbers are Sauceda said. “Without their support
Baldwin’s office for more than a year that fail to comply, and to make our actions expected to triple. progress would be difficult.”
has been involved in a federal-wide effort and standards at ports of entry more open “The federal government cannot and The bottom line is that entities
ordered by the President to devise a plan and accessible.” should not attempt to physically inspect working in the trade arena, from

22 H safety first H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 23

international trade specialists, to import • Developing good importer practices and exporting facilities in Vietnam in an
Frontline Images
specialists and CBP officers at ports, as well to ensure that imported products effort to widen each entity’s understanding
as importers doing self assessments, are on meet U.S. safety standards; of import safety issues. “This was a historic
notice that import safety is a priority mission • Partnering with the importing first-ever joint visit with CPSC to a foreign
and that the American public is counting on community to foster the creation of location to monitor these trade issues,”
their effective performance. voluntary certification programs for Sauceda said.
importers; Anne Maricich, director of regulatory
• Strengthening existing CBP audit oversight for CBP’s western United
Prevention, intervention and mitigation guidelines and increasing States region, also attended the trip. The
rapid response the maximum penalties against core work of regulatory audit is to conduct
The basics of working smarter, importers who repeatedly import in-depth reviews of importers and their
according to the findings of the group, products in violation of U.S. law;
systems to ensure accurate and complete
are prevention, particularly working with • Increasing dollar amount of bonds information for merchandise imported into
foreign governments and the private sector importers pay to reflect inflationary the United States. These reviews allow CBP
to build safety into the manufacturing and increases and risk;
to ensure compliance by the trade
distribution process; intervention when risks • Harmonizing federal procedures community in a wide array of import
are identified so that unsafe products are and requirements for processing safety and security policies.
seized and destroyed; and rapid response import shipments; The team toured several Vietnamese
when harm has occurred. sites with an eye toward assessing the
• Completing a single-window
CBP is designated the interagency lead interface for the exchange of import manufacturing and export processes,
in three broad recommendations: common data within the government and particularly oversight and control of products
mission, interoperability and information with the private sector; leaving for the U.S. Among the products
gathering. Specifically CBP will play a • Creating an interactive import viewed was child’s sleepwear. The team was
leadership role in: safety information network; and interested in seeing testing to meet anti-
• Developing a voluntary certification • Enhancing field laboratory flammability standards.
program based on risk for foreign capacity for testing and working Representatives from J.C. Penny and
producers of certain products; collaboratively with the public and CPSC were particularly interested in visiting
private sectors to develop analytic third-party product testing labs. CPSC is
• Creating incentives for foreign
tools for enhanced rapid screening of establishing independent testing of children’s
firms to participate in voluntary
larger volumes of import samples.
certification programs and for toys before they are exported.
importers to purchase only from Maricich called the experience in
certified firms; Vietnam an affirmation of some of the
Reaching out to the world
• Developing a plan to ensure that In late September Sauceda and a member relationships that have been built in recent
information regarding certified from CBP’s trade regulatory audit office years between CBP and the trade community.
firms and importers is easily joined representatives of CPSC and J.C. “One of CBP’s greatest successes in
accessible; the import safety arena is our existing
Penny officials in a tour of manufacturing
partnerships with key private industry
program members,” Maricich said. She
specified the Committee on Commercial
Operations that advises CBP on impacts of
trade policy and procedures; the Customs-
Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, a
voluntary government-business initiative to
strengthen the international supply chain;
and the Importer Self-Assessment Program
that cooperatively works to improve trade
compliance to support the Customs-Trade
Partnership Against Terrorism.
The group also observed protocols and
mechanisms for product recalls should the
need arise.
“It was a great experience where we
were able to share best practices from all
perspectives, and was a valuable step forward
for CBP’s understanding of the wide array
H Trade regulations ensure that products, such as the medication above, adhere to proper safety
of global tools available for ensuring import
standards and do no harm to U.S. consumers.
safety,” Sauceda said. 

24 H safety first H H  CBP Field Operations agriculture specialists examine contents of passengers luggage for pests or diseases.
F r o n t l i n e H fall/winter 2008 25
From Barriers to

Photo by: Ben Vic

Raising public awareness
on border fencing
By Dannielle Blumenthal

Given that it has been more than seven years

since terrorism has struck on American soil, it can be a
challenge for the government to direct public attention to
border security concerns. Yet that is exactly what CBP does
routinely, educating Americans about the threats we face,
how the agency is responding to them and how individuals
and businesses alike can partner with the agency to
maximize national security by complying with border
laws and regulations.
26 H from barriers to understanding H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 27
Photo by: Ben Vic

H Border fence and barriers, such as this Normandy vehicle fence, help reduce illegal crossings.

“ When completed at the end of the year, they will serve both [the] functions of
border security and flood control. It’s a great example of where we are able to
dovetail what we need with what the community needs.”

Photo by: Ben Vic

—Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Michael Chertoff

As one of many such initiatives, CBP has about whether fence building is a good idea. Further, the agency is using H Border Patrol agents regularly drive the fence line looking for people crossing the U.S./Mexico border illegally and for crossers in need of medical help.
made a concerted effort to reach out to local Several similar polls conducted in 2006 and other infrastructure-based
border communities and other interested 2007 yielded comparable results, with the deterrents such as patrol
parties about the need for physical barriers exception of one that leaned heavily against roads, lighting and vehicle
along our nation’s perimeter, a border security the fencing concept. barriers -- and hiring the entrant’s escape, particularly in and leave them stranded on the “Mexican “When completed, these new levee barriers will
method funded by Congress and designed to At a series of public meetings held in thousands of new frontline personnel for an populated areas. side” of the border fence. CBP has addressed serve both [the] functions of border security
reduce illegal crossing. (The Border Patrol has southern border areas and by monitoring integrated border security solution. For environmentalists, the issue is all of these concerns. For example, landowners and flood control,” Department of Homeland
contacted almost 600 different landowners the media and informal feedback, CBP has Other general objections to the primarily that the physical barrier may run worried about property access have been Security (DHS) Secretary Michael Chertoff
and conducted over 200 meetings and listened to and learned much about the fences include the notion that they are too through wildlife habitats and national parks, consulted on construction details such as states. “It’s a great example of where we have
briefings regarding the fence project.) concerns of the public about the fence, and expensive, that illegal border crossers will to them an unacceptable sacrifice. (Indeed, a access for farm equipment, gates and locking been able to dovetail what we need with what
The results so far have been mixed. has sought to correct any misperceptions find another way to get around them and number of laws have been waived to enable mechanisms. Where religious or historical the community needs.”
Some interest groups, including landowners by the public. For example, the barrier that they will interfere with trade. But from construction of the fence.) In response, CBP concerns exist, fencing is not being built. At the end of the day, the decision about
and environmentalists, have argued before has been called “racist” and “a message of CBP’s perspective, this attitude amounts to makes the case that such environmental Instead the agency is using “floating fence,” whether to build border fencing is not in the
the media and the courts against parts of the hostility” that could ultimately hurt the defeatism. To a Border Patrol agent in the concerns are offset by barrier design. For which consist of jersey barriers that lie on the hands of CBP alone. Rather, the project was
670 miles of physical fence, the pedestrian United States’ economy by damaging trade field, barriers are a critical aid to border example, much of the fencing has “critter ground with fencing built onto them. Where congressionally mandated to DHS, which
and vehicle barriers that are being built along relations with Mexico. However, the reality security. Not only do they deter would-be holes” built into it to facilitate the cross-border fencing divides property, the situation is being subsequently entrusted it to CBP, which in
the southern border. This opposition has is that the barrier is not a coast-to-coast crossers, causing them either to stay in migration of a variety of wildlife. Where examined on a case-by-case basis. turn asked the Office of Border Patrol to
manifested even though the Border Patrol wall but rather a physical fence interspersed Mexico or to turn back once they see the additional risks have been identified, they are Overall, CBP is doing everything it can spearhead the effort. Agency personnel are
has been relying on border fencing for nearly with natural barriers such as mountains. barrier, but they also provide an advantage being mitigated in cooperation with other to work with affected areas to minimize any doing everything they can to ensure that the
two decades. It does not interfere with legal commerce. to the finite number of field personnel who federal agencies, such as the Department of the impact from the fence, as long as border fence, together with extensive technology and
On a broader level, an Associated In areas where no physical fence is being are faced with the daunting task of spotting Interior’s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. security is not at risk. For example, the agency infrastructure improvements and increased
Press-Ipsos poll of 1,000 adults nationwide installed, surveillance cameras and seismic and stopping numerous people from crossing Landowners also have a variety of is integrating the fence into levees along the personnel, will indeed reduce the number of
conducted in March 2008 found that the and infrared surveillance devices will play illegally each day. These barriers buy agents complaints about the physical barrier, the most Rio Grande in Hidalgo County, Texas, thus illegal aliens coming across the border and
public at large is evenly divided (49 percent the part of the fence, alerting Border Patrol the critical time needed to respond to illegal notable that it will cut them off from sources eliminating the need for a section of fence deter potential terrorists as well. 
for, 48 percent against, 3 percent unsure) agents when someone tries to cross illegally. entries and make an apprehension prior to of irrigation water, run through historic lands that could have stranded dozens of homes.

