Band of Brothers Men's Ministry - 2015: Acts - The Gospel Unleashed

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Band of Brothers Mens Ministry - 2015

Acts The Gospel Unleashed

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will
be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends
of the earth."
Acts 1:8

Acts 6:15 7:60

Study 10

Discussion Questions

1) After being falsely accused by the corrupt religious leaders, verse 15

tells us that Stephens face appeared like the face of an angel to all
the members of the Council. What do you suppose Luke meant by this
description? (Use your study Bible notes or online Bible helps to search
out your answer)

2) After reading Stephens defense before the Jewish ruling council, why is
it critical that Christs followers seek to develop a solid understanding
of both the Old and New Testaments? How might knowing our Bibles
encourage personal evangelism?

3) Rather than address the false accusations against him directly,

Stephen launched into a brief history of the nation of Israel (7:2-50)
Why do you think the Spirit led him to do this?

4) In verse 51, Stephen accused these hard-hearted religious leaders of

always resisting the Holy Spirit. In what way did these leaders resist
the Spirit? In what way do unbelievers resist the Spirit today?

5) What was Stephens attitude toward those who were throwing stones
at him? How was this possible? (See Acts 6:5,8)

Faith Lesson: What did you learn from Acts 7 that you desire to apply to
your own life?

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