Band of Brothers Men's Ministry - 2015: Acts - The Gospel Unleashed

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Band of Brothers Mens Ministry - 2015

Acts The Gospel Unleashed

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will
be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends
of the earth."
Acts 1:8

Acts 2:1-36

Study 2

Discussion Questions

1) The Day of Pentecost (or Feast of Weeks) was an annual Jewish feast
celebrating the giving of the Law on mount Sinai. What is significant
about what happened on Sinai (Exodus 19:18) and what happened to
the disciples in Acts 2:1-3?

2) In Acts 2:4, the Spirit enabled the disciples of Jesus to speak with
other tongues. According to Acts 2:5-11, Jews visiting from all over the
world heard these Spirit-filled disciples speak in his own language.
What does this verse teach us about the nature of tongues?

3) According to Acts 2:22, what was one of the primary reasons that Jesus
worked miracles and wonders among the people of Israel?

4) What does Acts 2:24 teach us about Jesus crucifixion? (Meditate on

the verse and write down your thoughts)

5) Peter used several Old Testament passages during his sermon about
the person and work of Jesus Christ. Why is it important that you and I
become very familiar with both the Old and New Testaments? Can you
think of other verses to support your answer?

Faith Lesson
What did you learn from Acts 2:1-36 that you desire to apply to your
own life?

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