28 H from barriers to understanding H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 29

By Dannielle Blumenthal
and Elysa Cross
Part two of a two-part series

Additional thoughts
from the deputy
on CBP’s future
Part 2 of Frontline’s interview with Deputy
Commissioner Jayson P. Ahern, in which he
reviews his most treasured accomplishments,
describes some of the biggest challenges he’s
faced over the course of his career, and shares
some thoughts on the future of the agency.

H Deputy Commissioner Ahern speaks at a Mission

Appreciation event held at the Port of Brooklyn for
H James
U n r i v a Tourtellotte CBP’s N.Y. employees
led H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 31
Ahern Honored as
Proudest accomplishment Commissioner Basham. He is a seasoned Ahern says that all leaders need to
Looking over his entire career, Ahern leader, a well-balanced individual and just develop other leaders, “to give the same ‘Exemplary Guardian
can list one accomplishment he is most
proud of: attaining the deputy position in
a great person. I admire him tremendously.
The leadership he provides is such a steady
opportunities to people that are out there
today.” In fact, he says, “we’re trying to do
of Our Country’
this organization, the most senior career hand for this organization.” He adds that that with some of the selections for the senior Homeland Security Secretary
position in the organization. “That was a “the people who work in this organization positions we have in the organization today;
very proud moment,” he says. “But I take should feel very proud to have a person they may go to people who are not quite Michael Chertoff in November
a look back over each job I actually held like Ralph Basham as their commissioner. ready, but we know they have the capability.” honored CBP Deputy Commissioner
over the last 31 years, knowing that I didn’t He is passionate about the mission and is People afforded that benefit to him, and he
skip any boxes to get to this point. It was 10 unwavering in his support for each and believes it’s appropriate to provide that for
Jayson P. Ahern with his highest
moves, multiple positions, a lot of training, every person in this agency.” others as well. employee honor, the Secretary’s
a lot of foreign assignments, a lot of time
What it takes to lead A message to the public and
Gold Medal Award.
committed to the job and away from home
that prepared me for the job.” He adds, “I “Everyone should be their own style of to employees Chertoff said that throughout his
would also be remiss if I didn’t mention leader,” says Ahern. “I wouldn’t necessarily Ahern has several messages he would
32-year career, which started with
the never-wavering support I have received say I’m one to emulate.” But he is a big fan like to send, both to the public and to
from my wife and two sons over the years.” of preparation, no matter what one’s style. employees. “The public,” he says, “doesn’t an entry-level position with U.S.
“I knew many years ago that I aspired to have a good enough appreciation and Customs, Ahern has been “a
Biggest challenges go into the most senior-level position as I understanding of what the mission of
Asked to describe some challenges he’s could in the organization,” he says, “and I Customs and Border Protection is. And we consummate professional and an
encountered and how he’s overcome them, felt that with years of preparation and years need to make sure that the public gets an exemplary guardian of our country.”
Ahern says, “It’s always making sure that of experience, you can reach your personal appreciation for the work that people in
The award culminated Chertoff ’s

Photo by: Gerry Nino

you never accept the status quo and you goal. And my personal goal was to be this organization do for this country every
also try to push the organization and exactly where I am, so I feel pleased to have day.” Accordingly, he often mentions in his last employee recognition ceremony
yourself appropriately forward without achieved that.” public presentations that no agency in the for the Department of Homeland
getting people or the organization to a
breaking point.” That’s a fine balance that Security, where 93 CBP employees
most leaders have to achieve, he says. “The public doesn’t have a good enough appreciation were honored for innovation and
“You need to be aggressive, you need to
H Deputy Commissioner Ahern speaks on the importance of diversity at CBP’s 2008 African American excellence of service.
be assertive, you need to push people and understanding of what the mission of Customs and History Month event.
and challenge the practices that we have Deputy Commissioner Ahern
in place in the field, or the policies and
programs that we have—you need to push
Border Protection is. And we need to make sure that federal service, or in government or in the CBP should “not be schizophrenic, if you
has been “a respected colleague
to the point where it’s appropriate without and close advisor to me and to
having people turn and not respond to that
the public gets an appreciation for the work that people law enforcement community, has a greater
responsibility for protecting the homeland
will, and change every time there’s a new
piece of legislation or new mandate put upon Commissioner [W. Ralph] Basham,
kind of initiative.” than does Customs and Border Protection. us. We need to find ways to integrate that
Ahern also says that today’s challenges in this organization do for this country every day.” Internally, Ahern’s message to frontline into our planning process.”
[and] he has been an integral part of
“are not necessarily individual challenges personnel is that “they should have great Ahern says that “one of the challenges the DHS leadership team since the
unique to me or other people in senior appreciation for what they’ve accomplished, is going to be, as we face the next year, with
department began” Chertoff said

Photo by: Gerry Nino

positions.” Rather, “it’s finding that right going through the most substantial a change of administration, to find out what
balance of what we need to do to secure reorganization in recent history and kind of direction a new administration is during the ceremony.
the homeland, facilitate legitimate travel maintaining the level of professionalism they going to place upon us.” In response, he Chertoff commended Ahern for his
and legitimate trade [and] balance people’s do. . . the contributions they [make] to the thinks it is key for CBP over the next year
rights, and making at the same time the security of this country are just unrivaled by to continue to solidify its role as the border long and successful career, citing his
right decisions on security protocols and anybody else in government.” security agency of this country, and to make leadership role in forming the post-
operational measures [and] the introduction sure that it can deliver the strategy to the new
of intelligence and information technology— The future
9/11 national security focus of CBP
administration, “so that they don’t have to
these are balances we need to strike as we go Where does Ahern see CBP going in a few think of one for us.” CBP needs to make sure and its global anti-terrorism efforts.
forward.” years and how will it get there? Although that its strategy is in place, and he thinks it is,
CBP needs to stay the course, says Ahern, at “and we’ll continue to refine it between now
Commissioner BASHAM memories the same time “we can never go ahead and and January of 2009.” says, “terror is global, commerce is global.
Ahern has many memories of current be comfortable with the strategy we have Looking beyond that, he says, CBP Those two are inextricably linked, and we
and former commissioners, most vividly in place, that each one of the elements is as “needs to continue to play a prevalent if not need to make sure we continue to start our
of the current commissioner, W. Ralph robust as they need to be.” CBP needs to a larger role on the global front.” CBP has strategies as deep in the global supply chain
Basham, because “the memories are make sure that it continues to enhance each assets placed all around the world through as we possibly can, with travel, trade, with
living experiences every hour of every element, make it more effective and continue its various programs, and needs to build on intelligence, with information—that’s key
day, working together with a person like H Deputy Commissioner Jayson Ahern signs a joint agreement with the government to build upon the strategy. This means that that as well. “When you take a look at it,” he for us as we go forward.” 
of the Netherlands to integrate Global Entry with the Dutch Privium program.

32 H Unrivaled H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 33

With Michael Kostelnik

Photo by: James Tourtellotte

“Anytime you have an opportunity to create an air force and
a maritime organization and focus them toward a new mission in
a time of unprecedented change where there really isn’t a playbook
…that’s a very rewarding endeavor.” —Michael Kostelnik, Assistant Commissioner of Air and Marine “We’ve been going through an extraordinary time of change.”

Q. Is it accurate to say that Air and Marine’s totally different cultures. One focused on narcotics. One interdiction and illegal immigration. Anti-terrorism is our numbers each year to augment the fleet because this is
operations seem quite different from the other focused primarily on immigration. Both of them are primary mission. So you have to ask yourself if you are in a work horse and it can do all the missions, the legacy
still doing elements of that but today they are focused the business of air and marine, what should we be doing missions plus some future missions that a commercial
entities of CBP?
on a new mission of anti-terrorism. We still do illicit to deal with that future. No one knows perfectly. aircraft can’t do.
A. We are actually more like the Air Force, the Army, the immigration and we still do illicit narcotics as well as So at our beginning as part of our fundamental Our biggest investment probably has been in the area
Navy and the Marines. These are large, operational, long- all of the other kinds of missions supporting other plan while we looked at what would be our vision for of unmanned aircraft. We don’t necessarily need to have
tenured entities in DOD [Department of Defense]. We do federal agencies. recapitalizing the existing fleet, as part of that vision we that to do the legacy missions. This aircraft does things
everything that they do—we have to procure new systems, This is a very broad mission. So here you’ve got a new postured what we should be doing for the long term that nothing that we have on our inventory, manned or
we have to test and field them. We operate them on a wide organization doing a dramatically new mission forced and I’ve acted accordingly. Two and a half years ago unmanned, can do. She’ll fly for 35 hours un-refueled.
variety of mission sets. together in a merger, and then over the last three years we had 16 A-model Black Hawks and my predecessors
In some ways we’re more like the special forces we’ve had to create from scratch this air and marine force. were considering at that time getting rid of those aircraft Q. You sound proud of the accomplishments
activities of those entities. We fly mostly at night. We’re We had to define the organization, define the uniforms, because they were costly, getting old. Well I think that to date.
in these austere places around the border. We’re flying, establish all our branding from day one and all of the probably would have been a good decision if narcotics and
looking with infrared and night vision goggles. We’re internal activities and policies—how we train and deploy illegal immigration were our only issue, but as I looked A. Well, anytime you have an opportunity to create an air
uniquely armed and the aircraft are uniquely modified. and how we get prepared to deal with this emergent forward, I would rather hypothesize worst case scenarios. force and a maritime organization toward a new mission
We’re a unique entity that is fundamental in the war on mission in terms of acquisition capabilities, the program So we started a program this year to take the same 16 in a time of unprecedented change where there really isn’t
terror overseas and fundamental in the war on terrorists as management capabilities, budget, funding, vision, all of Black Hawks and upgrade those to the latest L-model a playbook, that’s a very rewarding endeavor. There is a lot
it plays out in the continental United States as well. these things required by a new mission set for a Army configuration on the contract with the Army. So of uncertainty that presents a lot of challenge. I’ve spent 32
new mission. we will ensure that we will have a heavy-duty aircraft with years in the Air Force in a lot of challenging jobs. I’ve been
gun mounts if needed that have combat armor to protect around the U.S. Space Program in NASA, probably the
Q. What have been the great challenges
Q. How do you prepare for success in the air and our agents in the field. highest risk enterprise on the face of the earth.
integrating A&M within CBP? Plus, this last year with the Army contract, we bought But, on the other side of challenge is opportunity and
marine environments into the future? three new Army M-model helicopters. This is the newest as important as all the things I’ve talked about, all the
A. If you look at the Air and Marine side, as an organization
A. The future is unknown. We are slowly making this Army Black Hawk with everything on it including armor airplanes and boats and weapons, they’re all static things.
we are less than three years old. We’ve been going through
adjustment to change from a legacy of narcotics and we then plan to procure those aircraft in small Without the people to operate them they’re meaningless. 
an extraordinary time of change where we’ve had to merge

34 H Q & A w i t h m i ch a e l k o s t e l n i k H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 35


Taking Care of Business

Photo by: Gerry Nino

unmanned aircraft
shows its strength Office of International Trade marks second anniversary

o understand the scope of after taking office, with Dan Baldwin
CBP’s Office of International as the assistant commissioner. Baldwin
Trade (OT), simply go shopping stated, “The creation of OT unifies H Imported trade products at a U.S. seaport.
anywhere in America: Over half trade policy within a single CBP office.
the merchandise available here now comes Our goal is to ensure that the trade side
from abroad. In 2007 that meant $2 trillion of CBP’s dual mission speaks with one and Enforcement; and Trade Policy and
worth of imports. OT is responsible for the strong voice.” Programs. Given the technical complexity of
CBP programs that ensure these imports trade issues, OT employs a wide variety of
are legal—while keeping legitimate trade CBP professionals, ranging from attorneys,
Wide-ranging role
flowing freely. statisticians, analysts and regulatory
OT’s responsibilities include overseeing
OT celebrated its second anniversary auditors, to international trade specialists in
and streamlining commercial importing
on October 1, 2008. Although its status as headquarters and the field.
requirements; monitoring trade to ensure
a unified CBP office is new, it oversees one enforcement of our trade laws, regulations
of the oldest of federal responsibilities— and international trade agreements Setting priorities
collecting the proper customs revenue. nationwide without slowing legitimate trade; Given the volume of United States. imports,
Historically, these funds financed the creation taking enforcement action to stop illegitimate attempting to verify the compliance of
and expansion of the United States. trade practices; driving the modernization of each transaction would truly be “mission
CBP’s trade processes; and partnering with impossible.” Instead, the scrutiny imports
Integrating responsibilities the trade community and other government receive is prioritized strategically according to
In the past, OT’s responsibilities were agencies to increase compliance while the potential impact of noncompliance.
administered by three separate offices in the protecting the U.S. economy. As Brenda Smith, OT’s executive director
agency. In the years immediately following The office sets CBP trade policy for Trade Policy and Programs, explains, “We
the 9/11 attacks, when preventing another internally and externally through CBP are organized around seven Priority Trade
terrorist strike became paramount and anti- regulations directives, handbooks, Issues (PTIs), which drive how we target and
terrorism concerns prevailed, the focus had administrative messages, and the intranet focus our trade resources. PTIs are at the
shifted toward security. The emphasis was and Internet. OT also creates the CBP Trade core of our risk management approach to our
H Air and Marine use the long-endurance, high-altitude Predator B series UAS stationed at Libby Army Airfield in Sierra Vista, Ariz. to assist on such things as “pushing out our borders” Strategy, a national plan to accomplish the mission. We constantly assess what may be at
the Border Patrol with border security. (companies were required to submit import challenging trade mission as trade volume stake and how we can better enforce the trade
laws of the United States.”

data much sooner, as mandated by the and complexity continue to escalate.
Trade Act of 2002) and improved supply Further, as “business owner” for The current PTIs, which are reviewed
his spring, CBP and the U.S. “The capabilities of the Predator B To date, CBP Predator Bs have flown periodically, include intellectual property
Coast Guard flew a maritime aircraft we currently have deployed across more than 1,500 flight hours and contributed chain security through such programs as the trade process work addressed by the
the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Automated Commercial Environment rights; antidumping and countervailing
variation of the Predator B the Southwest border are unmatched by to the seizure of more than 15,000 pounds of duties; textiles and wearing apparel; revenue;
Terrorism (C-TPAT), a public-private (ACE), the commercial trade processing
unmanned aircraft system (UAS) any manned aircraft in the Air and Marine marijuana and the apprehension of more than agriculture; penalties; and import safety.
partnership in which companies adopt system being developed by CBP to facilitate
in the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Straits. inventory. We fly more than 270 manned 4,000 illegal aliens.
security best practices in exchange for legitimate trade and strengthen border
The flights demonstrated how the variant aircraft of 22 different types and there is On the strength of these successes, A vision of secure prosperity
reduced inspections. security, OT is responsible for prioritizing
of the Predator B UAS, which is normally not a single manned aircraft that has the CBP Air and Marine is moving the program OT is directly supporting CBP’s mission,
the development and rollout of the ACE
used over land, could be integrated with sensor capability or flight endurance of the forward, expanding UAS operations to the helping to lead the way to a more secure
Achieving balance trade functions. OT works very closely with
maritime operations. Predator B,” says Assistant Commissioner northern border with flights out of Grand America now and in the future. As Assistant
Today, CBP is no less focused on anti- the Office of Information Technology and
The Predator B is an extraordinarily Michael C. Kostelnik. Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota. the Trade Support Network (a CBP-created Commissioner Baldwin says, “In today’s
useful tool for CBP. Without needing the The maritime variant of the Predator “Over the next several years, we will terrorism than it was in the past, but since
taking office in June 2006, Commissioner association comprising trade associations, world we all benefit from legitimate
support that onboard pilots do, it has B used in the demonstration was on loan continue to grow our operational expertise, importers, exporters, brokers, carriers global trade. Our vision for the Office
the flexibility and endurance to fly long from the U.S. Air Force. It was equipped with enhance mission oversight, train our own W. Ralph Basham has emphasized the need
to find the right balance between security and more) to modernize CBP’s business of International Trade is to facilitate that
surveillance missions—up to 30 hours each— maritime surveillance radar and sensors that agent pilots and develop a maritime variant for processes and to harmonize the new ACE through modern tools and business practices
and trade facilitation. Concerned that some
while gathering intelligence and providing use electro-optical and infrared technology. coastal, Great Lakes and transit zone missions,” requirements. as well as strong partnerships. It is satisfying
people might overlook the second part of the
ground and water support for the agency’s This radar and sensor package provides the says Kostelnik.  Within OT, there are four key to know that our efforts directly affect
dual CBP mission—“Securing our borders
crewed air and marine assets. UASs such as ability to detect and track vessels at night, components: Regulations and Rulings; the health, safety and the economy of the
while facilitating legitimate trade and travel”
the Predator B are also well-suited to flying when suspects are most likely to attempt to Regulatory Audit; Commercial Targeting American people.” 
—the Commissioner established OT shortly
in hostile environments where lives enter the United States.
potentially are at risk.

36 H iN Focus H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 37

IN F O C US a GRI C ULTURE Ac t i o n s

Container security program continues


Photo by: James Tourtellotte

forward movement in the family
requently when field agriculture specialists donned
operations agriculture personal protective equipment
specialists inspect to protect against any possible
baggage or cargo, they avian diseases before they
meet with something unusual removed 10 pet birds from the
or unique. For example, CBP family’s luggage (nine of the
agriculture specialists at John F. birds were alive). Although the
Kennedy International Airport birds did not appear to pose a
in New York were inspecting health threat, they were turned
the checked baggage of three over to the U.S. Department of
travelers from China when they Agriculture’s Veterinary Services
H Containers that could pose a risk for terrorists are screened and inspected at foreign ports prior to being loaded onto ships destined for the United States.
found birds in the luggage. As in Newburgh, N.Y. 

a precautionary measure, the
fter six years of expansion and A unified team often with large-scale X-ray and gamma ray
growth, the Container Security Since 2002, with countries that have signed machines and radiation detection devices,
Initiative (CSI) continues a Declaration of Principles with CBP, CSI to ensure that the evaluation is done rapidly
to secure and facilitate the has fostered international cooperation with without slowing down the movement of
movement of legitimate containerized CBP officers, intelligence specialists and trade. (U.S. Immigration and Customs
maritime trade. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Enforcement agents work on enforcement
CSI ensures that all containers that agents all working collaboratively in foreign cases generated by the program.)
could pose a potential risk for terrorism seaports. In a host nation’s CSI port(s), Recently, CSI’s cooperative efforts
are identified and inspected at foreign these Department of Homeland Security have led to seizures of narcotics, rifles and
ports before they are loaded onto a U.S.- (DHS) representatives work jointly with illegal immigrants and notification to other
bound vessel. CBP officers now operate their foreign counterparts to identify high- countries of cargo containing information
58 CSI ports in 32 countries and screen risk containers that pose a potential risk for related to possible terrorist activities.
86 percent of the maritime cargo destined terrorism before the cargo is loaded on a Dynamic CSI teams working side-by-side
for the United States for terrorists or vessel bound for the United States. Any high- with host nation personnel were crucial to

Quick thinking,
terrorist weapons. risk containers are then further screened, these operations. 

NOT-so-weird science
Photo by: James Tourtellotte

Agency experts test commodities to ensure imports are legitimate, safe CPR saves lives
cientific investigation is among the lesser- led agency scientists to investigate the use of
known activities that CBP performs every genetic methodology in country-of-origin issues to

day, and one area in which the agency’s determine the geographic location of commodities
laboratory excels is the analysis of such as crayfish, honey, pistachios and warm-water
commodities for trade violations. shrimp. hey were four victims of she was able to save were two of four turtles two of which were dead. CBP Officers
Just to give a few examples, CBP scientists In addition to working with DNA, lab someone’s disregard for life and that had been left to die in a checked and Carlos Malave and Robert Spooner, along
may be asked by the agency’s import specialists personnel have analyzed for proteins, most notably the law. Without hesitation, lost bag for two long days. with CBP Agriculture Specialists Ginger
to test for the presence of beef, pork and chicken the identification of human growth hormone in Houston Intercontinental baggage control The turtles were found when CBP Herrell and Alexander Williams, assisted
in imported foods suspected to be mislabeled submitted samples, work done with the assistance Supervisory CBP Officer Leticia Alcazar officers and agriculture specialists at the Alcazar in saving the two living turtles.
and potentially hazardous to health. Or there of a local university. Another project entailed the rushed over and started administering CPR Houston Intercontinental Airport were Alcazar reflected back on the moment she
may be a need for the identification of a species analyses of milk protein powders, which culminated to the apparently lifeless body of one of the clearing luggage from various airline flights. saw the turtles and stated, “I felt that air
of imported fish to determine and enforce in a publication in the Journal of Agriculture and victims. She quickly began to blow puffs of While X-raying the baggage, the officers was what they needed.” The two turtles that
classification, anti-dumping and countervailing Food Chemistry. Other food commodities that have air into a little nose. To her great surprise came across a particularly dense bag from did not withstand the trip in the container
issues (in which the producer is being subsidized been examined on the lab bench include pasta, and delight, the little face and mouth Guatemala. During the inspection of the were kept as evidence for the U.S. Fish
by a foreign government, giving the commodity vegetable dumplings and soup mixes.  gasped for air and moved. Alcazar yelled bag, CBP Officer Carol Salazar opened a and Wildlife Service. (The turtles were
H CBP scientists analyze commodities for an unfair price advantage). Such concerns have out, “He moved—he’s alive!” The “victims” plastic container and found four turtles, inadmissible under the Lacey Act.) 
trade violations

38 H iN Focus H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 39


Photo by:James Tourtellotte

Not liquor, liquid
A 29-year-old passenger arriving at the Luis Muoz Marin International
Airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico, from St. Lucia was detained when
CBP officers found liquid cocaine concealed as liquor. During the
secondary examination, the officers found three bottles of what seemed
to be liquor among his belongings. When the content of one of the
bottles was tested, it reacted positive for cocaine. A total of 2.7 liters
of cocaine were seized and the passenger was arrested. “CBP officers
are trained to pay attention to details during the inspection process,”
says Area Port Director Maria Palmer. “In this case, our officers were
able to determine that contraband was concealed in what seemed to be
ordinary bottles of liquor.”

Drugs on the side

A U.S. citizen en route to Baltimore from Trinidad was arrested when
CBP officers at Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston found 4.8
kilos of cocaine hidden in the side frames of her suitcases. An X-ray of
her luggage showed changes to the structure of the suitcases. When CBP
officers physically examined them, they discovered the cocaine, with a
street value of more than $180,000. This traveler was turned over to the
Houston Police Department on drug charges in connection with the

A ton in Tucson
Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents, working with a canine team,
seized a tractor-trailer and arrested the driver after finding almost a
ton of marijuana. It started when a naturalized U.S. citizen from El
Salvador approached the inspection area of an Arizona checkpoint in a
Freightliner XL tractor pulling a trailer. In the inspection area, a Border
Patrol canine alerted to the possibility that humans or other contraband
might be hidden within the trailer. The tractor and trailer were referred
to the secondary inspection area for further investigation. When BP
agents inspected the contents of the trailer, they discovered several
bundles of marijuana covered in laundry soap and concealed among
cardboard. The bundles weighed approximately 1,780 pounds and had
an estimated value of $712,000. The driver, marijuana and tractor-trailer
were turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

Pot on TV
Anti-terrorism operations at the Bridge of the Americas border
crossing in El Paso, Texas, yielded an unexpected find when CBP
officers intercepted 60 pounds of marijuana. The significance of the
seizure wasn’t the amount of marijuana seized but the concealment
method used—a 36-inch television. It was discovered when a burgundy
1989 Toyota Camry arrived at the primary inspection lane, and the
CBP officer at the booth became suspicious when the driver appeared
nervous. A CBP drug detection dog named Chip alerted to a television
and CBP officers discovered 61 bundles of marijuana hidden inside. The
driver, a Mexican citizen, was arrested by Immigration and Customs
Enforcement special agents for importation of a controlled substance.
H A Mobile VACIS inspects the contents of a cargo container.
Travel tips

You asked... Entry form goes online

CBP answers Visa Waiver Program travelers
apply for authorization online

Do I need a customs broker to “U.S. Import Requirements” (available at monetary
the Web site), for a brief overview instruments ntering the United States is handwriting accurately, don’t have to
clear my goods through CBP? of what is involved. (i.e., currency becoming a simpler, more worry about the form getting lost, and To get authorized to visit
If your goods are being imported or checks) straightforward process with the don’t have to remember to pull it out of
There is no legal requirement for you to via an express courier, the courier valued at introduction of a new, online their passport and return it upon leaving the United States.
hire a customs broker to clear your goods. automatically uses customs brokers to $10,000 or registration system for Visa Waiver the States (that last part has caused many
However, many importers opt to do so for the 1. Go to
clear your goods on your behalf. If you more on Program (VWP) travelers to fill out before people problems when they’ve tried to
convenience. Customs brokers are licensed have any concerns about their charges for a “Report embarking on their travels. re-enter). Perhaps most important, they 2. Answer the questions in English,
by CBP to conduct CBP business on behalf of this service, please contact the courier of International Transportation of The system, known as the Department can enjoy the peace of mind that comes or have a trustworthy third party
importers. They take the burden of filling out company directly. Customs brokers charge Currency or Monetary Instruments,” of Homeland Security’s Electronic System from knowing the other passengers on complete it.
paperwork and obtaining a CBP bond off of for their services, so you may want to which is known as FinCEN form 105. for Travel Authorization (ESTA), is their plane or ship have been prescreened
the importer’s hands. contact a few to discuss rates. You can obtain the form in advance by for security risks as well. 3. Check the information that has
essentially the traditional I-94W form
Some importations—such as the A list of customs brokers can be downloading it from http://www.fincen. been entered to make sure it is
in a Web-based format. It becomes a CBP is not putting its form online
importation of textile items for resale—can accurate. Provide or update the travel
found on the Web site under the gov/fin105_cmir.pdf, or a CBP officer requirement for all VWP travelers on 12 entirely for customer service reasons,
be particularly complex because of quota or information requested. If not all the
Ports section by clicking on the port you can give it to you upon your departure January 2009. of course—the agency is fulfilling the
other special requirements governing the details are available yet, the system
intend to import through. or return to the United States. Failure For now, travelers will still need to fill requirements of a United States law, aimed
importation of the product. can be updated later.
to declare currency in amounts equal out the paper form on the plane or ship as at reducing security risks, passed after
The importer is always ultimately
responsible for knowing CBP requirements
If I am traveling with monetary to or greater than $10,000 can result in well, but that requirement will eventually the attacks of 9/11. And the Customs 4. Receive a determination right
its seizure. Information on the FinCEN be phased out. form 6059B is still paper-based. But away. If the answer is yes, be sure
and for ensuring its importation complies with instruments, currency, checks, 105 is provided to the Internal Revenue The primary benefit of this system the entry process automation is a sign to retain the approval number.
all federal rules and regulations, but using a etc., do I have to pay duty? Service, which determines whether the for travelers is the opportunity to find out of improvement and follows the best If notified that the application is
customs broker can save you from making importation of monies constitutes income early on if there are any issues that would practices standard set by Australia with “pending,” check back in 72 hours.
costly mistakes. CBP does not collect duty on currency. subject to taxation. (The requirement to result in their being denied entry. They their “ETA” system. If denied, contact United States
If you choose to file your own However, travelers leaving or entering the import currency on a FinCEN 105 does can then address those issues with the The new automated system is free consulate for assistance.
customs entry, please read our brochure, United States are required to report not apply to imports of gold bullion.)  U.S. consulate in advance of travel. This to use, at least for now, and it is easy to
is far less stressful and potentially less fill out as well. All travelers have to do
costly than waiting to get to the United is go to the secure Web site and answer to the United States during the two-
States. to find out that there is a problem. the questions in English. If not approved year period, to update it with new arrival
(Of course, the U.S. Customs and Border instantly, they can check back in 72 hours, and first night’s stay data—lessening any
Protection officer will always make a final or contact the United States consulate if discrepancies that can lead to additional

Expedited entry programs work

decision about admissibility once the travel authorization is completely denied. questioning upon entering the country.
traveler actually gets to the country.) Once permission is received, travelers Travelers who want to know if they
The new system helps travelers can forget about filling out the online are eligible to visit the U.S. can start using

in a variety of ways. By filling out the form for another two years, unless their the system right away; it began accepting
ccording to surveys conducted arriving by water. About 201,327 Canadians form electronically, they don’t have to passport expires earlier. Optional is to go voluntary applications on August 1, 2008
by the Canada Border Services and Americans have a NEXUS card, which count on officers being able to read their into the system before any follow-up trip and is available in 16 languages. 
Agency (CBSA), 96 percent of is accepted as an alternative to a passport
NEXUS users and 89 percent for American citizens. NEXUS members
of Free and Secure Trade (FAST) users who participated in the survey reported Requirement effective Requirement effective
are satisfied overall with their trusted saving an average of 30 minutes at land
traveler programs. Both are joint initiatives crossings. November 17, 2008 January 12, 2009
between CBSA and CBP to facilitate quick Similar to the NEXUS program, the
and secure entry into Canada and the FAST program provides dedicated lanes and New Expansion VWP Countries* Established VWP Countries*
United States for low-risk travelers and expedited clearance to truckers at the U.S./ Andorra France Luxembourg Singapore
commercial goods. Canada and U.S./Mexico border. Currently, Czech Republic Lithuania Australia Germany Monaco Slovenia
NEXUS members avoid wait times at FAST has about 93,841 members. FAST Estonia Slovakia Austria Iceland The Netherlands Spain
border crossings by using dedicated lanes members reported saving an average of 27 Hungary South Korea
when driving or kiosks when flying, or minutes when entering the United States Belgium Ireland New Zealand Sweden
Lativa Brunei Italy Norway Switzerland
by calling CBP officers in advance when and 18 minutes when entering Canada. 
Denmark Japan Portugal United Kingdom
Finland Liechtenstein San Marino

42 H TravEl tips H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 43

IN p a r t n e r s h i p
United States Requirement for Visa Waiver Program Travelers

Don’t Delay Ready for Anything

Federal agencies join for disaster preparedness exercise

Get your ESTA today A

Photo by: Tim Ryan

terrorist attack swoops down on agency’s business continuity readiness. She
the Pacific Northwest, while at the says, “I believe the exercise showed that the
same time a Category 4 hurricane true resiliency of any organization depends
makes landfall on the mid- more on the people than on technology.
Atlantic coast. The combined threat requires Although technology is crucial in support
an immediate response aimed at keeping of the mission, the people are behind it and
the federal, state and local governments must make sure that it is delivered accurately
operational in the Washington, D.C., and completely.” For example, says Glass,
metropolitan area. communication is people-driven, and accurate
Fortunately, this scenario never communication during an emergency is
happened. But it was very real—at least for a critical, starting from the initial internal alert
couple of days in May—for CBP headquarters notification message and continuing all the
participants in the business continuity portion way through to providing key updates to the
of the National Level Exercise 2-08/Eagle public. Or take training: If key personnel
Horizon Exercise sponsored by the Federal aren’t trained to assume command in a
Emergency Management Agency and the U.S. H CBP field operations officers and Border Patrol crisis, all the advanced systems in the world
Northern Command. agents work together to bring aid to victims won’t help.
In response to federal continuity of disasters Overall, according to Glass, the key
guidelines, the exercise successfully tested takeaway from the exercise was that business
CBP participants’ resiliency in all areas of continuity requires a shift in thinking “from
business continuity of operations (COOP), assistant commissioners, supported by viewing emergencies as a one-time potential
including activation and relocation numerous CBP personnel, were highly situation to seeing business continuity built
procedures, alternate site capabilities and engaged in the exercise, gathering at one site into the daily functionality of the mission,”
devolution and reconstitution of operations. to participate. requiring all executives and employees to
Commissioner W. Ralph Basham, Deputy Veronica M. Glass, CBP’s COOP handle events as they unfold and to remain in
Commissioner Jayson Ahern and all the program manager, oversees all aspects of the a state of preparedness. 

Driving inland smugglers out

nce smugglers make it over the apprehending smugglers that may otherwise $7,052 in United States currency, was seized.
border and into the United States, go undetected and gathering intelligence. New Orleans Sector Chief Patrol
many of them think they’re Uniforce operations allow Border Agent Manuel Padilla Jr. says, “Uniforce
home free. But enforcement Patrol agents the opportunity to “connect promotes and accelerates the unification of

New York City

operations such as Uniforce are challenging the dots” between the smuggler’s point of the Department of Homeland Security as an
that perception. Initiated in January 2008 origin and destination points in the interior organization and establishes a foundation for
and conducted for a period of two weeks in of the United States. Smuggled aliens are ongoing interagency coordination.”
Jackson, Miss., Uniforce brought together interviewed via teleconference by agents from Partners in Operation Uniforce include
the Border Patrol and other federal, state their entry locations so that the agents can the U.S. Border Patrol, CBP Office of Air
Apply online at and local law enforcement personnel for the pinpoint their exact entry location. This helps and Marine, Immigration and Customs
purpose of catching alien smugglers who had the Border Patrol better deploy assets in areas Enforcement, Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Go online at to learn more about travel requirements to the U.S. successfully traveled nearly 1,000 miles inland where they are most needed, thereby directly Mississippi Highway Patrol, Mississippi
from the southern border. supporting the National Border Patrol Police Department, Mississippi Department
This year’s Operation Uniforce was Strategy while applying a layered defense or a of Transportation, Ranking County Sheriff ’s
An ESTA travel authorization is required for Visa Waiver Program travelers to board an air or sea carrier to no “flash in the pan” operation. One of an “defense in depth” posture. Office, Madison County Sheriff ’s Office,
ongoing series under the Uniforce name, it In this operation, 404 illegal aliens were Hines County Sheriff ’s Office and the Gulf
the United States. was conducted with several predetermined apprehended, including two aliens from Coast High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
goals. Some of these goals are disrupting special interest countries in the Middle East task force. This multiagency partnership
and dismantling smuggling organizations by and one homicide suspect. One kilogram has representatives from local, state and
ESTA, an Internet system for advance authorization to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver identifying smuggling routes into the interior, of cocaine worth almost $80,000, as well as federal agencies. 
Program (VWP) is available in multiple languages, and is free, fast and easy.

44 H In Partnership H is the official U.S. government Web site for ESTA travel authorization Frontline H fall/winter 2008 45
Canine Capers
IN p a r t n e r s h i p

Shoes play starring role

CBP, ICE and charity team up
and Customs Enforcement The seizure was the result of the In Spokane, training
“goes to the dogs”
(ICE) to donate 10,000 pairs combined efforts of CBP, which enforces
of seized counterfeit intellectual property rights (IPR) laws at
shoes to Samaritan’s the border, and ICE, which investigates
Feet—a nonprofit criminal activity.
charity that donates shoes In fiscal year 2007, CBP made more than

to impoverished people 13,600 IPR seizures worth approximately
worldwide—after receiving permission
$197 million in domestic value, exceeding the n July 2005, Spokane Sector narcotics and concealed humans.
value of last year’s by 27 percent. According Chief Border Patrol Agent They use the hunt and air scent
from the trademark holder to donate to a CBP news release published on January
rather than destroy them. 29, 2008, the top commodity seized was approached Border Patrol Agent drives to locate mostly stationary
Shoes are urgently needed by the poor, footwear, with a domestic value of $77.7 Brent Smith with a simple people or narcotics. In “track and
says Samaritan’s Feet. In a factsheet available

on its Web site, the organization asserts
million, which accounted for 40 percent of request: “Make our canine unit the trail,” the dog is trained to alert to
the entire value of goods seized. The agency best in the Border Patrol.”
ost of us don’t think about that “more than 50 percent of the world’s and follow odors that are left by
continues to rack up footwear seizures, with
our shoes every day, but those children’s population would never And as the Spokane Sector a person when he or she moves
two notable recent major interceptions: one
who don’t have them, face be able to afford a pair of shoes,” and with a value of $22 million on May 9, and canine coordinator, that’s what through an area. The canine is
potentially severe health risks “ringworm and other infectious and another worth $1 million on May 27. 
ranging from disease to death. So CBP was deadly diseases are a natural way of life Smith did. He expanded the conditioned to recognize the
pleased to partner with U.S. Immigration for children due to shoelessness.” program, ensuring that all of the combined and inconsistent odors
Spokane Sector canine teams were that a person emits and creates.
trained in human “track and trail.”
On December 9, 2007, Smith How often does the unit train to

was selected as the first sector stay proficient?
supervisory canine coordinator in Handlers currently undergo eight
the Border Patrol. Here, he describes hours of detection maintenance
the canine program in Spokane. training every two weeks and
eight hours of track-and-trail

Holland America give back

What changes has the Spokane maintenance training monthly.
Sector Canine Unit experienced
recently? You mentioned that you have
CBP makes donation program a reality Over the past few months, we have H Spokane Sector Canine and his handler offered training to other sectors.

expanded from 14 canine teams to 20 inspect an aircraft near Colville, Washington. In September we held a canine
esidents of Washington State within the United States for the care and enforce can be confusing. We are committed canine teams, which are assigned to track-and-trail class in Spokane
who could use a helping hand comfort of passengers. to supporting everyone who wants all seven primary stations throughout Koreans after they attempted to flee;
are now getting one. They are the The program represents a partnership information about how to comply.”
with handlers and detection
beneficiaries of a pilot program, between Holland America, the Port of Seattle, Port of Seattle officials are excited the sector. and tracking down weapons and instructors attending from the
“Ship to Shelter,” that facilitates the Cruise Terminals of America, nonprofit about the program and want to see it grow. other evidence of two armed suspects Del Rio and San Diego sectors.
donation by Holland America Cruise Line hunger relief agency Northwest Harvest “We hope to apply this program to other Your unit has been very busy and who had fired at deputies and were Once detection instructors become
of valuable reusable goods to shelters and and CBP. Donated items such as toiletries, cruise ships in our port and extend it to our on the run.
homeless programs from ships sailing out towels, linens, dishes, cookware, silverware, port partners across the country,” says Tay
very effective in the past eight certified in track and trail, they
of the city. televisions and mattresses from the ships are Yoshitani, chief executive officer, Port of months. What are some of the can conduct these courses when
CBP played a critical role in launching distributed to shelters and homeless programs Seattle. more notable cases you’ve been Your unit set a new standard in they return to their sector. Del Rio
the program, helping the foreign-flagged throughout Washington state. Northwest Harvest Executive Director involved in? the Border Patrol with the unique
cruise line understand what it could and Holland America’s president and chief Shelley Rotondo adds, “There is an incredible
has already held two track-and-
could not donate under the Jones Act. The executive officer, the aptly named Stein need for basic toiletry items in the homeless From October through January, capability of human “track and trail courses for its handlers, using
somewhat complex law prohibits non-U.S. Kruse, thanked CBP Assistant Port Director community, especially in our women’s the canine unit assisted in seizures trail.” Can you explain exactly what its instructors learned while
ships from moving goods from port to port for Trade Jerry Malmo for helping “cut shelters. We often take the availability of these totaling almost $13 million, how this ability sets your canines attending our course. Swanton, El
in the United States, as Holland America through the bureaucratic red tape” to make items on a daily basis for granted. The Ship to
does, unless the goods are laden outside this valuable program possible. In response, Shelter program will help fulfill this need
including the largest Ecstasy seizure apart from the rest of the Border Centro, Blaine and Tucson sectors
the country or are placed onboard the ship Malmo stated, “Sometimes the laws we for many.”  in Border Patrol history. We were Patrol canines? have also expressed interest in
also involved in locating a lost hunter All Border Patrol detection canines sending handlers or detection
along the border; apprehending three are certified in the detection of instructors to our future courses.
46 H In Partnership H

Keep it moving
BP’s new trade processing avoid potential CBP penalties. Dalby uses the
system, the Automated ACE Secure Data Portal reporting feature
Commercial Environment to run reports that enable him to conduct
(ACE), is a big hit with importers, in-house audits and ensure conformity with
customs brokers and cargo carriers. CBP standards. In addition, he uses the ACE
For Lorne McIntosh, corporate manager portal discrepancy reports to look for internal
of customs compliance for Canadian carrier errors and determine if multiple errors are
company Quik X Group, the compliance associated with a single customs broker, an
with ACE e-manifest requirements has importer-of-record number or a port of entry. encourages her clients to sign up for ACE

Supporting safe skies

provided a better understanding of CBP Customs Broker Cindy Allen, vice access because an ACE account provides
rules and regulations. It is now easier for president of corporate international customs them with immediate insight into account
the Quik X Group to comply with U.S. laws and director of compliance for Argents activity. With ACE, Whittenburg says she can
that require advance submission of a truck Air Express, Ltd., uses reports and other immediately see a company’s organizational

manifest, and the feature has also lowered ACE features to ensure high compliance structure, which helps to determine if low
the amount of time the company’s trucks ratings for her clients by comparing CBP compliance ratings are associated with one he grass was not the only green thing at the 17th annual bill mandate to screen 100 percent of cargo traveling on passenger
spend at the border. McIntosh says that the transactional data with the data in Argents’ aspect of an account. Cargo Network Services (CNS) Partnership Conference planes. Underscoring that partnership is key to facing our ongoing
investment Quik X Group made preparing internal systems. The company is then able Prior to ACE, access to CBP this year, held at the PGA National Resort in West challenges, Basham said. “I am proud of what we have accomplished
for e-manifests, prior to the CBP mandatory to immediately investigate any discrepancies transactional data was delayed because Palm Beach, Fla. CNS, an International Air Transport together, and I readily acknowledge that our strategy would not
policy, has resulted in reduced border delays between its data and what CBP has on file. of the time it took to manually compile Association (IATA) company that serves the interests of the U.S. have been possible without our good partners in the government,
and fewer penalties for noncompliance. Early detection can resolve potential issues information on behalf of the account air cargo industry, made this year’s conference carbon-neutral, in in the private sector and overseas, and without the dedicated and
The ACE feature enables account holders before they negatively impact a client’s holder. Now, account holders can log into support of IATA’s zero-emissions initiative. hardworking men and women of CBP.”
to better comply with CBP standards as compliance rating. the Web-based ACE portal, view CBP data At the conference, Commissioner W. Ralph Basham spoke Basham also praised IATA’s e-Freight initiative, which aims
well as their internal company policies. Eric ACE is an important tool that members and easily evaluate compliance with trade to more than 400 air cargo industry representatives about another to increase automation within the industry, saying that “improved
Dalby, a global trade specialist for the apparel of the trade community and CBP account key issue on the minds of the industry and CBP: supply chain automation by trade partners only improves the quality and timeliness
laws. ACE allows account holders and
importer Kellwood Company, says that ACE managers can use together, according to security. The air cargo industry is charged to implement a 9/11 of the information that we need to do our jobs.” 
CBP account managers to monitor account
reports make it easier to monitor internal panel member Cynthia Whittenburg, CBP activity and work together to ensure the

Packing a punch
company trade regulations compliance and national account manager. Whittenburg highest rate of compliance. 

ith pest-infested wood point of origin for proper treatment and
packaging materials a certification, reshipment can take months.
continuing presence at Alternatively, if the importer attempts to
U.S. ports of entry, CBP is export the infested shipment to another
reminding importers to avoid potential country, it may be rejected, as many other
losses by making sure that the material nations share CBP’s import standards in
used to transport their shipments is this area. Finally, if the importer abandons
treated and marked in compliance with the shipment altogether, financial penalties
International Standard for Phytosanitary result. All of these scenarios can lead to
Measures No. 15 (ISPM 15) before it factory shutdowns, late production
leaves the country of origin. penalties and loss of business.
Aside from the risk that wood pests In addition, says CBP, importers
pose to the nation’s agricultural system, must be careful to avoid fraudulent wood
the potential loss of time and money to packaging material certifiers, who may
importers who don’t comply is significant, stamp the wood as treated without actually
warns the agency, as CBP may reject making sure that the pests inside have been
shipments that are infested or accompanied eradicated. Importers are responsible for the
by uncertified wood packaging. If importers state of the wood regardless of whether its
try to send the shipment back to the certification is false. 

48 H t o Th e TRADE H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 49

T o Th e T r a d e Great Work

NEW Trade Initiatives Living between Worlds

Announced Annual symposium highlights strategy, ISA pilot How one employee’s Senegalese roots reach up to support the mission

hen a team from at Laredo, Texas, in 1999. From diplomacy, and Ndiaye’s without sufficient resources,
CBP’s Office of Laredo he was transferred to presence on a training team such as Senegal, modernize

Photo by: James Tourtellotte

International John F. Kennedy International can eliminate the need for their customs capability in
Affairs and Trade Airport in New York, and then translation. “Often a lot gets order to increase the security
Relations arrived in Dakar, to Washington, D.C. lost in translation and if you of all shipping worldwide.
Senegal, recently to present a Since joining International have the ability to understand The targeting and risk
targeting and risk management Affairs two years ago, Ndiaye the native language without management course offered
course to local customs has been conducting translation, it makes a huge by Ndiaye and others in
officials, it was a homecoming difference,” he says. Senegal focuses on training
for one of the instructors, Through International customs officials in methods
Hachim Ndiaye. Affairs, CBP’s global that can be used to identify
Ndiaye, a CBP officer reach is extensive. potentially risky shippers and
and the son of a Senegalese CBP stations cargo so that shipments can be
diplomat, lived in Dakar as permanent examined carefully before they
a young boy. His widowed leave port.
mother currently lives in The theory behind
Dakar, so Ndiaye, in capacity building—as well as
addition to participating International Affairs’ other
in the training, brought international efforts—is that
his colleagues home to the United States will be safer
meet her and other family if countries around the world
members. adopt up-to-date procedures
Ndiaye’s homecoming is for examining cargo and

symbolic of the link between passengers that move across
he Office of International Trade cargo screening program, prevention compliance through a completed CBP’s mission of securing international borders.
(OT) released a new trade strategy of agriculture related remedial actions, questionnaire package, and domestic our borders and International “CBP’s mission is very
for the first time publicly to the C-TPAT security best practices and lessons and foreign site visits. Affairs’ international portfolio, proactive,” says Ndiaye. It is
trade community during the learned, and upcoming ACE changes. which calls for working with also practical. A professional
• Submit an ISA-S Memorandum of
recent 2008 CBP annual Trade Symposium strategic partners to secure customs capability will enable
Understanding and Questionnaire,
in Washington, D.C. J.C. Penney Takes the Lead their borders while facilitating countries to collect those
approved by CBP and CPSC. 
The strategy outlines CBP’s strategic J.C. Penney is the first company to legitimate trade and travel. revenues that are associated
five-year vision for its trade programs to be accepted into the Importer Self CBP’s international work customs and law enforcement representatives in key with border crossing.
facilitate trade and ensure compliance Assessment – Product Safety (ISA-PS) would not be as effective training through the countries where CBP’s interests “Without security, they
with trade laws. pilot. ISA-PS is a voluntary program without the skills and International Law Enforcement warrant and sends teams cannot collect revenue.”
CBP and the Consumer Product requiring importers to maintain a high Trade Strategy perspective of trainers Academies located in Europe, of trainers all over the world— It also can’t hurt to
Safety Commission (CPSC) also level of product safety compliance.
announced the expansion of the CBP In addition to the benefits offered FY 2009 – 2013 like Ndiaye.
In addition to the United
Asia and Africa. When
International Affairs began
including to Iraq, where the
Defense Department has
have a native speaker
involved, someone who
Importer Self-Assessment (ISA) program to ISA members, importers will receive States, Germany and Senegal, conducting capacity-building enlisted CBP in helping the knows the culture. “I can
to include a product safety component multiple benefits ranging from front of the Strategic Vision
“A multilayered risk management Ndiaye has lived in Lebanon, training in Senegal, he was Iraqi government build a adjust to other cultures more
for the first time. J.C. Penney is the first line testing, reduction of testing, access to the Congo and Brazil. He detailed to participate because professional border patrol easily than someone who
importer to be accepted into the product CPSC training and more. approach to ensure legitimate trade
is facilitated across U.S. borders.” speaks Spanish and Portuguese of his language skills and capability. never lived outside the United
safety pilot program. To participate in the ISA-PS pilot a as well as French, English and Senegalese heritage. In Senegal, the CBP team States,” Ndiaye says.
The general sessions emphasized company must: Senegal’s two languages, Wolof But his skills help is offering capacity-building He is also something
CBP’s work to secure global trade in the Goals
• Be an active member in the ISA • Facilitate legitimate trade and Pulaar. International Affairs in training. This modernization of a celebrity in Senegal. In
post 9-11 environment. program and comply with all ISA After attending college in many places besides Senegal. effort is directly tied to the a meeting in Washington, D.C.,
This year’s conference participants and ensure compliance
requirements. Brazil, Ndiaye returned to the Ndiaye has also represented World Customs Organization, the current budget minister
had the opportunity to hear from CBP • Enforce trade laws and United States in 1990, became CBP as an advisor in Senegal; whose members are committed personally singled out Ndiaye,
program managers as well as our private • Comply with all applicable CBP and collect accurate revenue a legal permanent resident and Morocco; Le Havre, France; to adopting uniform standards who remembers that “he was
sector partners in breakout sessions focused CPSC laws and regulations. served in the U.S. Army for Mozambique; Guatemala; and for handling international very proud to meet me. I
• Advance national and
on importer self-assessment, intellectual • Request an application economic security three years. Then he became a El Salvador. shipments. Countries with consider myself privileged to
property rights, importer security filing, via email to: mailbox. U.S. citizen and joined then- Language is important ample resources, like the be a part of CBP and
the new trade strategy, the President’s • Intensify modernization
U.S. Customs as an inspector in training as well as in United States, help countries an American.” 
import safety working group, TSA’s 100 • Demonstrate controls for managing of CBP’s trade processes
percent air cargo screening and certified and monitoring product safety

50 H t o Th e TRADE H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 51

Great Work

TAKING the prize

Governmental coordination agency recognizes CBP
Heart toHeart
Agency leaders travel cross-country to thank employees for their daily efforts

id you know Stephen Teveloff and Frank mployee satisfaction is a top ceremony,” says Gayle Bowman, manager
that nearly 90 Umowski; Public Affairs priority for CBP Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity
W. Ralph Basham and Deputy office at the Federal Law Enforcement
percent of all Officer Janet Rapaport; U.S.
Commissioner Jayson P. Ahern, Training Center. “We were privileged
Five years and going
federal employees Customs retiree Robert
so when they learned that the results of to ask the commissioner spontaneous
work outside the nation’s Fischler, was honored, along
the 2006 Federal Human Capital Survey questions, which he answered directly and
“It is our responsibility to make sure
capital? Well, it’s true. And with the General Services that the CBP employees out there
were less than optimal, they wasted without pretense. He was genuinely warm recognize the importance, the
coordinating the efforts Administration and the no time in responding. Their journey and welcoming to the concerns that were
of these employees is a Smithsonian, for their criticality of what they are doing,
ultimately took them across the nation presented to him.” and that they remain focused on
national priority. So in 1961, historical efforts on behalf of for a “Mission Appreciation Campaign” The campaign offered a prime that mission, protecting this country
a presidential directive the New York Customhouse; tour, to personally thank myriad CBP opportunity for the various CBP against all threats, and as the secretary
established regional Federal Joanne Calastro, a CBP personnel for their commitment to service components to convene. For example, has said many times, keeping bad
Executive Boards (FEBs) just team leader at JFK Airport, and unwavering dedication. Deputy Commissioner Ahern spoke in people and bad things out. That is the
for this purpose. Five decades was honored for her efforts “I welcome the opportunity to come Long Beach, Calif., before representatives challenge, not to let down our guard,
later, in May of this year, targeting passengers who may to the field and see the frontline in of Field Operations, Border Patrol, Air not to turn our back.”
CBP employees in New York be attempting to smuggle action, because it recharges my batteries, and Marine, Laboratory and Scientific
were honored by their area narcotics into the United and I always come away with a renewed Services, Internal Affairs, Chief Counsel, CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham, in a
FEB for their efforts, which States; and CBP Deputy Chief appreciation for the dedication and Information and Technology and joint address with Department of Homeland
professionalism that our employees bring International Trade. “I’m here to thank
were frequently carried out Peter DiRocco, a member of Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, on the
to our mission,” says Basham. you and let you know that your expertise occasion of CBP’s fifth anniversary
on an interagency basis. The the FBI-led Operation Shining and daily contributions, regardless of
Employees, for their part, appreciated
Alien Smuggling Interdiction Light, was congratulated for the opportunity to interact directly the position you hold, are valued and
Unit at John F. Kennedy an investigation of individuals H The historic Alexander Hamilton U.S. Customhouse in New York City is
with CBP leaders. “I truly enjoyed this appreciated,” he said. 
(JFK) International Airport, based in Guyana and New an example of the Beaux Arts style that combines clarity, symmetry and
including CBP Officers Jose York plotting a terrorist attack ceremonial spaces. The Customhouse was designed in 1899 by Cass Gilbert.
Jarama, Trajuanna Kerns, on JFK Airport. 

outstanding Actions Computerworld

Commissioner recognizes top performers kudos
s CBP celebrates possible,” he said, “and what an amazing five years it has been.”

its five-year Among the awardees was Border Patrol Agent Tony
anniversary, Miranda, who received the Meritorious Service Award for Valor his June, the Department of Homeland Security and manifests electronically via ACE. Electronic manifests expedite
Commissioner for entering a burning building to help rescue occupants. Also CBP received the prestigious Computerworld Magazine truck processing at the border while enabling CBP officers to
W. Ralph Basham stressed recognized was CBP Agriculture Specialist Linda Holse, who Honors Program’s 21st Century Achievement Award for prescreen trucks and shipments and dedicate more time to
in an award ceremony received the Top Blue Eagle Award for intercepting infested continuing development of the Automated Commercial inspecting suspicious cargo without delaying the border crossings
this spring how far the mangoes from Haiti on two separate occasions, preventing Environment (ACE), the new commercial trade processing system of legitimate carriers.
agency has come since its potentially devastating effects to U.S. agriculture. that enhances border security and expedites legitimate trade. In addition, more than 350 employees from other federal
inception and the many One of the law enforcement officer awards this year was Computerworld’s Honors Program recognizes the world’s agencies (including the Food and Drug Administration, the
achievements that have presented to CBP Officers Oliver P. Tavizon, Rafael G. Garcia foremost information technology companies and organizations, Food Safety Inspection Service and the Consumer Product Safety
been made with the help of and Michael M. Munguia for their successful Operation No whose information technology initiatives promote positive social, Commission) can view international trade data through ACE to
dedicated and hard-working Return, a two-month surveillance of a human smuggling economic and educational change. prevent harmful, counterfeit and unauthorized products from
employees. “We’ve done more operation that concluded with the capture of six alien CBP currently processes trucks at the nation’s 99 land border reaching U.S. consumers. 
in five years then even we thought smugglers and four material witnesses.  ports and receives nearly 100 percent of all commercial truck

52 H grEat work H Frontline H fall/winter 2008 53

CBP History

The Border Patrol’s

historic secret
n an area where glaciers shape
much of the rugged terrain, a
remote cabin built by Border
Patrol agents more than 60
years ago still sits in the Wolverine
Basin in northwest Montana.
In 1944, Border Patrol Inspectors
Frank Combs, Walter Carpenter,
Charlie Sutherland and Orval, Roy,
Lloyd and Dale West (four brothers)
built the cabin to serve as a midway
shelter for Border Patrol inspectors
patrolling on horseback the 143
miles between Roosville, Mont., and
Waterton Park, Alberta, Canada.
According to Lloyd West, it took More time passed and
more than a month to construct the cabin. rules and regulations about
Logs were cut from areas next to the building occupying the area changed
site and skidded in by horses; other materials and became more stringent;
were acquired throughout the region and also no one seemed to care what
packed in by horse. happened to the cabin and
Initially, the cabin was fully furnished it began deteriorating.
and always stocked with the necessities. The Some members of local
men had installed, among other things, two communities tried to
stoves, a sink, cupboards, dishes, utensils, a maintain it, but it seemed
table, crosscut saws, axes, gas lanterns, first- as though the history and
aid kits and plenty of food. The finishing uniqueness of the cabin was
touch was a sign on the outside of the door being lost along the way.
that read “Property of the U.S. Treasury Then in 1994, a
Department, U.S. Border Patrol.” snowmobile trail crew
With the invention of the car and headed to Wolverine Cabin
new technology, the Border Patrol stopped to replace the shutters, and
patrolling the area on horseback and a complete reconstruction
therefore no longer stopped at the Wolverine of the cabin ensued. The
Cabin. Combs paid the special-use fees until crew and some members
he died, then the property reverted back to of the community replaced
the control of the U.S. Forest Service. the roof and floor, removing
Even though the Border Patrol had pounds of garbage and
stopped using the cabin, anyone and debris, and turned it back
everyone traveling through the area was into what it was meant
allowed to occupy the space. It became for—a place of shelter and warmth for destination for hikers and snowmobilers.
a custom for guests to chop a supply of people who need it. To this day, no roads lead to the cabin; it is
wood, clean up, make repairs and leave Wolverine Cabin is now eligible to be accessible only by snowmobile, by foot or,
any nonperishable food before departing. placed on the National Register of Historic of course, on horseback. 
For years, the cabin remained in excellent Places. In August 2005, the Forest Service
condition as hikers, hunters, outfitters and reconstructed Wolverine Cabin under Editor’s note: This article is excerpted from
other travelers would stop in for a night or the direction of employees skilled in the “Wolverine Cabin” (2005), an article by U.S.
two, enjoy the wilderness and prepare it for preservation of historic structures. Forest Service Archaeologist Nancy Anderson. Outreach
the next group, not knowing who or when Today, the cabin is open year-round
that might be. to anyone—free of rent—and is a popular

54 H CBP History H
feel like the bunny slope.

You’d never tackle fresh powder without the right equipment, so why do
it when you cross the border back home? Now, thanks to the Western
Hemisphere Travel Initiative, the process of crossing back into the U.S.
from Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean, by land and sea, will soon be
easier. The June 1, 2009 deadline for the new document requirements
is quickly approaching, so make sure you get your documents in time.
Acquiring the right document will streamline the process and help
secure our borders. To learn more, visit Let’s Get You Home.

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